How come there's novideo up yet? C'mon people.true ending
Found it. Spoiler warning.
Be warned though, it may just make you feel sadder if you got the other ending. It sure did for me.
How come there's novideo up yet? C'mon people.true ending
Found it. Spoiler warning.
Be warned though, it may just make you feel sadder if you got the other ending. It sure did for me.
This section has just baffled me. I have all the abilities up to the goat thing. Help please.
Do you have theability yet?Goat fly flying
This section has just baffled me. I have all the abilities up to the goat thing. Help please.
I can runIf that's what you mean.up flat walls, if that's wha you mean. I holt the triangle button, then press up and Juan then shoots up like a fireball.
I can runIf that's what you mean.up flat walls, if that's wha you mean. I holt the triangle button, then press up and Juan then shoots up like a fireball.
That's not how it's supposed to be done.You can actually do this part without goat fly. Grab onto the block on the left, do the rocket thing upwards, tap left once briefly and you land just to the right of the spikes (on top of the block). From there it's a few simple jumps.
That's not how it's supposed to be done.You can actually do this part without goat fly. Grab onto the block on the left, do the rocket thing upwards, tap left once briefly and you land just to the right of the spikes (on top of the block). From there it's a few simple jumps.
I got all the way to theWhat? Did you actually finish the tree top challenge without goat fly?
Those center blocks are not climbable.
What? Did you actually finish the tree top challenge without goat fly?
Those center blocks are not climbable.
Nope you're missing an ability, where you hit "->"+"o" when on a wall. You must have missed it, or you just haven't got to the point where you get it yet.
I got all the way to thebefore that ability! I was pissed when I realized I had to come all the way back saws screen
what's better this or shadow complex
Great game, but disappointingly short.
what's better this or shadow complex
what's better this or shadow complex
what's better this or shadow complex
That's not how it's supposed to be done.You can actually do this part without goat fly. Grab onto the block on the left, do the rocket thing upwards, tap left once briefly and you land just to the right of the spikes (on top of the block). From there it's a few simple jumps.
This game was awesome until I reached the Javier fight. Suddenly, I don't even want to play this anymore. I know some people are awesome with quick responses and juggling a gazzilion moves all at once, but for normal players like me this is ridiculous. ._.
what's better this or shadow complex
Sounds like you're trying the move more that once in a single "jump". Which section is that? I thought the third section was the goat run where you just need to time the shifts and double jump at the end.The third section though? Every single time I do it (and it's been about a dozen now) I get to the point where the blue-rush move is required and all I get is an impotent yellow flash and an infuriating "No" buzzing noise. I have something like seven blocks of stamina, and I'm never short on them by the time I reach the last section.
What. Is. Going. On.
the teleporting platforms.
arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh tree top is nothing compared to this.
I just completed this at work during my break. I think my colleagues are staying away from me now for the rest of the day.
Sounds like you're trying the move more that once in a single "jump". Which section is that? I thought the third section was the goat run where you just need to time the shifts and double jump at the end.
Ah, I had them mixed up. Yeah, I did that using double jump only - but it's the piece that gave me the most problems as well.This is the part I'm struggling with.
Going by that guy's tactics I clearly don't need to do the blue-rush move at all, which is nice. I'll give it another go tomorrow when my hands un-cramp.
This is the part I'm struggling with.
Going by that guy's tactics I clearly don't need to do the blue-rush move at all, which is nice. I'll give it another go tomorrow when my hands un-cramp.
I didn't watch on after the initial few seconds, but I did the saw part with goat fly almost exclusively.Good video! I mostly used jump-switching at te buzz saw, but cool to see it done purely w goat fly.