Wow, BILD readers want Merkel to read their opinions regarding the third programme.
translate the juicy ones, m8
Wow, BILD readers want Merkel to read their opinions regarding the third programme.
Why don't you read this old English poem while you think it over.
This English text is not as old as ancient Greek by the way.
Why don't you read this old English poem while you think it over.
This English text is not as old as ancient Greek by the way.
Wow, BILD readers want Merkel to read their opinions regarding the third programme.
translate the juicy ones, m8
In Germany the pensions were cut but there's money for Greece? Makes no sense.
As much as I love those people and their culture, the Greeks ought to learn calculating and counting.
Greece needs to go back to the Drachma! That way the rich Greeks would have less money!
If there will be a third programme I'll never pay taxes again!
No hope for Greece!
You should really use quotationmarks
The juicer ones are grilling Merkel for spending tax payer money for a "corrupt government" and for not giving a shit about the not-so-rich people at home paying the taxes.
Then they blame Greece for tax evasion!"If there will be a third programme I'll never pay taxes again!"
What was this clapping right now all about?
Nope. Ancient Greek is more like German.Super random OT question watching that stream: If I were to learn ancient Greek, would I be able to understand some contemporary Greek too?
JaNope. Ancient Greek is more like German.
Varoufakis voted No.
What was this clapping right now all about?
And the credits roll.
Tune in next time when the Drama Gréce continues.
(for now)
And the credits roll.
Tune in next time when the Drama Gréce continues.
(for now)
I strongly suspect it'll get renewed for another season.
And the credits roll.
Tune in next time when the Drama Gréce continues.
(for now)
Και ζήσαμε εμείς σκατά κι αυτοί καλύτερα #vouli
If they really block this, the Eurozone would just declare the current situation an emergency and bypass them, right?
If they have time. The 85% would have to go and vote again.
The Left Platform should form a Grexit party together with based Varoufakis.
The Left Platform should form a Grexit party together with based Varoufakis.
If they really block this, the Eurozone would just declare the current situation an emergency and bypass them, right?
Haven't pretty much all his public statements been anti-Grexit?
He's not so Grexit as he is debt and union reform. I think he would only run for PM after Grexit becomes the go to mandate, but we are still far from this. It's more likely as things stand that Greece will stay in. Germany wants Greece out because the longer they stay in the bigger the stakes will be in the favor of the south.
There are serious concerns regarding the sustainability of Greek debt [N.b. Really? Gosh!] This is due to the easing of policies during the last twelve months, which resulted in the recent deterioration in the domestic macroeconomic and financial environment [i.e. It is not the Extend and Pretend bailout loans of 2010 and 2012 that, in conjunction with GDP-sapping austerity, caused the debt to scale immense heights it was the prospect, and reality, of a government that criticized the the Extend and Pretend bailout loans that caused Debts Unustainability!]
The Greek parliament passed a sweeping package of austerity measures demanded by European partners as the price for opening talks on a multi-billion euro bailout package needed to keep the near-bankrupt country in the euro zone.
The package passed with 229 votes in favor in the 300-seat chamber but 38 Syriza lawmakers abstained or voted against the government, including former Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis and the current Energy Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis, Deputy Labour Minister Dimitris Stratoulis and speaker of parliament Zoe Constantopoulou.
I'm not well versed in economics, but it seems to me that the euro, as implemented, was a mistake. They should have either gone all out and made the European Union a full, new sovereign state to succeed all the current member states, or they should have all kept their own currencies and institutions. Of course, even in the latter case, the EU could have still existed as a free trade bloc and weaker intergovernmental organization, like a mini-UN but just for Europe.
In any case, as it stands now, it looks like things are going to get worse before they get better, and the path to getting better seems like it will start with Greece leaving the euro. As painful as that'll be, it probably won't be as painful as what they're going through right now.
It's a very unfortunate situation overall.
I'm not well versed in economics, but it seems to me that the euro, as implemented, was a mistake. They should have either gone all out and made the European Union a full, new sovereign state to succeed all the current member states, or they should have all kept their own currencies and institutions. Of course, even in the latter case, the EU could have still existed as a free trade bloc and weaker intergovernmental organization, like a mini-UN but just for Europe.
In any case, as it stands now, it looks like things are going to get worse before they get better, and the path to getting better seems like it will start with Greece leaving the euro. As painful as that'll be, it probably won't be as painful as what they're going through right now.
It's a very unfortunate situation overall.
EDIT: And the alternative to a Grexit would be that fully integrated new form of the EU that completely replaces all the current member states as one single sovereign state, but I'm not so sure that will happen.
The impact of fiscal policy on the Greek economy is one thing, and this deal seems rather bad.
But it's also relatively disingenuous to suggest that the Syriza administration of the last 7 months, culminating in capital controls, hasn't been a disaster for the situation as well, with essentially no gain whatsoever for the Greek people given how lopsided the deal is.
EDIT: And yes, I am aware that the Greek political system in general is broken and full of corruption.
He's not so Grexit as he is debt and union reform. I think he would only run for PM after Grexit becomes the go to mandate, but we are still far from this. It's more likely as things stand that Greece will stay in. Germany wants Greece out because the longer they stay in the bigger the stakes will be in the favor of the south.
If things go south (pun intended) while Greece is still in, let's say in Italy or Spain or Portgual, you can imagine that pressure will increase for debt and reform. If Greece is already out by then, that country will be alone in pushing for reform. The more the merrier.
That's why Germany is pushing for Grexit.
Oohh, so Greek parliament voted to stay in spite of those pesky Germans? 11th dimensional chess indeed.
Actually, you know what will truly wreck Merkel's morning coffee? Not implementing any pension and social reforms, not fighting the corruption and tax evasion. Take THAT Germany!
Was that even the point? I'm beginning to wonder at this point.You honestly think that Greece can pay back its debts if they institute all those reforms?
Oohh, so Greek parliament voted to stay in spite of those pesky Germans? 11th dimensional chess indeed.
Actually, you know what will truly wreck Merkel's morning coffee? Not implementing any pension and social reforms, not fighting the corruption and tax evasion. Take THAT Germany!
Is that even the point anymore?