Is doing a quicksave on you phone the same as saving in your house?
And when I save and come back to my game, sometimes the character is in a completely different spot. Is this normal? Is this supposed to imply them going about their routines?
Is doing a quicksave on you phone the same as saving in your house?
And when I save and come back to my game, sometimes the character is in a completely different spot. Is this normal? Is this supposed to imply them going about their routines?
No idea on the saves but yeah it seems they've given the world an image of persistence as characters appear to continue on even when you don't control them. Same for switching back and forth. Its a pretty neat way to give the game them a life like feel.
2 quick thoughts from early in... This game is what 4 should have been. And Franklin needs to start wearing a seatbelt...poor guy.
Man, I love this wanted system. I love seeing an alley or something similar during a chase and just ducking in it real quick. Cops drive right by (as they should) and I get away. Feels smooth as fuck.
I've been speedboating / jetskiing around the map to fill out what I haven't visited yet. Got hit by a fairly strong rainstorm that was tossing me around the coast like nobody's business. Then on my way around the airport I see this:
...and that picture doesn't even do it justice. The way they lit the city and did reflections in this game is pretty unbelievable on current gen.
Game is a blast, but I've only been able to take 2 photos lols. Also I don't like how characters keep changing their outfits, it's more realistic but I just want all my characters to wear trashy white tank tops 24/7 with their full beards. Ugh!
Is doing a quicksave on you phone the same as saving in your house?
And when I save and come back to my game, sometimes the character is in a completely different spot. Is this normal? Is this supposed to imply them going about their routines?
I think the difference is that bed saves can be multiple, while autosaves overwrite each other.
So if you start a new game with that profile, you'll override your autosave, but not your bedsave (unless you manually save over it)
Have you guys had thunderstorms often? I only saw it during a Trevor mission. The lightning was unbelievable. Since I saw it during a mission, I'm thinking it only happens during mission sequences. Tell me i'm wrong........
Know what you're trying to take focus on, and maybe you know this, but, babies don't really have a concept of day/night until their about 6 months old. So, having a baby out at midnight launch is (developmentally vs. "is this a good solid parenting decision?") slightly different than the bringing an 5/7/9 year old, etc.
3am is basically 3pm at that age to them. It's...hell on the parents. . They probably just wanted something to play after a 3am feeding.
I just can't see any decent parent taking their 4 month old out in the middle of the night for 4+ hours (they arrived at around 10.30pm, didn't get the game until after I left at around 2am) to pick up a video game in a queue which had around 800 people, full of people shouting and shoving
Has anyone tried that hush dating site yet? Does it actually work?
Have you guys had thunderstorms often? I only saw it during a Trevor mission. The lightning was unbelievable. Since I saw it during a mission though, I'm thinking it only happens during mission sequences. Tell me i'm wrong........
Has anyone attempted to retry a mission already completed? I'm curious about the heists. Do you just perform the heist again with the exact same setup? Do your crew members keep gaining experience when redoing heists?
And us PS3 folk can play online fo' free! My 360 and PS3 had been collecting dust for yeeeeeears, but I decided to resurrect my PS3 a month or so back. Never been happier
As despicable as Trevor is, my god is his part fun. Just finished the first few missions for him and I really love his special.
Oh, by the way, does Michael even have a special? I assume he does, but I am yet to use it
The easiest way around this is to have her play on her own profile from the XMB. Saves are tied to whomever is playing. You would obviously just have to reload the game.
And us PS3 folk can play online fo' free! My 360 and PS3 had been collecting dust for yeeeeeears, but I decided to resurrect my PS3 a month or so back. Never been happier
As despicable as Trevor is, my god is his part fun. Just finished the first few missions for him and I really love his special.
Oh, by the way, does Michael even have a special? I assume he does, but I am yet to use it
It's bullet time. He doesn't have a mission that introduces it until later for whatever reason, but you can still use it whenever. Though out of the 3 I think he has the weakest one.
Some impressions after 2 (short) evenings playing the game:
- I just did the first Trevor mission. Loved it and
yeah, he's batshit insane. I half expected him to very literally fuck that biker guy he kills. I hadn't gotten out of town with the other 2 characters, so the setting change was absolutely mind blowing. Really love how areas have a strong identity.
- That first heist felt amazing.
- The dog is dog tier.
- On the Michael mission
with his asshole kids, diving to go after the boat the daughter is on was mind blowing. Seriously loved how underwater looks.
Oh, wow. Pro-tip: if you run into one of those events where someone's wallet/bike/car gets stolen, while I might be tempting to keep it... Return it. I just got $100k in stock for returning a bike.
Oh, wow. Pro-tip: if you run into one of those events where someone's wallet/bike/car gets stolen, while I might be tempting to keep it... Return it. I just got $100k in stock for returning a bike.
This game desperately needs a custom soundtrack option. I really want to hear Zeppelin or Slayer while hauling ass down an interstate. I suspect it's easy to implement....MAKE IT HAPPEN ROCKSTAR
That was me and it was totally random. I was outside of a Bincos in my car, got up to take a piss and pretzels, and when I returned, it had just started raining.
I know right? I gave a women her wallet back and all I got was $50. My bank went from $500 when I picked it up, to -$450 when I gave it back. Lesson learned.
I'm taking it real slow see, well I decided to drive a nondescript black SUV through the gates of the military base in the desert. Was not expecting instant 4 stars, panicked and stole the first Fighter Jet I saw, now I'm pretty good at ace combat, beaten all of them on Ace and what not BUT THESE MISSILES DON'T DROP LOCK THEY JUST DON'T HOLY HELL. It was like the missiles were single minded organisms and all they were biologically programmed to do was fuck me into pieces. Took a heavy hit quickly and I thought it was all over but my plane stabilized (some how, I was doing this as Franklin who doesn't know anything about planes) I managed to dodge the next 3 missiles by flying low and pulling up last moment, all the mean while I was tying to figure out how to fire missiles back or see if this thing had chaff or anything.
Eventually I figured out how to select missiles so I looped back and fired off two at the chopper tailing me and he blows up, I was celebrating and got careless and took a second missile in the asshole. At this point I decided I had to get the hell out of here if I wanted to enjoy this fighter at all so I started flying low towards the shoreline hoping I could maybe get out of radar range
like in that one mission as trevor
, Well just as I was approaching the end of the danger zone feeling top gun as shit, my engines cut out and my plane is covered in smoke, I am not about to bail out because I am convinced the game will rule this as fall damage so I try and emergency land the plane in the water.
I'm splash down the impact rips off both my wings and ejects poor Franklin 20 feet forward and splashing into the water. As I reach the surface gasping for air surrounded by twisted metal, smoke, and fire I see the contrails of a missile in the distance heading towards me. In the slowest 2 seconds of Franklins life the missile impacts with the fighter wreckage and the intense heat of the explosion liquifies poor Franklin.
Then he wakes up, back in Los Santos General...was it all a dream?
By the way Franklins slo mo driving doesn't work with planes, also you can use slo mo driving as bullet time if you're in a car and doing a drive by.
I don't know how I ever thought the map didn't look that big. The world is huge and pretty damn cool as well. I love the variety and I don't think I've uncovered half of the map yet.
Does anyone know some good ways to make money? - Is there a list of cars I can steal or something?
I'm buying as much revenue raising property as I can. I see no "car list" yet though to steal? (Do they do one in every game? I don't recall one in GTA4 either?) - I've done a lot of trevors missions with the plane and the buggy - but beyond that I'd like to make some scratch YO.