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Gravity Rush 2 |OT| Mewton's Law of Gravity

So I've beaten the game all the way through to the second credits sequence, though honestly I wouldn't be surprised if there was still more hiding in there, the way the game's been going :p

Safe to say, this game is something special. It's just so rich, so lovingly created. There's so much to do, so much to unlock, so many wonderfully characterful side missions. The word 'content' gets thrown around a lot these days because there are so many huge open worlds with copy/pasted busywork shotgun-blasted over the map to give you the illusion of there being more to enjoy than there actually is, but this game is the real deal.

Honestly, we just don't get games like this any more. A totally unique style of gameplay, a gorgeous art style all of its own, fantasy voice acting and comicbook cutscenes, a cast made up almost entirely of awesome women. It feels like a wonderful reminder of a bygone age, right down to being able to throw in the disc and play immediately without waiting for an install or a day one patch. And they're actually giving us free DLC on top of all this!

In a year so stacked with amazing-looking games, I never expected anything more of Gravity Rush 2 than a fun little jaunt back to Kat's world, but this game just floored me. It's a GOTY contender, without a doubt, and something I'm going to keep coming back to for years. Now to take my sweet time getting that Platinum.


Finally got the Lunar style. Such a joy to use.
Oh and the jazzy score is insanely good. More jazz in my video game music please :)
This game is just so damn relaxing.
How's the framerate on OG PS4? Actually locked 30? Cause the demo framerate felt awful and I'm not planning on getting a PS4 Pro in quite a while, if ever.

Tried to search the thread but couldn't really find much.

It's mostly 30, but I've had some pretty extreme dips when a lot of debris is on screen.
Man.. While I enjoyed the first game very much, this game is pretty incredible.

It's not without its issues, namely the wonky stealth missions and the camera. But by god everything else is just wonderful. The characters are even more colorful, fleshed out, and believable than the first. The side missions have varying quality but the mini-stories are almost always really good. The combat is much deeper (stasis field is not only viable but very good) with the multiple styles. The game is downright gorgeous.

And I'm shocked at how competent the online features are, fun even. Fuck those high end dusty token rewards tho


Just finished the Council Arc. I dabbled here in there on comics and manga, more recently Mob Psycho 100. But I've never thought I would get heart strings pulled from a game utilized that. Lol. I should check out more comics.

Kazuo Hirai

I really want everyone to know how much more Titanfall 2 sold than Nioh. It was a staggering amount.
This game still hold #5 in Amazon.JP despite switch grab #2-4
Seems will have a good leg there.
It bomb in western ,not surprise but really a shame. At least Sony should pay pewdiepie to make some videos about it.
SIE-China will publish it in China soon, at least could sell thousands or more.

But seems this game cost too much, I guess it's the biggest game in SIEJ's history?
And producer consider "new platform" may be PSVR.
This game has a first-person pov, I've heard it's planned for PSVR from a live
This game still hold #5 in Amazon.JP despite switch grab #2-4
Seems will have a good leg there.
It bomb in western ,not surprise but really a shame. At least Sony should pay pewdiepie to make some videos about it.
SIE-China will publish it in China soon, at least could sell thousands or more.

But seems this game cost too much, I guess it's the biggest game in SIEJ's history?
And producer consider "new platform" may be PSVR.
This game has a first-person pov, I've heard it's planned for PSVR from a live

I would blame Sony if this doesn't seel decently to be honest. I disagree with the idea that this game doesn't at least potentially have wider appeal. I just haven't seen much of a push from Sony. If there isn't an established market you have to create one, and I don't feel Sony has done all it can with this series.


Oh I've got a question. Where do you find the sample soundtrack from the Gamestop preorder?

It only looked like it downloaded the white costume.
How's the framerate on OG PS4? Actually locked 30? Cause the demo framerate felt awful and I'm not planning on getting a PS4 Pro in quite a while, if ever.

Tried to search the thread but couldn't really find much.
No, it's not locked and get a little dippy when the action gets hot.

Nothin too bad though and it's better than the demo.


I am having a hard time enjoying this game.

I loved the first one but i dont know what is up with this one. First of all that intro was long and boring af... the horrible stealth missions or the even worst side quests (that dog mission...)

I think i will stick to the main story and finish it then maybe tackle the side missions after...


Some of your comments about the latter chapters kinda scares me lol

I hope it doesn't get too serious/crazy/weird.

Still long to go, I think I'm at Ch.11 (40%ish done) with almost 20 hours played.


30 hours in, just got [Chapter 13 Spoilers]
back to Hekseville and holy shit, it's beautiful! So many known faces, too!

Time to spend some more hours collecting gems, Lunar style is a blast for this

Also, anyone not getting any Dusty Tokens challenging other players? Sometimes I just get 0, whether I win or lose


Episode 20 spoilers:
Jesus, that was epic... and then legit horrific. It's like Keiichiro Toyama wanted to remind everyone that he created Silent Hill.


Urghhh the side quests have taken a nose dive.
The Kali ice cream one is seriously bad too.

That one ended hilariously though, so I love it.

It's only January and I've already found my GOTY contender.

Yea I gotta admit, I thought it'd just be between BoTW, Nier, and Persona this year for me, with GR2 being an honorable mention. But fuck it up, the game is too good to disrespect it like that.
My preorder should finally be arriving tomorrow, but a thought just occurred to me. Does the multiplayer challenge stuff require PS Plus?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Are others having trouble with Kat constantly stopping/stumbling while running? I assume that's a problem with the game, and not that my controller suddenly broke.
i'm aware that this is probably an unfair assessment but i've just reached the second area, and i've been flat out not enjoying this at all so far.
honestly, i thought the original was merely okay, and was wary going in to this one. does it pick up at all as you go further in? seriously considering just trading it in for Yakuza 0.

Draikin 2

For those interested, Keiichiro Toyama answered my question on Twitter if they could look into increasing dusty Tokens rewards. He said they'll consider the matter. It's nice of him to respond, and in English even.

In other news, the game entered the UK charts at #16. I think we all knew it wasn't going to sell, but I was hoping it would at least match The Last Guardian (which entered at 7), especially given the lack of other new game releases...


i'm aware that this is probably an unfair assessment but i've just reached the second area, and i've been flat out not enjoying this at all so far.
honestly, i thought the original was merely okay, and was wary going in to this one. does it pick up at all as you go further in? seriously considering just trading it in for Yakuza 0.

The 2nd area? The city?


Early thoughts:

I'm digging the way the game has started and where it seems to be headed. Characters seem way more fleshed out already and I expect even more based on the depth of the few side quests I've already done. I'm also digging on the wider world that's being hinted at. As for the game, it feels real good outside of some nagging issues with the camera and me fine-tuning the motion controls. I do wish specials were actually on their own bar as I seem to spend most of the points on tossing shit at enemies.

Areas so far look pretty amazing too. Love the transitions to the mining areas.

Only thing I'm not liking is the mining -_-

I got the part where I could freely mine and...well it wasn't all that exciting. Areas are pretty neat, but the act of mining itself is pretty bland. I prefer the exploration method of getting gems at this point, though I'm only a few hours in.


Honestly I'm finding the game pretty boring and slow.

It's been relaxing in manageable 20-minute chunks though. If I keep this up maybe I'll beat it four months from now...


I debated with myself for awhile if I liked Gravity Rush 2 more than the first game. I liked them both pretty equally for the longest time. I felt that while Gravity Rush 2 had better graphics, music, and story, I really missed the Rift Planes (and associated challenges) from the first game. In addition, I felt I dealt with more camera issues in 2 than I did 1. However, the second half of Gravity Rush 2 through the true ending pushed it in its favor with the crazy story in both the main campaign and sidequests. What a fun, jolly, crazy, and confusing game. 2017 started off with a fantastic game (8.5/10 in my opinion).

I hope to see more titles in the distant future if they have any new ideas.
For those interested, Keiichiro Toyama answered my question on Twitter if they could look into increasing dusty Tokens rewards. He said they'll consider the matter. It's nice of him to respond, and in English even.

In other news, the game entered the UK charts at #16. I think we all knew it wasn't going to sell, but I was hoping it would at least match The Last Guardian (which entered at 7), especially given the lack of other new game releases...
GR2 actually launched around quite a few new games.

I think GR2 will be a slow burn, if anything. It was never going to have solid first day/week sales.


ha cool ! because when he says : "increasing dusty Tokens rewards", it could also refer to the rewards you get by getting a certain amount. Hopes Keiichiro didn't understand that instead lol

Last I checked the #1 player on Dusty Token ranking hasn't even reached 4k yet, so we're good on reward tiers for now lol
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