After spending another four hours or so with my remapped controls it's impossible to go back. Being able to engage in combat without ever removing your fingers from the analogue stick, performing everything with the triggers makes combat that much more fluid. It also helps mediate some camera issues, as your always in direct control of the camera.
It's disappointing that this wasn't available as a potential remap in the game. The remapable options are really weird and only regard dodging and changing gravity states. Those aren't elements of the combat that I've ever had any issue with.
Shifting over to using the tirggers directly affect the sense of fluidity I got when playing the game, and therefore, made it more fun. It seems like an oversight to not include these kind of remaps as a preset option, at the very least.
This is my post from before if you're curious about the remap.
Anyway, if anyone is interested this is my remap.
L2 > O
R2 > Square
This makes it so that you can both throw items and gravity kick, without moving off of the analogue stick. For me, it feels more fluid and I feel that I have more control. I have not seen any disadvantages of this layout yet, besides the obvious that is, which is mostly the fact that using L2 as circle to cancel out as menu's is a bit weird.
Worth giving it a go in my opinion. Though if you're perfectly happy with the default layout, then I'm happy it clicks with you.