Is it the same storm as the giant Nevi for the trophy or it's a different one?Delvool is accessed by going to a mining site when a Gravity Storm is in progress, and then finding the gravity storm there (it's marked on the map). Before the patch you would just have to check the list, but now there's an announcement whenever one's going on in the notifications similar to the strange phenomena.
You even have to ask? Worker outfit is the only reasonable choice.Other than those two outfits, what are everyone's favorites?And don't say Shifter 1.0 lol
Is it the same storm as the giant Nevi for the trophy or it's a different one?
You even have to ask? Worker outfit is the only reasonable choice.
Kat in her regular outfit just looks better, at least compared to the white one. Not much else to say lol
Other than those two outfits, what are everyone's favorites?And don't say Shifter 1.0 lol
Anybody know how many gems you need to power up all of Kat's powers?
Kat in her regular outfit just looks better, at least compared to the white one. Not much else to say lol
Other than those two outfits, what are everyone's favorites?And don't say Shifter 1.0 lol
Is it the same storm as the giant Nevi for the trophy or it's a different one?
There has to be a better way to farm Gems for Power Ups. My last trophy needed to Platinum this is to fill out the remaining power up trees. I've grabbed every floating gem around the map, and gold starred every challenge. I'm about 22,000 away from finishing it up still.
The Chapter 19 method is insanely dull. I can either save/restart the beginning section for 250 gems, 88 (!) times. Or I can play the full level, which I think nets around 2,500 gems, but even then I'd need to play it 9 times through, and it's not a short level.
Or I can mine the gems, but an hour in the Delvool last night only netted me 2,500 gems. It was all ones (do they even get bigger the deeper you go?)
Is there really no other way to grind this out?
Thanks, I have just gotten a notification, so now I knowDifferent. The ones for the Nevi are the strange phenomena, these are gravity storms.
Are you using the right method? You should proceed till you can no longer shift gravity and use only Lunar to move around. Once you get close to the stone tablet that would tell you you completed said challenge, you save, load and you'll get back to the start of this section. Every time you do that you'll get ~900 gems. It's not ideal, but I believe it's the fastest way.Is there really no other way to grind this out?
Heh, I've been farming the last levels of Delvool for a few days now. I could tell you what remains, if you want. I can also keep mum if you want to be surprised.
How about? Bwahahahahah.a whole level where you have to save a gravity cake from super charged Raven
I don't enjoy it as much as I want to, gameplay, visual and art for this game are over the top but everything else is terrible, story, dialogue, fun factor, side-quests are just awful... I don't think I'll continue playing it.
I enjoyed the first one more, maybe because it was "new" or I don't know.
Kat in her regular outfit just looks better, at least compared to the white one. Not much else to say lol
Other than those two outfits, what are everyone's favorites?And don't say Shifter 1.0 lol
That's a new one, I don't think I've seen anyone take issue with any of those. How far are you into it if you don't mind me asking ? It does have a bit of a slow build.
There has to be a better way to farm Gems for Power Ups. My last trophy needed to Platinum this is to fill out the remaining power up trees. I've grabbed every floating gem around the map, and gold starred every challenge. I'm about 22,000 away from finishing it up still.
The Chapter 19 method is insanely dull. I can either save/restart the beginning section for 250 gems, 88 (!) times. Or I can play the full level, which I think nets around 2,500 gems, but even then I'd need to play it 9 times through, and it's not a short level.
Or I can mine the gems, but an hour in the Delvool last night only netted me 2,500 gems. It was all ones (do they even get bigger the deeper you go?)
Is there really no other way to grind this out?
Also Episode 19 stopping beforesave, reload -> collect gems until shortly before the fight, then go back (gravity kicks work well) to the room before, collect gems there -> save, reloadDoppelganger Kat Battle
Nets you about 900 gems per run, guess that's will be my main activity later today, 47k left...
Kat in her regular outfit just looks better, at least compared to the white one. Not much else to say lol
Other than those two outfits, what are everyone's favorites?And don't say Shifter 1.0 lol
Made it to chapter 3 last night after the insanity that was the last two episodes of chapter 2. Odd question, but how long untilI can revist Jirga Para Lhao?
I was doing it from the beginning up to the part where you "defeat the enemies without shifting gravity"
somewhere between 1500 and 2000 per run, and you only have to fight 2 groups of enemies
Just got mine too!Platinum trophy get!
That's a new one, I don't think I've seen anyone take issue with any of those. How far are you into it if you don't mind me asking ? It does have a bit of a slow build.
Behind the Scenes I challenge quest: Literally the least fun I have had in this franchise so far. Infuriatingly RNG based bullshit. No shifting powers. All around garbage design.
I'd rather do treasure hunts in Lei Elgona than this.
Sorry, had to vent somewhere.
It's definitely pretty bad. Behind the Scenes II is way better. They could have just not made a challenge version of the first and left it at that.
hadn't logged in in a bit, at 2300 coins. did they increase the rewards?
Temporarily, yes. Rewards are greatly boosted until February 6/7 (still waiting on a time this ends).
That's a new one, I don't think I've seen anyone take issue with any of those. How far are you into it if you don't mind me asking ? It does have a bit of a slow build.
So apparently I forgot that you could reorient the camera with R3! It sure would have been helpful in chapter 12 and some of the boss fights.
I'm surprised that people are struggling with the 60,000 gems. The underside of each city district has tons of medium and large gems. I'm currently at 54,000 or so and there's still plenty of places I haven't checked yet.
That being said how do you unlock the?Ice Cream outfit
The what?
Sorry, I remember it from a side mission.. I meantWaitress Outfit?
I had no idea this game had first person view, thought it was a glitch :|
I have a love hate relationship with this game. It was a worthy purchase though. I'm not even thinking about the plat, way too many games to play..
That being said how do you unlock the?Ice Cream outfit
I don't enjoy it as much as I want to, gameplay, visual and art for this game are over the top but everything else is terrible, story, dialogue, fun factor, side-quests are just awful... I don't think I'll continue playing it.
I enjoyed the first one more, maybe because it was "new" or I don't know.
Man, why is stasis field so fun and good to use?
This was in the first game too right? I don't remember ever using it.
Got to the part where you getJust using the field and just chucking them into the distance lol.raven back and you fight all those garrison
I'll take over-buffed over being all but useless.
Like Specials
And I don't just mean because other options are better. I never used them because I just got hit out half the time, or the effect felt really weak. Maybe things are different after pouring thousands of gems in, but I don't have the patience to grind up and check. I just know when something titled MICRO BLACK HOLE doesn't even reach past OG Gravity Field range, it's pretty lame.
Some of these side missions are a real pain in the ass...
I was really enjoying them through the first 10 hours but now a lot of the time I'm just spamming x to get through them. This is why open world games can have the worst pacing imaginable. When I checked that I'm only like 55% through the story last night I almost decided to just power through the campaign. There are way too many games I want to get to. I still have RE7 and Yakuza 0 unplayed.