GTA VI should only run at 30fps on PS5 Pro, says Digital Foundry


Gold Member

According to Digital Foundry channel, GTA VI should only run at 30fps on the PS5 Pro, as the new hardware doesn't have what it takes to reach 60fps, requiring a “technological miracle”.

I still assume that GTA VI will be a 30fps game, unless some kind of technological miracle happens, and there is no technology in the PS5 Pro that can change that.

DF says that the fact that the PS5 Pro keeps the same CPU is disappointing, having to leave all the 60fps burden to the GPU and the PSSR upscaling technology. This wouldn't help CPU-limited games that focus heavily on simulation, such as GTA VI and the recently released Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2.

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The day prior to the Trailer Reveal, game was leaked with a gameplay video, running at 1440p at 60fps in Performance Mode.

We should start making some serious bets on this matter.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
The day prior to the Trailer Reveal, game was leaked with a gameplay video, running at 1440p at 60fps in Performance Mode.

We should start making some serious bets on this matter.

Bro, fucking Warhammer, a linear action game with no RT, runs at DRS 720p to 1080p.

What makes anyone think GTA VI will run at 1440p in Performance mode on current hardware.


Gold Member

According to Digital Foundry channel, GTA VI should only run at 30fps on the PS5 Pro, as the new hardware doesn't have what it takes to reach 60fps, requiring a “technological miracle”.

DF says that the fact that the PS5 Pro keeps the same CPU is disappointing, having to leave all the 60fps burden to the GPU and the PSSR upscaling technology. This wouldn't help CPU-limited games that focus heavily on simulation, such as GTA VI and the recently released Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2.

Bet they will be wrong


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
The fact that I saw that footage with my own eyes a day before the Trailer dropped?

And aside from that, that Rockstar made GTA V on a 360? And RDR2 on an Xbox One?

Both run at an unstable 30 FPS and RDR2 runs < 900p on Xbox One.

Also how do you know that footage was running on, or representative of, consoles?

Because Saber isn't Rockstar, and doesn't have 2 billion to spend on making cutting edge software?

Rockstar isn't miracle workers, it took them 2 generations beyond its original release to get GTA V to run at 60 fps on console hardware.
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Digital foundry have been wrong on too many occasions to take their word as gospel any longer, I'll hold out hope for 60. Interesting thing with the way R* rolls is, whenever it releases, unless the NextBox is out, the best experience will be on PS5Pro for a year or two. Doesn't matter how deep your pockets are, either you play it as released or you wait ~18 months.


RDR2 on Xbox one looked like shit and gta5 was 25fps on Xbox 360.
Oh wow, I change my mind then..

RDR2, every version including the best one (Xbox Series X V.100) is a damn Xbox One game, and looks better than 90% or more of free-roams on the market today.

And absolutely speechless at dismissing what developing GTA V on a 360/PS3 meant simply because it "ran at 25fps".

Both run at an unstable 30 FPS and RDR2 runs < 900p on Xbox One.
RDR2 runs at rock solid 60fps with PS4 Pro settings on a modded PS5 in backwards mode.


Both run at an unstable 30 FPS and RDR2 runs < 900p on Xbox One.

Also how do you know that footage was running on, or representative of, consoles?

Rockstar isn't miracle workers, it took them 2 generations beyond its original release to get GTA V to run at 60 fps on console hardware.
Not miracle? Imagine they manage to run GTA 5 on Jaguar CPU.


Using cut down 2019 cpu in 800 Euro console is just incredible. Looks like they blowed all their budged on those cool racing stripes.

From a consumer standpoint, this is a huge L, but from a corporate point of view, this is a win for sure... the profit margins on that "premium" product must be amazing.

They know most people have no idea what Zen2 is or what it means for their games, and they will mask it as much as they can with frame generation, but it will eventually come back to bite.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Unless Rockstar drops the ball on physics galore, which I doubt, it will be 💯% be CPU limited

This ain’t RDR 2 with rabbits, deers and horse testicles. Pedestrians, traffic simulations to make a city feel alive will eat up a CPU.

It’s the same fucking CPU for the pro. That’s DF’s argument.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Not miracle? Imagine they manage to run GTA 5 on Jaguar CPU.

Yeah, they did and that's impressive, but GTA V historically runs pretty shit on PS3/360.

They might be able to get a decent up-scaled 1440p/30 mode on PS5/Series but ta 1440p/60, come on now.

Never play on ultra settings? its better than most games today!

The PS4 Pro version isn't Ultra settings. It also has a pretty shitty checker-boarded upscaling method. Not the same thing in the slightest.


Yeah, they did and that's impressive, but GTA V historically runs pretty shit on PS3/360.

They might be able to get a decent up-scaled 1440p/30 mode on PS5/Series but ta 1440p/60, come on now.

The PS4 Pro version isn't Ultra settings. It also has a pretty shitty checker-boarded upscaling method. Not the same thing in the slightest.
It's weak console hardware dont expect them 1080/60 or 720p/60 fps. Go for PC if you want definitive edition.

I'm talking about the PC Version... RDR 2 much better graphics and animation than most of the game today.


Lmao what kind of reasoning is this? There were 60fps games on Commodore 64. And there were 10fps games. Everything is about developer choices, not about hardware limitations or technological miracles. It has always been that way.

we literally have a trailer of the game to judge it from.
and the trailer shows that they lean heavily into raytracing, both for reflections and for global illumination.

Raytracing is very CPU heavy. open world sanbox games are very CPU heavy. large NPC crowds (which we saw in the trailer) are very CPU heavy.

so expecting 30fps is a very reasonable assumption to make.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
What makes you so sure GTAVI will be the same as Warhammer? There are open world action games that run at 1440p on a base PS5 in performance mode.

I can't think of a single open world game this generation that matches the complexity or density that the GTA VI trailer showed.

Starfield now targets 4K (1440p)/60 too but it doesn't have anywhere near that kind of density.

It's weak console hardware dont expect them 1080/60 or 720p/60 fps. Go for PC if you want definitive edition.

I agree with you and that's the point I was quoting to the poster. Talking strictly about console hardware, not PC.
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we literally have a trailer of the game to judge it from.
and the trailer shows that they lean heavily into raytracing, both for reflections and for global illumination.

Raytracing is very CPU heavy. open world sanbox games are very CPU heavy. large NPC crowds (which we saw in the trailer) are very CPU heavy.

so expecting 30fps is a very reasonable assumption to make.
And they could have a mode where they choose to not heavily lean into raytracing, both for reflections and for global illumination. Or halve the crowd or car density. Or do whatever else that is needed to increase framerates. If they wanted. No technological miracle is ever needed, except have video hardware that could push out another image to a TV 60 times per second.
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And they could have a mode where they choose to not heavily lean into raytracing, both for reflections and for global illumination. Or halve the crowd or car density. Or do whatever else that is needed to increase framerates. If they wanted. No technological miracle is ever needed, except have video hardware that could push out another image to a TV 60 times per second.

they could, but replacing RT GI especially wouldn't be that easy. they would have had this planned from the start, and Rockstar doesn't strike me as a dev team that cares about 60fps... hell, they clearly don't care about playability in general when we look at how awful the input latency in RDR2 was.

so yes, they could... but it's rockstar, and I just doubt they will
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