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Gravity Falls S2 |OT| Mysteries, tall gingers & endless sweaters (series finale 2/15)

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So Alex sorta did an AMA on twitter today. Some off the answers.

Weird Al? Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees. I guess he doesn't know/doesn't want to get the hopes up for a season 3. The show might be lucky to finish with 2 seasons with Disney's schedule.

As to the SS Dipifica, maybe I don't have to worry about the ship sailing with that response. But dat boat name.
Weird Al? Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees. I guess he doesn't know/doesn't want to get the hopes up for a season 3. The show might be lucky to finish with 2 seasons with Disney's schedule.

As to the SS Dipifica, maybe I don't have to worry about the ship sailing with that response. But dat boat name.

A few more that were missed:

Q: Any chance for a gf soundtrack soonish?
A: Ask @bradjbreeck

Q: Was there a character of Wendy IRL just like Stan, Mabel, and Dipper?
A: Wendy is a few different people.

Q: Is it hard to be Gravity Falls Mayor? And why did we never see the mayor on the show?
A: Just you wait...

Q: Does Dipper Pines like Fall Out Boy
A: Ugh, no...

Q: What would be the name of the ship of Dipper and Candy?
A: "Grasping at straws"

Q:Do girls in Dipper's School try to flirt with him?
A: Good lord, no!

Q: Will Waddles be going home with Dip and Mabe (sic) or stay with Grunkle Stan?
A: Thinking about that question makes me very sad...

Q: Do you think you'll have either twin end up with someone romantically at some point? I know they're twelve but, just curious...
A: 12 year olds shouldn't focus on romance. They should focus on Pokemon and Pop Tarts.
Q: Then, why the bloody hell did you hav (sic) that awful wendy subplot drag oooooon?
A: Show me your cartoon...

Plus, this:


"Gravity Falls on Disney XD
Mon Mar 9 - 8:30 - 111 - Not What He Seems"
A few more that were missed:

Plus, this:


"Gravity Falls on Disney XD
Mon Mar 9 - 8:30 - 111 - Not What He Seems"



Not gonna lie, I think the Pacifica/Dipper ship is dumb and I wish it wasn't happening. Not going to act like the ship doesn't have a great name though.


Wish I could've asked him if he was interested in doing any crossover specials like Phineas and Ferb did with Marvel and Star Wars.

A Phineas and Ferb/Gravity Falls crossover would make me very happy.

"Dipper, I know what we're going to do today!"

And Perry could put a hat on Waddles.

Also: "That awful Wendy subplot." Did people not like the Wendy subplot? I thought it was fine.


Also: "That awful Wendy subplot." Did people not like the Wendy subplot? I thought it was fine.

Skimming through the season 1 thread, it looks like it didn't come up here as much as elsewhere, but yeah, a lot of people were getting really tired of so many episodes focusing on Dipper's crush on Wendy. Even Doug Walker (Nostalgia Critic) felt this way when he was doing his Gravity Falls vlogs, until the season 2 episode that ended it came along. An interview posted previously I believe in this thread confirmed that there were so many episodes involving the crush because it was an easy way to get Dipper involved in a story and the hectic production schedule prevented them from seeing the big picture and realizing how often they were using it.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I'll give props to Alex for not giving into fan pressure with "shipping". It's something that can greatly harm a story *looks at Korra Season 1*
I'll be the one to say it, all this waiting is bullshit.

I don't think anybody has to say it because we all agree. Just imagine being the creator lol.

I guess I'm used to it now, fucking Venture Bros. I watch regular weekly anime to get rid of my animated needs, and there's always western drama/shows on a week to week basis


Gravity Falls and Attack on Titan both exist on the same mental plane for me as far as releases go. Completely forget about it for a few months and then maybe something will eventually come out when I randomly remember about it in the future.
Gravity Falls and Attack on Titan both exist on the same mental plane for me as far as releases go. Completely forget about it for a few months and then maybe something will eventually come out when I randomly remember about it in the future.

that's my same mentality with online video series that I watch, like Red Letter Media, Jon Tron, and Epic Rap Battles.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.

The mayor? That's not Alex Hirsch!


Have to get my niece something for making me watch this. Haven't enjoyed a cartoon this much in a long time.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Code 1:

Code 2:

Hopefully I got it right.
Wow! Awesome way to come back!

1. Yeah, what's up with the shorten theme? It's just like TMNT!
2. Dipper has some balls
"I'd tell her right to her face..."
3. Holy shit at
all of the blood pouring in this episode. Same with the Lumberjack's death
4. A few cute scenes
between the two, but definitely dodged a bullet there...
. (You almost had me, Hirsch! Almost...)
5. The fucking kid
had a PKE meter!
Totally jealous...
6. Any else spot the
Freddy Krueger Journal Entry had said "dream hipster?"
7. Was kinda disappointed by
the Mayors appearance as well as the whole bell thing with Pacifica (was hoping for magic instead of cruelly sadistic)
8. Another day,
another hypocritical Mabel chasing a boy side story. Good for Grenda though.
(Didn't the hardcover book predict this?)
9. Kinda sad where
Tambry appears more in the story than Wendy...
10. Killer ending,
but does the counter mean the event is gonna happen in 21 hours or days?
It went too fast for me to notice.


Awesome episode. This show is brilliant and doesn't give a damn about that Y7 rating.
All that blood.

My brother and I absolutely loved how
Dipper was petrified exactly how the Shape Shifter predicted he would die. So good.

Nice to see a good side to Pacifica. I feel she was much more deserving of that kind of development than Robbie (I still don't like how there was no follow up to him trying to hypnotize Wendy.) She was handled much better than Robbie's redemption last episode too. No magic potion BS, just Pacofica being an actually decent human being! Liked the
moments between her and Dipper a lot more than I thought I would. It felt really natural, and while there were some nods/hints, nothing was forced romantically. Well done.

And yeah, that ending...
only 21 hours. Guess it has to be next episode then. Can't wait to see Bill again, and expecting Gideon to show up as well.
I need a gif of that 'snootiest of laughter' guy. STAT

edit: just finished it. Fantastic episode, as always. SS Dipifica
isn't confirmed nor denied but it'd be natural
. Cannot wait for the next episode in 2020.
How could they shorten such a great opening?!

Anyway, good episode. I thought for sure that "SS Dipifica" would be sunk from the interview questions posted earlier, or at least be demonstrated as just Pacifica having low self esteem, but they got along pretty well in this episode in a more or less natural way. I never even considered the ship until I saw people talking about it in reaction to the preview clips, but I suppose it's better than pairing Dipper with Mabel.

I'm continually surprised by what this show can get away with, and today I was surprised by the blood coming from the trophies--and no dialogue implying that it's actually jam or anything!

When they showed McGucket at the party, I thought it would be neat if he updated Dipper on what he found out, but I didn't think they'd actually do it. The ending was pretty surprising, because I didn't realize we had come up to a mid-season finale. This is only the mid-season finale, right? It has to be, unless Weird Al ends up appearing in the next episode.

That said, I didn't like the subplot involving Mabel and friends.

EDIT: Just got around to watching the first trailer posted here and I'm really surprised that the trailer that got everyone to think that SS Dipifica was becoming a thing didn't even have the hug scene from the episode.
Just finished watching it. It was a really good episode.

Dipper and Pacifica progressed naturally into friends and it was honestly really nice to see.

Pacifica's family is way evil though. It kinda sucks how badly they've treated her and the townspeople.

Like others have said, I was surprised at how intense some of the horror scenes were. That Lumberjack death...

The Mabel and friends subplot felt a bit weak this episode but it had its moments( namely the evil laughing).

That countdown at the end probably doesn't coincide with whatever Stan's working on but it doesn't sound good(maybe Bill's plan?).

The "Get in, Get in!" part was hilarious. Same with the snooty laughter guy.

I actually want more Dipper and Pacifica episodes now. They're really cool together.


I was hoping this bump was because a new episode was out

that's my same mentality with online video series that I watch, like Red Letter Media, Jon Tron, and Epic Rap Battles.

Don't know about the other two but I feel like Jon Tron releases new content monthly not counting the smaller videos he'll occasionally put out

I might be way late on this but did anyone notice in the season opener that the glove Stan put on when he turned on his machine had six fingers?

Yeah you're pretty late :p


That bell ringing was the most disturbing thing
and this was an episode where half a deer dragged itself across the floor


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
I actually didn't really like this episode that much. There was something about it that didn't click with me.


Great episode.
As Dipper said there are some pretty messed up stuff in today's episode, that dripping blood from the animal trophies. Nice to see Pacifica growing more as a character. Hope they don't revert her back any time soon. Some lovely cold cutting comments from Dipper during this episode ha “And he should be out of your probably fake blond hair”
Quite the big revelation there at the end also. So only 21 hours till I'm assuming Bill comes back in a big way.
I thought it was disturbing because it reminded me of the Over the Garden Wall episode at first.

In the end, I'm not really sure what its significance was. If it was magic, I don't know why it stopped working at the end. If it wasn't, I don't know why it ever worked.
I dont understand how the
bell ringing
is "disturbing". Someone wanna fill me in?

Ok, think like the experiment with Pavlov's Dogs, where they became conditioned into relating food (or the arrival of food) to the ringing of a bell.

With that in mind, picture
some rich asshole using the same methods in discipling a little girl to the point of near perfection...;heaven only knows how they got her to that point...

That said, the scenario is probably one of the series' most "realistic" horrific example, save for Wendys collision with the boulder in Into the Bunker...


My personal impressions

It was okay. There were some good gags but idk it felt really predictable in parts.
was hype though

-This show has always had some really nice backgrounds but I really noticed them this episode, specifically in the Northwest mansion.
-The gags were pretty good like Dipper answering the door and the Mayor being followed by Vultures. I also laughed at the statues coming to life and not being all that threatening, though I'm not sure if that was supposed to be intentionally funny.
-The Mabel subplot was incredibly boring. I knew from the moment they excluded Grenda that crush-of-the-week would probably be super kinky and would be into Grenda by the end of the episode.
-I think they did good with Pacifica and Dipper developing over the episode (shipping fuel aside)
-I wasn't too bugged by the lumberjack's story but I legit was waiting for some sort of red juice gag and was surprised it didn't happen.
-I had a strong feeling that the laptop would return so I was happy to be half right (didn't expect McGuckett to be the one repair it though).

Overall despite the lack of
I thought this was a pretty solid episode, though the only thing that really got me was
the ending
. I definitely wasn't expecting
the FBI guys
to be at the party


Great episode, I'm agreed with pretty much everyone else here on the details.

The thing with Pacifica and the bell isn't really too complicated. As Maverick said, it's just the idea of a child being conditioned to the point that something innocuous like a bell can stop them in their tracks. We're left wondering exactly how she was trained to respond that way.
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