Does anyone have any tips?
For me I found it easier when fighting
Jaguar Javier
double jump
Does anyone have any tips?
And RE: the kotaku article yeah the owl statues are based off the Majora's Mask ones actually. I love Majora's Mask a lot <_< heh
For me I found it easier when fightingin hard mode toJaguar Javierback and forth across the arena, just waiting for the perfect moment to go in. As for the end - I found patience was the key. Often I'd get close and try to burst down, resulting in deathdouble jump(maybe that's a tip for all video games...)
I got really tired of dying, so I went crazy and melee'd him a ton, and when he went flying, I rolled towards him a few times and punched him some more, and repeated. Probably got him down to half health this way before he recovered. Probably won't work on hard mode though. For the last boss, I only attacked him using the uppercut and the dashing derp. Slamming has too slow of a recovery time, imo, so the boss would quickly reappear and attack me by the time I got back on my feet.For me I found it easier when fightingin hard mode toJaguar Javierback and forth across the arena, just waiting for the perfect moment to go in. As for the end - I found patience was the key. Often I'd get close and try to burst down, resulting in deathdouble jump(maybe that's a tip for all video games...)
Haha thanks a lot!The rest of the team did an awesome job, I'm really thankful I was able to be involved.
And RE: the kotaku article yeah the owl statues are based off the Majora's Mask ones actually. I love Majora's Mask a lot <_< heh
Played a demo of this at a Vita station at ToysRUs. Love the art style, and combat. Reminds me of Samurai Jack.
Is there a PSN demo?
Played a demo of this at a Vita station at ToysRUs. Love the art style, and combat. Reminds me of Samurai Jack.
Is there a PSN demo?
Oh no I saw the portal alright, but my OCD must-check-behind-every-door-before-the-final-objective syndrome kicked in and I had no control over myself when I entered the exit door, in my mind I was like "wait WTF did I just do!?", then my heart sank when I saw Juan got dropped back outside.I did this the first time as well LOL! I felt like such a tool. In our defense I don't think those portals are very distinguishable, I mistook them for archways at first.
Oh please sell some of the art from the game as prints. Loving every single tiny gaming and pop culture reference in the game, and the writer did a great job with the dialogue as well, silly but charming and hilarious at the same time, especially Goat Man's (edit: and Combo Chicken), I genuinely laughed out loud at some of his lines, hope to see more of him in the DLCs or any other future projects.Haha thanks a lot!The rest of the team did an awesome job, I'm really thankful I was able to be involved.
We're friends now, united by Majora's Mask.I like you.
Since you're here, dlc plans?
Oh please sell some of the art from the game as prints. Loving every single tiny gaming and pop culture reference in the game, and the writer did a great job with the dialogue as well, silly but charming and hilarious at the same time, especially Goat Man's (edit: and Combo Chicken), I genuinely laughed out loud at some of his lines, hope to see more of him in the DLCs or any other future projects.
Thanks for posting in the thread. Looking forward to picking up the DLC and I'm have a lot of faith it will be good. Artstyle was awesome as well - really fun but interesting atmosphere.
Having kept up with most of this thread I think it's one of the most uniform in opinions. Even the disagreements mostly come down to platforming/combat difficulties which usually resolve with practice since most of the really hard stuff wasn't necessary for completing the campaign. I appreciated the challenge and liked the way orbs were used for the extra puzzle platformers but less patient trophy whores might have been a bit more irritated. Otherwise I agree with Zer0id, most gamers that consider it will love it.
We're still in the circlejerk phase, just wait a week or two, check out the Bioshock Infinite thread...
In all seriousness, this is my GOTY for now, and I have played pretty much every big release this year. To a person who loves snappy controls and smooth framerate with high resolution crisp visuals this game pretty much can do no wrong for me. I platted it and it was the most enjoyable 10 hours of my recent gaming experiences.
^ I'm also planning to come back to it after finishing on hard and getting platinum, played it pretty heavily last few days so just taking a break atm.
Is it just me or does the game sometimes glitch in arenas? Sometimes I've entered some, the area closes off, but no enemies spawn. And just now, I finished one, and the area isn't unblocking and I'm pretty much stuck. Have to quit every time.
Had I not been forced to stop playing consistently I'd've probably gotten the platinum a couple of days ago. This game's so fun to play I can see myself going through it again just for fun. But I'll try to contain myself!
Is it just me or does the game sometimes glitch in arenas? Sometimes I've entered some, the area closes off, but no enemies spawn. And just now, I finished one, and the area isn't unblocking and I'm pretty much stuck. Have to quit every time.
Yeah, I can't beat the final boss at all. :/
Sooo... There's two endings huh.
How do i get the ending where señorita gets to live?
Yeah, I can't beat the final boss at all. :/
Holy balls, just defeatedon hard mode on my third try. Simply dodge, find an opening, break his shield, then headbutt him as much as possible. He'll fly up and when he lands, headbutt him as soon as possible before he has a chance to recover. I was able to get rid of ~25% of his health every time. When his melee shield goes up, I tried hitting him and if he didn't stagger, I retreated. When his shield was finally down, headbutt for the win.Jaguar Javier
Now for the Great Temple, which I just flew through as a chicken on normal... time to actually do some platforming.![]()
so when do i start finding orbs and the items for most of the side quests?
are the orbs included in the area completion %?
Cross reference your in-game map with this and see what area you haven't explored. Here's the trophy guide, the collectible guide section is at the bottom of the page, including description of every collectible for each area.I'm at 93% in the Temple of War and I can't figure out what else I need to do. I don't see anything obvious on the map and I've walked the whole level twice now looking for blocks or chicken runs.
I'm still trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do with that damn switch in the Forest >.<
Fellow Wrestlevanians, I am loving this. I've happily 100%'d the map without any help (apart from sort of half-seeing an un-spoilered post about what the switch in the forest does).
So, while being as non-spoilery as possible, could someone please help me out?
I've found 5 pieces of the mask. My 5th one was in Caverna del Pollo, and upon collecting it, the game gave me a hint: "You feel lighter".
No idea what this means (). The map says 100% so I'm assuming I just need to go and beat the final boss now... is there anything else I should do or am I fine to press on?doesn't seem to affect current gameplay
If there isn't an answer without spoiling anything cool, then don't worry about it. Thanks!
Many thanks for the quick reply! Woo, roll on home time!Press on and enjoy the true ending.