How is the pedestrian density? Is it realistic or a little ghost-town-ish?
I won't be able to play it until the 24th unfortunately.
Bummer, thanks for the response though. I guess it's either go digital with the PS3 or pick it up later in the week.
I get that some people in real life can swear a lot, but maybe they didn't need to be so realistic in that regard. The level of profanity is distractingly high. I'm not comfortable playing this in front of my kid brother, whom I was content to let watch Saints Row.
No but I've heard "the cursing is way overdone" in a number of places now, citing that it's way worse than any previous GTA. Not that it's got a lot of bad language, but that it's gratuitous. Basically a knock on the writing, not the cursing per se.
Well, my SE is sitting next to me for the 360. Picked up a 32 Gb USB 3.0 thumb drive to hopefully not have to use the disk drive (I don't want to wake up the entire city of Portland when I play) but now I just wait ... 3 more hours of work.
BTW, the steelcase is amazing. I love the look of the classic covers with the usual poster look, but this is one great looking case.
I learned my lesson with them. I tried about 3 or so "release date deliver" and all but 1 (FFXIII, lol) arrived late. Great for games in general but for release date delivery I'll never look to them for games I can't wait a day two.
So all of the mass murder, thieving, and sex scenes are alright? What a ridiculous complaint.
Answer in spoilers if necessary
Is it possible to miss missions or Stranger missions?
Do you get more hairstyle choices as you go through the game?
Is Franklin?stuck with his shitty clothes and hair choices forever
Is it possible to stop charactersfrom changing clothes when you switch?
(spoilers above are very minor and asthetic only)
It also has to do with it being the culture that R* is trying to represent. I already had a soapbox post earlier, but if they didn't talk like this it would sound and be fake as hell.
One of Ninty, Sony or MS must have opened up the wallet for a port - the PS4 port being the highest bet with that code digging I gather.I kinda feel alone for not being a GTA fan hehStill following the thread and pondering if I should pick it up for 360 just for the heck of it or wait until a PC or PS4 port arrives. I played GTA 4 for like 30 minutes until being bored and never touched it again, same with 3 and SA.
Dammit GAF.
lol Nu uh. No way. That's crazy.So I bought a 50 dollars card to buy in on the PSN, using some credit I got there. Guess what happened.
Only freaking game at this price.... Thanks Rockstar ! You sure made a loyal customer out of me today.
Not that I found no
Uhm no not really
Not that I could find.
Lovely game, but certainly not without issues. I've only just done the first mission for Lester, so some of these may get better or I might run into other problems.
I wish there was an option to turn off the grading system after missions. I don't care to go for gold, but seeing a bronze or silver most of the time can be disheartening.
I get that some people in real life can swear a lot, but maybe they didn't need to be so realistic in that regard. The level of profanity is distractingly high. I'm not comfortable playing this in front of my kid brother, whom I was content to let watch Saints Row.
A lot of the default settings seem to the worse choice, though maybe this is subjective. The reticle is tiny, the car camera is too low, the safe screen space is all the way pinched in.
The first two driving situations you're put in are fairly difficult. In the truck in the snow isn't too bad, and would be forgivable on its own, but the car repo is insane. You're given an incredibly fast car that over handles, put in a city that you've never been to before and expected to race. That's preposterous, which is a shame because I'm starting to really like how the driving handles after driving around more.
I spent a good couple of hours not realizing you could move around in the map or set waypoints. I didn't realize you had to select the map option, which seems to be a redundancy at first. When neither the d-pad nor either of the sticks or triggers moved my map cursor, I just assumed it was hardwired to only center on your position and not zoom. Also, I've been hardwired by almost every other game this generation to hit select for bringing up the map. I wish R3 was used for changing camera instead, and pulling down on RS was used for looking back as in SR.
The game occasionally forgets where I've parked my car. I haven't gotten any message about it being impounded, so I'm guessing it's not that. Worse, it seems to forget where I've parked cars I own more easily than ones I've stolen. I've taken to calling taxi cabs because I just don't feel like stealing everything.
Some amazing presentation, for sure, but it doesn't feel like a ten yet.
sounds like a Tarantino film. and last i checked, that motherfucker earns Oscars.
So glad I got the PS3 version for the controls alone. Driving is super easy and smooth with the DS3's sticks and triggers.
Damn this game is too much. Story time- I just finished a mission and was walking down the street when a cop flys past sirens blazing. It slams into a car and gets into a shoot out with it, as that's happening another car rolls up and some gang members get out and start shooting the cops. While they're distracted I use the opportunity to steal their car and a few blocks away I get one of the "random event blips" on the radar. 2 guys are jacking a store and they don't have a getaway car, so I offer to help for a cut. Turns out to be our old GTA4 friend.Packie McReary
Whhhhaaaatttt?? That is awesome....fuck I need this last hour of work to go by fast but I can't stop reading the thread.
end of the dog mission on West Coast Classics Dr. Dree Still Dre plays on radio..amazing! love the game so much!
Thanks bro
I can see the swearing complaints, it feels a bit unnatural at points
Ah, how cute, you felt threatened.