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Gravity Rush 2 - You're going to buy it, right?

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It seriously can't be stated enough how great of a protagonist Kat is. She's just such a great character and a breath of fresh air amidst all the gloomy and stoic protagonists out there. In a way playing with her kind of reminds me why I started playing video games to begin with - to have fun. And despite all the crap she goes through, Kat has fun throughout her journey just like any other person.

Yeah, it was her quirky personality that drew me in more than anything. While other aspects of GR were unique, as well, Kat's personality stood out the most.


I've preordered digital after getting the Platinum on Gravity Rush Vita.

I won't delude myself that it's going to be a mainstream hit though, it's obviously a niche title, I'm just glad we are getting a sequel.


Never completed the first on my Vita, but you beautiful OP have convinced me to give this a go.

I'm glad you liked it, I hope you enjoy the game!

I dont want to feel like a hypocrite after asking for unique games and then not supporting them when i can.
The game is pretty much gonna bomb but oh well we get what we pay for.

Kat is the best and most charming protagonist in recent memory.

Cant wait to hear the different Tanaka OSTs
Still GR2>KH2.8 then NiOh so close is difficult.

Well, all we can do is support it with our wallets, and just hope for the best lmao


I played the first game on the Vita and I enjoyed it at the time, despite its flaws. Playing it again on the PS4 however has been a different story, for a Vita game I was impressed with the open world environment, pleasant aesthetic and interesting use of the Vita's features, on PS4 however none of that is present and the games flaws are laid bare.

The combat isn't very good.
The narrative isn't very good.
The world is empty.

To some extent I'm still charmed by the game. I like Kat and therefore I want to like the game and series, but the gameplay just isn't especially remarkable. Combat is brain dead, and the movement systems aren't especially interesting after playing around with them for a short while. As I say, the city itself is barren with nothing to do beyond the main quest and some arbitrary side missions (that do not relate to a narrative).

Making matters worse, many of the mechanics feel off or janky. There are plenty of gravity manipulation missions using props that just feel awkward. I remember one where I had to get a bomb from a bin to prevent it from detonating in a certain area. I was fighting the camera the entire time, trying to drag these items out of this skip. I couldn't select what I wanted to pick up, or guarantee where it would go when I threw it, it was irritating and reflected the poor gameplay design of this particular mechanic.

Combat is little better, aim at the enemy and mash the attack button until you win. You can dodge if it pleased you, for most enemies relentless aggression is all that's required. You can upgrade your health and just tank the damage that even bosses dish out, and still win the encounter. It makes the game dull and feels as though they eschewed difficulty due to fears that it would expose the games relatively poorly considered mechanics.

At the same time. I still like the game, I like Kat, and I like the universe. I think the writing is quite poor but the world and its characters are interesting. The gameplay is poorly considered at a mechanical level, but moving around is still entertaining and despite the absence of difficulty I still manage to enjoy myself to a degree, merely by moving around the world. With that said, it's a shame it's not a better game. The series is difficult for me to recommend.

This were basically my impressions from the Gravity Rush 2 demo. I'll wait for the real 3d platformers coming later this year..


It looked great in the E3 trailer back then, so with all the hype building up in recent weeks I bought the first one and it's great! I'll surely buy 2.


I just bought the remaster after enjoying my time with the demo. I'll play that over the next two weeks and then make my decision on Gravity Rush 2
Gravity rush 2 and yakuza are my games for January. The other shit I know will be there and be safe but these 2 games are gems that I really want to support.


Tears in the rain
Got it already paid off and am waiting for the launch. The first game was so damn fun...this looks like more of the same, but bigger and better in every way. Hope it sells.
Will be there on day one. Gravity Rush 1 was such a fantastic surprise when it was a free PS+ title for Vita. The game is so charming and the music is great. Need to buy GR2 as a vote of confidence that the series should continue. Make sure to do your part!
I am genuinely shocked by the negative sentiment for GR1 in this thread. I loved it completely.

It's probably one of my favourite playstation games of the last 5 years, but I'm not really shocked. I think aesthetically it's gorgeous with a great world and characters but the gameplay does strike me as a take it or leave it thing. The quest design isn't really that compelling, so unless you can tap into that pure joy of the movement and controls I can imagine it putting people off, and its clear some people just bounce right off the gameplay, never mind love just soaring through the sky doing nothing haha. Putting a demo out there so People can find out for themselves was wise.


I'm one of those folks that really likes the hero (Kat is great), really likes the "look" of the game and enjoys the music but just tolerates the actual mission/quest structure. I'm going through the PS4 Remaster and even though the game charms me (and I actually like the combat) I also find it to be somewhat boring in some cases.

Even so, I am planning on picking up the 2nd game once I finish the first one. There's enough good going on with GR1 that I am willing to overlook the game's shortcomings.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
I believe so.

There's this crazy dude on Twitter who keeps shilling it and I think he convinced me. The demo was really good. But I'll wait for a sale. I don't do day one anymore. Not on anything.


Day one just waiting for january 15 payroll check despite continuos efforts from Trump for tarnish the value of the Mexican peso


The demo was actually bad imo, but the first game was so good I'm just *forgetting* about the technical problems of what I saw and going all in.

Draikin 2

One thing I liked about the original game are Kat's finisher moves against the game's bosses, and these are looking spectacular in the sequel now. It really adds to the whole superhero theme. These two gifs are from Raven's DLC trailer:



I understand why people don't like the original as it's a flawed game. But for me it's the mix between the anime and Franco-Belgian art styles, the innovative gameplay, imaginative world, likeable characters and intriguing storyline that all contribute to making this a really unique experience. And that's something I'll gladly support.


It's probably one of my favourite playstation games of the last 5 years, but I'm not really shocked. I think aesthetically it's gorgeous with a great world and characters but the gameplay does strike me as a take it or leave it thing. The quest design isn't really that compelling, so unless you can tap into that pure joy of the movement and controls I can imagine it putting people off, and its clear some people just bounce right off the gameplay, never mind love just soaring through the sky doing nothing haha. Putting a demo out there so People can find out for themselves was wise.

I'm one of those folks that really likes the hero (Kat is great), really likes the "look" of the game and enjoys the music but just tolerates the actual mission/quest structure. I'm going through the PS4 Remaster and even though the game charms me (and I actually like the combat) I also find it to be somewhat boring in some cases.

Even so, I am planning on picking up the 2nd game once I finish the first one. There's enough good going on with GR1 that I am willing to overlook the game's shortcomings.

Yea I can understand that, where Kat being awesome + flying being awesome makes you overlook what you have found to be "Meh" or even bad about the game. I felt similarly after beating it myself. Then I dunno, one day it just dawned on me that I had really played something special, that it's a unique experience that no other game has really come close to replicating for me.

Then you hear that there's a sequel that plans on being bigger, longer, etc., and you and your wallet are just ready lol


Btw, I'm surprised there aren't more GIFs being posted lol


eh although i love the style and theory after playing gr1 on vita and the demo of gr2 i think im good, controls feel off and i dont think id really enjoy it, maybe if great reviews impressions and for 40


I guess I'll give my opinions on Gravity Rush for people on the fence who might not have played the demo/ Gravity Rush 1. Gravity Rush for me was a game that just clicked the moment I started playing it, though experience may vary as I was on the PS4 version. Before that a lot of what I saw from Gravity Rush looked awful, it looked hard to control, confusing, the combat looked terrible, and it just didn't look fun, but that view completely changed after I started playing it, with GR2 being one of my most anticipated games now, with it originally being a game I had 0 care for.



Absolutely. I skipped the GR2 demo, and looking forward to experiencing the joy of falling with Kat.

Gravity Rush Remastered really kicked off 2016 as a great gaming year. Let's do it again.


I really want to but I cancelled my Amazon pre-order this week because my wife is getting laid off. Trying to figure out another way. Maybe I'll have enough speedway points to get another PSN card, lol.


Loved the first one but always said that the sequel would need to totally overhaul the combat for me to be interested. The demo proved that they didn't even attempt that so while it's a shame, no thanks.

The lunar and Jupiter stuff doesn't solve any of the core gamrlefeel issues with the combat. It's still really bad. They probably lost a sale with that demo, tbh.
The fact that this, Re7, and Yakuza come out around the same time really hurts! I've already pre ordered Yakuza, I'm just not sure my wallet will let me get one of the other ones at this moment. :(
I've liked to first game, though not much the combat. Yeah, I used mostly gravity kicks to kill the enemies, and sometimes slide kick too. IMO, the combat and enemies types needed some more variation (not the appearance, but the way you deal with them). Hopefully GR2 new modes will fix it.

I loved the characters, the settings and the soundtrack. Also, I hope not everything about the story gets addressed. The more open-to-interpretation lore worked well with the crazy context of the game.
I want to, but I don't know if I can. I can AT MOST afford one game a month, if that, so if I get a game this month it has to be Gravity Rush 2, Kingdom Hearts II.8, Tales of Berseria, or Resident Evil VII. And I'd put some off to the subsequent months, but in the following months there's Nioh, Halo Wars 2, Nier: Automata, Mass Effect: Andromeda, and mother fucking Persona 5. I loved Gravity Rush 1 on Vita, but there's so many games to consider at the beginning of the year. The first 4 months of this year is going to kill me :(

Draikin 2

Two videos that may be of interest:

A video showing all five scenes from the start screen for the Gravity Rush 2 demo. It randomly shows one of five scenes from the game in the background, this video shows all five scenes. I imagine they'll do something similar for the full game.

Even for those who really liked the original game, I imagine few have seen this video showing how the game went from prototype to the original PlayStation Vita game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbzeBV0-HPQ. Especially at 3:45, we can see a bunch of character art from 2010, and at least two of those characters didn't appear in the original game, but will indeed be in Gravity Rush 2 based on the trailers we've seen.


Well, yes, but not on day one. Sorry but I can't justify pay $60 for a game that will be (probably) half the price in two months or three.

Only games I would bite day one from now on are Nintendo games and games that are $30 or less.


Loved the first one but always said that the sequel would need to totally overhaul the combat for me to be interested. The demo proved that they didn't even attempt that so while it's a shame, no thanks.

The lunar and Jupiter stuff doesn't solve any of the core gamrlefeel issues with the combat. It's still really bad. They probably lost a sale with that demo, tbh.

That's a fair criticism. Though my interest in the game is still very high, truthfully I'm hoping that the new modes will at least feature special attacks or so like Kat has for her regular gravity form, instead of it just mainly being Wormhole Kick and Surge Kick. Also if this bout to conclude Kat's story, they better let us play around with that Panther form as well lol


Which are?
Yooka Laylee and A Hat in Time off the top of my head. Maybe a new Mario on the Switch too..

gravity rush is a 3d platformer?
Sadly no, but it looked like it could scratch that itch.

This is essentially a super man game done well, not a paltformer lol.
You're right (except for the 'well' part that is). Thing is super man games aren't too fun, that's why there aren't all that many of them. Flying is too easy ;)
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