BREAKING: Head of German Savings Banks Assoc' - Greeks have broken with the rules of the Euro Zone, Greece should leave the currency bloc BREAKING: Head of German Savings Banks Assoc' - Greeks have broken with the rules of the Euro Zone, Greece should leave the currency bloc
Usually. But nobody wants to deal with Tsipras anymore not just because of his rhetoric, but also because nobody trusts him and his government anymore. Negotiations are considered a waste of time. Doesn't get much worse than that.
Merkel and Hollande are meeting to discuss the results tomorrow evening. Can't imagine that being a fun talk.So apparently the euro finance minister won't meet tomorrow. Nothing to discuss after todays NO
whats happening now to greek people? Unemployed to keep going up and wages down?
Basically this:
EU taxpayers saved the German/French banks, not the Greek people. It's not easy, but they have to understand that.
Personally, I think it's silly to turn Germans against Greeks* and vice versa, when the banksters are laughing all the way to the bank!
You will be a fool, if you truly believe EU didn't really know about these numbers, but a new EU member is good for a good number of reasons and they allow it anyway. Of course the great financial crisis fucked up EU plans.
Merkel and Hollande are meeting to discuss the results tomorrow evening. Can't imagine that being a fun talk.
They're kinda like the German Tea Party and the sister Party of Merkel's CDU. They're clowns but they're from Bavaria and Bavaria means money and a lot of elderly voters so we have to listen to them. They tried to introduce an Autobahn toll on tourists but the EU told them to fuck right off.
Not right wing, but certainly a really conservative party.
Don't be suprised...
Kinda, it's like the german tea party. They only really are popular in bavaria.
Center-right. We don't really have any far right parties in Germany. But as other people wrote, the CSU is extremely conservative and extremely focused on Bavaria. Comparing them to the Tea Party is kinda ridiculous.Is that the extreme right wing German party?
Still they're no finance ministers... And they can't give Greece some more loans on their own, right?
No, but they are the leaders of the biggest Euro countries, so hold a lot of power.Still they're no finance ministers... And they can't give Greece some more loans on their own, right? BREAKING: Head of German Exporters Assoc, Boerner to Reuters - Can't see how Greece can stay in the Euro Zone now. #GreeceReferendum
Point being that the EU has to be about something more than fucking austerity. If we are supposed to be "Europeans", if there's supposed to be a "union", then we have to act like we are together instead of acting like we are together just so the bigger economies can reap the benefits.
LMAO, I can just imagine the uproar if this prediction for increased cuts being needed due to delay from the referendum messing things up comes true, via The Guardian:
Once Athens and its lenders resume talks, Tsipras is likely to point to the IMFs recent debt sustainability analysis (which has effectively once more made the case for debt relief) and tonights No vote. But calls to respect the democratic will of the Greek people and offer a better deal will likely be answered by reference to the in substance very different democratic will in creditor countries.
They need to sell any possible deals to their parlements first anyway.
One of the reasons why the referendum was way too late.
Congrats Greece. What a beautiful political day in Europe. So see such a signficant difference in votes after european central bank (againts its own regulations) promoted an active act of terror against a country , its goddamn beautiful to see a country to defend itself against the ones who spit in the face of human dignity.
You may not have the support of many governments (including the fascists that rule mine today...only until november!) but you have a huge support of millions of people across Europe.
Let's fight for a future.
20:47 Zieht die EU "den Stecker"?
Anne Gellinek
@a_gellinek 6m
Ein erfahrener EU-Veteran: Europa wird den Stecker ziehen, keine neuen Verhandlungen mit #Griechenland . EU-Gipfel Mitwoch? #Grefenderum
This isn't some elitist or top down driven thing, most of the taxpayers in the debt holding countries want their money returned eventually. If you had a vote in Germany, spain, Italy, etc on what the troikas position should be in Greece you'd very most likely get very similar positions. The only way to change it is to change I individial citizens attitudes.
Also, from what I've seen many of the smaller countries especially in the east think Greece should "live within their means" as many of them have poorer citizens and have gone through auserity as well.
Right. But after today I doubt there would be anything that they can sell to their parlements.
Indeed, countries like Latvia, Slovakia, Estonia are also in the Euro and a lot poorer then Greece. Can't really blame them if they don't want to have their citizens pay the debt of what is still a rich country compared to them.Also, from what I've seen many of the smaller countries especially in the east think Greece should "live within their means" as many of them have poorer citizens and have gone through auserity as well.
They are the most right wing party that isn't a nazi party. They rule over Bavaria.Is that the extreme right wing German party?
You mean that these past months they actually took him into consideration?
It was basically:"You are a fool and you have no idea, sign this and shut up" since he started his mandate...
Basically last negotiations failed when the FMI added more addendums (even more austerity) to the almost finished draw and Merkel went to Tsipras with "Sign this or nothing".
There is just that exactly amount of shit treatment a sovereign country and his goverment before they decide to act with the weapons they have.
You may not have the support of many governments (including the fascists that rule mine today...only until november!) but you have a huge support of millions of people across Europe.
Let's fight for a future.
Greece has no chance of paying it EVER. Even the FMI agrees, Europe can't be that blind.
It's gonna be alot harder to convince the state parlements in europe, that's for sure.
"An experienced Europe veteran: Europe will pull the plug, no new negotiations with Greece."
You realize that if those banks fail everyone loses their life savings right? I assume that Greece has some sort of FDIC equivalent but do you really want all your money converted into whatever the Greek government will be printing? Also if there's no banks how will businesses find ivestment, because it sure as hell won't be coming from outside Greece if they default. Greece would pretty much be sentenced to economic collapse if you just let your financial sector implodePersonally, I think it's silly to turn Germans against Greeks* and vice versa, when the banksters are laughing all the way to the bank!
They are the most right wing party that isn't a nazi party. They rule over Bavaria.
You realize that if those banks fail everyone loses their life savings right? I assume that Greece has some sort of FDIC equivalent but do you really want all your money converted into whatever the Greek government will be printing? Also if there's no banks how will businesses find ivestment, because it sure as hell won't be coming from outside Greece if they default. Greece would pretty much be sentenced to economic collapse if you just let your financial sector implode
The people voting are. And that's why our politicians can't publicly admit that the money we lend Greece is gone, even though they know it. That's why the only solutions is some sort of iteratively increasing repayment delay without interests that in practice would mean the same as a debt relief.
You realize that if those banks fail everyone loses their life savings right? I assume that Greece has some sort of FDIC equivalent but do you really want all your money converted into whatever the Greek government will be printing? Also if there's no banks how will businesses find ivestment, because it sure as hell won't be coming from outside Greece if they default. Greece would pretty much be sentenced to economic collapse if you just let your financial sector implode
I have read a couple of times that the bailout saved the (EU) banks...
But where do people who brought that up in an argument think their money was/is? And what would have happened to their money, their employers money, etc if those banks would not have been saved?
Merkel has to decide which thing is more important: saving the Euro or saving her political career? It's a tough choice, but it has to be made.That's what politicians all over the Eurozone are afraid of. They want to help, because they believe in the Euro and its political benefits, but are afraid of loosing elections if they give in to too many concessions. Why should they give two fucks about a popular vote in Greece?
Dude, that might be a funny joke within Germany, but Non-Germans will certainly understand that wrong.
Haha wonderful.Dude, that might be a funny joke within Germany, but Non-Germans will certainly understand that wrong.
I remember the last time the German Bundestag had to give it's OK it took a LOT of talking to get them in to the boat.
I feel it's near impossible now. At least in Germany.
I'm so proud of my fellow Greeks for standing up to this bullshit even when the media in Greece was all against the no vote for their own self interests.
The way Greece has been treated throughout the media is shocking. The ,omey given was never going to help the people, it was for the financial institutions, and yet again, the people suffered at the hands of bankers.
This is n't going to be easy, there are hard times ahead, i just hope that Greece leaves the EU and gets back on their own feet.
Greece has a big tourism industry, so leaving the EU might not be the best considering open borders and all. They also get more money from the EU then they pay towards it. So I take it you mean leaving the Euro, not the European Union.This is n't going to be easy, there are hard times ahead, i just hope that Greece leaves the EU and gets back on their own feet.
Greece always could have refused the loan. It's really confusing to me what EU owes Greece. Also I don't see difference between "yes" and "no" votes. Either way the country is going bankrupt. "No" vote is probably better for EU...I'm so proud of my fellow Greeks for standing up to this bullshit even when the media in Greece was all against the no vote for their own self interests.
The way Greece has been treated throughout the media is shocking. The ,omey given was never going to help the people, it was for the financial institutions, and yet again, the people suffered at the hands of bankers.
This is n't going to be easy, there are hard times ahead, i just hope that Greece leaves the EU and gets back on their own feet.