And that's a incredibly foolish thing to think. So you're saying you "know better" when it comes to combat in games, and someone having a preference means they don't have the same experience you do? Why assume that?
Having played a lot of cover shooters, while also playing a lot of GTA IV, Red Dead Redemption, and Max Payne 3, I enjoy and have fun with the combat in GTA V. I dig GTA V's combat because firefights aren't drawn out, there aren't bullet sponges at all, enemies aren't stupid, every situation with a gun in GTA V amounts to intensity and taking quick action instead of going into a safe haven known as a chest high block.
Clearing a room in GTA V takes seconds, clearing a room in Gears or War or GTA IV can take minutes. That alone makes me enjoy GTA V's combat. For your own accord, here are some cover shooters I played this gen:
Gears of War 1-3
Ghost Recon Advance War Fighter 1, 2, and Future Soldier
Binary Domain
Vanquish (cover isn't really important though)
Rainbow Six Vegas 1&2
Mafia 2
Tomb Raider