Ah of coursenot out of the imf contribution
Ah of coursenot out of the imf contribution
IIRC the UK was the single biggest contributor to the Irish bailout, though.
Technically speaking, the Troika only demanded a credible proposal from Greece to meet specific budgetary target goals (which they reduced from 3% GDP to 1% GDP over the course of the negotiations). They don't really care about the specifics of that proposal and how that surplus is achieved as long as the proposal is credible.
The problem with Greece's proposals just was that they are not credible. The documents are publicly available to everyone, so everyone can have a look for themselves. The Greek proposal was very unspecific, relied solely on tax increases which they assumed to be collectible (and which they never succeeded to collect in the past) and which they assumed to have no impact on the economy, and in parts on projected tax incomes pulled out of their asses (like 5G license fees).
I believe that's right, but I also think we have most of that back now? Maybe. I dunno, I went on a work trip to Dublin back around Christmas and we did our best to boost the Irish economy - specifically around the Temple Bar area of Dublin.
And yes, there are no demands to actually cut pensions in the latest proposal. Look it up, it's not in the document. They mainly demanded to get rid of early retirements, which are mostly just a bandaid for the lack of a real social security net in Greece. Which lack I still cannot understand.
And Varoufakis and co. just walked away without even bothering to negotiate. Then they keep procrastinating. What on earth are they doing?He's a lying sack of shit, just like all corporate ballwashers. The document provided in the link clearly states, in the EuroGroup revised version:
Can anyone explain to me why a left-oriented Government has failed to even design, let alone implement, a social security net? They are not even working on that.
By the way, the Troika even included a specific demand for a social security net to ensure that every Greek unconditionally has enough money for basic needs.
Can anyone explain to me why a left-oriented Government has failed to even design, let alone implement, a social security net? They are not even working on that.
I think we have most of that back now and are projected to get the rest, yes. We certainly didn't do it from the goodness of our hearts.
That doesn't matter to the general German population.
Technically speaking, the Troika only demanded a credible proposal from Greece to meet specific budgetary target goals (which they reduced from 3% GDP to 1% GDP over the course of the negotiations). They don't really care about the specifics of that proposal and how that surplus is achieved as long as the proposal is credible.
It thought the UK gave us a overdraft type facilty that Ireland paid for the privilege and didn't draw down on
We gave that in addition, but we also gave loans via our contributions to the IMF and EU, to which we were the largest contributor because Ireland is de facto an adjunct of our own economy that we'd quite like to make some profit from. Apologies for my government.
He's a lying sack of shit, just like all corporate ballwashers. The document provided in the link clearly states, in the EuroGroup revised version:
This is hindsight obviously but the best thing for everyone involved was if Greece left the Euro back in 2010/11. I'd be surprised if they ended up staying at this point.
mind you I live in Northern Ireland now so I want to share in the profit
I suspect they were fighting a delaying action until the Troika proposed them a solution that (while generally shit, just like all of the Troika's ideas) was more or less usable. When that were to happen, they would call a snap referendum to lock in the programme, so that the Troika would not be able to pull a "I have altered the terms; pray I don't alter them further".And Varoufakis and co. just walked away without even bothering to negotiate. Then they keep procrastinating. What on earth are they doing?
mind you I live in Northern Ireland now so I want to share in the profit
Thought Osborne got us out of that?
Juncker the... hm- Via Guardian said:When the full tale of the eurozone crisis is finally written, the last hour deserves a special mention.
Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, has made a remarkable intervention into the Greek crisis in what looks like desperate, last-gasp bid to prevent the country ploughing out of the eurozone.
He has effectively told the Greek people that they are choosing between the euro and the exit door on Sunday, that their government has lied to them, and that he has been their friend and ally at the negotiating table.
Underneath it all, the desperate fear that the European project is swerving off course and about to lose its first member.
Juncker confirmed the claim that Greece’s creditors were prepared to discuss debt relief as part of a future aid deal, before Alexis Tsipras shattered hopes of a breakthrough last weekend.
A clearly wounded Juncker spoke of feeling “deeply distressed and saddened by the spectacle that Europe gave last Saturday”.
In a single night, the European conscience has taken a heavy blow. Goodwill has somewhat evaporated.
Crucially, Juncker is not offering a new compromise. Instead, he is arguing that the Commission was making a fair proposal – not “stupid austerity” – for the Greek people.
But his comments on the referendum are jaw-dropping: telling Greeks to vote Yes in Sunday’s referendum is one thing, but warning “not to commit suicide for fear of death” is another level altogether.
And he has raised the stakes in Sunday’s referendum to the highest level possible, by warning that “the whole planet” will see a no vote as a declaration that Greece wants to leave Europe.
From Guardian. Snap coverage.
That suicide over death thing...yikes. Why yes, let us bring up suicides when they've increased dramatically during austerity. What a brilliant idea.
Lol, reading about Greece going default or that Deutschebank could go bancrupt is making me paranoid.
I have no real financial knowledge, but is there anything I shoud do with the little money I have (let's say 5k$ in PLN - I live in Poland btw.) saved over the past few months? (recently started working)
Should I converse some of my funds to USD, BTC? Or should I just chill out?![]()
Lol, reading about Greece going default or that Deutschebank could go bancrupt is making me paranoid.
I have no real financial knowledge, but is there anything I shoud do with the little money I have (let's say 5k$ in PLN - I live in Poland btw.) saved over the past few months? (recently started working)
Should I converse some of my funds to USD, BTC? Or should I just chill out?![]()
Lol, reading about Greece going default or that Deutschebank could go bancrupt is making me paranoid.
I have no real financial knowledge, but is there anything I shoud do with the little money I have (let's say 5k$ in PLN - I live in Poland btw.) saved over the past few months? (recently started working)
Should I converse some of my funds to USD, BTC? Or should I just chill out?![]()
Yes. Dogecoin is a much better bet.Put it all into Bitcoins!
Don't actually do that
Looking at how the markets are reacting, all the ministers that said that there's no risk of contagion are looking quite silly, tbqh.
Yes. Dogecoin is a much better bet.
Fucking god bless you, John Major.
a clarification for the proposed measures:
-cutting military budget from 400 to 200 million Euro
This does not mean the military will get fewer weapons. They'll get the same amount.
It means that half of military personel will have to be fired or else reduced their salary by half.
A collegeue whose husband works in the military explained it to us.
With Turkey as neighbour this amounts to suicide
Fucking god bless you, John Major.
Are they dual-wielding or something? Seems like a lowering of personnel would naturally go hand in hand with a lowering of arms, non?
a clarification for the proposed measures:
-cutting military budget from 400 to 200 million Euro
This does not mean the military will get fewer weapons. They'll get the same amount.
It means that half of military personel will have to be fired or else reduced their salary by half.
A collegeue whose husband works in the military explained it to us.
With Turkey as neighbour this amounts to suicide
By the way, the Troika even included a specific demand for a social security net to ensure that every Greek unconditionally has enough money for basic needs.
Can anyone explain to me why a left-oriented Government has failed to even design, let alone implement, a social security net? They are not even working on that.
a clarification for the proposed measures:
-cutting military budget from 400 to 200 million Euro
This does not mean the military will get fewer weapons. They'll get the same amount.
It means that half of military personel will have to be fired or else reduced their salary by half.
A collegeue whose husband works in the military explained it to us.
With Turkey as neighbour this amounts to suicide
They can't just snip with their fingers to fix it all.
a clarification for the proposed measures:
-cutting military budget from 400 to 200 million Euro
This does not mean the military will get fewer weapons. They'll get the same amount.
It means that half of military personel will have to be fired or else reduced their salary by half.
A collegeue whose husband works in the military explained it to us.
With Turkey as neighbour this amounts to suicide
They got into power last year. What do you expect? There is so much fucked up, so many terrible decisions were made. They can't just snip with their fingers to fix it all.
You think Turkey is going to attack another nato member
Are they dual-wielding or something? Seems like a lowering of personnel would naturally go hand in hand with a lowering of arms, non?
Reasonably speaking? The chances are quite low. However with regard to public sentiment...If you honestly believe the Turks would throw any remaining ties with Europe and the EU as a whole just to get some land and honor back from the Greeks you are more paranoid than the right-wing parties in the US.
I cannot get over how ridiculous that idea is...
a clarification for the proposed measures:
-cutting military budget from 400 to 200 million Euro
This does not mean the military will get fewer weapons. They'll get the same amount.
It means that half of military personel will have to be fired or else reduced their salary by half.
A collegeue whose husband works in the military explained it to us.
With Turkey as neighbour this amounts to suicide
Guardian said:In a surprise move the deputy transport minister Christos Spirtzis has decided that all forms of transport across Athens’ transit network will be free until after the referendum is held.
Trams, trolleys, buses and trains are included in the decision and will be running free services until next Monday.
Basically, it would never fly in the Greek parliament. It's a huge red flag topic.Don't try to understand the relationship between Greece and Turkey. I've brought up the topic of the Greek army to my family before, big mistake. Some people think Turkey is just waiting for Greece to tone down their army expenses just so they can strike.
It's complicated man. You should also not forget that Greece to this day is calling "the city" (as we call her) Constantinople and not Istanbul. FWIW I'm also for cutting the defense budget.
Huh.That's one way to get around fuel stations running outta gas, i guess.