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Gravity Rush 2 - You're going to buy it, right?

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Btw I just watched the anime. It was pretty meh, mainly because It doesn't really explain how the group reaches the new island, but atleast I got around 20 mins of Kat being Kat.
These are juvenile remarks. If you can't hold debate without being polite then don't bother replying.

I don't see any reason why I should be polite. It would be one thing if you genuinely wanted to understand the mechanics but you don't. If you did, you'd be asking questions, not making declarations that the mechanics are poorly thought out.

Seriously, what in the world gives anyone the right to call a developer's game and its mechanics poorly thought out, garbage, etc. but doesn't give someone else the right to point out that those people are garbage at playing it?

Many of your "criticisms" only show your own failures at the game (e.g. you most definitely can smoothly transition between sliding and aerial moves and I stated how). And I have no problem pointing that out given your past posts.

It's clear from the others that replied to my comments that I'm not alone with my views on the game,

I already knew beforehand that there are plenty of people who are bad at the game.

and while I was happy to debate that with you, you instead chose to attack me person rather than my line of argument. You aren't going to sway me or others by suggesting that we're 'bad at the game' or unintelligible.

Yeah, I'm not trying to sway you on anything. And I'm attacking your arguments by pointing out that it's not the game that plays poorly, it's you who's playing poorly (I'm also giving explicit reasons why).

As for the content of your post, it goes without saying that I disagree, but I'm no longer interested in discussing the game with you. I made a fair and civil argument, and it seems in doing so I showed you more respect than you deserve.

You can't disagree on how to transition from gravity slides to aerial movements without stopping. That's something anyone who has the game or access to the GR demos can easily verify by trying for themselves. You were dead wrong on that point.

Feel free to disagree with me on the Yunica and Raven boss fights. Then again, anyone with the game can go to those fights and see for themselves how the bosses react to gravity kicks and how they react to having things thrown at them on the ground.

As for disagreeing about the writing, aside from your claim that it's bad, you don't seem to actually have anything worthwhile to say. But still, others can verify what I said about the game's storytelling for themselves (e.g. prior to the Alias boss fight, they can see for themselves that he makes projections).

Whether they think that how story elements are told is good or bad is up to them. I really don't care if they think that how the game conveyed that Alias is
or that Dusty is a
is clever. Chances are, though, that you never even picked up on how the game did that or how the game built up its world. And that's not something to ignore when you're calling the writing bad.
and also releases on 20 and not on the 18.

I can sympathise with your pain here at least, I'm pretty sure it's the same for us :( I hadn't thought about the fact the OT will have really got going by the time my copy arrives.

Gotta give props to the OP.

You did all you could do, haha.

Yea, big shout out, fantastic job on the thread Lotus, Kat couldn't have hoped for much more (other than a skewer!)
Hmmm, I feel have I have to replay again now..ha! Not that that's a bad thing! I definitely remember considering it because of the earlier plot points around the theft but I really thought they confirmed otherwise after. Interesting!
I hope this isn't too off-topic, but while I have seen many people affirm that
Syd was definitely Alias, I can't say I ever got that certainty after playing the game (more than once). The way Kat talks about it especially seems really weird, since she refers to him in past tense, which I don't think she would do if it was Syd she was talking about. Also, the idea that Alias disguised as Syd aka himself seems a bit silly to me. That being said, Syd is definitely hiding something, as evidenced by this moment. But still, I don't think we know for sure one way or the other.


Has the PS4 Pro enhancements ever been laid out? I heard there were some but I haven't heard anything official yet.


Goddamit I pre ordered..I'm sorry yakuza fans I want to fall gracefully



I loved the first GR. I had to cancel my pre-order for GR2 when the release date was changed to January. I'm away from home all month, so I plan to pick it up once I return.


Yea, big shout out, fantastic job on the thread Lotus, Kat couldn't have hoped for much more (other than a skewer!)

Haha, thanks. If the reviews turn out to be great, we can all celebrate with skewers of our own.

Or pretzels:


Looks like your thread was too good lol.

Lmao, that'd be hilarious if that actually was the reason it's out of stock. I sure hope people like buying the game digital then lol

Goddamit I pre ordered..I'm sorry yakuza fans I want to fall gracefully

You know, Sanji is cool after all.

I hope this isn't too off-topic, but while I have seen many people affirm that
Syd was definitely Alias, I can't say I ever got that certainty after playing the game (more than once). The way Kat talks about it especially seems really weird, since she refers to him in past tense, which I don't think she would do if it was Syd she was talking about. Also, the idea that Alias disguised as Syd aka himself seems a bit silly to me. That being said, Syd is definitely hiding something, as evidenced by this moment. But still, I don't think we know for sure one way or the other.

I never really got that theory either, but if it's true, then that'll be quite the shock to me.

Has the PS4 Pro enhancements ever been laid out? I heard there were some but I haven't heard anything official yet.

It's listed in the OP, but as far as we know, you just get 4k.

Should I play the first one first?


It's a long tragic story of marriage.

You just made that unintentionally hilarious considering your avatar lmao

Loved the remaster, i never leveled up the gravity meter or health because i figured that the game would be a lot more interesting if i had to manage my powers correctly to play it properly and i was right. The boss fights especially were a treat visually and in terms of knowing when to attack and dodge since i couldn't just float around. Can't wait for the new one.

If anybody is interested, this is how the boss fights played for me

Oh damn, I forgot all about this fight. To do stuff like that again, except with glorious color, is gonna be hype as fuck

Here's a link to the official Instagram page for the game. It includes some images and videos of things we haven't seen before. The latest videos show that animals can start following Kat when you walk around the city.

As far as I know this is the only information available at the moment.

Oh nice, I'll check this out.


Oh damn, I forgot all about this fight. To do stuff like that again, except with glorious color, is gonna be hype as fuck

Fights like that were easily the highpoints of the combat in GR, fights against Raven were fun too thanks to her having fairly similar moveset as you.


Unfortunately, I enjoy everything about Gravity Rush except actually playing it. I put a good amount of time into the remaster but I constantly struggled with the camera and I could never get the hang of the combat. I got to the level where you have almost no control of your powers and that was the breaking point for me. I just got incredibly frustrated and I wasn't having fun. It's a shame because I absolutely love the world and the visuals. I don't see myself playing GR2 either ; I tried the demo and the new gravity powers seem neat but it's still not my cup of tea.

Also, as big a fan as I am of the game (and I really am a huge one), I'm not sure it's fair or constructive to say that detractors are straight up shit at the game, full stop, and not smart people. Some people fall in love with the gameplay and find it intuitive, some people do not. It is what it is. We can praise the game without putting other people down. Telling them how stupid they are is not going to encourage them to take your tips on board. Unless the idea is just to belittle them, in which case never mind because I really would rather not go down that road with anyone.

Thank you for saying this, I wholeheartedly agree with that. I totally get that people love GR, and I genuinely wish I did but it never clicked with me. I've heard before that I wasn't playing it right and that you're clearly not smart enough if you don't figure out the right way by yourself, which is something I strongly disagree with. I can respect the fact that people here enjoy a game I don't, and I wish other people here shared your opinion on this.


Unfortunately, I enjoy everything about Gravity Rush except actually playing it. I put a good amount of time into the remaster but I constantly struggled with the camera and I could never get the hang of the combat. I got to the level where you have almost no control of your powers and that was the breaking point for me. I just got incredibly frustrated and I wasn't having fun. It's a shame because I absolutely love the world and the visuals. I don't see myself playing GR2 either ; I tried the demo and the new gravity powers seem neat but it's still not my cup of tea.

That's cool, not everyone's into it, I completely get that. On one hand though, it's pretty neat that it appears nearly unanimous that at the very least, people enjoy Kat's character, as well as the setting/world she's in.

And sorry people have said you "don't get it" or whatever. I've been there, it can be incredibly frustrating to hear in most instances.
Sorry, OP. I am not. I find anime really creepy and weird. I wish I didn't since that would open up many new games to me, but I do.


It's a long tragic story of marriage.



Loved the remaster, i never leveled up the gravity meter or health because i figured that the game would be a lot more interesting if i had to manage my powers correctly to play it properly and i was right. The boss fights especially were a treat visually and in terms of knowing when to attack and dodge since i couldn't just float around. Can't wait for the new one.

If anybody is interested, this is how the boss fights played for me

You definitely play better than me. lol

But I went from a pure disaster to a decent player. Gameplay is so much better when you learn how to control and get more abilities.


Yeah it actually creeps me out. I respect that people like it though!

Well this is all that matters in the end, so I'm cool with it!



You definitely play better than me. lol

But I went from a pure disaster to a decent player. Gameplay is so much better when you learn how to control and get more abilities.

One day I'll become a gravity shifter worthy of living somewhere other than the sewers


I don't see any reason why I should be polite.

Because regardless of how right or wrong you are on a given topic, you are a human being in a world filled with other human beings whom you are expected to function with whether you like it or not. Also it feels good to be nice to people. Win win.


I saw people in here saying Amazon is sold out of the Remaster so I took a look and sure enough, it is! I'm glad I bought mine when it came out last year!

At least it seems like Gravity Rush 2 is going to be available at more retailers so getting a physical copy shouldn't be an issue for those who wait a bit. Just don't sit on it too long because I'm sure it's not getting the kind of print that stuff like The Order or Until Dawn got.

Draikin 2

Regarding the animation: other than showing us Kat being Kat, I really think it's worth noting that it also showed us how much Raven has changed (and that's entirely because of Kat). We really don't know a lot about Raven and it's very easy to miss the few details there are about her backstory in the original game, so I thought it was great to see that her character get more attention now.


Regarding the animation: other than showing us Kat being Kat, I really think it's worth noting that it also showed us how much Raven has changed (and that's entirely because of Kat). We really don't know a lot about Raven and it's very easy to miss the few details there are about her backstory in the original game, so I thought it was great to see that her character get more attention now.

Yea, that's true. And the DLC will flesh her out even more, so there's that to look forward to.


The lyrics from this one Gravity Rush are so nihilistic, it doesn't match the music at all lmao

Draikin 2

I actually had a discussion about this a few days ago. The lyrics really aren't nihilistic, people simply misinterpret that song. It's telling people to enjoy the moment and live your life without needlessly worrying too much. Keiichiro Toyama explained it in this interview with Gamespot.

KT: In the story, Kat lapsed into her own internal life and had to face her past. I handled the scenario for that scene by myself, so the lyrics are based after the scripts. I wrote the scenario and lyrics after we had a big earthquake last year; as a result, I felt that I was reacquainted myself with death. At the time, the project was not going well, and I became very frustrated.

However, I realized that one day we will die, and all worries will be gone. So why not enjoy the moment without thinking too much? Thus, I implemented that message into the song's lyrics.


I actually had a discussion about this a few days ago. The lyrics really aren't nihilistic, people simply misinterpret that song. It's telling people to enjoy the moment and live your life without needlessly worrying too much. Keiichiro Toyama explained it in this interview with Gamespot.

Point taken, and thanks for the link as well. It's just that was the first word to come in mind, with it talking about how everyone is going to die one day and what not. Just made the song a bit hilarious to me because I assumed there wasn't anything dark about it concerning the lyrics.
The demo for Gravity Rush 2 really has me interested in this game. I would get it at launch but Resident Evil 7 comes out right after it and I haven't played the first yet. I really want to check it out though
I don't see any reason why I should be polite. It would be one thing if you genuinely wanted to understand the mechanics but you don't. If you did, you'd be asking questions, not making declarations that the mechanics are poorly thought out.

Seriously, what in the world gives anyone the right to call a developer's game and its mechanics poorly thought out, garbage, etc. but doesn't give someone else the right to point out that those people are garbage at playing it?

Many of your "criticisms" only show your own failures at the game (e.g. you most definitely can smoothly transition between sliding and aerial moves and I stated how). And I have no problem pointing that out given your past posts.

I already knew beforehand that there are plenty of people who are bad at the game.

Yeah, I'm not trying to sway you on anything. And I'm attacking your arguments by pointing out that it's not the game that plays poorly, it's you who's playing poorly (I'm also giving explicit reasons why).

You can't disagree on how to transition from gravity slides to aerial movements without stopping. That's something anyone who has the game or access to the GR demos can easily verify by trying for themselves. You were dead wrong on that point.

Feel free to disagree with me on the Yunica and Raven boss fights. Then again, anyone with the game can go to those fights and see for themselves how the bosses react to gravity kicks and how they react to having things thrown at them on the ground.

As for disagreeing about the writing, aside from your claim that it's bad, you don't seem to actually have anything worthwhile to say. But still, others can verify what I said about the game's storytelling for themselves (e.g. prior to the Alias boss fight, they can see for themselves that he makes projections).

Whether they think that how story elements are told is good or bad is up to them. I really don't care if they think that how the game conveyed that Alias is
or that Dusty is a
is clever. Chances are, though, that you never even picked up on how the game did that or how the game built up its world. And that's not something to ignore when you're calling the writing bad.

It's a shame that anyone would need to tell you why it benefits you to be polite, I was not rude to you, yet you did not show me the same kindness. If as you say, that you 'attacked my arguments' why did you need to call the games detractors (myself included) unintelligible and bad at the game? While you did address the arguments I presented, you obviously did not feel your line of argument was strong enough to support your own views, and felt a childish ad hominem would help strengthen your perspective. It does not, quite the opposite in fact, calling to question your ability to coherently, critically analyse and present your information.

I'll entertain your perspective anyway; if being bad at the game is a valid counter argument then perhaps it's you that's playing the game badly. Watch any speedrun of the game, almost every boss, every enemy, is beaten merely by hitting gravity kick over and over, hitting the enemy as quickly as possible, and in most instances you manage to evade their attack patterns with your own relentless attack. Maybe then, it's you that is playing the game badly, making fights more complicated than they otherwise need to be. Generally speaking I don't believe a players ability reduces the value of their opinion on a game, if someone is bad, or better at it, their thoughts come from a different perspective but they're no less valid. With that said, I think rebutting someone's opinion with that line of argument is very odd with regard to this particular game. There are few games as easy to play as Gravity Rush, it's incredibly forgiving, and frankly, very difficult to be 'bad at'.

I do admit that there are a handful of instances where the games combat asks more of you, but the unfortunate issue is that these instances are these are few and far between. There is very little variety required of the core gameplay, and even most boss fights are beaten very easily, in the same way. Why spawn a group of visually different enemies if they can all be defeated in the same way? In many instances the game does this, and it calls its design into question. I also do not think that placing the enemies weak spot onto its rear is enough variation to make combat interesting, yet this is something the game often does.

You said before that I 'probably beat the bosses with special attacks' because I was bad, but is beating them efficiently, not better? First I am not good at the game therefore I am wrong, then I am using the wrong abilities and completing the boss fights too easily, therefore I am wrong. This line of argument is absurd.

Before I cited issues with the camera, and you somehow suggested that was seperate from the games gameplay. A camera, the item that controls your perspective is indeed, directly tied to its gameplay on a mechanical level, for the most part the camera in gravity rush is perfectly fine, but there are instances where it's a little unwieldy, and obviously, that does directly affect the gameplay during those segments.

As far as transitioning between gravity alteration and sliding, while you can drop out of gravity manipulation into a near immediate slide, it feels as though you lose most of your momentum, this reduces any sense of fluidity between the two. I know I would enjoy the game more if it felt a more fluid, playing something like Titanfall and seeing your momentum transition between wall runs, and grounded slides provides a remarkable feeling, incredible control and fluid movement, something that I feel, Gravity Rush 2 doesn't quite achieve.

As for the narrative, I actually enjoy the overarching plot, just not the writing, I could have made that clearer, but the dialogue and between characters comes across as very cliched and dull much of the time. Additionally, very little reason is given to care about any of the supporting cast members or world for most of the game, because the game isn't written in a way in which any interesting or personal information develops out of Kat's interactions. One of Kat's most frequent and closest relationships is with Syd, but you really learn very little about him, very little reason to care about his narrative arc.

That's just an example, but narrative is a much more subjective thing that other elements of a game, if you like it then I can understand that. I enjoyed many of the games major plot points, but not the typical dialogue between story missions and character development, which is a big component of the game.

I'll also repeat, that I don't dislike the game. I enjoyed it on the Vita, but felt that it didn't really hold up on the PS4 remaster. I was not disappointed with the first game as the first effort, but seeing the sequel has made little improvement in many areas where I took issue is very disappointing. I wouldn't personally recommend the series.


The first one was really hit and miss. I loved the setting and ideas behind it, but the actual game boiled down to mindless waves of enemies throughout. I'm buying GR2 day 1 because I have confidence the game will have improved combat and more variety to it all.
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