Funny thing is that a few Greek shipping tycoons could salvage the Greek economy from their own personal bank accounts. Bank accounts already fattened by the most corrupt oligarchical aspect of their economy.
Just take half their assets and sink them back into the country. Greece is an incredibly small and potentially wealthy nation. Just 11 million people, scattered across a large and beautiful and culturally important land. It's a strategically wonderful location - a crossroads between east, west, north and south.
Its impact on the world is unmeasurably important. It needs a reset. And that reset should come from within. Forgive some of the debt, sure, and we know austerity is counterproductive - but where are the proud Greeks? Almost all of them have moved their assets offshore, to Switzerland and beyond, exacerbating the problem.
Greece needs an economical enema, but they could very easily achieve something incredible. Reset, rebuild confidence and raise a generation of young who don't think paying taxes is for suckers. Raise a generation of people who think investing in a magnificent cultural heritage and land is something to be proud of.
There's no reason this country should threaten the stability of the entire Eurozone. But change needs to happen at home as well as in Brussels.