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Gravity Rush |OT| C’est la Vita


So after some Googling it looks like no one has figured out the writing system that's all over the place in this game. Well -- I decided to give it a shot.

I think I've got a lot of it worked out. Long post, and lots and lots of screenshots, but if you like Gravity Rush, keep reading.

Looking at the cartoons that you read between chapters, it looks like the alphabet of the world of Gravity Rush is read from right to left -- the ? and ! symbols are to the left of the text, implying that the text starts on the right.

But I decided to be safe and start with something written vertically. In Pleajeune, this building looked sort of hotel-ish and I got to wondering if the five letters on the sign spelled out HOTEL:


And if that letter with the vertical line combined with the backwards 3 is an E, then we have L and E as the last two letters on the main map of Hekseville. (There are only 7 letters in this title, so maybe some of them are syllables and not letters. Or maybe they don't write some vowels, Arabic-style. I'm still trying to work this out.)


The first letter doesn't match the H in HOTEL, but since initial H isn't pronounced in French I'm going to let that slide for now. Or I could make that building a MOTEL. ^^;

Here's another interesting thing we can grab from those letters: it's on the map of Boutoume, presumably drawn by the kids:


See the Ark in yellow at the bottom right? The Japanese word for an ark is hakobune. Starts with H, ends with E, and has a K towards the beginning. Both this word and the word that might be Hekseville share these features, and have letters in common. Could that letter that looks like a capital gamma (Γ) with a hook on the top right be a K? Maybe that lowercase-h-like letter represents H plus any vowel? It even has the lowercase-i-like letter that might have been an O in HOTEL, and then there's a B right after it. (To form "hakobune", that curly thing between B and E has to be the sound of "un". Or the B is really a "bu" and the curlicue is an N.)

One more thing with the letters E and L: there's an elevator
that you have to restore
in Auldnoir, and it looks like this:


This isn't a good screenshot, but I was able to fly past in just the right position to see all the letters clearly. There are 8 letters, and the first there are ELE, and the next one (V) might be the same one in "Hekseville". The i-like letter in next-to-last position is an O here too.

It could just be a coincidence. But I really want it to not be. I think I'm going to crack this thing.


Just got the platinum trophy for this game, first time for a Vita game :)
I think I'll wait before going back to this game for the DLC, hopefully there will be a sale in the near future or they offer them as a bundle.


OK, any tips to beating
during scene 8/9 9trying to be obscure. for some reason once you get her down in health she goes in crazy/berzerk mode and you can't hit her. Maybe I still can;t adjust to the controls fully.
OK, any tips to beating
during scene 8/9 9trying to be obscure. for some reason once you get her down in health she goes in crazy/berzerk mode and you can't hit her. Maybe I still can;t adjust to the controls fully.

I don't really remember that fight very well, but you can always fall back on your super moves or whatever the game calls them if you're having trouble. Otherwise, every boss in the game has a point where they're not attacking and vulnerable, which should occur in predictable patterns.


There's a ton to like in this game, beautiful graphics and music, an interesting main character, flying around is a lot of fun...but the combat is just not fun at all. The controls just aren't precise enough to make targeting a specific part of each enemy feel smooth.


Sketchbook Picasso
There's a ton to like in this game, beautiful graphics and music, an interesting main character, flying around is a lot of fun...but the combat is just not fun at all. The controls just aren't precise enough to make targeting a specific part of each enemy feel smooth.

This gets said alot, but I never really had an issue. The kinda "blunt" movements, rather than crazy percision, is what made me feel like I was controling Gravity, rather than just generic flight + super strength, personally.

Also, things like gravity kick and the super attacks get better lock-on as you level them up. Swiping the screen in order to dodge and do a flip kick almost 100% negates the need to lock on to any ground based enemies, as well.

Lastly, throwing things at enemies has a very solid lock-on as well. it'll curve around and hit weakpoints that are not even facing you.

I appreciated this all in the challenges. There were some enemies I just could NOT kill with gravity kick, but I'd kill them in seconds with item throws or super attacks. It helped give each attack reason to exist, and made fights less spammy, more strategic.
Just got backed into this game having not touched it in months.

Stunning to say the least.

Got gold on the gravity slide thingy after a few tries (embarrassingly I didn't even think to try the gyro for turning).



It could just be a coincidence. But I really want it to not be. I think I'm going to crack this thing.

Nobody else seems to have picked up on this but heck I will. I think what you're doing there is very, very cool. If you're continuing with this would you update us here? I would love to help out but I have too many games distracting me from Gravity Rush :3


Sketchbook Picasso
Haha, yeah, Dunan, you explained it so well, I just kinda accepted it as well-proven by the end, case closed :)

Quite the intetesting investigations, thanks!


BTW, really looking forward to Kat in Hotshots. She should be perfectly cute in that game, too:) Very glad to see Sony respect her existance, and hope it happens in PSASBA as well...


So I finally bought this game. I just finished chapter 17 and decided to get the dlc, so I've just been flying around exploring before going for the final stretch. I wanted to put down some of my impressions so far to see how they hold up after I complete the game. I'm just going to give them more or less in bullet points, as I find that more readable for game impressions.

So far I've been loving it. It feels like some weird mash up between Studio Ghibli, Folklore, infamous, and Gunvalkyrie or Otogi. But it works!

+ The cohesive style is really phenomenal. The art, music, and graphics of this game are all top notch and complement each other very well.

+The world is amazingly detailed and feels actually crafted rather than simply generated or ground out.

+Up thread, someone made a comment about feeling like you're holding a world with all these people in your hands. I completely agree. I can't put my finger on what elements work together to give this feeling, but it is pretty awesome.

+The different areas of the city as well as the rift plane or whatever all have a unique character, and feel well designed. I'm always glad when games do something other than fire are, ice are, water area...

+The map and menus are fantastic. The touch interface works flawlessly here.


- ... BUT there is almost nothing to do in the city! It's sad that so much care went into designing the visual aspect of the city, but almost none into the activities there.

+/- I normally hate "challenges" in games, where they just have you kill x guys or swing your sword x times without getting hit y times, or deliver item A to location B in C time or whatever, but all of the challenges in this game so far actually seem very well designed. I could see myself into actually trying to speed run some of the racing challenges, which have a great flow. The leaderboards are a very nice inclusion for this.

+The controls actually work very well after spending some time with them. The gravity slide was poorly explained and originally a chore, but once I got the hang of making sharp corners, it's really fun to use. However...

- Why the FUCK is there no lock on? When was the last time a 3rd person beat em up came out like this without the ability to lock onto enemies? It's just absolute lunacy. They even have left and right on the d-pad available, why didn't they use them for this?

+Other than that I found the combat to be pretty good. I always manage my expectations within the context of the game, and I thought the system had just the right amount of depth. For another example, people often complain about the combat in Ico. Yes, it is pretty dull, but if they had some combo based 3D fighter system or something, it would have spoiled the nature of the entire game. As it is, all of Kat's different abilities were fun to use, and actually useful.

+I liked the use of the tilt controls. I would use the analog stick to make big changes in the camera angle, and the tilt to fine tune my aiming. Overall, it worked really well.


+Kat. Finally, a(n almost) normal female lead in a game! I was relieved that the team were able to restrain themselves enough to not just make her some generic tsundere gal or something. She's got great character and never felt insulting with only a couple moments approaching fan service.

+I love the comic book approach to storytelling, and this along with the color scheme really reminded me of the other SCEJ (and Game Republic, RIP) game, Folklore. The 3D effect of tilting the system was a very nice touch.

Overall, I love this game, though I can't say its perfect. I haven't yet finished it, but I am near the end and think that I can definitely say that it at least does not overstay its welcome, which is somehow a rare trait in video games today. This game NEEDS a sequel. The second they introduced Yunica, I wanted a sequel with different playable characters. Being able to switch between Kat, Raven, Yuca, etc. would be awesome. The game could also benefit from some control refinements, though overall they were serviceable, and more variety in gameplay.


So, I've been on a Kouhei Tanaka kick recently and I stumbled upon some of his work for Gravity Rush. I don't own a Vita yet, but when I do get one this will be the first game I'll purchase. I've heard nothing but great things about this game so I know when I get the opportunity to play I'm sure I'll be in love with it.

With that said, I usually don't like to listen to a soundtrack until I play the game, but after browsing some of the composer's work on YouTube (listening/downloading Alundra and Resonance of Fate tracks) I saw a few links on the side bar for Gravity Rush. I was tempted to listen to a bunch of his tracks for the game, but I mustered whatever willpower I had in me and only picked one track to listen to titled, "Old Town". Needless to say... 0_0

Wow, what an amazing track. It captured everything I loved about his more recent work/style on Resonance of Fate, but it had its moments where I thought I was playing/listening to something from Alundra. Is the rest of the soundtrack this good? Like I said, I don't want to spoil the soundtrack before playing the game because I really look forward to hearing where certain tracks are played and how they are implemented during particular scenes, etc. Regardless, this guy might not compose for many games, but when he does, god damn...
I don't think I'm the first in thread to say this, but I think the lack of a lock-on function is integral to what makes this game so unique. A big part of the experience is that the game works hard to take the player's breath away with how surrealistic Kat's movements are. Adding a robotic feature like a lock-on would just turn the game into yet another generic 3D platformer - with the lock-on doing much of the work, the player will never get swept up into the intended vertigo.

There's also enough auto-correction when using ground and gravity kicks that I never felt a lock-on would add anything to the game. I've never had issues hitting an intended target once I figured out their movement and attack patterns.

I think it's also a great analog to how not-in-control of her powers Kat is supposed to be.


I don't think I'm the first in thread to say this, but I think the lack of a lock-on function is integral to what makes this game so unique. A big part of the experience is that the game works hard to take the player's breath away with how surrealistic Kat's movements are. Adding a robotic feature like a lock-on would just turn the game into yet another generic 3D platformer - with the lock-on doing much of the work, the player will never get swept up into the intended vertigo.

There's also enough auto-correction when using ground and gravity kicks that I never felt a lock-on would add anything to the game. I've never had issues hitting an intended target once I figured out their movement and attack patterns.

I think it's also a great analog to how not-in-control of her powers Kat is supposed to be.

I guess I meant lock in specifically as in camera lock on, that the camera would stay centered on the target even as you sped by it, so you could turn back around more easily. in terms of lock on for actually hitting your target, I agree that that is not really needed in air or on ground. The main annoyance of not having lock on is when you're trying to get to the other side of a large enemy, and you are fighting the camera more than said enemy.
I guess I meant lock in specifically as in camera lock on, that the camera would stay centered on the target even as you sped by it, so you could turn back around more easily. in terms of lock on for actually hitting your target, I agree that that is not really needed in air or on ground. The main annoyance of not having lock on is when you're trying to get to the other side of a large enemy, and you are fighting the camera more than said enemy.

So yes, we're talking about the same thing. My statement stands.

Honestly, I just didn't play in a way that caused me to need to turn around quickly. It obviously isn't a maneuver Kat is very good at. Her power is -falling-, not flying.

Gyro controls also help a lot when making large turns.


So yes, we're talking about the same thing. My statement stands.

Honestly, I just didn't play in a way that caused me to need to turn around quickly. It obviously isn't a maneuver Kat is very good at. Her power is -falling-, not flying.

Gyro controls also help a lot when making large turns.

But I'm not talking about changing any of her abilities, I'm talking about making the camera control better. Claiming that a barely functioning camera is integral to her abilities is a terrible argument.


Sketchbook Picasso
I don't think I'm the first in thread to say this, but I think the lack of a lock-on function is integral to what makes this game so unique.


I think it's also a great analog to how not-in-control of her powers Kat is supposed to be.

Yeah, I wrote an essay on it earlier, haha. Agreed with what you said, of course. Kat has generous Lock-on moves, and your comment about her basically "falling" everywhere, rather than flying, is spot-on.

Flailing around, gathering your bearings, and then shooting off to attack the next enemy, feels much more authentic to the game, to Kat, rather than having a really precise, controlled movement and attack method. Though I could see such a control method working for Sea Wasp.

But I'm not talking about changing any of her abilities, I'm talking about making the camera control better. Claiming that a barely functioning camera is integral to her abilities is a terrible argument.

I really don't know why everyone has SUCH ISSUES with the camera. With Kat, I'd zoom past, stop in place, spin the camera with Gyro + R Stick, and jump right back into fighting. It was the most effortless, simple process. And once you stick one gravity kick, the "Cancel, reactivate gravity, gravity kick AGAIN!" loop makes quick takedown extremly easy on non-shielded / flaming enemies.

Sidestep + kick has a lock-on built in. On-ground combos target lock. Gravity kick locks on. Items throw with Statis Field have incredible lock on at times.

I mean, if the camera has to be changed to make a wider range of people comfortable, fine... but I don't think, by design, it's anywhere near as bad as some people make it sound.

If they do give her "Starfox/Panzer Dragoon-style boss target-lock", I hope they do it in a way that's true to her powers. Like by placing a gravity field around the enemey, that pulls her, and the environmental stuff, towards that enemey. I love Z-targeting in Zelda as much as the next guy, but not EVERY game needs to riff off the same mechanics and details, especially when the functions would detract from the characters.


I can't get the game to launch... gets to the opening screen (just Gravity Rush written on a black screen), says Network Features have been disabled... then my Vita turns off.

Just updated to 1.80 if that matters, first time trying to play the game.

edit: nevermind, just deleted and re-installed the game, working now.
This game is so... whimsical and "uncomplicated" in nature that you can't help be drawn to it. The mood is strangely similar to Scorsese's Hugo, but this is much better of course!


As long as this thread is still bumped, I might as well add that this became my first platinum a couple days ago. Loved it until the very end!

With many of my favorite games like Ico, SotC, or Ikaruga to name a few, I actually actively wish that they will not produce a sequel to ruin the original's magic. However, Gravity Rush DEMANDS a sequel, even ignoring the obvious cliffhanger ending. There is so much more they could do with the beautiful world and artystle, and so much more gameplay they could explore. Please SCEJ!!


After trying many times to finish the final boss in this game i gave up and checked you tube to see if i was doing anything wrong. it turns out that i wasn't, however, because i only done the story missions and none of the optional stuff I didn't have enough gravity time / health bar to complete the game.

a bitter end to an otherwise sweet game.
After trying many times to finish the final boss in this game i gave up and checked you tube to see if i was doing anything wrong. it turns out that i wasn't, however, because i only done the story missions and none of the optional stuff I didn't have enough gravity time / health bar to complete the game.

a bitter end to an otherwise sweet game.

Huh? Obtaining the max reputation possible without DLC only requires you to dump gems into all the trashcans around the city. You don't actually have to do any of the challenges.

I finished the final boss on the first try without having played any of the DLC (Maid and Spy weren't out yet and I saved Military for after beating the main game).
playing/listening to something from Alundra. Is the rest of the soundtrack this good?


This game is one of the best I've played all year, and easily a big favorite of mine now. The atmosphere and the soundtrack are just brilliant. Some of the tracks aren't quite as good as others but overall it's a spectacular score. I'm a pretty big gaming audiophile so if a game has a great soundtrack, it pulls me into the game even more.

Also, what about that tweet about a sequel ... is that all we've gotten so far? :(


I really like this game despite of it's less than stellar control at times. I wish there was an option to turn the tilting camera controls off for when you aren't doing a gravity slide. Also am I the only one who hates, in general when games put you in levels where they take away your powers?


Huh? Obtaining the max reputation possible without DLC only requires you to dump gems into all the trashcans around the city. You don't actually have to do any of the challenges.

I finished the final boss on the first try without having played any of the DLC (Maid and Spy weren't out yet and I saved Military for after beating the main game).
He was probably talking about secondary missions of the main game. No DLC.
I remember doing just a few challenges before finishing the game... but I collected tons of gems flying around the world. So I don't know...

And yes, the soundtrack is awesome.
He was probably talking about secondary missions of the main game. No DLC.
I remember doing just a few challenges before finishing the game... but I collected tons of gems flying around the world. So I don't know...

There are no secondary missions per se - you get all level increases naturally as you progress through the story and the DLC missions are the only place where this linear progression breaks. The only things he could possibly be missing are DLC or not activating the challenges (again, actually playing the challenges is not required, just activating them).


There are no secondary missions per se - you get all level increases naturally as you progress through the story and the DLC missions are the only place where this linear progression breaks. The only things he could possibly be missing are DLC or not activating the challenges (again, actually playing the challenges is not required, just activating them).

I thought it went you place the crystals in the buckets, your maxmum potential levels for powers increased, you collected crystals to power those talents up to those maximum levels. So you could have your kick power at level one and it really needs to be level 9.


Maybe I missed where they told me that fixing the contraptions leveled you up but I didn't know that. I think I done that 2 or 3 times as I walked past them but I thought all that did was unlock the challenges and because I had no interest in them I didn't bother. I had thousands of those crystals, I don't even know what my kick lvl was but I doubt it was very high.

I realise it was my fault for not playing the game more thoroughly but I was disappointed that I couldn't finish.
Maybe I missed where they told me that fixing the contraptions leveled you up but I didn't know that. I think I done that 2 or 3 times as I walked past them but I thought all that did was unlock the challenges and because I had no interest in them I didn't bother. I had thousands of those crystals, I don't even know what my kick lvl was but I doubt it was very high.

I realise it was my fault for not playing the game more thoroughly but I was disappointed that I couldn't finish.

Then finish it! And the play the challenges, they are great.


Maybe I missed where they told me that fixing the contraptions leveled you up but I didn't know that. I think I done that 2 or 3 times as I walked past them but I thought all that did was unlock the challenges and because I had no interest in them I didn't bother. I had thousands of those crystals, I don't even know what my kick lvl was but I doubt it was very high.

I realise it was my fault for not playing the game more thoroughly but I was disappointed that I couldn't finish.

talk to citizens as well.


Sketchbook Picasso
Maybe I missed where they told me that fixing the contraptions leveled you up but I didn't know that.

Kat's power potential is tied to her reputation with the townsfolk. Basically, as they see her as more of a hero, it unlocks her potential to be one.

I think they mention it to you the first time you input crystals into a contraption.


I really like this game despite of it's less than stellar control at times. I wish there was an option to turn the tilting camera controls off for when you aren't doing a gravity slide. Also am I the only one who hates, in general when games put you in levels where they take away your powers?

I can't check at the moment, but I'm pretty sure that just turning tilt sensitivity down all the way in the options that it turns off the tilt camera.


Got 100% on this and all DLC recently. Awesome game. I've never had so much fun travellig around. Kat's quite endearing as well. Combat could have used a bit of tweaking though, especially the Stasis Field.

Has there been any news on a potential sequel?


Have a couple of questions.

I'l at the second rift plane with the lava everywhere and there's this giant enemy in a cave that I can't seem to beat. What to do about it?

2- I'm pretty sure the answer is no, but is the DLC region free?


Sketchbook Picasso
Have a couple of questions.

I'l at the second rift plane with the lava everywhere and there's this giant enemy in a cave that I can't seem to beat. What to do about it?

2- I'm pretty sure the answer is no, but is the DLC region free?

If I remember right, he's just a tough battle You have to use normal attacks aganist him, no specials. He's easier if you come back later. Dodge his attacks, repeat grav-kick his weaknesses to break armor...

2- I don't think any Vita DLC is region free; and while the JP version had actual DLC to get, on the Western pressing, the info was already placed on disk, since it came out later.


If I remember right, he's just a tough battle You have to use normal attacks aganist him, no specials. He's easier if you come back later. Dodge his attacks, repeat grav-kick his weaknesses to break armor...

2- I don't think any Vita DLC is region free; and while the JP version had actual DLC to get, on the Western pressing, the info was already placed on disk, since it came out later.

Oh, we can revesit these areas? Nice.

2-Was hoping for it to be region free. My main account is the US one and I was hoping I wouldn't have to do the switching account thing. The game is pal.


Sketchbook Picasso
Oh, we can revesit these areas? Nice.

2-Was hoping for it to be region free. My main account is the US one and I was hoping I wouldn't have to do the switching account thing. The game is pal.

Yeah, you can go back to any areas in the game after certain points in the story. Past Fighting Zones Via one NPC, and another exclusive area via another NPC.

2- As far as I know, it's locked, but maybe the DLC would work differently since it is probably on the EU disk as well? Don't have any experience with that, though, so cannot say for sure...


Subete no aware
Have a couple of questions.

I'l at the second rift plane with the lava everywhere and there's this giant enemy in a cave that I can't seem to beat. What to do about it?

Yeah, this is one of the secret bosses that you need to beat for trophies. Come back later when you're much more powerful.


Got 100% on this and all DLC recently. Awesome game. I've never had so much fun travellig around. Kat's quite endearing as well. Combat could have used a bit of tweaking though, especially the Stasis Field.

Has there been any news on a potential sequel?

The director has tweeted some things that seem to hint towards a sequel being underway. Hopefully we'll see something soon. Usually I would rather single brilliant titles be a one off thing, but this game just has too much potential for a sequel to pass up.
God damn this game is bad. The inaccuracy of the flying mixed with the need to make exact hits during the boss battles is just infuriating.

I curse myself for vowing to not buy a new game for a console until I finish the one I'm currently playing. I want AssCreed Liberation. Every second I play Gravity Rush I'm just wishing it was over. Then there's always more.

Ugh. My most hated game of the year by far.


I love it and only load old save-files with the intention of flying around and collecting all the gems, whenever I feel like floating around the GR world... a benefit of playing multiple games at a time.

Will definitely complete it though and I think the flying and fighting really does take some skill and practice (probably a tad too much for the average person these days though).
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