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Gravity Rush |OT| C’est la Vita


Subete no aware
So random questions about the game's plot and world:

Who or what are the creators and what are their motives? Is Gade
evil, because of the incident where he feeds Dusty that anti-Nevi poison?

How did
Raven age so quickly? Does this imply time can be manipulated by someone?

high does the tower go up? Kat is presumably from even higher on the pillar... does this assume a literal stratified society where people higher up are more advanced? Was there a point where all the tiers of the pillar were connected?

Who is Kat in the first place?
Other than being the fallen Queen, what role does she play in this world? What trauma was she trying to forget?

And of course, who is Alias? How is he connected to the Nevi?

The world is interesting enough that I'd definitely want a sequel anyhow.


How did
Raven age so quickly? Does this imply time can be manipulated by someone?

time passes more slowly near the bottom of the pillar. Raven somehow came back to the city as a child to find that her parents and ect were gone. So from what I can gather, she lived and grew up in this future city while her friends barely aged below her.


Subete no aware
time passes more slowly near the bottom of the pillar. Raven somehow came back to the city as a child to find that her parents and ect were gone. So from what I can gather, she lived and grew up in this future city while her friends barely aged below her.
Oh really? Wait, so
technically Kat is older than everyone else then?
I suppose another question would be
how did Raven find her way back up in the first place?


Oh really? Wait, so
technically Kat is older than everyone else then?
I suppose another question would be
how did Raven find her way back up in the first place?

Well, actually it appears that gravity
is the reason for the time fluctuations and ect. So people living above that giant mass of gravity/blackness aren't affected by the slowing of time. I think that Kat is most likely the age she appears to be, but I could be wrong.
And I have no idea how Raven found her way back up. Maybe something to do with how the Ark works.


Subete no aware
Well, actually it appears that gravity
is the reason for the time fluctuations and ect. So people living above that giant mass of gravity aren't affected by the slowing of time. I think that Kat is most likely the age she appears to be, but I could be wrong.
so the bottom of the world/pillar is some kind of singularity then?
So random questions about the game's plot and world:

Who or what are the creators and what are their motives? Is Gade
evil, because of the incident where he feeds Dusty that anti-Nevi poison?

How did
Raven age so quickly? Does this imply time can be manipulated by someone?

high does the tower go up? Kat is presumably from even higher on the pillar... does this assume a literal stratified society where people higher up are more advanced? Was there a point where all the tiers of the pillar were connected?

Who is Kat in the first place?
Other than being the fallen Queen, what role does she play in this world? What trauma was she trying to forget?

And of course, who is Alias? How is he connected to the Nevi?

The world is interesting enough that I'd definitely want a sequel anyhow.

1) The Creators
aren't explained, their motives are to preserve the world and 'the dream', they appear to be awakened within normal people at times of need, Gade is awakened within a homeless man, Cyanea within a school girl. Maybe the presence of Nevi awaken them

2) Raven
ages faster, because at the bottom of the tower, time ceases to exist, the darkness that is rising up the tower erases all time - so the abandoned children are in a place where one day spans around 2 years or so further up the tower in Hekseville, when Raven travelled up the tower she aged, and then remained up there where time moves at a faster rate. It's not explained how Raven travelled up to Hekseville from after the bus crashed down there - presumably that would be explained in a similar way as to how she found the Raven in the first place. In a similar manner, further up the tower from Hekseville time moves even faster

3) It does imply that
Kat is from a kingdom at the top of the tower (or further up) and time moves at a faster rate as it's further from the darkness, so we could also assume that it is more advanced technologically. I'd also say it's where the Nevi/Guardians were originally created, probably in some scientific experiment of sorts, possibly related to what the lost couple talk about, controlling gravity and time and whatnot. It's also hinted there are other towers

4) Kat is
The Queen of the Kingdom higher in the tower, she was betrayed by those around her due to her innocence and then was forced to accept the consequences of their actions, filled with guilt she cast her memories into the 'river of forgetfulness' and then falls from her Kingdom, with erased memories. We're not told what the trauma is, but we can assume that would be explained in a further game. It's probably related to the Nevi's being born, like I mentioned in the previous post. It's also not clear what purpose she has in the events of the game, other than helping the Creators stop the world from being destroyed.
Strangely, it's suggested near the end of the game that Kat's presence lower down the tower would 'bring about the downfall of the world' - sequel material?

5) Alias is
never revealed. However we are shown enough to assume it's someone Kat knows, from the present or the past - as she recognises his face. He also has vast knowledge of how to control the Nevi - and he is intent on destroying Hekseville. I personally think he's connected to Kat as the Queen, as he actually refers to her as a 'poor Queen' very early on, before anyone else does. I think he's linked to why Kat erased her memories in the first place, someone from her past

Hope that helps


Subete no aware
1) The Creators
aren't explained, their motives are to preserve the world and 'the dream', they appear to be awakened within normal people at times of need, Gade is awakened within a homeless man, Cyanea within a school girl. Maybe the presence of Nevi awaken them
I just remember that Gade seemed
disappointed when Kat was called a hero
, so I assumed some sinister intent. Making it impossible for Kat to
fully use her gravity powers
seemed like an intentional move anyway.

As for the rest... yeah, this game is begging for a sequel of some sort.
(Hopefully with less/better combat :p)

I'm impressed that they managed to create a world that I have genuine questions about anyway. I mean, the Gears franchise has its own involved fiction (with tie-in novels and everything!) and I couldn't care less about what's going on in that universe. Gravity Rush's world/art design is just that memorable I suppose.
As for the rest... yeah, this game is begging for a sequel of some sort.
(Hopefully with less/better combat :p)

lol Definitely
I like games that allow you take as much or as little as you want from the story.
To some people Kat is just a hero saving the day, and they can enjoy the game and not think about it again, but for others, there's a lot of little bits of story and little seeds planted that let you speculate further - stuff that will definitely be expanded on in a sequel
The problem on the combat is that it relies too much in the air combat, that force you to use a single attack (the gravity kick) over and over (also the "autoaim" special power when it's charged). This, combined with the lack of 180 degree quick turn, makes the aereal combat very annoying, because you have your enemies out of camera most of the time.

Even most of the ground enemies are very difficult to defeat in ground, and the only solution is to float and gravity kick them.

They should have implemented the digital cursor as quick-turn of 90º in 4 directions (up, left, right, down when flying, or left, right and back 180º if pressed down, when on surface). With this, you could have fast views to the enemies flying around you, and keep the enemies on screen to readjust your attacks as soon as you missed a kick. Being able to stuck on the big enemies like they were floor should also help.


Beat the game and really loved it.

The camera was pretty troublesome, mostly during challenges but I got used to it for the most part. I really loved the rest of it, the art style, the story, and the gameplay....all very fun.

The only thing I didn't like about the ending is that they left quite a few plot threads open. It seemed like it was by design though so I'm hoping that there's a sequel in the works.

Also...my first vita platinum, baybeh!


I really wish sliding challenge checkpoints werent so small. I hate it when Im of ever so slightly and miss them. Its a pain in the ass to turn around and get going again.
Getting gold on all these is going to be torture.

I love the other challenges...especially the "kill enemies within the time limit" ones.

Two things that helped me when I realized it is to not be afraid to stop sliding to get your bearings back, and when you decide to start sliding again, make sure that you have the Vita in a straight position.

If you still have the Vita tilted when you start sliding again, that becomes the default "neutral zone" and will mess you up when you go to tilt the Vita back to a straight position.

I started doing a lot better with the sliding when I figured that out.


Subete no aware
The problem on the combat is that it relies too much in the air combat, that force you to use a single attack (the gravity kick) over and over (also the "autoaim" special power when it's charged). This, combined with the lack of 180 degree quick turn, makes the aereal combat very annoying, because you have your enemies out of camera most of the time.

Even most of the ground enemies are very difficult to defeat in ground, and the only solution is to float and gravity kick them.

They should have implemented the digital cursor as quick-turn of 90º in 4 directions (up, left, right, down when flying, or left, right and back 180º if pressed down, when on surface). With this, you could have fast views to the enemies flying around you, and keep the enemies on screen to readjust your attacks as soon as you missed a kick. Being able to stuck on the big enemies like they were floor should also help.

I think the air combat would have been better if they just had a lock on of some kind, so that if you miss, the enemy is still in view. Alternatively, it would make combo'ing attacks much easier.

It's just so easy to lose your bearings in the game.
Finally got a chance to start this game this weekend; I'm through Episode 8 so far.

Some of the criticisms are valid (combat, camera), but on the whole this is a really special game. And a great example of the unique mobile gameplay experiences that the Vita can potentially provide. Please don't let this system die, world!!!
Got the Platinum yesterday :)

Such a fantastic game, the gameplay, music, settings, story, all handled very well i thought and really has me wanting a sequel!

One of the best games of the year for sure and hopefully something Sony jumps on further.

Now time to try and do as much of Unit 13 before MGS HD comes out this week :)


Started playing the game yesterday, and I am absolutely loving it.
I haven't fell in love with a game world, charcaters, and story this quickly frorm what I recall. I think im going to grab the platinum for this.
Such an amazing game, and an amazing realized heroine and world. I kept thinking of the anime Metropolis. I want a sequel. This was why I bought a Vita.


Finally had some time to sink in with this game just now. Really enjoying it, especially the primary mechanic and the fact that it's open-world. Movement is so important in almost any game, and a game like this especially, and this might be the most fun in any open-world game to just move around and explore. Something like this and Infamous (the second especially) really change the process of picking up collectibles from a mundane and infuriating task to something I actually enjoy doing.

Also like the world, though the drab architecture color is starting to wear on me, the choice and use of color otherwise, the characters, the music, though the main world theme is also starting to wear thin. But I'm looking forward to more. I can tell there are more islands I need to get to, so hopefully things change up a bit, not that I'll stop liking the game. Game has a lot of charm, even in the comic scenes.

But, why does Kat have to be a mass-murderer!?!?!?!
Just like Nathan Drake!!!
Almost every time I shift gravity I take some people off the world by accident. I'm only half-kidding, too - I wish people and animals weren't affected by my shifts. I try to avoid doing it.

And man, those challenges? Wow, I don't think I'll end up platinuming this game with those times. Sheesh.


I am Korean.
But, why does Kat have to be a mass-murderer!?!?!?!
Just like Nathan Drake!!!
Almost every time I shift gravity I take some people off the world by accident. I'm only half-kidding, too - I wish people and animals weren't affected by my shifts. I try to avoid doing it.
They pop back so it's not as terrible as it seems.

I spent some early game time slinging people into the gravity storm for kicks..


Subete no aware
Yeah, if you level up the gravity kick and maybe the first special power, you should be able to get by fairly easily (if not frustrated by some of the combat sequences).
Man I just fucking hate dying like a few mm of health left of a boss. And they punish you with a long ass loading time :/

That boss fight against that 3 headed dragon blob thing was annoying as fuck because the dragon always moves it's head a bit when I Rider Kick it :/

What's a good strategy against those floating 'spike balls'? Like how do you trigger their attack without actually getting hit?

And I don't think anyone answered this question, but do you eventually unlock an ability to do your gravity stuff without going 'osmosis jones' mode?

All the promo art and the cute headers in the OT show Kat doing gravity stuff looking normal.


Man I just fucking hate dying like a few mm of health left of a boss. And they punish you with a long ass loading time :/

That boss fight against that 3 headed dragon blob thing was annoying as fuck because the dragon always moves it's head a bit when I Rider Kick it :/

What's a good strategy against those floating 'spike balls'? Like how do you trigger their attack without actually getting hit?

And I don't think anyone answered this question, but do you eventually unlock an ability to do your gravity stuff without going 'osmosis jones' mode?

All the promo art and the cute headers in the OT show Kat doing gravity stuff looking normal.

You get close and wait.


What's a good strategy against those floating 'spike balls'? Like how do you trigger their attack without actually getting hit?
Get relatively close to them. You don't even have to get insanely close to them (as in, you don't have to get so close that you are barely out of reach of the spikes). Just use the basic gravity-flying-move and then press R before you're too close. It should trigger their attack.

Or alternatively you could just gravity kick your way past them, if there's room behind one.


Has anybody else experienced a "brushed steel texture" like effect (vertical lines) in Gravity Rush? I am pretty sure it is a flaw with the Vita's OLED screen and is best visible on the large blackish enemies in the game.

I don't mean the dark spots/blotches which nearly all PS Vitas seem to have when there is a black screen displayed.


Has anybody else experienced a "brushed steel texture" like effect (vertical lines) in Gravity Rush? I am pretty sure it is a flaw with the Vita's OLED screen and is best visible on the large blackish enemies in the game.

I don't mean the dark spots/blotches which nearly all PS Vitas seem to have when there is a black screen displayed.

Never seen them.


I've put another hour or so in, went gem hunting so got a whole bunch.

Just finished the bit with the flowers and am at the start of the boss fight. Battery died!

I got screen caps of the old man
looking like he is flashing
. Sadly I missed the panel a few seconds later with her reaction shot which was perfect.
Such an amazing game, and an amazing realized heroine and world. I kept thinking of the anime Metropolis. I want a sequel. This was why I bought a Vita.

I too have made that comparison while playing. Metropolis is probably my favourite anime, so that's another reason to love the game.


Just finished. The game managed to pull me back in story and pacing wise but in the end I'm kind of meh. Way too open ended of an ending for my tastes. There is basically no self-contained story in this game, which is annoying. Also, the Vita-centric stuff they threw in like gyro controls and sliding were mostly garbage. I used gravity kick and spinning special exclusively. I don't think I ever threw an item at an enemy except when I had to. The fact that the game let me do that without too much headache is awesome. Too many games try to force you to use their entire toolset.

Kill sliding dead.

Kill the "limited power" nonsense. I really liked the level where you had no powers, but the level where your powers are just gimped is fucking infuriating.

Overall, glad I played it and it's probably not worth it to trade it in so I'll hang onto it and grab the DLC. I doubt I'll try to go back and do any of the challenges. (The other awesome thing, I never felt forced to do the side stuff).


Has anybody else experienced a "brushed steel texture" like effect (vertical lines) in Gravity Rush? I am pretty sure it is a flaw with the Vita's OLED screen and is best visible on the large blackish enemies in the game.

I don't mean the dark spots/blotches which nearly all PS Vitas seem to have when there is a black screen displayed.

Are those visible in the demo? For example in the large blackish boss there?
Got mine today! Enjoying so far but having a bit of trouble adjusting to the cameras. I kind of want different settings (normal/invert) depending on if i'm walking around or aiming her while floating. I'm trying to adjust my habits for camera control whilst walking, because i've left it so i aiming while floating is the easier of the two for me.


i have only played this game for about an hour, but i'm loving it. i love walking around the city! the city design reminds of something out of a studio ghibli film (i'm an anime noob, so this is what i think of). it's refreshing to play this since most other open-world games i've played are just modern cities that lack character and otherworldly design.

using the gravity to traverse is also really cool. the controls are a bit funky at first, but i got used to them fast. this game makes me really hope the vita can be successful enough to have a lot of great 3rd person games (3d platformers, adventures, rpgs). controlling the camera with the analog stick feels just as good as ps3 to me

even if the game doesn't seem as great when i'm done with it, it really shows the huge potential for this system.


Has anybody else experienced a "brushed steel texture" like effect (vertical lines) in Gravity Rush? I am pretty sure it is a flaw with the Vita's OLED screen and is best visible on the large blackish enemies in the game.

I don't mean the dark spots/blotches which nearly all PS Vitas seem to have when there is a black screen displayed.

Is it a viewing angle thing?

I thought I saw something similar to what you're describing when I was picking my Vita up once (with the game running), but when I looked at the screen dead-on, I couldn't see it any more.


I had no idea you could
touch Kat's ass to make her react,
but that's apparently what people are saying on GameFAQs and other forums are saying. o_O
I had no idea you could
touch Kat's ass to make her react,
but that's apparently what people are saying on GameFAQs and other forums are saying. o_O

Not sure why that's in a spoiler tag, but yes, you can touch her (any part, not one specific area) while idle and she'll react.
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