Not really. I don't think anyone is under the delusion that the money will save Greece. This money is simply a stop-gap measure to buy Greece time so that it can save itself.
As for your second point
I think you have a very naive view of politics. It would be an absolute miracle if Syzira was able to produce reforms this quickly. Reforms take time. The first thing that needs to be done is to understand the exact situation to know what should be reformed. Going by the first article, that is no mean feet in Greece. Next is developing a plan and then pushing that plan through government and all of its various interests. Syzria also has to contend with the EU and their demands. And somehow you expect something so major to happen in a few months? That is just insane. Greece isnt ruled by an all powerful dictator.
Hell, do you know how long the US has been wanting to do tax reform? For a long long time and nothing has come from it. Why? Special interests and politics. While Greece has a much better reason to do tax reform currently, their political situation is also a lot worse than the US.
Can't read the second link because the website wants my money for it.
And the two proposals wouldn't improve the flawed tax system in any way.