I also got my Platinum today (it's my first Platinum!), I was missing catch the rainbow and I got it after a few tries on the start of the 3rd gauntlet in Caverna del Pollo. Can't wait to try the DLC.
Feels good!
what dlc
I also got my Platinum today (it's my first Platinum!), I was missing catch the rainbow and I got it after a few tries on the start of the 3rd gauntlet in Caverna del Pollo. Can't wait to try the DLC.
Feels good!
This will be one of my top 5 games this year, I just know it. I've fallen so in love with it, I can't see enough games at this level coming out to bump it down.
The soundtrack is super SUPER addictive. I'm humming it all day every day. The living world versions are so bright and cheerful, and then the dead versions can be so sad and haunting. For whatever reason, the little girl with the luchador doll kind of bums me out.
Love the references. They don't beat you over the head with them, really. People are over-reacting and being too cool for school about this shit. Its charming and not at all the focus of the game.
Combat is awesome. Scratches that Capcom fighting game itch and makes you feel really powerful when you wipe out like 6 enemies at once with your power move combos. Feels tight which is especially important for a system like this as well.
I've got like 70% of the trophies now and I'm thinking about going for all 100% just because its kind of been fun hunting them down. Normally I'm not a trophy hound at all, but its like a reason to keep coming back after the 9 hours I've got in so far.
Really love this game. I hope it sells a ton because it surely deserves to. One of the best digital-only games of the entire generation and surely one of the top games of the year.
Nothing announced, but they've confirmed they're working on it.what dlc
Without wanting to be overly harsh, you're obviously struggling to come to terms with both the combat and platforming mechanics. I struggled at parts of my first run through that I breezed through on hard though, at some point it all came together.So I'm really trying to love this game but I just really can't. Which is weird because there's so much I like about it - the graphics, music, combat, humor, etc.
But so many parts of it are just fucking frustrating. Especially all the platforming bits where you need to change between the planes, and time everything exactly right to the millisecond.
Just got to Javier Jaguar, and come the fuck on. Maybe I "suck" or whatever, but dying over and over and only getting him down to 70% health isn't my idea of fun.
what dlc
DLC needs:
- one insane level with incredibly hard traps and platforming (think of the special levels in Super Mario Sunshine). And I mean insane: on the difficulty of Tree Tops + Sierra Orb.
- a new boss at the end of it
- 4th stage in Caverna de Pollo
- 0 story
Yosp tweeted this - Lol
what is this? is this in the game? where?
I think it's some kind of artwork
what is this? is this in the game? where?
This guy knows what's up.Gameplay screen.
Top of Sierra Morena.
Gameplay screen.
Top of Sierra Morena.
Eh, I don't think the game needs any DLC. I think they made a really great experience that doesn't need any more fluff. None of what you listed sounds like something I'd really love to play, and I can't think of anything sensible for them to do either.
Anyone else found the Jaguar Javier battle (especially on Hard) the pinnacle of this game?
It is such an awesome fight. Top of a snowy mountain... you even have to learn to fly to get there. The set up for this encounter is second to none.
The battle itself is so clean: no lava, no spikes, no traps, no ranged attacks, no bullshit. Old-school mano-a-mano beating. Very hard, very challenging and VERY satisfying once you down him.
The battle itself is so clean: no lava, no spikes, no traps, no ranged attacks, no bullshit. Old-school mano-a-mano beating. Very hard, very challenging and VERY satisfying once you down him.
They pretty much confirmed DLC on twitter
Jaguar Javier's name looks like a play on Tiger Tony's. (Tigre Toño as we know it in Mexico, and probably all other Spanish speaking countries.)
Has anyone made a topic documenting the references?
@DrinkBoxStudios: A taste of Guacamelee DLC.
Roosterdor and blue Toastadas?
Yosp tweeted this - Lol
Finally beat Jaguar Javier. I think I tried 10-15 times on normal. When I actually managed to defeat him, I played with patience. Turns out that you'll almost never get hit if you take your time and wait him out. I wonder what the upcoming boss battles will be like.
xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I love this game. It has a lot of 'hidden' jokes about videogame characters and internet memes. And it's a great and fun game.![]()
Yosp tweeted this - Lol
Finally beat Jaguar Javier. I think I tried 10-15 times on normal. When I actually managed to defeat him, I played with patience. Turns out that you'll almost never get hit if you take your time and wait him out. I wonder what the upcoming boss battles will be like.
Did you get the one from the floating platforms? They're only there in one of the dimensions.I'm literally missing one chest in the desert and I've looked everywhere. Heeeellp meeeee.
Did you get the one from the floating platforms? They're only there in one of the dimensions.
Great post, "Macizo" in my country is often refered as "Cool".I love the Mexican colloquial expressions when you pull off multi-hit combos. Trivia incoming:
20 Hits: "Vientos"
This is a word play on "bien" (fine), instead using the word "vientos" (winds). Normally used as a greeting to show joy.
40 Hits: "¡Órale!"
Same as above in the game's case, but this expression is used in a lot of different ways, sometimes as surprise, encouragement, agreement, or to emphasize something. It's often compared to "OK".
80 Hits: "¡Toma perro!"
I haven't heard this one often, but there are a lot of variations of it depending on where one lives. I can picture myself saying it while doing a fist pump in celebration, "Hell yeah!" or "Take that, (dog?)!". (Not a literal dog.)
100 Hits: "Macizo"
To be honest, I've never heard it used like this, so I'm going to have to weasel my way around this one. Macizo is used to describe something sturdy, firm, solid. Personally I would have this one switched places with "¡Órale!" in the game.
120 Hits: "Pa'su mecha"
This is a classic, I've heard it since I was born. There are variations like "Pa'su madre" but that's considered profanity so don't use it around kids.This is the equivalent to "Holy sh*t!" in my opinion.
Around the middle area? Yeah I did. I think there's a chicken tunnel right next to that Donkey Kong statue in the beginning but it's impossible.
Yeah I messed around up there for ages as well. I'd have a good root around in the catacombs. Do you have the one in the top left of the vine area?I tried flying across the entire level from that high "tower" to try to get in there but I just couldn't do it.