Syph Medwes
There, I'm not crazy if Krugman says today what I've said since yesterday.
in this case maybe lol
There, I'm not crazy if Krugman says today what I've said since yesterday.
Greece potentially leaving is a good thing, the EU is nice idea in theory but in reality, unless you have similar economies, it is a disaster.
Source? Varoufakis said he was told it was, and that it was a "take it or leave it" proposal. They can vote on it if they want, regardless of what the Troika says. Then they can come back with a signed proposal, the proposal they were handed. What the Troika decides to do at that point is up to them, but they would be really stupid to shut the door, and really they couldn't. You would finally have an agreement, and all they could say is "Well, we didn't really mean it! We're changing it again!".
Sounds quite plausible. I could see the following situations as real:Source? Varoufakis said he was told it was, and that it was a "take it or leave it" proposal. They can vote on it if they want, regardless of what the Troika says. Then they can come back with a signed proposal, the proposal they were handed. What the Troika decides to do at that point is up to them, but they would be really stupid to shut the door, and really they couldn't. You would finally have an agreement, and all they could say is "Well, we didn't really mean it! We're changing it again!".
I wonder how the stock market will react tomorrow... On friday I invested a large sum in a several funds...
This sound about as wise as KingSnake helping you to form Britain. Stock market will look terrible for a long time.
Sounds quite plausible. I could see the following situations as real:
Varoufakis returning to the Troika with a 'Yes' vote on the latest proposal would lock the Troika out of performing a Darth Vader and further altering the terms. This obviously enrages certain elements within it. If the Troika were to renege on a contract that the Greek public has vouched for, its credibility would crumble faster than a mudbrick castle built on waterlogged silt.
Tsipras/Varoufakis got a rather painful dose of reality when they realised those people a) really fucking hate them for being anti-austerity Socialists; b) are a bunch of parochialistic shitwads interested solely in scoring points with their respective domestic audiences rather than attempting to help Greece out of the cesspit it's currently wallowing in. They wisely decided playing by the rules is for rubes and started pulling pages out of the Yosif Djugashvili Playbook for International Negotiations (all their 'missteps' were calculated to keep the Troika on their collective backfoot).
However we now have to see whether their final bluff will actually work. Economists are really spiteful people, and the EuroGroup seems to comprise some of the worst examples. We could very well end up with front row seats to a perfect real-world exemplification of the adage "cutting one's nose to spite his face".
It's nice to make up stories, but all this is just speculation about things we have no information on. We'll now have to wait for next week and just see what happens.Sounds quite plausible. I could see the following situations as real:
Now you are making up some southern European union that doesn't exist? What are you even talking about...It was the best of ideas really, because ultimately if any union could work it would be one of southern Europe, albeit not a monetary union, not yet. Unions work well when it's a union of the weak, not a union of the strong, because the weak want to solve their problems, problems that are often similar, and therefore which often require the same solutions. The strong, in a union, can only seek others to prey on, otherwise what's the point?
Well, then I'm about as trustworthy as all the journalists peddling "tales from my ass" as "unconfirmed reports from unknown sources".It's nice to make up stories, but all this is just speculation about things we have no information on. We'll now have to wait for next week and just see what happens.
Fuel will be rationed.
Source?So 1 week to prepare a referendum, capital controls and fuel rationed.
Well worth it.
Should have been more careful with my wording. It may/will be rationed if things get worse. Was replying to an earlier post about long gas lines. Apologies for the confusion, no ill intention. Don't want to scare anyone, just a step the govt may take.Source?
Of course it would be proportional. If your debt is so big, you don't go and make a big loan to another country in trouble, because there's always the risk of that money not coming back.
This union is so poorly devised it's bound to fail. This is just the first bump and it can't even handle it.
Yeah just reward countries for having high debt.
Sounds like a great solution!
High debt also doesn't equal poor country, many poor countries have low debt.
Estonia a country far away from the german GDP per capita has by far the lowest debt (10% of GDP), while germany has 75% ...
We must not forget that there isn't even a proposal on the table over which the Greek people could decide. The document we have is just a list of prior actions that the Institutions required before granting the bailout of the 2nd program. This list was not a complete reform program. And on top of that, it is not being offered anymore anyway. The 2nd program will expire on Tuesday, rendering all discussions about it moot.
No, under the system u proposed it would (relatively) pay more than anybody else cause it has the lowest debt/gdp ratio.So? Estonia would only contribute a little bit if at all. The idea is for the bailout to be progressive, you know, based on capacity to pay, like tax rates should be.
No, under the system u proposed it would (relatively) pay more than anybody else cause it has the lowest debt/gdp ratio.
So why then did Merkel refer to this non existant offer as "extremely generous, going beyond the second bailout program"?
You're essentially saying that all the lenders offered in the end was a 5 month extension and sending greece even further down the debt-slope before having to go through the same shit all over again in January?
They are contributing by capacity. The bigger economies pay more. With your proposal, you are basically asking Germany and France to pick up the tab and excusing the other nations because they are either small or already have a big dept. Going by GDP is the most logical thing.No since it has a smaller economy, it can't afford to pay more than Germany. It all comes down to capacity to pay. If your debt to GDP is really high, you're not in a position to make a big loan to someone whose debt to GDP is really really high. Again this shows that the Troika's bailout funding is illogical to begin with, no wonder they can't do another round.
What she said was that they had conceded to weaken the conditions of the proposal beyond of what was originally intended. If we follow the negotiations over the last week, the Institutions have moved away quite substantially from their original demands with every day that passed.
The negotiations have been from the very beginning only about unlocking the remaining funds of the 2nd program. They have said over and over again that all other issues, including a debt relief, will have to be discussed afterwards.
Apparently capital controls don't apply to tourists...
Do these limits also apply if a Greek tries to get money from an ATM in another country?
Apparently, letting the people decide on the future of their country is a very strange approach in Europe in 2015.
ECB pulled a credit line 10 days after Syriza came into power, no time for discourse or thoughtful discussion, they just yanked the facility. Was that rushed?
Granted, the collateral being posted by Greece, and other countries for that matter was and is garbage, but pulling a lifeline right as a new party came into power and pinning them up against the wall is not how I would go about things. The whole situation is fucked.
The public makes decisions on economic matters in pretty much every election in every country.
The greek government of today is not the same greek government of yesteryear.
The ideological agenda of the creditors was laid bare when they objected to the Greece's proposed tax hike on businesses. The creditors want to cut spending by cutting pensions, cutting support for the poor, while also raising retirement age, privatizing public wealth into private hands, and raising taxes on the poor and middle class...but leave businesses alone.
They want Greece to raise revenue by raising taxes...but not by increasing taxes on businesses too much. That might "impede economic growth". But massive layoffs and poverty caused by spending cuts are just fine. That won't hurt the economy...
Nope, no ideologically driven agenda here. No pro-austerity agenda trying to make an example out of Greece here at all.
Funny how you say "around the world". It's not a coincidence that the PIIGS nations had sovereign debt crises in the wake of the GFC whilst non EMU nations like UK, USA, Canada, Japan, Australia etc... did not.
Really bold from Tsipras and I agree with his decision.
However, I am worried that fear might prevail among the greek citizens, I'm not so sure it'll end as he expects :/
My tax money (as an european) were sent there in the hopes of turning the tide against all odds. I love Greece, I like the people there, but it's not feasible anymore to simply send more money without hope of turning the ship around.
The issue of how guilty Greece should feel is not very interesting to me as an European. They're a basket case and ultimately have to find their own way.
The German economy and government. If you're not German, it's basically the richest European country extracting jizya from the rest of the Union (some of the poorest among) for the sin of not being superior Teutons and the privilege of being graced by the auspices of the Bundesbank and BVerfG.
That's simply false. You have not been taxed, at least not yet. The respective governments took loans and gave those loans to Greece with higher interest. The tax payers will be burdened only if Greece defaults.
Put plain and simply:
Greece doesn't default: European tax payers pay nothing, they actually receive interest from the investment.
Greece receives a haircut: European tax payers pay half the price of the loans.
Greece defaults: European tax payers pay the full price of the loans.
So, we are not talking about money you will have already lost, but money you will be asked to pay in the future if Greece defaults, because you haven't paid them yet.
Well yeah, it's not like the IMF can confiscate the Acropolis if they don't get payed. The question is if the country's economy can sustain itself without access to the international monetary markets and if greek banks can provide the necessary liquidity without ELA support.
It's predictable because it's true; Germany has reaped the benefits of the Euro currency and has so far been miserly when it comes to redistributing those benefits across the union.
Whether this is selfishness or just pig-headed adherence on the part of Merkel to the failed economics of austerity... who knows.
When a poor fucker with no money goes to get a loan, the onus falls on the bank, as the party with more info, to refuse it as an unsound investment.
You do realize each goverment is responsible for their own budget, right?
Yeah one day we'll wake up wanting to have the socialist paradise half of our country has had from 1945 to 1990.
You are out of your mind if you think that Greek media support Syriza.
I don't get it why some people stickto their "good versus bad" vision. Both sides have some valid points from their very own view like goverments tax accountancy:
still running mostly on 386 and 486 PCs which recquires a staff of 100.000 people.
EU offerend to give modern PC Systems for free to reduce to required staff to a 5-digit number.
Greece declined because a lot of their accountants would lose their to reason to be employed and would have to go out of work.
Guess you simply can't bring the western performance orienated view together with the greece "jobs and equality for everyone" view
A digital/electronic-only drachma (no cash) is a golden chance to fix tax evasion if you ask me.
It would also be much faster than printing new banknotes/coins...
As soon as the hints of a referendum were announced, the Troika reacted more insultingly than ever, literally pulling the table cloth to themselves and all on it, and trying to fuel panic, because they knew very well that the vote was likely to be a Yes. All of a sudden they have a meeting with all the finance ministers but exclude the Greek finance minister.
Except a referendum would've made no sense a month ago, since nobody knew anything but vague rumours about the terms of the deal.
It has far more to do with Russia than the US markets.
Wonder what's gonna happen if Greece exits Euro.
No since it has a smaller economy, it can't afford to pay more than Germany. It all comes down to capacity to pay. If your debt to GDP is really high, you're not in a position to make a big loan to someone whose debt to GDP is really really high. Again this shows that the Troika's bailout funding is illogical to begin with, no wonder they can't do another round.
The troika was certain last week that Tsipras would fold when presented with a final take-it-or-leave-it offer. They were wrong. The Fund, the ECB and the European commission made a fatal misjudgement and have now lost control of events.
The stance taken by the troika has been wrong-headed but inevitable. Greece has seen its economy shrink by 25% in the past five years. A quarter of its population is unemployed. It has suffered a slump of Great Depression proportions, yet the troika has been demanding fresh tax increases that will suck demand from the economy, stifle growth and add to Greeces debt burden.
GDP is the only equitable way. Basing it on GDP - debt would only encourage countries to highly leverage themselves in order to lower their contribution.
Pretty much. If Greece leaves the EU, there is speculation that Russia will be its new best friend. Well, at least there was. At this point it is questionable how much Russia could invest in a Greek bailout without pissing off its own citizens and those in occupied Crimea.
Well wouldn't that be great? A country with low debt to GDP would rush to finance a bailout in order to increase its own debt, so as to reduce its future contributions? You don't want to foot the bill for a future bailout? Foot the current one. At least that would be useful debt; used to heal.
Some states continually pay more in taxes to the Fed than they get back. Other states continually get back more from the Fed than they pay in. US states are not limited to just their own budgets. Yes, each state has its own budget (and most have their own taxing authorities), but for the poorer states, that money is supplemented by Federal spending.
In the EU, since you're all still separate countries, no State wants to be subsidizing another State.
I agree with you that the EU doesn't yet have enough financial governing power (through union institutions) to make it a true financial Union (I'm hoping that it will).
I don't agree on the idea that some countries are money sink holes, and that's that. Every country should at least try to have the minimal growth to outpace debt interest rates and this is entirely possible, even for Greece.
As an european, I have no problem with financing the greek people. I just don't want to do it indefinitely, I just want to optimize the cost and fix the situation. Is it to much to ask?
I agree with you that the EU doesn't yet have enough financial governing power (through union institutions) to make it a true financial Union (I'm hoping that it will).
I don't agree on the idea that some countries are money sink holes, and that's that. Every country should at least try to have the minimal growth to outpace debt interest rates and this is entirely possible, even for Greece.
As an european, I have no problem with financing the greek people. I just don't want to do it indefinitely, I just want to optimize the cost and fix the situation. Is it to much to ask?
To use the US as a rough example, there is simply no getting around the fact that some states will always produce more tax income than others, and other states will always require more money than they produce in taxes. It is simply a result of demographics, infrastructure, and specialization. This isn't wrong, and it isn't because these states have failed in some way. It is something that has been going on since the start of the US, and will continue as long as this country exists. It isn't a problem to be avoided, but a normal process. I live in California, one of the wealthier states in the nation. My tax money is used to keep less prosperous states afloat. I will never begrudge them that.
This is in part due to how the US government was designed from the beginning. In the US Senate, every state has equal representation regardless of size or population. This was specifically done to make sure smaller, less-populous states would not be side-lined by the large and wealthy ones. This is one of those under-appreciated advantages of the American political system, since it makes sure that money goes to states that need it the most, and that the viewpoints of these smaller states are not drowned out by larger interests.
The EU and Eurozone, which are currently suffering from the problem that their policy is being dominated by the nations with the economic clout to control the purse-strings, might benefit from giving more actual political power to their smaller members.
To use the US as a rough example, there is simply no getting around the fact that some states will always produce more tax income than others, and other states will always require more money than they produce in taxes. It is simply a result of demographics, infrastructure, and specialization.
Yes. It would be likely that you would have to subsidise them in perpetuity.
Why? I don't get it. How are the Greeks so different then their neighbours so they can't produce more than what they consume and have to be subsided into eternity?
Why? I don't get it. How are the Greeks so different then their neighbours so they can't produce more than what they consume and have to be subsided into eternity?
Their neighbours are not in the Eurozone so can devalue their own currency. In a common currency it is inevitable that you will have to subsidise some states to near perpetuity, in fact, that is how a monetary union should work between unequal economies.Why? I don't get it. How are the Greeks so different then their neighbours so they can't produce more than what they consume and have to be subsided into eternity?
Because they don't control their own currency.
Their neighbours are not in the Eurozone so can devalue their own currency. In a common currency it is inevitable that you will have to subsidise some states to near perpetuity, in fact, that is how a monetary union should work between unequal economies.
In the first place if the union is run correctly, the money should be paid, and the money is pretty much funnelled back into the larger economy. (what do you think the smaller state is buying with that money, it is essentially given money and acts as a market for the lender's goods)
If you believe otherwise, perhaps you should reconsider your stance towards the monetary union.
Imagine you're in charge of a small island nation on a fixed currency that imports more than it exports (more euros leaving the country than going in). Do you imagine there could be a problem?Neither is Italy or Spain but they are recovering.
Not controlling their own currency doesn't explain why would the Greeks be the only ones that have to be subsided perpetually.
Imagine you're in charge of a small island nation on a fixed currency that imports more than it exports (more euros leaving the country than going in). Do you imagine there could be a problem?
Well, we are getting somewhere, although 'island nation' isn't really necessary, this could be applied to any other nation in the eurozone. From Ireland, to Spain and Portugal.
So, why and what are the greeks importing that's so vital to their own survival? Why aren't they exporting enough to compensate?
Because the Euro made it very difficult for them to compete. Greece was also lacking in infrastructure and needed money. Due to events after the second world war they had fallen behind their peers in this area.Well, we are getting somewhere, although 'island nation' isn't really necessary, this could be applied to any other nation in the eurozone. From Ireland, to Spain and Portugal.
So, why and what are the greeks importing that's so vital to their own survival? Why aren't they exporting enough to compensate?
That's interesting. Given that public transport isn't gated in Athens how would she know?!Sister went to work today by bus and didn't have to pay. Seems like public transportation is going to be free for the week. (She didn't know to what degree though, maybe just the buses?)
As a Portuguese this Greece stuff is scary as we are a hair away from being in the same shit hole (or already are tbh)
Because they don't control their own currency.
Think about what it means for everyone to export more than they import. Ireland and Portugal probably aren't great examples to hold up either. Their debts have both gone up heavily as well, while they started much lower than Greece's in the financial crisis.Well, we are getting somewhere, although 'island nation' isn't really necessary, this could be applied to any other nation in the eurozone. From Ireland, to Spain and Portugal.
So, why and what are the greeks importing that's so vital to their own survival? Why aren't they exporting enough to compensate?
Think about what it means for everyone to export more than they import. Ireland and Portugal probably aren't great examples to hold up either. Their debts have both gone up heavily as well, while they started much lower than Greece's in the financial crisis.
Neither is Italy or Spain but they are recovering.
Not controlling their own currency doesn't explain why would the Greeks be the only ones that have to be subsided perpetually.
Because you're a company looking to set up a new factory, are you going to set up in Greece or Germany? It costs roughly the same, and Germany has a lot of support for manufacturing, the skill base is readily available and the government makes it more favourable to set up shop there...where are you going to go?
Multiply this a thousand times. The euro makes everything in Germany cheaper, and everything in Greece more expensive. Germany gets the mountain of the benefit, while Greece gets shafted.