Why does he wear the mask!?
Hey guys, where do I do bounty hunt missions or something?
I need money for Franklin
Only trev can do bail bonds
Hey guys, where do I do bounty hunt missions or something?
I need money for Franklin
Hey guys, where do I do bounty hunt missions or something?
I need money for Franklin
But there are police cars EVERYWHERE. And the van is like, impossibly slow. Also, I still can't figure out exactly how to open those doors.
Only Trevor can do bail bond missions.
Yeah! I mean, I'm not the person in that gif but that's exactly what happened with my lil' bro, just exchange the cry with excited laugh.
How do I stop characters from changing their clothes when I'm not playing as them? Shits annoying. customizing the characters just to have them change randomly :/
That kid is going to hear some language and do some things
Dumped a TON of money into a car for Franklin, parked in his garage, saved,and... it disappeared forever. Annoying bug, but so far one of my only complaints in what is shaping up to be one of the best games I've ever played!
It comes back to your safe house if you reload the game. Meaning exit the game or load it from the menuDumped a TON of money into a car for Franklin, parked in his garage, saved,and... it disappeared forever. Annoying bug, but so far one of my only complaints in what is shaping up to be one of the best games I've ever played!
just in case
They need to patch police sensitivity. It's stupid when you get a wanted level for punching someone in the desert, or shooting someone with no witnesses. It just hampers my enjoyment when I can't do shit without having the cops up my ass, and it taking fucking ages to lose them.
Yeah, I don't mind the clothes changing, I just wish there was an easier way to change outfits.I change clothes between every mission anyway so it doesn't really bother me, I enjoy seeing all the different outfits in the cutscenes. Wish you could put forth a general style though. Sometimes Franklin will have changed into some hood rag nonsense while other times he'll have put together a beautiful sweater/pants combination. In any case I actually like that they change outfits while out of a mission, does a lot to put forward the illusion that they're really living their lives when you're not in control.
I am, and it helps with the ARs and shotguns, but the pistol and the submachine guns (I think?) are still too faint. If you happen to be looking in the direction of the sun, or aiming at dawn/dusk, or aiming at enemies who are in front of brighter textures, I find the reticule often gets lost. Doesn't help that it's not on screen until you're aiming which is ridiculous since the game allows you to run + gun and a dynamic crosshair goes against that design choice.
Just weird. I had 0 issues like this in Max Payne 3.
Can't. Most of the customisation in the game seems like a bit of a waste of effort. It is a pain to keep track of a particular car if you want to use it, characters change clothes, haircuts are really all I'm bothering with now.
Dumped a TON of money into a car for Franklin, parked in his garage, saved,and... it disappeared forever. Annoying bug, but so far one of my only complaints in what is shaping up to be one of the best games I've ever played!
Really? I did a ton of side missions and got to him in like 5 hours.its almost midnight, i started tuesday afternoon when i woke up, so thats going on 2 straight days without sleeping and i JUST go to trevor's introduction in the game, not even 20% progression.
How do you 'start' the bail bonds missions? I got a email from Maude about the first guy, but I don't have this quarry uncovered on my map, am I suppose to drive around until I find it?
Dumped a TON of money into a car for Franklin, parked in his garage, saved,and... it disappeared forever. Annoying bug, but so far one of my only complaints in what is shaping up to be one of the best games I've ever played!
Same thing happened to me, I killed everyone. No one crosses Franklin in my game.Man this game is fucking just amazing. I love everything about it except the 25fps and the jaggies.
I'm driving to Lester and there was some lady in the street waving her hands. I get out the car and approach her and she's crying talking about someone getting beat by their boyfriend so I follow her around a house and out comes three mexican thugs with guns sticking me up. They start to shoot me and I get two down but the last one got me good.
What's the "system" to get this for? Or are they close to parity?
I do wish Rockstar would clarify how exactly the car 'saving' system is meant to work.
So how do the parachutes work? I snagged one while I was exploring with Franklin. It shows one in his inventory, but I can't seem to equip it.
Sorry but you are wrong. I lost multiple bought and customized cars that were kept in the "garage" yet disappeared or had to be left at a mission starting point and never turned up at the impound.Everyone complaining about this issue just needs to experiment/research a bit more.
Are there really only 2 alternatively hair and beard styles per charcater, or will more unlock later?
I'm just before my 2nd heist and nothing else available yet.
In any case I actually like that they change outfits while out of a mission, does a lot to put forward the illusion that they're really living their lives when you're not in control.
Just did the 1st heist. Pretty darn fun.
I don't care what anyone says, the shotgun shooting range thing is impossible.
Impossible, I tell you! Impossiblleeeeeeeeee
Dumped a TON of money into a car for Franklin, parked in his garage, saved,and... it disappeared forever. Annoying bug, but so far one of my only complaints in what is shaping up to be one of the best games I've ever played!