What about this thread? Lol.
Hah, I saw someone make mention of this thread but didn't go try to dig it up yet. Guess your post works better for this one. Weird news day
What about this thread? Lol.
The whole Social Club thing is awful. I can't believe they just force you to join to get functionalities that would otherwise work offline.
Even more despicable is that Social Club doesn't even work for XBL Silver users.
Franklinis the funniest shit I've seen.talking to a dog
Attention for everyone who invested in the HawkandLittle stock, the stocks are up 18%!
Logging the fuck on right now!
Anyone who has played a half decent hack and slash can tell me how bad Zelda is.
Devil May Cry has better sword swinging and dodging mechanics than Zelda and i'm not even joking
Zelda isn't a hack and slash game
GTA is a cover based shooter
The whole Social Club thing is awful. I can't believe they just force you to join to get functionalities that would otherwise work offline.
Even more despicable is that Social Club doesn't even work for XBL Silver users.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Really? Non-multiplayer features which are linked of a third party controlled online system is locked out for Xbox users unless they're Gold members? Wow wtf. That's just awful. >_<
Really? Because I seem to recall driving and running a lot more than shooting.
Nope nope nope. Max Payne 3 in multiplayer is 10x more fast paced than anything I've seen in GTAV thus far, and that game handles way better with minimal bullet time. GTAV in close quarters is one step removed from GTAIV. It has nothing to do with bullet time. There's very clearly still remnants of GTAIV's movement and cover systems in this game, and that's my issue with combat (aside from the health system). If you can't see that I dunno what else to say.
Attention for everyone who invested in the HawkandLittle stock, the stocks are up 18%!
I spent some more time playing combat there and doing a few Trevor rampages and I think it's just clear as day the combat and movement differences between IV and V. Movement, aiming and rolling about made the combat a lot more fun and it really didn't feel like GTA IV that much at all tbh. Hell it was clearly apparent when doing a Trevor rampage and I did the whole thing whilst running and gunning, no way I could have done something like that in GTA IV and have as much fun as I did. I'm not saying you're wrong to dislike it but I do strongly disagree that it's even close to GTA IV.
Collected all 50 of "those parts", man was that tedious.
I'm all GTA'd out. No more until the online comes out next week.
No? I'm silver right now and I've been using the social club site to find missed collectables on the map.
Edit: And it updates on their almost instantly whenever I find something.
There is something really satisfying about destroying the souped up cars in the street races with a stock muscle car I picked up off the street.
I really don't mind the shooting mechanics, they seem fine to me. I put a stupid amount of hours into RDR so that might have something to do with it.I do think its an upgrade from GTAIV but not enough IMO, I didn't expect MP3 quality but I did want it to improve on RDR and I'm not sure if it does... But maybe that's just me.
Random event question:
Does the AnimalArk(?) stock you get from taking the guy to the airport ever go up? Or should I just go ahead and sell it?
Some people have called it immature, but I don't know, this is one of the funniest games I've played in ages. We don't really get comedic games at all anymore.
Most of the satirical/parody stuff isn't "laugh out loud" funny, I feel. More like "Heh, now they're making fun of ______."
Some of the character dialogue is good though, especially Lamar and Trevor. Whether it's legitimately funny, or I'm laughing because of how over the top the writing is, it's gotten me to laugh a few times.
No problems using BAWSAQ and Snapomatic? If so, that's pretty much what I expected. Which is good I guess.
Hmm that's weird...I just picked up a guy and drove him to the Airport...but he told me to invest in a different stock...Can't remember the name but it started with T...
Random event question:
Does the AnimalArk(?) stock you get from taking the guy to the airport ever go up? Or should I just go ahead and sell it?
Hmm that's weird...I just picked up a guy and drove him to the Airport...but he told me to invest in a different stock...Can't remember the name but it started with T...
No? I'm silver right now and I've been using the social club site to find missed collectables on the map.
Edit: And it updates on their almost instantly whenever I find something.
No problems using BAWSAQ and Snapomatic? If so, that's pretty much what I expected. Which is good I guess.
Random event question:
Does the AnimalArk(?) stock you get from taking the guy to the airport ever go up? Or should I just go ahead and sell it?
Hmm that's weird...I just picked up a guy and drove him to the Airport...but he told me to invest in a different stock...Can't remember the name but it started with T...
Most of the satirical/parody stuff isn't "laugh out loud" funny, I feel. More like "Heh, now they're making fun of ______."
Some of the character dialogue is good though, especially Lamar and Trevor. Whether it's legitimately funny, or I'm laughing because of how over the top the writing is, it's gotten me to laugh a few times.
I am Silver and when I try to upload a picture it says "Online Functionality Disabled".
When I had Gold a week ago I just got a "Please Join Social Club!" message when I tried to upload.
Tinkle is the name of the stock. It's on the BAWSAQ
I spent some more time playing combat there and doing a few Trevor rampages and I think it's just clear as day the combat and movement differences between IV and V. Movement, aiming and rolling about made the combat a lot more fun and it really didn't feel like GTA IV that much at all tbh. Hell it was clearly apparent when doing a Trevor rampage and I did the whole thing whilst running and gunning, no way I could have done something like that in GTA IV and have as much fun as I did. I'm not saying you're wrong to dislike it but I do strongly disagree that it's even close to GTA IV.
Is anyone following the Easter Egg hunt? It's pretty awesome what these people are finding in the game!
Yeah, I'm silver and haven't had any problems.No problems using BAWSAQ and Snapomatic? If so, that's pretty much what I expected. Which is good I guess.
Animal Ark stock is given to you by the guy guy who has his bike stolen. Trinkle (I think?) stock is recommended to you by someone who give a lift to the airport.
In any case, sell the Animal Ark stock ASAP.
I hate the term 'cover shooter'. I take cover in every shooter, it stops me from being shot. Unless it's like...Doom or something. But even then you duck back and fourth behind corners and the like. What kind of shitty shooters do you just stand in the open?
It's a bring improvement over IV, but lacks the fluidity of MP3. Stuff like not being able to reload while transitioning to cover, the shitty reticule that fades whenever you fire for some fucking reason, not being able to aim before running and gunning unless you pull the trigger halfway, really hampers the gunplay. They should've just gotten the team that did the shooting mechanics in MP3 and had them do it.
Franklin: Driving on the wrong side of the road, narrowly avoiding cars, etc. Very easy
Michael: Getting headshots, being fired at
Trevor: Not sure, just killing people I guess?
When somebody asked me how Franklin's worked I just told them to pretend they're playing Burnout lol.
Yeah I agree with all those complaints. I felt so strongly about the reticule being hard to see and having a permanent one on screen for running and gunning I actually submitted a feedback ticket to Rockstar about itGoodness only knows if they'll make any tweaks though as I don't know if anyone else would care enough to complain about those.
So, I'm doing some Trevor missons, and Maude asked me to find this Rauph guy, and on the email she send there's a pic of the place he's hiding, but there's no directions or anything more precise, how do I find this mofo?
So, I'm doing some Trevor missons, and Maude asked me to find this Rauph guy, and on the email she send there's a pic of the place he's hiding, but there's no directions or anything more precise, how do I find this mofo?
You need to find it yourself on the map. I used the paper map and found the first couple pretty easily, the last was a bitch though.