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Gravity Rush 2 - You're going to buy it, right?

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I liked the first one, I didn't love it but had a great time, so I'll definitely pick this up eventually in a few months. If there weren't so many games coming in this Q1 2017 I'd probably pick it up day 1, I don't have that much time for gaming unfortunately


is responsible for the well-being of this island.
Absolutely day 1ing! Lovely thread! The first is my favorite Vita title and I just can't wait to lose myself in what seems like the most beautiful looking open world. This plus Nier and Horizon are my Q1 games. ❤️
Yooka Laylee and A Hat in Time off the top of my head. Maybe a new Mario on the Switch too..

Sadly no, but it looked like it could scratch that itch.

You're right (except for the 'well' part that is). Thing is super man games aren't too fun, that's why there aren't all that many of them. Flying is too easy ;)

Well, you're falling, not flying.

And the more platforming moves comes with Kat's lunar style. Hold the cross button then let go and you'll jump upwards. Hold the cross button before you hit a surface, let go once you hit it and Kat will jump off that surface. Also, there's the superman leap she does.

But they're not used for actual platforming levels as far as I know although there was a platforming/puzzle level in the first game.


I still got the HD Remaster unopened on my shelf. But I have to go through some other games first, like Uncharted 4 and Until Dawn. So I'll probably be getting Gravity Rush 2 much later.


Well, you're falling, not flying.

And the more platforming moves comes with Kat's lunar style. Hold the cross button then let go and you'll jump upwards. Hold the cross button before you hit a surface, let go once you hit it and Kat will jump off that surface. Also, there's the superman leap she does.

But they're not used for actual platforming levels as far as I know although there was a platforming/puzzle level in the first game.

I wouldn't be surprised if the sequel messed around a bit with platforming.


It's one of the 6-7 Japanese PS4 games coming out in the first 3 months that I'm interested in but won't be buying at launch. I played through Gravity Rush on Vita and it was great. However, this game comes out the same week as Dragon Quest VIII 3DS, so that takes priority over anything else.


If it turns out to be better than the first by a decent margin then yeah, I'll get it. I did like the first but after playing the remaster and the demo for 2 it still feels a tad bit "off" and potentially frustrating. Definitely not getting it just because it likely won't sell well, I know you mean well OP but a game's gotta entice me before I buy it.
Something about the gameplay feels a bit more loosey goosey than I'm usually willing to put up with but gosh darn that Kat is adorable.

Will buy
when it hits $30
I'm getting it for sure. Nice wintery game and it'll be a great way to kick the year off. The first one is my favourite Vita game.

I'm really interested in Yakuza 0, but I'd like to finish 5 first, and by the time that happens Kiwami might be here already. I'd get KH 2.8 but I already have the 3DS version so I can afford not to get it at full price.


That's a great sell OP, but I tried the first one for free on my Vita and didn't really like it. So I don't think I'm on board for this though I will check out the demo at some point.


I loved the first one on Vita, must've beat it in a few days. Will try and pick this up soon after its out but I've been spending a lot on games recently.


Junior Member
I love games like this, I compare them to Okami, because it has an art style thats very unique from 80% of the other videogames.


I'm buying it day one. Hell, I'll probably even pay ten bucks extra to get it from the retailer that has the pre-order bonus outfit and soundtrack deal.

Depending on what technical advantages the Pro offers, it might be the game I buy a Pro for too.
In the process of reviewing the game right now. Canceled my pre order when I realized review copy was coming through.

Played about six hours so far. Went back and placed my pre order again. This game deserves my money. That's all I'll say until embargo time is up. Just... Listen to the OP.

OH SHi---'


GR Remastered was awesome for 8€, gonna wait for a sale on this one too. Got too much on my plate, but I will surely play this through!


I liked the first game but knowing it will drop quickly in price and given my backlog I'm happy to wait until it's £25 or so.
Wonder if there's more mission variety and stuff to do outside of the main story. The first game felt a bit barebones. Combat also felt a bit one-note with the flying kick being the dominant and easiest strategy.


I'm hoping that the Japanese release has full English text. If it does I'll go out and buy it after payday this month. If not I'll need to import a copy from the US/Europe.




Can't get enough of that sweet UI.

『Inaba Resident』;227850277 said:
Ok? What does Nier have to do with this

Stuff like this swamped the first few pages of the Gravity Rush 2 demo thread. Lots of people played them side by side and found Gravity Rush lacking due to lower framerate and less combat precision.

I personally found Nier lacking due to dull environments and a void of personality and character. Takes all sorts.
strong maybe - wasn't a massive fan of the first game and the remaster just compounded that. it comes out too close to Yakuza 0, which is a game in a franchise i've never tried before. definite wait and see for it.


I never played the first one and I was planning to, but I may have to just skip to this. I do want to support the effort. Looks magical.


What's that Bejeweled-looking thing in the bottom right supposed to be?

I think it's some kind of resource gathering deal? Could be wrong. It isn't a minigame or anything like that AFAIK.

Minor spoilers:
I believe there's some stuff to do with mining early on in the story, and it looks like those items might be what is being mined.


『Inaba Resident』;227850277 said:
Ok? What does Nier have to do with this

Apparently Nier and Gravity Rush are similar enough to be compared. I dunno.

I never played the first one and I was planning to, but I may have to just skip to this. I do want to support the effort. Looks magical.

Well if you do end up skipping to this, consider skimming through the full walkthrough at least so you'll know the gist of what's going on.


I really hope it does at least decent, it's games like this that I want being made.

It's so refreshing to see something that isn't a shooter.


Demo sucked. Gameplay is still PS2-era stale and bland.

Title defines style over substance. Art is great, but other games have done everything else better for years.
Do I need to play the GC1: Remastered to enjoy/understand what's going on in GC2? The gameplay looks great from the trailers I've seen.


Demo sucked. Gameplay is still PS2-era stale and bland.

Title defines style over substance. Art is great, but other games have done everything else better for years.

I must've missed all those open-world gravity shifting games on the PS2. I didn't know there'd been so many that the formula had gotten stale!

Do I need to play the GC1: Remastered to enjoy/understand what's going on in GC2? The gameplay looks great from the trailers I've seen.

It probably won't be mandatory, but it'd be worth getting caught up via a video summary or similar before you play.


That is why you have BB or Amazon to get it for ~$48 (sans tax).

Haha true, copping the game for $40, so any eventual sales won't have me too annoyed. Not that it matters, since I'm generally not a fan of waiting weeks/months just to save some cash, unless I'm not that into the game in the first place.

It's so refreshing to see something that isn't a shooter.

Agreed. The only thing that has really interested me on that front in Titanfall 2, on account of all the good word-of-mouth I've been hearing about it.

Do I need to play the GC1: Remastered to enjoy/understand what's going on in GC2? The gameplay looks great from the trailers I've seen.

Uh... yea kinda. I mean, you'd definitely still be able to enjoy the game, but considering that it's supposed to wrap everything up, you should at least watch/skim through the walkthrough I put in the OT or something, otherwise there's definitely story elements to it that will likely confuse you.

Demo sucked. Gameplay is still PS2-era stale and bland.

Title defines style over substance. Art is great, but other games have done everything else better for years.

But, the flying... :(
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