Too bad that's exactly the same 30% of the population that does not vote anymore, because of "Politikverdrossenheit" (Political apathy).
They may realize the problem, but do not care for change or are even afraid of it, because this change could actually harm their social status they became so fund of.
Or maybe they figured out that voting for one or another party won't make a difference simply because the system was designed that way. So why bother. Why waste time when your vote doesn't even count?
The only way for some actual difference is lots and lots of people voting for one of the smaller parties. And that simply won't just happen.
Vote for a smaller party and your vote won't count at all because of the 5% hurdle.
Wait, those votes actually do count, but not for the party that actually got voted for, but will actually get split up for the larger parties. So those people are effectively voting for all of the larger parties instead. You check "party X" and instead it counts as "party A+B+C lol". Your vote is simply not acting as it should thanks to the design of the system.
This also means that smaller parties have almost no chance at all to get relevant. Almost every single one of them will stay irrelevant. Your party got 3 million votes? Doesn't matter lol, because it's not 5% or more.
This happened to 7 MILLION votes in 2013.
All of those 7 million people voted and their vote gets effectively ignored / treated as if they didn't vote at all. Why bother then? It's effectively a waste of time for those 7 million people.
Or you vote for one of those larger parties and it won't really change a thing, because they are basically the same. Every one of those larger parties except for the left party for example fully support military in Afghanistan ("defending Germany lol"), vast majority of the population is against that. And has been for years. Do parties in power care about that? Of course not. SPD + green party introduced the inhumane Hartz IV system, afterwards CDU came into power. Did they change it at all? Nope.
So let's say you want Hartz IV system to get removed. Who do you vote for?
Imo the whole representative "democracy" (aka check here for the next 4 years and sign away everything) is crap and should get changed into an actual democracy a la Switzerland.