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Guild Wars 2 |OT4| The only subscription you need is this thread.

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Wild speculation and possible spoilers ahead.

Countess Anise is Livia. When Canach wonders aloud how old Anise is due to mesmer magic possibly hiding her real features, Anise tells Canach to shut the hell up. Livia may have been a necromancer during GW1, but she'd have had a couple centuries to learn other magics, especially with the Scepter of Orr giving her both power and unnaturally long life.


Just finished.

So.... based on the vision, it looks like Mordremoth is sending his vines towards Kralkatorrik to steal his energy. I think the ruins that rise up could be Ascalon (that'd make sense given the location), and considering the Searing was tied to Kralkatorrik and the Foefire's magic was just layered on top of it, that area is probably saturated with magic. Seems pretty clear from the vision that Mordremoth gaining access to that area will just let his vines entangle everything.

Also seems pretty clear with the forest turning to autumn and then winter that the Pale Tree is going to die.

Wild speculation and possible spoilers ahead.

Countess Anise is Livia. When Canach wonders aloud how old Anise is due to mesmer magic possibly hiding her real features, Anise tells Canach to shut the hell up.

That's been my theory forever, since
reading Sea of Sorrows, where she's alive and well
, and hearing that was just confirmation. In my mind, that's an absolute fact now.


I just feel like whenever I come in here it's like


This is a gross exaggeration on my part, because it's not I know it's not that much. But at the same time, I get it. People complain about this game. People complain irrationally about this game. But they're not part of my experience, and quite frankly, I come here instead of go to any of those forums because I know that's what goes on there.

You guys are totally cool and are full of valid criticisms and well thought defenses. Both Miktar and Retro have done a stellar job of keeping the hype for this game going and keeping the guild on the rails. That is impressive and awesome. It's well documented that GAF Guilds don't work out, but this one has really only grown. That can only be attributed to the net positive attitudes of everyone in the group. This is a good community and I've always been happy to be a part of it.

No hate for anyone, it's just that sometimes the "hee hee ho ho look at those losers" shtick gets a little old and I lashed out. It's the fly in the ointment sometimes, if you will.

EDIT: I also do apologize if my use of the word "jesus" really did offend. I'm just not used to that really offending around here.


Can't wait for the inevitable pictures of people decked out in full radiant armor and those chaos weapons. Night light power ranger.

Probably been already mentioned here but gamestop has the GW1 trilogy for $15 right now. I'm tempted to get it just to actually see the story and get some monument rewards, though that needs Eye of the North from what I gather.


Can't wait for the inevitable pictures of people decked out in full radiant armor and those chaos weapons. Night light power ranger.

Probably been already mentioned here but gamestop has the GW1 trilogy for $15 right now. I'm tempted to get it just to actually see the story and get some monument rewards, though that needs Eye of the North from what I gather.

Don't get it for the hall of monuments stuff, but do get it if you're interested in playing it. Fantastic games, all of them.

@Lunar, MIktar probably could lay off pulling random negative comments from various sites. It annoys me too. not that such things are difficult to ignore, mind you. And I don't want to say he's the only one that does it, but he's the only one I can think of that does. I come to gaf to separate myself from shit posts like the ones he points out for a reason. So, I'm not going to throw a fit or even care if he doesn't stop, but since the topics been brought up, there's my 2 cents on the matter.

I realize it's fun to point and laugh, but that doesn't really generate meaningful discussion.


Thanks to Braxzy and UltimateIke for killing some time with me hunting for coins. Especially to Ike who found the last coin after 2 hours of searching exclusively for it. These felt a bit harder than the typical lost coin hunt, I guess that's why there's only 12 this time.

This is a little pointless, since other sites will do a prettier job of documenting it, but I wanted to put together a map of the locations for each. At least to help GAF out.

I put most of the coins (1-9) on map 1 with 10-12 on map 2 since there's two elevations to the area.

Don't expect masterpieces. It's 2am lol.

Coin map 1: Coins 1-9
Coin map 2: Coins 10-12

Go up a ramp to a cave elevated along the wall in the inquest base, no crystals required, very hidden. Last one we found, first one I'll list.
Use a blue crystal between 2 sandfalls to find a coin tucked away.
Go up and around the newest waypoint, follow the ledge, and one purple jump across to a coin.
Just go out to the end of the ledge to find a lone purple crystal and a simple jump across.
Tucked on top of a big heap in a corner, just keep running southeast till you can't anymore, really..
Near 5, there is a blue crystal near where you start a crazy series of jumps along the south wall. Use the first blue crystal to jump up and to the left.
From 6, you can you perform a long set of jumps across the wall, moving east to west. The trickiest part here involves a purple crystal jump. I found it easiest to grab the purple crystal, backtrack a tiny ways to elevate yourself using a blue, then leashing across with purple. Or be lucky and find a mesmer to port you at the west end.
Just approach the vista from the west and fall to a large ledge above it, and it's in the corner. Pretty easy.
In the uplands, near the wall well underneath the newest skill challenge, theres two blue crystals to take up then a short purple crystal leash over to the coin.

In the hole, hidden on the ledge.
Hidden on a ledge in the hole is a purple crystal. Use this to leash over two pillars and onto a wall way high up in the inquest cave chamber.
On a broken piece of airship in a hole. I got it by falling onto a beam, then onto a large flat piece of scaffolding with the coin (using fall trait). You can also approach it from below, in the cave, but this might be more difficult.

Bonus: Llama :
Near coin 3, along the left wall before using the purple crystal.
Don't expect masterpieces. It's 2am lol.

They look good to me! I haven't seen anyone else give a list of locations, so at the very least GAFGuild will have no problems knowing where to look.

Coin hunting is a lot of fun. Fewer coins in harder to find locations is definitely the way to go.


No hate for anyone, it's just that sometimes the "hee hee ho ho look at those losers" shtick gets a little old and I lashed out. It's the fly in the ointment sometimes, if you will.

I can see where you're coming from, for sure. In a lot of instances in here I think people just need to vent a bit, so many people lobby shit at this game from all sides, it can get a bit unbearable at times.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I just feel like whenever I come in here it's like


This is a gross exaggeration on my part, because it's not I know it's not that much. But at the same time, I get it. People complain about this game. People complain irrationally about this game. But they're not part of my experience, and quite frankly, I come here instead of go to any of those forums because I know that's what goes on there.

You guys are totally cool and are full of valid criticisms and well thought defenses. Both Miktar and Retro have done a stellar job of keeping the hype for this game going and keeping the guild on the rails. That is impressive and awesome. It's well documented that GAF Guilds don't work out, but this one has really only grown. That can only be attributed to the net positive attitudes of everyone in the group. This is a good community and I've always been happy to be a part of it.

No hate for anyone, it's just that sometimes the "hee hee ho ho look at those losers" shtick gets a little old and I lashed out. It's the fly in the ointment sometimes, if you will.

EDIT: I also do apologize if my use of the word "jesus" really did offend. I'm just not used to that really offending around here.

I'm currently a lurker for the game since I don't have a lot of time to play. But I might offer the observation there's a bit of feudalism baked in to clashing groups of opinions about MMORPGs. It seems easy for people to slip into this sort of intelligence gathering mode, keeping an eye on what the other factions are up to. And what they're talking about. Perhaps it has something to do with an MMO representing an virtual world. It becomes your kingdom.

In a way it almost seems like an essential ingredient in the flavor of MMO culture. It wouldn't be the same without it. Like people in the fighting game community keeping tabs on who is doing a better job of maintaining the scene for their game. But it's important to maintain a careful balance. As you say, using yourself as an example, people are here because it's not like other places. It's a reason why I still keep tabs on this thread, but I never bother reading the official forums, or someplace like the GW2 subreddit.


Well shit.

Chaos axe from GW1 looked so good. This one looks amazing aswell.


Now I have to level a Warrior to 80.


Why didn't I farm scraps/tickets.



Oh that's very true, they are so bad.

For a warrior? Hmm. Norn but I see so many male norn warriors. Not as many females though.


I find I only unmute my game for story instances before instinctively moving that slider back to zero until the next release.


Hawkian you owe me 20g.


Colored doritos Inc

Also I called the feature pack. Earliest would be the ninth, and lo and behold...


The Cryptarch's Bane
what would I possibly owe you 20g for?

feature pack next month is baller. i wonder if new weapon skills is out of the question for this one


Must not click ...the black... boxes xD

Having to wait until the 23 to play this will be a long wait !

Curious to see what the changes to the game for new and veterans players will be in this new feature patch !

Just hope they don't put back skins I want on sale while i'm gone ....that would suck


In the September 2014 Feature Pack, we're rethinking the way you collect and trade items!

Hopefully a collections revamp. Let us store all the weird currencies and useless boosters clogging up our inventories.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Urgh, Pet Seed says it needs "Mist Infused Clay Pot" but so far you can only make Chaos "Infused Clay Pot", and that it needs "Cultivated Seed" rather than Pet Seed.
Wow. This company never ceases to amaze me. I really didn't expect them to announce feature pack right away, this is awesome.

Looks like lots of news will be coming during the off weeks of living story so we will have lots of things to talk about.

The 3rd week's name has got me especially interested and I have a feeling it has to do with precursor scavenger hunt and it will build on what they have done with the back pack crafting.


Trading post flipping.

I suppose this is generally frowned upon by GAF?

We have a guild member who made much of his money on it, and I even did some trades, so not really. Though, I will be disappointed if all you do is buy and relist stuff, since thats boring :p



An MMO is a multiplayer game and that means that the community (such as it is) is often part of the discussion because so many other individuals affect one another. When examples are brought up (and Miktar isn't the only one doing it, by the way), it's because there's something especially bad or more humorous than usual. This place would get pretty rancid indeed if it was nothing but quotes from Reddit or the Official forums, but it's not.

In this particular case, Miktar linked a snippet from Reddit where an individual was complaining about having to sit through dialogue for 15 minutes. For those who have done the first part of this Episode; did that really take 15 minutes? Was it nothing but scrolling through dialogue or was there an interesting mechanic at play? Was it really less interesting than running up to objects and hitting "F?"


The joke is that this individual is basically saying "TL;DR" to what I think most of us would agree was a pretty cool way of telling the story, and it's funny to imagine him just clicking dialogue options randomly to speed things up and resetting that entire portion in his ignorance, like a kid who keeps pushing on a door clearly marked "pull." It's especially good timing because we were just discussing on the last page how some folks miss the little storyline articles ArenaNet used to put out, but stopped doing because the community whined that they wanted all of the storytelling to be in-game. That makes it a little ironic too, because here the story is being told in-game (with a cool mechanic to boot) and without fail, someone doesn't want all this annoying talking in their vidyagamez omg!

I don't think there was anything particularly malicious in Miktar's comment, nor in the string of absurd insults I slapped together for humorous effect (I'll go to the grave defending "shitlord" as funny), though obviously the tone didn't carry because Lunar thought we were both being petty and mean-spirited. He's not the only one, as I've received a couple comments from other GAFers who see it as a problem as well.

To me, it's in the same vein as Levyne always commenting that rangers are crap (which is funny because we know he plays a ranger), that Ash's fiance keeps him trapped at the bottom of a well (which we know to be untrue because he lives in an apartment and she seems perfectly nice) or that Xeris is an irritable old bastard who hates everything (despite being in his 40s and I assume holding no grudge with clouds). It's the same with Roxie being a drunk (she's obviously not drinking 24/7), Braxzy always being awake (he has to sleep sometime), and Kos's being a smelly, hateful Canadian (Canadians aren't all bad and I'm sure he showers frequently).

My point is that this is a community thread for a community-based game, and like the comments about unsubscribing or the game/guild being dead, it's one of those in-jokes that may be lost on people who maybe don't play too often. Re-read the paragraph above, but ignore the parts in parenthesis; those all sound incredibly insulting if you're not aware that it's good-natured ribbing amongst friends, developed over months or even years of playing together.

The problem is that this is not a closed community and folks are wandering in and out all the time who may not get the punchline, and that there's always a danger of a joke going too far or being taken the wrong way. I think that's what has happened here, someone who doesn't know that Miktar was "just being Miktar" took offense, in the same way that I sometimes feel like correcting Levyne's comments on rangers because people asking for advice may not get that he's joking. Since Lunar isn't the only one who feels that way, Miktar might need to make it a little clearer that he's joking or only post the more obviously funny forum/reddit comments (in the same way that I generally don't dump puns non-stop for a half hour, especially if I'm the only one doing it). I don't think any party is right or wrong in this instance.

I think people just need to assume the best of people and not the worst, and I apologize if people think I was being mean-spirited. After two years of playing with the same people on a regular basis, it's easy to forget that not everyone is as familiar with each other as I am. It may also have something to do with the fact that I grew up with two brothers, so friends making jabs at each other is just something I grasp immediately (I can already sense Meg about to chime in with a "Boys are dumb!" comment).

Anyways, yeah... thems my thoughts on the matter, and this is the last I'll say on it for the time being. Back to Guild Wars 2.


Neo Member
Apparently there is an item called Mist Infused Clay Pot, but no one knows how to craft it yet.

actually to make a mist infused pot you need a clay pot, bloodstone dust, foxfire cluster and a mist stone (bought in mist of the fractal with 5 pristine fractal relic). But from what i read you might want to wait since the other component for making the ascended version of the backpiece might be locked if you did not make the cultivated vine backpiece first.


The Cryptarch's Bane
You know what kind of character Moondrop is? Warrior. You know what Warriors use? Hammers.



So, back to Guild Wars 2 news;

That was a surprisingly quick announcement considering the Update just dropped yesterday and now we already know when the Feature Pack is coming. For all the 'lack of transparency' comments, at least ArenaNet doesn't pull that "announcement of the announcement" crap.

If it's roughly four weeks until the 9th, we can possibly glean when the Living Story will pick back up. If the Feature Pack is situated in the exact middle of the break, that would have the Living Story start on October 7th. My concern is that we're coming up on the holidays, which means the Living Story will either be interrupted or run alongside Halloween and/or Wintersday. They've said that they want to try to avoid breaking up the Living Story for holidays.

Maybe November 4th / 18th / December 2nd / 16th? Halloween could go live on October 21st, but then there's absolutely no time for Wintersday to start (I doubt the last update of the Living Story would be a holiday festival, and the next update in the cycle would be 5 days after Christmas). Of course, there's always the possibility that the second half of Season 2 isn't four episodes but three, or that they're okay with a festival occurring during the Living Story. We'll just have to wait and see.

As for the features themselves...

Do You Feel Glorious?
There's no way they're bringing back Glory as a currency, so I think this has to be about the rewards for the Tournament of Glory.

Balancing Act
Balance changes, obviously. By this point we'll have gone through enough episodes of Ready Up to have a rough idea what to expect.

Tricks and Explosive Finales
I can't see a whole article for Finishers, but they might be making a change to the way they work (for one, they could tuck it inside the PVP menu instead of the Hero panel). Not sure what the "Tricks" part could be about.

Command the Rainbow
Yep, multi-colored commander tags are coming for sure. Hopefully it has additional command functions as well.

Prepare to Fight
90% sure this is going to be build templates, since those would allow you to prepare for the fight in advance.

Week 2: A Fresh Start
Has to include new tutorials, but I can't see that taking an entire week. Maybe the Free Trial that was data-mined. They mention that there will be improvements for veteran players too, but I'm not sure what they could be.

Week 3: Collecting and Trading
Trading is obviously a trading post overhaul, it's been two years since they've really updated it and there are so many little things that need to be added or improved (searching for specific armor weights, etc.).

Not sure what collecting will be about, unless it's collecting items for a precursor... I feel like the Mysterious Vine backpiece is sort of a trial run for how that might work.

On another note, the way they reveal features mirrors the Living Story; a steady trickle to keep you interested instead of a giant info dump you chew through all at once and then spend the rest of the time waiting. To touch on the previous pages' discussion on expansions, a similar phenomenon occurs when those are announced too; the community just sort of shuts down and walks away because with all of those cool new things to look forward to, the here and now seems pretty old and boring (and if everything is going to change and be so much better soon, what's the point in playing anyways?).

You know what kind of character Moondrop is? Warrior. You know what Warriors use? Hammers.


Sounds like an airtight argument to me.


Did somebody say Feature Pack?

I've been away from the thread for a while because I've honestly been way behind on the story missions. I haven't even played a single part of Dragon's Reach part 1 and I'm afraid of spoilers, although I'm a little sad I missed out on discussion about the Eternal Alchemy.

But Feature Patch means balance changes! Possibly new content for PvP and WvW! And Gamescom tournament this week all at the same time! I need a break from Heroes of the Storm.


The Cryptarch's Bane
edit: post is late so I'm changing it

Do we actually have any indication we're halfway through the season, in an official sense? It says "After this release, Living World Season 2 will resume this Fall!"


This Livestream is basically an intro to GW2, doesn't look like there's going to be any kind of news but it's something.

Did somebody say Feature Pack?

I've been away from the thread for a while because I've honestly been way behind on the story missions. I haven't even played a single part of Dragon's Reach part 1 and I'm afraid of spoilers, although I'm a little sad I missed out on discussion about the Eternal Alchemy.

But Feature Patch means balance changes! Possibly new content for PvP and WvW! And Gamescom tournament this week all at the same time! I need a break from Heroes of the Storm.

Yep. Feature Pack. Balance is explicitly mentioned too, should get details on Monday.

If there's one thing the April feature pack showed though, it's that they deliver a LOT more than (reasonable people) expected.


If it's roughly four weeks until the 9th, we can possibly glean when the Living Story will pick back up. If the Feature Pack is situated in the exact middle of the break, that would have the Living Story start on October 7th. My concern is that we're coming up on the holidays, which means the Living Story will either be interrupted or run alongside Halloween and/or Wintersday. They've said that they want to try to avoid breaking up the Living Story for holidays.

I do wonder why we need what could be a two month LS break so soon after the start of Season 2. We have just come back from a huge break between LS Season 1 and 2. Why do they need another break? Season 1 was pretty relentless for over a year with barely any breaks.


I really dislike the chaos weapons. The models themselves look so generic.

I'm starting to wish I had bought a couple more leyline weapons for 1 ticket instead of holding on to a couple tickets for the new stuff.


So here is a question as there seems to be a bug going around of people's seeds getting replaced with the new one so ijust wnt to confirm :

the pet seed is for the next step of the vine back piece if you already have it correct ?


Thanks to Braxzy and UltimateIke for killing some time with me hunting for coins. Especially to Ike who found the last coin after 2 hours of searching exclusively for it. These felt a bit harder than the typical lost coin hunt, I guess that's why there's only 12 this time.

It was a lot of fun, and your guide is perfectly fine. GAFguild beat Dulfy to the punch!

I was gonna post a screenshot of the spot where the really annoying to find one was but computer had a major brainfart and this morning wouldn't get passed 'Starting Windows'. So GG to me.

You are fuckin obsessed

I am Groot.

Trading post flipping.

I suppose this is generally frowned upon by GAF?

I can't imagine anyone would frown upon it. It's a pretty legitimate method of trying to make money. Nothing someone might do in the game (outside of cheating of course) would really frowmed upon. Everyone has their own play style and preference but most people also know that it is indeed personal and everyone does things different.

That is to say, if you crack it and become a millionaire through the stock market, GAFguild gets 10%.


I do wonder why we need what could be a two month LS break so soon after the start of Season 2. We have just come back from a huge break between LS Season 1 and 2. Why do they need another break? Season 1 was pretty relentless for over a year with barely any breaks.

Could be scheduling issues, or something wasn't done. Or maybe they wanted time to push out the feature pack.


To me, it's in the same vein as Levyne always commenting that rangers are crap (which is funny because we know he plays a ranger), that Ash's fiance keeps him trapped at the bottom of a well (which we know to be untrue because he lives in an apartment and she seems perfectly nice) or that Xeris is irritable old bastard who hates everything (despite being in his 40s and I assume holding no grudge with clouds). It's the same with Roxie being a drunk (she's obviously not drinking 24/7), Braxzy's always being awake (he has to sleep sometime), and Kos's being a smelly, hateful Canadian (Canadians aren't all bad and I'm sure he showers frequently).

My point is that this is a community thread for a community-based game, and like the comments about unsubscribing or the game/guild being dead, it's one of those in-jokes that may be lost on people who maybe don't play too often. Re-read the paragraph above, but ignore the parts in parenthesis; those all sound incredibly insulting if you're not aware that it's good-natured ribbing amongst friends, developed over months or even years of playing together.

Very well put together post which I think sums up the issue. I suppose it is easy to forget not everyone instantly picks up on our jokes, especially in text based communication, and not everyone is familiar with how people who are regulars are.

But yay! I got name dropped! And if I may just say, Rangers do indeed suck.
Seda come at me.

I really dislike the chaos weapons. The models themselves look so generic.

I'm starting to wish I had bought a couple more leyline weapons for 1 ticket instead of holding on to a couple tickets for the new stuff.

I'm not a big fan of them either. The only one I quite like is the Axe and that isn't a Guardian weapon, who these would most suit. I can't complain though, I managed to list a few of them for 100G and they all sold.
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