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Grand Theft Auto V |OT2| <Title available for purchase>


Tell me about it. And they have super accurate aim to deplete even the most expensive body about in seconds from the chopper while you're driving at 100mph!

I think it works. If you're going to treat the helicopter as just another vehicle in the convoy coming after you, then you better have an armored car. Otherwise, it has to be the priority, break line of sight(getting lost in the city or finding cover overhead) or get out of the car and shoot it down. Outrunning it is also a viable option... It's about the only thing the police have that will make the player have to react/adjust in a major way.


I've almost got all the spaceship parts and letter scraps now, thanks to the incredibly helpful map at the Social Club website.

To be honest I've found them quite enjoyable to get. Any excuse to further explore the insanely detailed world Rockstar have created is a welcome one. Without the collectables I would have probably never seen the hedge maze at Kortz Center or the spooky cave at Tongva Hills or the fire training building at Paleto Bay, etc.


Gold Member
Just checked my stats:

Total gametime: 65 hours 15 minutes
Trevor: 9 hours 8 minutes
Frankin: 14 hours 35 minutes
Michael: 41 hours 31 minutes lol

Crazy difference haha.


I've almost got all the spaceship parts and letter scraps now, thanks to the incredibly helpful map at the Social Club website.

To be honest I've found them quite enjoyable to get. Any excuse to further explore the insanely detailed world Rockstar have created is a welcome one. Without the collectables I would have probably never seen the hedge maze at Kortz Center or the spooky cave at Tongva Hills or the fire training building at Paleto Bay, etc.

I agree. One of my favorite parts of the game.
Speaking of sucking, how the hell do I view the mission info for capturing bounties & collecting cars for the epslion mission?

I completed the game & several dozen hours passed since I started those side mission & the texts/emails for their instructions are long gone.


This has got to be the longest credits in all history of everything. Only blowing up the planet would have longer credits.


I highly recommend watching the NYCC panel, guys. So many cool details about the game they reveal. I had no idea that Shawn Fontello was Young Malay's (CJ from GTA SA) cousin in real life.
I think it works. If you're going to treat the helicopter as just another vehicle in the convoy coming after you, then you better have an armored car. Otherwise, it has to be the priority, break line of sight(getting lost in the city or finding cover overhead) or get out of the car and shoot it down. Outrunning it is also a viable option... It's about the only thing the police have that will make the player have to react/adjust in a major way.

Shoot it down and you get 4 stars then choppers spawn in all directions. All my customized cars have 100% armor. The cops have god-like aim. They shoot through the windows. I wish we had an option for bullet proof glass!


I highly recommend watching the NYCC panel, guys. So many cool details about the game they reveal. I had no idea that Shawn Fontello was Young Malay's (CJ from GTA SA) cousin in real life.

Watching it right now... It's SOOOOO weird to hear them talk after playing over 80 hours of the game.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I've almost got all the spaceship parts and letter scraps now, thanks to the incredibly helpful map at the Social Club website.

To be honest I've found them quite enjoyable to get. Any excuse to further explore the insanely detailed world Rockstar have created is a welcome one. Without the collectables I would have probably never seen the hedge maze at Kortz Center or the spooky cave at Tongva Hills or the fire training building at Paleto Bay, etc.

So it's better than pigeon hunting in gta4?


Is the Adder the fastest car in the game? Because fully upgraded it is stupid fast. You travel faster in slow-motion with Franklin's special than you do in normal time with some other cars.

Also hitting anything at those speeds is pretty much an instant death. I wish the characters used seat belts


I literally do not understand the helicopter controls. You guys weren't kidding.

It takes some practice. In essence - "throttle" changes altitude, pitch (nose pointing up or down) changes forward speed.

- you pitch the nose down (push the stick forward) to go forward and pitch the nose up (stick back) to go backwards. Think of the rotors as a giant fan. If you pitch the nose of the chopper towards the ground, the giant fan is no longer pushing air straight down, it's also pushing some air back, which will make the chopper go forward. There is some lag, so don't expect instant acceleration. Practice first by getting some height and from a hover, pitch the nose forward 1/3 of your stick's travel and see what happens. You'll start to go forward but you'll also start to lose height.

- Your throttle trigger (we'll call it throttle) controls the amount of air being pushed out from the rotors. It doesn't in itself directly control forward speed. However, if you pitch the nose of the chopper down from a hover, some of the downward thrust is now being directed backwards. This means you now have to increase the throttle to maintain altitude. The further forward you pitch the nose, the more throttle you'll need to maintain altitude.

- So from this, to go from a hover to level flight, you have to simultaneously pitch forward and increase your throttle.

- to increase altitude when flying forward, just let go of your stick and the nose will lift up. Your forward momentum will keep you moving forward whilst you gain altitude. Your forward speed will decrease, but not at a big rate. With the chopper, it's always a trade off between forward and vertical speed. Once you're at the desired altitude, push forward on the stick again to gain speed.

- to decrease altitude when flying forward, throttle back but keep the nose pitched down.

- to quickly slow down in terms of forward speed, or to go backwards, you have to pitch the nose up, which means air is now being pushed forward from the rotors. Again, you'll have to control the throttle to maintain altitude.

- the other controls are easy once you've sussed this out. Left and right bank for slow turns and add rudder (bumpers) for faster turns or turning whilst hovering. Get used to flying without rudders first - they can be a bit wobbly when you mix them in with forward flight.
I would have preferred to have played as Lamar rather than Franklin. He's definitely a better character, and I think his voice-actor is superior too.

Franklin is a little dull compared to Michael and Trevor.
I would have preferred to have played as Lamar rather than Franklin. He's definitely a better character, and I think his voice-actor is superior too.

Franklin is a little dull compared to Michael and Trevor.
Disagree. Franklin is smart; manages to see that his career path is bullshit, that Michael is just like Simeon, and Michael/Trevor are crazy assholes who need to chill.

So much potential. Squandered just like rest of game.

Lamar is flashy but one-note.


I would have preferred to have played as Lamar rather than Franklin. He's definitely a better character, and I think his voice-actor is superior too.

Franklin is a little dull compared to Michael and Trevor.

Pretty much only Michael has an arc, and even then
his family comes back to him for no reason really. Trevor's arc is never really resolved. What happened to Floyd? I thought we didn't see because we would find out he killed his wife because of Trevor. The Patricia arc is definitely related to Trevor's mother-obsession, but that is also never resolved. I was hoping he would kill her husband and bring her home, and maybe his trailer home would turn out all nice in and out, more than before. Franklin I would have left open, to pick him up for DLC. DLC could be Franklin and Lamar.
Speaking of sucking, how the hell do I view the mission info for capturing bounties & collecting cars for the epslion mission?

I completed the game & several dozen hours passed since I started those side mission & the texts/emails for their instructions are long gone.

I think if you hit pause and go into the menu one of the tabs should have a recap of your mission priorities.

I'll quote this for the new page.


I was under the impression that cheats only disabled achievements for your current session ... did it autosave perhaps?


Does anybody actually like Chop? He's a little worthless right now. I haven't really trained him up with the iFruit app though, so maybe that's why. I hate how he's constantly disappearing. I try to have him come along with me, but then he disappears at the first sign of a cut scene.


Does anybody actually like Chop? He's a little worthless right now. I haven't really trained him up with the iFruit app though, so maybe that's why. I hate how he's constantly disappearing. I try to have him come along with me, but then he disappears at the first sign of a cut scene.
Except for that one mission I ignored him.


I like Chop in concept but not in execution

I can't remember many examples where the dog companion idea was well executed. Maybe New Vegas, but even then you didn't really feel much attachment to that dog. Definitely not Fallout 4. That dog died a few minutes after I found him.


Just finished the game :)

Definitely the best open world game of this generation.

The mechanics really needs to be improve but when you get used to it, those headshots and hard turns is really a piece of cake.

The world, the characters, the story and the music is all awesome. The final heist is so good (I picked option b) and the final mission (i picked option c) was so satisfying.


Just finished the second Trevor mission where he kicks the Lost from the Sandy Shore Airfield (and flies a plane for the first time). I'm tempted to buy the airfield but I heard in a podcast to save the money for something else that comes up.

So anyone have an idea what to hold out for to buy early on with TP?

Does anyone get bummed when they see this, knowing we can't use it. I can't even get the cars off. What's the point of the packer if we can't actually use it? Sometimes I wish I could use it as Franklin to transport a bunch of cars up north to ls customs for modding them transport the cars back to the garage.
My review of GTA V, if you're interested.

GTA 3, VC, SA, IV, V and RDR spoilers.

I generally agree with a lot of your narrative criticism. It's not a great story. There's are funny and interesting moments, but it never really comes together. I would've loved it if the main trio + Lamar + Trevor's friends all helped each other "get free" of each other's issues like halfway through the game, then went into business for themselves in the last 50% of the story building an empire and allowing the ensemble to shine, where the game's writing was at its best. The "pick the random crew" idea should've been jettisoned in favor using these fleshed out personalities in more substantial ways with a focused storyline.

And yeah, the "empty" city, the mechanics, the use of money, etc. etc.; I feel the same way about all of those.

The only thing I disagree with is your comments on the soundtrack. I thought they did a good job picking a lot of stuff that fit the game, the characters, the city, and the atmosphere really well. The original score on top of that brings the game together in a way no other GTA has done. Even if the Welcome to LS theme wasn't to your liking, Tangerine Dream's work in the missions (all of them, really, but TD especially) is so much better than the flat silence of prior GTA's.


Just finished the game with
3rd happy ending
and overall the game was pretty good. It's the first GTA i actually finished but thats probably because unlike the PS2 games I didn't spend much time causing havoc in the city just did the missions.

Story was ok nothing special, writing definitely not oscar level lol. Game wasn't that funny either all the "satire" was just family guy level "lets take a stereotype and X10 LOL so clever" but I guess all GTA's have been like that but since I am no longer in high school I didnt really find it funny at all. Lots of loose ends for Trevor and Franklin too.

I think the best part of the game was the missions but also some of the worst parts. Most of the heists were really amazing but the last one was kinda underwhelming since I was expecting something really epic but it was just a regular robbery. The good missions in this game are probably the best in the series but man some of the missions its like Rockstar didn't even play them. Like
Trevor loading crates at the dock... who the hell thought that was fun. Drive slowly pick up something drive SLOWLY back, slowly put it in the right spot now keep repeating. All the while that annoying jackass is screaming "DRIVE CAREFULLY THEY MIGHT NOTICE" every 5 seconds.
If i wanted to do menial labor I would have gone to work in a factory not bought GTA. Also money was pretty much useless in this game once i had like a couple 100k, there was no point in buying properties. Hell even stealing cars was kinda pointless because almost all the missions force you to use a specific car and even if they dont usually my car would disappear once i went in to accept a mission.

Overall still a pretty fun game but not GOTG or anything. Definitely worth getting for some of the heists. And a great step up from the pile of crap that was GTA4.


Gold Member
I agree with the sentiment that the game just sort of "ends", without proper closure for any of the characters. Maybe that's the point, because the game continues after the main story is done. But still.

Which reminds me - what was the point of that ex-girlfriend of Franklin appearing two or three times to rub his nose into her getting married with a doctor and all?
Se comes to his Vinewood Hills mansion and tells him he needs to get his life back together. Dude has 45 million dollars on his bank account, for fucks sake.

I loved that Franklin seemed aware of this as well, as he basically said "yeah whatever, fuck off" whenever she called haha.
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