Although it seems like you have put some thought into the combat in all honesty they couldn't possibly expect the majority of players to do this. If anything it shows how broken the system actually is.
I think the main problem is that they made the weak spots so blatantly obvious that people just feel the urge to attack.
.There's the swordfish ones and the giant dragon-like ones
I think in practice I understand. It's all about baiting, flying around them somehow, and positioning the camera, and then hope your gravity kick hits. It's just that there are times when the controls just don't feel conducive to that strategy.
For the swordfish one, it's really easy. You want to get their attention, lure them to where you're near a surface (wall if in the air; floor if not), let them attack you, then dodge. They'll get stuck and their cores will be open to plenty of attacks.
The giant dragon one is another that I'm not so sure about. I think what you should be doing is using short range attacks after their attacks. The soft lock seems to work better for short range attacks.