The US is pretty much stuck because any action that would be perceived as criticizing Germany will stoke anti-American/Atlantic sentiment. The US can't say anything or do anything in Europe other than military cooperation. If the US says anything, then they'll lose someone.
The Russians aren't crazy in wanting to deepen a rift between the US/UK and the rest of Europe, and Germany is really on the line. France less so these days, unlike 15 years ago.
Yeah, I'd say the current situation in Europe is a foreign policy nightmare (add another to the list) for the US. In addition to this complete failure of the Eurozone to solve anything, their apparent (lack of) feelings for any defense of each other, and rising nationalist parties, you have to believe the State Dept. is banging their heads against the wall (and yeah, the US is partly to blame) over the future of a cohesive and stable Europe. It's like Europe wants to be increasingly relevant in all the wrong issues and increasingly irrelevant in the important ones.