So lucky; Pennsylvania needs to step their medicinal marijuana game up!
As an ex Philadelphian, I can see that never fucking happening. Too conservative.
So lucky; Pennsylvania needs to step their medicinal marijuana game up!
I live in Colorado, we stepped it up big time, but having a medical card is still the only way to buy from a local legit business.So lucky; Pennsylvania needs to step their medicinal marijuana game up!
I am debating and want your opinion GAF. I have already taken the 17th off. I have the special edition preordered and paid off at Amazon. If I stay that route I may not get the game delievered to my door until 5-7 PM that night. I have called my local gamestop and can preorder the CE, and get it at midnight and play all day. Unfortunatly the special edition is sold out so if I get it at gamestop it will be the CE.
Is it worth the extra $70 for the CE and getting to play it all day on my day off?
I can't tell if these reaction .gifs are good or bad.
I think it's a move to quiet the whiners. I never minded opening them up, and I'll probably just try to learn the layout first. Or just get lost and enjoy it. Ok, I like it.
As an ex Philadelphian, I can see that never fucking happening. Too conservative.
Well, with the game map being so empty, it's kind of a good thing it's really small.
Random guy: "He is also posting gameplay soon
Rockstar Games: " No, he isn't."
dat cock block
Random guy: "He is also posting gameplay soon
Rockstar Games: " No, he isn't."
dat cock block
As an ex Philadelphian, I can see that never fucking happening. Too conservative.
It's going to great. If one island of Liberty City was enough to distract me from the campaign, having the entire world open, with wildlife and hunting and countryside and underwater and miniguns....So how do you guys feel about the whole map being open right from the start instead of it broken off a section at a time?
Good? Bad? No Difference?
Random guy: "He is also posting gameplay soon
Rockstar Games: " No, he isn't."
dat cock block
Characters are the new map, you have to unlock them to use them all
Love it; go Rockstar.
My work schedule works out nicely, I will have next Wednesday and Thursday off. I get off work at Noon on Tuesday, and I'll pick up my pre-order then.Anyone here doing any sort of home or self "preparation" before game release?
Im cleaning the hell out of my apartment this weekend in anticipation of sitting on my ass and ordering nothing but take out for a week.
Ah, vacation.
Random guy: "He is also posting gameplay soon
Rockstar Games: " No, he isn't."
dat cock block
I wonder how many Rockstar employees are on boards like Reddit and GAF patrolling for leaks.
Random guy: "He is also posting gameplay soon
Rockstar Games: " No, he isn't."
dat cock block
My work schedule works out nicely, I will have next Wednesday and Thursday off. I get off work at Noon on Tuesday, and I'll pick up my pre-order then.
My Xbox 360 hasn't been plugged in since Resident Evil 6 came out, so I have to fuck with all that. I hate consoles. I'm probably going to have to re-wire my surround sound setup, because the wires are all fucked up.
Monday night will definitely be spent "preparing the area" to play GTA on Tuesday afternoon.
Random guy: "He is also posting gameplay soon
Rockstar Games: " No, he isn't."
dat cock block
Potential problem
I said it before but the best part of San Andreas and how much content it had was that it was revealed to you in a slow drip. You do car customization for one mission, then you find out that the Los Santos map split into colored territories that you could capture, then you found out you could fly planes and parachute, then you found out there was a fucking jetpack in the game.
If it was all there right away the impact would have been reduced dramatically.
My entire day will consist of stopping by my MMJ dispensary for some goods, then GameStop to pre-order GTA V, followed by a trip to Burger King to try out those french fry burgers for a dollar.
Then reading this thread and playing The Lost and Damned for the rest of the day.
6 more days.
Random guy: "He is also posting gameplay soon
Rockstar Games: " No, he isn't."
dat cock block
Pretty sure that guy doesn't work for rockstar
Trolling failWell, with the game map being so empty, it's kind of a good thing it's really small.
Wiring surround sound speakers is the devil. I never should have bought them because of that hassle, but now that I have them I feel like I'm forced to deal with the frustration of using them.Yeah make sure you get all that wire shit taken care of before Tuesday!
Gotta catch all those GTA V Protagonists.
Yeah Rockstar. Block all those people who want to show some gameplay so that others dont know that it might suck.
Rockstar is so damn butthurt really. Its kinda pathetic.
How else can you get a "Rockstar Developer" tag?
I wonder how many Rockstar employees are on boards like Reddit and GAF patrolling for leaks.
One less day to go now though! Closer to the weekend, where I can drink myself into a coma at least.
So will a preorder from Rockstar's warehouse get to Canada on launch day? Probably not right?
Ummm. You work on a game for 5 years and invest 265m then have it leak everywhere.
You can change your flair on that subreddit to anything you want, I think.
Ummm. You work on a game for 5 years and invest 265m then have it leak everywhere.
I wonder how many Rockstar employees are on boards like Reddit and GAF patrolling for leaks.
You can change your flair on that subreddit to anything you want, I think.
What movie is this from? I've seen this gif a lot.
Wow, really? How is the map for a GTA game ever a spoiler? It's included with the game, in the box, and you're probably going to see it before you've inserted the disk. Unless you had some kind of ritual planned..
ThanksEncino Man.