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Gravity Rush |OT| C’est la Vita


I'm currently doing the 10th mission and I'm not sure if this mission is supposed to be super annoying and shitty of if I'm doing something wrong. So in the 10th mission
it seems like I've lost much of my powers (the cat is sick); I can only fly for a very short amount of time. After my flight, I let myself fall to regain power to then start flying again.
. GAF, help me out. Am I tackling this completely wrong?


There's really only one way to tackle that chapter. It pits you at a disadvantage but if you leveled up your attacks, it shouldn't be that annoying.


Sketchbook Picasso
Am I tackling this completely wrong?

Dusty is sick, so you can't use powers as often.
This didn't bother me too much. Recovery seems to happen faster than normal, so if anything, it just adds a "hiccup" to the flying and some of your abilities. But the stage is set up for running platforming, so just play it like such.

The stage is also fairly generous with "restore" gems, so you can normally shoot yourself off along a gem path, get a gem, and shoot yourself somewhere else.

I thought it would all be annoying at first, but it actually really made me appreciate the grounded + jumping controls.


People keep complaining about repetitive missions... but why? When you keep in mind that this is almost a release game for the system (and release games are never as polished / developed as games that come out later in the systems life), I actually find it surprisingly varied.

I like the structure of the fighting missions. They each have a course-style make to them, and it helps that it's more structured than "Just beat a bunch of infa-spawn enemies".

I'm saving most of the racing challenges until later. For me, Race / Driving missions are my least favorite in any open world, so I'll wait until I'm higher level, and more experienced.

I even enjoyed the few "escort" style saving missions I've done. It's all different enough from the main game, in that it doesn't feel too bad; if any thing, I set myself before a challenge, and play it like a mini-game when I get a quick break in my day.

At chapter 12 so far in the story, and I'm actually very impressed with how varied things have felt so far. Every location looks different, each boss battle has it's own gimmick and setting, And each town area actually feels worth visiting. It's more than just "Night town, day town", it's more like "Lava stage, Ruin World, Dusk town, Metropolis, Redlight District + School (What?!), Oddball Natural Cave formation, etc, etc".

Was I the only one who saw the previews of the game, and thought "Well, I'll be fighting in a lot of city scapes!"? Maybe it's because I wasn't so interested in the Vita at first, but the variety of design has easily exceeded my expectations, especially for an early game in the systems life. I love the fact that it's an open world that also has classic gaming "Stages" sprinkled in for good measure.

There's nothing else available that feels just like this game... I don't feel like I'm playing another Just Cause or Crackdown, and even if gameplay felt similiar, world style and personality is vastly different. This all makes is quite a breath of fresh air to me; I look forward to seeing if this changes, as I get closer to the end!

The game was in development for 3 years. There's no excuse for the shitty missions.


I'm currently doing the 10th mission and I'm not sure if this mission is supposed to be super annoying and shitty of if I'm doing something wrong. So in the 10th mission
it seems like I've lost much of my powers (the cat is sick); I can only fly for a very short amount of time. After my flight, I let myself fall to regain power to then start flying again.
. GAF, help me out. Am I tackling this completely wrong?

Nope, it's just annoying. Only thing that makes it slightly less annoying is upgrading the speed at which your powers regen.


Dusty is sick, so you can't use powers as often.
This didn't bother me too much. Recovery seems to happen faster than normal, so if anything, it just adds a "hiccup" to the flying and some of your abilities. But the stage is set up for running platforming, so just play it like such.

The stage is also fairly generous with "restore" gems, so you can normally shoot yourself off along a gem path, get a gem, and shoot yourself somewhere else.

I thought it would all be annoying at first, but it actually really made me appreciate the grounded + jumping controls.
Okay, I'll just try it again. Hope it was just my bad performance because the stage appeared to be absolutely horrible.


Okay, I'll just try it again. Hope it was just my bad performance because the stage appeared to be absolutely horrible.

It is absolutely horrible. That chapter almost made me throw my Vita against the wall. By far the most annoying part was the boss battle so if you haven't gotten there get ready!


Sketchbook Picasso
The game was in development for 3 years. There's no excuse for the shitty missions.

I guess it's just not for you, then. I'm up to chapter 17 so far, and I appreciate the well done gameplay + variety of design and style. So much better than your usual car racing / fun shooting stuff in most other open world games, especially since it's mechanics are actually unique and fun.

3 years on hardware you have less expereince with.. doesn't really mean much, to what I'm saying anywho. If this was a sequel to a series that already had established resources and controls, I could see the "I want more variety!" complaints.

More playable characters, each with unique play styles, maybe full on mini-games rather than just "more ways to use gravity and carrying!", and maybe even fights versus armies of shifters, normal human enemies, Nevi, and some kinda Mecha... but this game is a first in a series. Priority is establishing the base concepts, and refining them.

Random Game Kudos:
Really like the dreamworld sequence with Cyanea, btw. The puzzle style was nice, and the graphics here reminded me of El Shaddai. It's cool to see Kat running in a full on, wide open world at the very end of this segment, and I continue to be impressed with the art style varieties they pulled off.


Received this game last week as a gift (I was shocked).

Boy, I love the music and art. I'm just having trouble with the challenges. I feel like I'm busting my ass to get scores that are barely passing. I think it's mostly due to the disorienting camera angles after I "gravity shift". Hope it gets easier.


Received this game last week as a gift (I was shocked).

Boy, I love the music and art. I'm just having trouble with the challenges. I feel like I'm busting my ass to get scores that are barely passing. Maybe I'm just getting too old for quick reflex games (and disorienting camera angles).
You'll upgrade your speed and other attributes as you play the game. Don't worry too much about getting all golds at first.


You'll upgrade your speed and other attributes as you play the game. Don't worry too much about getting all golds at first.

(Wipes brow)
Thank goodness... I was a little worried.

I like how much detail went into the town, it feels like I have a little town w/inhabitants in my hands when I play this. It's pretty strange.


Okay, I'll just try it again. Hope it was just my bad performance because the stage appeared to be absolutely horrible.

I just upped my gauge capacity to about lvl 6(?) or 7 by the time I got to that section. It may have been higher, but I do know it was maxed. It really helped since I just let gravity flow, when I'm low to the ground I just zoom up and then free fall until recovery where I get right back to where I was initially.

No problems. (I never leveled up evade or kick. Ha, or health.)

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
It is absolutely horrible. That chapter almost made me throw my Vita against the wall. By far the most annoying part was the boss battle so if you haven't gotten there get ready!
That level drove me crazy. I didn't mind the boss battle so much, but the leadup to it with the horrid platforming/limited flying was torturous.


Sketchbook Picasso
That level drove me crazy. I didn't mind the boss battle so much, but the leadup to it with the horrid platforming/limited flying was torturous.

I don't get this amount of frustration.

Platforming + Limited Gravity = Superjump! (One you can target, even!)
Not being able to fly everywhere = A change in gameplay.
Changes in Gameplay = Good!

It just seemed so... minor to me. When I saw what Dusty did, and how he was reacting, I thought "Wow, a stage without powers!...Greattt....". What they actually did was very lenient compared to what I expected.

The Platforms you have to jump to are really pretty big! And if you don't have 100% Platforming skills, you can turn on gravity, and basically maganatize yourself to the platforms, totally correcting your jumps. It was solid enough where I knew exactly where my jumps were going to land me, but forgiving enough that I could float, spin, and platform-target-lock pretty simply.

It ridiculously convenient. It's even kinda plesant, because beforehand, being abel to circumvent entire stage areas by floating makes one wonder "How are they ever going to make some treacherous stage design, when I'm THIS strong?" I love the fact they're not afraid to play with the mechanics some, and it avoids the problems that Superman games normally have, for example, because Kat's not 100% invincible; she's a conduit for her powers, not their creator, and it gives the story room to breath, without having to make up fake weaknesses ("Magenta kryptonite, oh no!").

It's just funny to me. I thought the area was nicely paced, didn't overstay it's welcome, gave me a chance to see the game a bit differently (which helps with taking on later challenges), and introduced a new wrinkle to the concept of the game. Far from "horrible", "torturous", or anything of that sort, to be sure.

Maybe different leveling styles influenced this? I leveled up Shifting recovery speed, maybe that had an effect here.


Fafracer forever
olimpia84 said:
By far the most annoying part was the boss battle so if you haven't gotten there get ready!
I thought that particular boss battle was the easiest of all boss-battles in the game (except perhaps
Raven fight
, which was far easier then I expected as well.
But yea I also didn't find the entire stage frustrating (my recovery was already high enough at that point that I could safely afford to fall and recover and climb back-up further then where I was, even on limited gauge).

The only real frustration I encountered in the entire game was the
gravity storm fight with Nevi while you're climbing back up the tower to return to Haksenville
. I must have restarted that fight 20 times due to stupid deaths (not many health gems, and the artillery enemies are abundant and deadly accurate in that area).

Anyway, just completed my first run with the game and I absolutely loved it(traversal mechanics, the atmosphere, the music, even the story with all its cliches is endearing enough). Combat was a lot of fun as well - space-sim shooter experience is invaluable here - dog-fighting and "bombing" runs comprise the entire combat IMO, and they work quite well if you treat it as such. I've completed the game without using ground-moves once (Except in the very first fight in the game) - there's absolutely no reason to ever not fight in the air.


The boss battle itself wasn't hard but the inability to use your powers made it very frustrating, especially if your meter ran out and you had to 'climb' up to get close to the boss again. Also for some reason, the gravity kick seems to be less accurate in that level so if you miss it once then your meter runs out, you fall, and you have to repeat everything all over again.


Subete no aware
Special Forces/Military DLC is out for the plebes like me who didn't buy it from PSN and I can see how people would get frustrated with the second mission. It's the only time in the game where there aren't any real indicators on the screen to guide you anyway.

I still think it's cheeky that the people who buy the game day 1 but aren't allowed to play the Military DLC is penalized in terms of their special abilities. Sure, I got through the game without maxing out my special attack levels, but now that I've pretty much done everything and there's no new game plus or anything, maxing out Kat's abilities is pretty pointless.

They should have just let everyone buy it day 1. That would have solved the problem.
(Well, you could have another debate about how overpriced the DLC may seem - 12 bucks for a few hours of content at best - but that's a whole other discussion).

Anyhoo, even though this game probably didn't do well for them, I hope they're invested enough in the franchise to want to keep it going - whether it's through real DLC that's not "on the cart" or PS3 port or a full-fledged sequel, I'm in.
Incase ya'll missed it (like I did) Toyama says in this weeks Famitsu that he wishes to make a sequel to Gravity Rush :D

He's totally already making it


It's been confirmed this isn't your total; either it resets every time you load from a save or after you clear the game.

When has this ever been confirmed? I know some people didn't have their time shown properly, but it still does for most. I'm pretty sure I haven't played over 20 hours in one sitting or just in post-game.
When has this ever been confirmed? I know some people didn't have their time shown properly, but it still does for most. I'm pretty sure I haven't played over 20 hours in one sitting or just in post-game.

I think enough people have been affected in this thread (myself included) that we can rule out it being an isolated incident.

When you put the game down, are you actually closing the game bubble? In my longest stretch of gameplay I had managed to run it in one super-long session with the Vita in sleep mode whenever I was not playing.


Sketchbook Picasso
So, I beat the game last night! I enjoyed the Endgame. Reminded me of Zone of Enders 1, haha.

Then went back, completed "Time Travelers", and killed all 3 rare monsters. Only have challenges (and DLC, when I get around to it) left to do, now!

Overall impressions (warning, some unmarked spoilers):

- Quite impressed with how far they stretched the ideas of the game. No story missions were exactly the same, and generally all took place in different environments, and with different gameplay mutations. I really enjoyed this aspect of it; I'm glad the game wasn't any longer for now, it was great to see everything kept fresh.

- That doesn't mean I can't see what they could pull off for a sequel. Raven, Yunica, even Cyanea could all offer some unique gameplay variations as player characters, maybe even missions with a normal human like Syd. But it's great they didn't jam any half-hearted, half-baked stuff in there, leave it out until you can it right.

- I love the visual feedback to leveling up your skills. The rock-throwing super power got to a much bigger, more chaotic level of destruction than I ever expected for it to. Unique animations for each upgrade of your basic kick, flames appearing around gravity kick, even the hit effects on the enemies grew larger as the levels progressed.

- People kept complaining about wanting to have a lock-on, and wanting to be able to fly freely. I hope Kat herself never gets either of those, really. I like the fact Gravity kick gains a greater lock-on potential as it levels up. I like the fact her gravity power ISN'T flight, leave that to someone like the "Sea Wasp". This really helps to give the controls their unique charm. Rapid fire Gravity Kicks are so fighting game like too, lol. (Flying kick -> Cancel Flight -> Re-flight, Kick again, repeat!)

- I didn't find the ground combo useless at all, as some have said. It staggers and stuns enemies, lowering their attack frequency, and dodging out of a kick combo is much easier than doing it out of gravity kick. Ground evasion also allows you to get back into dealing damage much faster (aside from GravKickCancel, which can be more risky). Also like the hopping drop-kick, and the fact you can stagger enemies with it. It's a pretty well-done system, that feels like a solid 3D version of a 2D brawler. The only things I'd personally want added, are maybe "charge" attacks from holding a button, or an enemey grapple. Delayed-press attacks would be ok too, but not a necessity.

- The game really IS set up to DEMAND a sequel, but this particular ending didn't bother me. Seems like a season finale of a TV series. I like how much stuff they left ambiguous, or up to investigation. All too often, I feel like games go wayyyy out of their way to explain things. This game lets you figure a lot of it out, and does a good job of setting up it's own lore while doing such. In that way, it doesn't insult your intelligence, and I find that refreshing.

- Love all the personality in the animation, too. They really express themselves well. Kat's HARD landing from a huge fall, or the way you slowly glide for a second, after turing off gravity from an air dash, and just gently nudge into the falling animation... even the extra slap-of-the lid she gives to the gem machines that are fed to enable challenges... I love this kind of personality in games. So many modern games get away with boring, robotic motions for so many things, it's just great to see a game try so hard to give a character... well, character! Even the secondary characters on the save screens cycle through some nice motions, and they all have pretty well-done facial animation.

- The game could have used a cinematic viewer, seriously. Such solid, dynamic pages! The art was nice throughout, even the less-significant NPCs had some great emotive shots. It was also too easy to skip cinematics by mistake, while trying to take screenshots of memorable moments...

- I was actually mildly surprised at the semi-fanservicey nature with Kat in some of the cinematics. Shower scenes, waking up apparently naked in bed... nothing too terribly bad in a way (well, Syd got an eyeful...), but given the fact her default outfit is an overly-modest one-piece semi-swimsuit, it was funny to see nearly the other end of the spectrum. Cyanea's outfit would probably also be a bit risque in a real world situation, with all those holes in it...

- What great music all throughout! Listening to the entire title theme is a great thing, the ending them was nice to listen to, and the in-game music left a stronger impact on me than I'd have expected going in. I was taken aback when I entered downtown Pleajeune for the first time. Felt like I was hearing a jazzy theme from an old Warner Bros. animation, rather than a modern day game.

This might not be a game for everyone, but for me, this contains so much of what I love about gaming in the first place. It didn't overstay it's welcome, it established and fleshed out it's core gameplay systems, it hides depth behind simplicity, and it doesn't pander so hard to modern-day desires for violence or other over-used tropes. (It feels so good NOT to use a gun in an open world game...) It was mentioned that Kat was made with western audiences in mind somewhere, and I think this is a much better job of making someone with the japanese "cute", and western "attitude", without trying way too hard, as most companies do.

If they maintain this level of quality and attention to detail, and expand on it, I'll easily be there day 1 for a sequel. I'd even possibly finally get a PS3 for it, if need be. (I'd prefer not to, though, lol.)


When you put the game down, are you actually closing the game bubble? In my longest stretch of gameplay I had managed to run it in one super-long session with the Vita in sleep mode whenever I was not playing.

I usually just turn off the Vita completely (no sleep mode).


Subete no aware
- The game could have used a cinematic viewer, seriously. Such solid, dynamic pages! The art was nice throughout, even the less-significant NPCs had some great emotive shots. It was also too easy to skip cinematics by mistake, while trying to take screenshots of memorable moments...

I'm sure they're done with this game, but it would be nice if they could patch in NG+ or at least a mission/cutscene viewer.
This game is crazy boring. I'm up to episode 5 and I'm surprised that they still make shitty stealth sequences in games made in 2012. How did this game get so good grades?

Wonky controls, boring missions, long loading times and it relies on gimmicky gameplay that got boring after 15 minutes. Biggest let down for me this year. :(


Subete no aware
Yeah, I thought the stealth mission was bad as well, but that's the only time you need to do it. I think they force it on you to get you to think about going underneath the city as an alternate means of travel.

That said, if the world and the characters don't grab you, then you're probably going to be bored with the rest of the game which amounts to using the gravity kick over and over again in several variations.
Yeah, I thought the stealth mission was bad as well, but that's the only time you need to do it. I think they force it on you to get you to think about going underneath the city as an alternate means of travel.

That said, if the world and the characters don't grab you, then you're probably going to be bored with the rest of the game which amounts to using the gravity kick over and over again in several variations.

Good to hear that that is the only time stealth is used, I might actually play some more. Although the gravity kick thing you mention just makes the urge to start my Vita go dry up quicker than a drop of rain in the desert. :/
This game is crazy boring. I'm up to episode 5 and I'm surprised that they still make shitty stealth sequences in games made in 2012. How did this game get so good grades?

Wonky controls, boring missions, long loading times and it relies on gimmicky gameplay that got boring after 15 minutes. Biggest let down for me this year. :(

Long load times ?
i didn't see any of those ..my load times are instantaneous ( retail version ).
as for the controles, it just takes time to get used to..you'll see that it works once you get "it" and improve the character habilities ..
Long load times ?
i didn't see any of those ..my load times are instantaneous ( retail version ).
as for the controles, it just takes time to get used to..you'll see that it works once you get "it" and improve the character habilities ..

The long loading times are mainly when you're just starting the game from a cold boot, if you wander off-track and have to be teleported back, or if you retry a challenge.
This might not be a game for everyone, but for me, this contains so much of what I love about gaming in the first place. It didn't overstay it's welcome, it established and fleshed out it's core gameplay systems, it hides depth behind simplicity, and it doesn't pander so hard to modern-day desires for violence or other over-used tropes. (It feels so good NOT to use a gun in an open world game...)...

this guy 'gets' gravity rush :) ...
The long loading times are mainly when you're just starting the game from a cold boot, if you wander off-track and have to be teleported back, or if you retry a challenge.

sorry but i don't have those...

Long = superior to 4 seconds , right ?

Anyway am i crazy or i can't find the military pack on my EU PSN ?


Junior Member
So I just finished the game and already did all the missions and yet I can't have all powers on max levels. I've noticed the levels are also raised with the military pre-order DLC. Don't tell me you have do all the DLC's to raise levels too?


Sketchbook Picasso
this guy 'gets' gravity rush :) ...


Load times are always a minimum 30 seconds here. I usually just go get some water or something. Playing NA retail version.

Yeah, NA Retail, same insanely long loads for me, too. Doesn't bother me much, but I get surprised at how long it takes, sometimes.

So I just finished the game and already did all the missions and yet I can't have all powers on max levels. I've noticed the levels are also raised with the military pre-order DLC. Don't tell me you have do all the DLC's to raise levels too?

The talks I've seen around seem to suggest that... but in a way, that doesn't bother me? You feel plenty strong with the levels you get from getting "Top Kat" anywho, and I'd kinda like there to be somewhere to grow on after that. I hated that in Crackdown 1; Even though I was doing all these new things, and getting all the new EXP, it didn't MEAN anything, as I had maxed out from doing random things around town, long ago.


An blind dancing ho
From Toyama's twitter account.




hope Sony/someone else sell these.


Subete no aware
So I just finished the game and already did all the missions and yet I can't have all powers on max levels. I've noticed the levels are also raised with the military pre-order DLC. Don't tell me you have do all the DLC's to raise levels too?
Yep. I don't know if you need to do three DLCs or if it's the Special Forces DLC in particular, but you can't level up completely during the base game.

Load times are always a minimum 30 seconds here. I usually just go get some water or something. Playing NA retail version.
The load times are horrible if you're doing a race and you want to quit the race and then load back into one... especially for the DLC races since they're basically loading two different worlds.


The load times are horrible if you're doing a race and you want to quit the race and then load back into one... especially for the DLC races since they're basically loading two different worlds.

Yes, getting all the trophies made this especially annoying. What I wouldn't give for a quick restart to have been patched in.

I enjoyed the DLC, and the story missions actually devised some clever new twists on the worn formula.

hope Sony/someone else sell these.

I'm not really one for figures, but they are nice! Well, except for the bottom one; what is going on with that face?!


so just finished getting gold on all the trophy missions. only the sweeper one had me look up online how to finish.

where do you get the 3rd special move? is it dlc? i never got it after beating the game
where do you get the 3rd special move? is it dlc? i never got it after beating the game

All the special moves are found by locating a tree in the rift planes, one per plane. You can't actually get the third one in the first visit and have to go back later.


Subete no aware
The only thing about them is that they're short, especially if you can Gold the challenges pretty easily. I guess another way to look at it is to think of the DLC was one single 12 dollar expansion pack ala an old PC game or something. lol
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