Found the rainbow trophy to be easiest on the chicken combo room
Hmm, I'm trying it out in the Caverna del Pollo, but do you think I should wait and try it out on my hard run?
edit: nvm I got it!
Found the rainbow trophy to be easiest on the chicken combo room
Hmm, I'm trying it out in the Caverna del Pollo, but do you think I should wait and try it out on my hard run?
edit: nvm I got it!
Pollo combat room with the hammer guy is a great spot, shouldn't have to wait for a hard playthrough
edit: nvm late as ****
Well, just got to the final part of the final boss and... sigh.I get the feeling this is going to be one of those games where I get to the last section and never finish. I really don't think I have the co-ordination or reflexes to spot and react to this many different telegraphs while at the same time finding ways to get my own hits in.
I mean, we've got the three-burst projectiles, the vertical lava streams, the diagonal lava streams, the huge horizontal fire-breath and the ground-lava to contend with, plus the need to constantly break coloured shields, plus the need to toss the falling rocks (which often cause you to flail into incoming hazards.)
Anyone have any tips?
He takes a step or two back when he's about to breath fire horizontally. That's your cue to turn into a chicken.
I guess that's true for Vita players, although I appreciated being able to freely move around as a chicken.You could just crouch. Easier to do for Vita players.
- He shouts when he's about to stomp the ground and raise lava, raising his arms. That's your cue to pull back from the hands, jump>double jump>uppercut if necessary.
- He takes a step or two back when he's about to breath fire horizontally. That's your cue to turn into a chicken.
- He does this weird gesture (crossing his arm?) when he's about to unleash the vertical and cross fire beams. And you see them forming as a warning. That's your cue to stand in the center regardless of which one he goes with.
- He kind of sits there emotionless for a second with his mouth open when he's about to shoot the purple bullets. That's your cue to dodge around.
- Grabbing the falling rocks and throwing it them at him is optional. In fact if you ignore them and just keep meleeing him, you'll earn a trophy. They inflict him with more damage though. But they're harmless to you, so don't worry about them.
I might be a bit off with the audiovisual cues of his attacks, so maybe you should do a test run, but those reactions will surely keep you safe. He didn't touch me even once on my Hard run.
One thing this game does really well:
With every difficult challenge, you start failing and thinking "This is fucking impossible, I won't ever be able to do that, it's ridiculous!" - But then, 10 minutes later you did it and you feel awesome.
Especially true with all these bosses. I immediately thought Jaguar was an asshole and he's way too hard, but once you know his pattern, it was easypeasy - Same with Calaca, etc.
I think the game has glitched on me. I just beat the final boss and don't know what to do next.Any ideas? Please don't tell me I have to restart and tackle Calaca all over again.El Presidente's Daughter is lying there on the shrine and I can run about and stuff, but that's it.
I think the game has glitched on me. I just beat the final boss and don't know what to do next.Any ideas? Please don't tell me I have to restart and tackle Calaca all over again.El Presidente's Daughter is lying there on the shrine and I can run about and stuff, but that's it.
Finally just got platinum. I got 100% on my first playthrough so when I beat it on hard, I saw the "bad" ending.
I felt that pull on my heartI think this was phenomenal. The characters were all simple and even though minimal back story and character were given, I felt the the story. This game was simply delightful./tears at the end when he's standing at her altar and then drops his mask standing by her in the afterlife.
Yup.What's the deal? Is that deliberate? Am I supposed to find all the other pieces first, THEN come back and fight Calaca a second time?
Wow congratz mateI got it!!!!! I'm number 1!!!!
Kill one of those flying dragon enemies with nothing but the frog slam (circle+down midair). Pretty easy stuff.Any tips on how to do the "I swat you" trophy ?
So the game has a ton of fantastic references in it, but I think this one might be my favourite. If you've not finished the game yet I'd suggest you don't click, it'll be more fun when you come across it yourself:
Yea. After you beat it you can go finish up then come back and beat it again.I was just wondering: i just arrived at the beginning of the temple section. Will there be an opportunity to revisit the other levels before the end of the game? I realise now that i should have done a bit more collecting.
Kill one of those flying dragon enemies with nothing but the frog slam (circle+down). Pretty easy stuff.
So yeah this game is alright. I just wish with all of the secrets and backtracking in the game that there was more to find besides money and the 2 upgrade parts.
Kill one of those flying dragon enemies with nothing but the frog slam (circle+down midair). Pretty easy stuff.
The Tree level was the trickiest so far. Thankfully the boss fight was so super easy.
Also completed the Combo Chicken training. That was quite challenging.
Javier Jaguar is way too difficult compared to the rest of the game.
Any easy ways to beat him?
can i get to the upper right platforms? how?
edit: FUCK darkwing just posted the same shit!
yay did it
Playing hard mode now and spotted areference I missed before. So let's try and make a list of every game/series reference in this game.VVVVVV
- Mario: poster of the brothers, plus the obvious nod to the bowser fight and 'your princess is in another castle'
- Zelda: Link & Majora's mask posters and I Am Error, one of my favorite nods.
- Metroid: Chozo statues and Metroid statues as well.
- Castlevania: mural of a Belmont whipping a foe. Feel like there should be more, but that's all I can think of.
- Mega Man: optional platform challenge has the known disappearing platforms. Poster of a power tank and MM Luchador
- Donkey Kong: statues block your way in the desert
- Journey: robed figure in the snowy mountains
- Grim Fandango: poster of 'Manny Cavalera missing'
- Alex Kidd: also a missing poster
- Super Meat Boy vs N+ in a poster
- Final Fantasy : cactuars in the desert
- Castle Crashers poster
- Phoenix Wright: Gumshoe achievement
- Viva Pinata: house with this name
- VVVVVV: painting in a house
- Minecraft: 'mine forever', house near the combat trial mines
- Game sites: Destructoid vs Giant Bomb poster in the chicken combo room
Any more?
Playing hard mode now and spotted areference I missed before. So let's try and make a list of every game/series reference in this game.VVVVVV
- Mario: poster of the brothers, plus the obvious nod to the bowser fight and 'your princess is in another castle'
- Zelda: Link & Majora's mask posters and I Am Error, one of my favorite nods.
- Metroid: Chozo statues and Metroid statues as well.
- Castlevania: mural of a Belmont whipping a foe. Feel like there should be more, but that's all I can think of.
- Mega Man: optional platform challenge has the known disappearing platforms. Poster of a power tank and MM Luchador
- Donkey Kong: statues block your way in the desert
- Journey: robed figure in the snowy mountains
- Grim Fandango: poster of 'Manny Cavalera missing'
- Alex Kidd: also a missing poster
- Super Meat Boy vs N+ in a poster
- Final Fantasy : cactuars in the desert
- Castle Crashers poster
- Phoenix Wright: Gumshoe achievement
- Viva Pinata: house with this name
- VVVVVV: painting in a house
- Minecraft: 'mine forever', house near the combat trial mines
- Game sites: Destructoid vs Giant Bomb poster in the chicken combo room
Any more?
Playing hard mode now and spotted areference I missed before. So let's try and make a list of every game/series reference in this game.VVVVVV
- Mario: poster of the brothers, plus the obvious nod to the bowser fight and 'your princess is in another castle'
- Zelda: Link & Majora's mask posters and I Am Error, one of my favorite nods.
- Metroid: Chozo statues and Metroid statues as well.
- Castlevania: mural of a Belmont whipping a foe. Feel like there should be more, but that's all I can think of.
- Mega Man: optional platform challenge has the known disappearing platforms. Poster of a power tank and MM Luchador
- Donkey Kong: statues block your way in the desert
- Journey: robed figure in the snowy mountains
- Grim Fandango: poster of 'Manny Cavalera missing'
- Alex Kidd: also a missing poster
- Super Meat Boy vs N+ in a poster
- Final Fantasy : cactuars in the desert
- Castle Crashers poster
- Phoenix Wright: Gumshoe achievement
- Viva Pinata: house with this name
- VVVVVV: painting in a house
- Minecraft: 'mine forever', house near the combat trial mines
- Game sites: Destructoid vs Giant Bomb poster in the chicken combo room
Any more?
Haha, thanks. I hope someone beats my time, i'd like some competition. But for now i think im going to try to put some more distance between 2nd place and myself.Wow congratz mate
i think no one ever will try to think breaking this number p=