Well, if it isnt, then I really have no idea what the Troika are thinking. The only way you make this deal is if you think Greece can pay back its loans. If it can't, then all you are doing is ensuring that Greece will need another bailout in the near future. Personally, I agree with the IMF and think this deal pretty much guarantees that Greece will need another bailout. More austerity means more unsustainable debt.
I mean, if the point was to help out Greece, then there would have been some loan forgiveness or alternations. That certainly isnt what the Troika did. Well, I guess if you wanted to punish Greece and please your constituents back home then yea, this deal would make sense. It doesnt make any economic sense, but it does in a cowardly, cruel and short-sighted political sense.
If you look at what they are saying, it is clear that they have long known the debt is not sustainable and it is about cruelty and punishment. They are lying and pretending otherwise but not even doing that all of the time, sometimes the punishment and cruelty viewpoint shines through. And this applies also to some people who post in this thread, I don't believe they are honest. Or rather it is easy to see what their priorities are, even if they weakly pretend otherwise.