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Gravity Rush |OT| C’est la Vita


Well... That's the Platinum done and all the trophies for the first DLC pack... Just gotta wait on the other 2 DLC to come out now :)

Shame you can't fully level up till the DLC gets released >_>

You can't fully level up Kat in the main game?

Just got to chapter 13, shit is unreal!


So anyone wants to take a shot at discussing the story? A lot of it has to be inferred from random conversations so maybe we can piece it together

1.- Who is Kat?
Apparently, just like there is a city below, there are many cities above. Kat seems to come from that city.

2.- Who is Raven?
It looks like Raven comes from the same city that Kat, therefore the same powers. It also looks that she is the same little girl that lived with the lost kids for a while and then dissapeared.

3.- Who was Alias? Or at least who was he in Kat's dream?
Just a wild guess, but I'd say it was Syd. I can't imagine any other relevant character from this game being him.

4.- Why did alias want the gems?
5.- Who are Cyanea and Gade and what is the extend of their powers?
6.- What is the ark?
7.- Why the children never grew old? (Also the city seems to pack way to many residents for just a bus)
8.- What are "The drifts"?
9.- What were the mayor true intentions? Why he wanted pieces of the city to remain in the drifts? What was that sphere he got at the end?
10.- If this whole world is just a dream, are the storm and nevis some kind of metaphor for something else?

Feel free to respond/add more questions.

1. Kat's a queen of the city on the top of the tower.
2. Raven is Sachya. Zazi's adopted sister. She lived in Hekseville, not on top of the tower.
3. He's Dusty, I think. It makes sense to me. Dusty is a Nevi, Alias can control Nevis... Alias is able to split himself up (seen in boss fight) and Dusty split up into 20 cats.
4. Never explained.
5. Creators. They can create. That's all I know.
6. Never explained.
7. Time runs differently.
8. They're rifts and planes that somehow connect to the gravity storm.
9. Not explained.
10. Nevis might be protectors of the dream but that's just one theory I saw. Would make some sense, though, given Gade's house was protected by Nevis and that Dusty as well as the Crow are Nevis too.
Quick story related question:

Did I miss a scene? In one panel Kat finds out who is underneath Alias' mask but never shows it.

Edit: I see its asked above too
Finally tried the first part of the side mission for the Military DLC

Looking spiffy there Kat
or should I say Sea Cat ;)

And here's the Obama poster/flyer I was talking about (managed to try out the Content Manager)

I think I finally got the hang of the gravity slide - you effectively treat the Vita as if it were a steering wheel, and you pretty much turn on a dime even if you don't let up on one of your fingers to drift.

Also went and took out the last two rare nevi I needed - had to pump up evade as high as I could take it for that last one, but that fight was pretty satisfying.
I think I finally got the hang of the gravity slide - you effectively treat the Vita as if it were a steering wheel, and you pretty much turn on a dime even if you don't let up on one of your fingers to drift.

Also went and took out the last two rare nevi I needed - had to pump up evade as high as I could take it for that last one, but that fight was pretty satisfying.

Indeed, enjoy getting the platinum like I did.

I think Alias is
Zazi from the future.

You first heard it here.

Well, it's clearly a male character Kat already knows, so that only leaves a few possibilities

- Zaza
- Syd
- Gade
- Mayor Bolsey (? the mayor that died)
- That scientist Kat helps on chapter 18 or 19
- Echo's boyfriend or the other members of the police station

My vote goes to Syd, since in one of the first chapters Kat states that he is a very relevant character on her future.
Loving this game so far. Especially the menus. Man, it's so nice to be able to click on two objectives that are close to each other and then have them split so you can pick which one you want. I hate in Assassin's Creed when I'm trying to see an objective that's right under something else.
just beat the game. man that was an awesome game. I need my sequel Sony. you better have one in development already!

the game give me the whole 'girl power' theme. especially by the end of the game. Yunica better be playable in the sequel. or better yet, make a spin off series starring Yunica and have it plays like a megaman legend game. lol.


Subete no aware
Does anyone have any tips for the sliding (particularly slide races)? I'm not getting a hang of the gyro controls at all and I end up basically doing 360s and flying off the world map. I just wish there was a way to slide with the analog stick and triggers instead. :(


Does anyone have any tips for the sliding (particularly slide races)? I'm not getting a hang of the gyro controls at all and I end up basically doing 360s and flying off the world map. I just wish there was a way to slide with the analog stick and triggers instead. :(

I think this guys explains it really well:

I think I finally got the hang of the gravity slide - you effectively treat the Vita as if it were a steering wheel, and you pretty much turn on a dime even if you don't let up on one of your fingers to drift.

Also went and took out the last two rare nevi I needed - had to pump up evade as high as I could take it for that last one, but that fight was pretty satisfying.
I've just completed it, what a truly great game it is!
My overall playtime was probably between 15-20 hours, I can't check because the clock is bugged but it was most certainly longer than 12 hours which is probably the average, I spent a good bit of time just flying around and collecting gems.

I had pretty high expectations (love Toyama's stuff) but Gravity Rush, for me, is his most accomplished game so far, if more GR means less Siren, then I'm ok with that!

For anyone still on the fence, I'll list a few of the pros and cons I came across:

+ Lovely story, there are a lot of loose ends, where the games just gives you enough to speculate but also keeps you guessing, the ending heavily implies a sequel is planned. These are my favourite kind of stories, where a lot of it is left to your own imagination rather than having an exposition dump
+ Charming, likeable characters. I don't think there's a single character I disliked! This is a big deal for me
+ Amazing visuals - technically it's the best looking handheld title I've ever played
+ Carrying on from the last point, the art style is awesome, entirely consistent - down to the maps, the menus, the comic book style cutscenes, the quirky voice acting - it's all ace
+ Dat music
+ When it hits it stride, the gameplay is really very fun, launching yourself around and homing in on enemies while being suspended upside down above a skyscraper, sogood
+ Sweet boss battles
+ The gyro is used very well for subtle maneuvers
- The gryo isn't as effective for more demanding maneuvers and for navigating tight corners and whatnot - the dash move is really quite unyielding and there seems to be a steep learning curve to master it (compared to the other uses with the gyro)
- While the world is designed wonderfully, there's not much to do outside of challenges and listening to rumours. Some more gimmicks to add distraction and variety would be welcome (For instance, they could have fleshed out Kat's home and let us collect lots of little objects to put in there, or there could be some sort of Fortune Telling mini game)
- Specifically, more variety with the sidequests themselves would have been nice
- More enemy variety would be great
- The game brings in a lot of story elements and characters towards the end, and so they're not expanded upon enough - we will have to wait at least a year or so for a sequel :(

Most of my complaints are basically that I wanted more variety, which is something that a sequel would definitely remedy
I'm pretty confident there will be one
It's my 'Folklore' of the Vita (a total gem!)
Give me DLC pls


Just about to start Chapter 20.

so this is the point of no return? I need to defeat the rare nevi and find all of the travelers before I start this mission? Anything else I need to do before I do this mission?
I'm on Chapter 18 and literally JUST got the 20k gem trophy. Fuck me I'm gonna have to grind for the 40k one aren't I?

I'm not sure, but I think finishing challenge mission give you gems and I think that counts. I don't really hunting gems often but I got 40k before last story mission when I'm finishing challenge mission.


Just about to start Chapter 20.

so this is the point of no return? I need to defeat the rare nevi and find all of the travelers before I start this mission? Anything else I need to do before I do this mission?

You can actually get those after you finish the game too.


Can you do everything at the end of the game? Does it throw you right back into the game world post-credits and you can pick up where you left off?


I love the architecture of the city. It shows a lot of variety in the buildings, plenty of vertical planes, heterogeneous and detailed structures, assymettrical streets, stairs and plenty of variety of elements.
Yet, it feels extremely cohesive, and that coloring and cellshading is wonderful.


How do you guys check playtime? When I check my save files, it only shows me playtime of a single chapter (for example I have 35 minutes on chapter 11, and 32 minutes on chapter 12).


I'm having some trouble performing the Spiraling Claw special move. It seems to me that I'm not really in control of Kat when I trigger it. How do you guys use it properly?
How do you guys check playtime? When I check my save files, it only shows me playtime of a single chapter (for example I have 35 minutes on chapter 11, and 32 minutes on chapter 12).

there's a button to show more detail info of your save file. I think it's 'i' for info or something.


How much easier is it to Gold medal the challenges once you beat the game? I feel like some challenges I'll never get a Gold on. Mostly the gravity sliding ones since motion controls to steer suck.
How much easier is it to Gold medal the challenges once you beat the game? I feel like some challenges I'll never get a Gold on. Mostly the gravity sliding ones since motion controls to steer suck.

get off your couch and play it standing. you'll look ridiculous, but it really help to let you control it better. the hardest challenge isn't even sliding challenge imo, it's the airboat race challenge in the last town. I got lucky and passed that with 20 milisecond to spare for the gold rank.

most challenge you don't actually have to be perfect. you can afford a couple mistake here and there and still make the gold rank


How much easier is it to Gold medal the challenges once you beat the game? I feel like some challenges I'll never get a Gold on. Mostly the gravity sliding ones since motion controls to steer suck.

The steering isn't the problem for me. It's the camera control that's a bit finicky. In the heat of the race it's impossible for me to not move the Vita in the vertical plane and that changes the camera view that can then alter the view of the course. I already tried different camera sensitivity settings but didn't yet reach a sweet spot for me. Maybe an automatic camera when gravity sliding could be a good compromise in that situation.


The Gravity slide really needs that something to click inside your head for it to start working somewhat well.

My suggestions would be to not make exaggerated movements and LEARN to drift-or-whatever-it-is-called (when you lift one finger off the touch screen). The trick to it is to kind of taking your time with it (especially at first when you're still getting the hang of things). It's much better to take it relatively slowly and then go off to the right direction that to rush it and then fight with trying to maintain control while you're going all over the place, bouncing from one wall to the other. Just lift one finger -> turn to the direction you want to go carefully (meaning, take a second or two, don't try to do it in 0,0001 seconds), do not twist Vita too much (the camera is usually pretty good at staying right behind Kat) -> return Vita to its "default" position -> put finger back on touch screen.


God this game is terribly easy. But still awesome none the less.
Only just finished chapter 13 but I have got gold on all the challenges trophy. (Only one i didn't get gold on first time was the sweeper level but beat that by 1000 points on my second go) Had 40000 gems halfway through chapter 12. Not even exploring. just picking them up as i see them on my route. found all the spirits. All i have to do is the gravity anomoly trophy and finish the game.

Will need me some dlc sooner rather then later.
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