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Guild Wars 2 |OT4| The only subscription you need is this thread.

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Meh, the only infinite tool I needed (Watchwork Pick) I already have, the rest I can do without.

So far I grabbed a new character slot (that makes 7), Marjory's Dagger, and Rox's Quiver.

On the fence about Braham's Shield and the Grenth hood but converting gold into gems to make up for the difference of what I have left isn't even an option at the actual rates ...

Might drop a few more bucks if the Trickster set comes back, or if there is a sale on the heavy Aetherblade set though ....

Also I'm close to the 5000 achievement chest so that's 400 more gems to spend (but I won't be there until the end of the sale I fear)


Errrr, didn't you buy the precursor for the Legendary you wanted in the first place?

I did yes. I bought Dawn to make Sunrise. But I realized that Sunrise looks good on its own, but terrible on characters. It doesn't mesh well at all. None of the legendaries really do.
I rather like weapons that compliments a theme rather.. discreet. I only really wear practical armour on my characters (which can be hard to track down), and don't like anything flame-y or particle-effect heavy. I think I just had that mentality that I needed to craft any legendary to have it done. And when I did, I felt no attachment to it anymore and I could just sell it.

I do, however, hold out hope for an earth-themed legendary. One with effects closer to Juggernaut (which is neat, but I rarely use hammer) than Twilight or such.

I guess I'm just really boring.

leng jai

I did yes. I bought Dawn to make Sunrise. But I realized that Sunrise looks good on its own, but terrible on characters. It doesn't mesh well at all. None of the legendaries really do.
I rather like weapons that compliments a theme rather.. discreet. I only really wear practical armour on my characters (which can be hard to track down), and don't like anything flame-y or particle-effect heavy. I think I just had that mentality that I needed to craft any legendary to have it done. And when I did, I felt no attachment to it anymore and I could just sell it.

I do, however, hold out hope for an earth-themed legendary. One with effects closer to Juggernaut (which is neat, but I rarely use hammer) than Twilight or such.

I guess I'm just really boring.

I agree that most of the legendaries look ridiculous and at odds with most of the armour in the game. The two great swords however are decent enough to pair because they both have dominant colours - yellow/gold for Sunrise and black for Twilight.


I guess I'm just really boring.

Not at all, everyone has their own taste in stuff. Just like Retro prefers realistic, practical looking stuff. As far as Legendaries meshing with an overall look, I'm really happy with how my Twilight looks with my overall gear but that's mainly because my dyes were red and black anyway.

Rawk Hawk

Nah, if you really like a skin and can come up with a unique look, not at all. You might really enjoy the class you pick.

Necromancer Greatsword would certainly be interesting though, dagger is really their only melee option (and that's really just the auto attack). Considering how tanky Necros are, I'm surprised they don't have something at least comparable to D/D eles. Since "Death Knights" are kind of cliche at this point, it'd be a more unique approach, a walking contradiction; A cloth-wearing, minion-centric, life-draining caster that gets in your face with a giant sword?

Yeah, I'd play the shit out of my Necro if they did that. Greataxe would be even better, an "Executioner."

Greataxe would be amazing, could be my favorite weapon type in RPG's. Axe's in general top my personal favorite list, I use one on my Necro now.

Would be pretty interesting to have a death knight set up in the game, dual swords or greatsword with skills that cost life to use. I don't believe there is anything like that? Necro has a couple self inflicting skills, Blood is Power for example. Could fit, would definitely be cool.

Long term what is the theory on new weapon types? Feel like the idea gets tossed around, but is it something legit or just wishful thinking?


The Cryptarch's Bane
Juggernaut is pretty legendary. And I'm partial to the shark spear. And the greatswords are pretty lovely for mesmers. The others I have no real interest in
Long term what is the theory on new weapon types? Feel like the idea gets tossed around, but is it something legit or just wishful thinking?
Will happen. One of the few things I feel very confident about addition-wise. No idea what the timeframe could be on that though.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I forget, does Predator actually shoot new/changed projectiles? Like as an Engi rifle for example.

One of my pet peeves with guns in the game is that a lot of them look like crazy laser/energy weapons but shoot... bullets. None of them modify the projectiles to look like electric or laser shots or whatever. So to me they're basically only usable for Mesmer offhand (I use a super pistol skin for that actually). I usually wind up going with guns that look like they actually house ammunition as a result. There aren't a lot of pistol skins I like that fit that description, but luckily I love the Guild Quick Shot, so I have a nice pair of those on my thief. Kinda want the Aetherized pistol and Ascended rifle for my engi. But one thing at a time.


From the wiki:

Regarding Engineer skills:

  • Hip Shot and Jump Shot both create the unique firing sound effect.
  • Only projectiles from Hip Shot and Throw Junk are unique. All other skills animate identical to when any other rifle is in use.
  • Grenade Barrage with the Grenadier trait fires glowing red projectiles with a new sound effect and displays its effect regardless of whether The Predator is currently equipped. This effect will occur even if a kit is currently active.
  • Throw Junk of the engineer downed skills, throws out a glowing red projectile.
  • Packaged Antitoxin throws out a glowing red projectile.
  • Static Discharge will oftentimes produce the unique projectile effect in place of the lightning bolt.
  • All other skills, kits and tool belt abilities do not have any unique animations or sound effects when using The Predator. Throw Wrench, throwing turrets, elixirs and medkits no longer have any bonus effects tied to them.

So kinda eh on Engie. But the other options are Quip (lol) and Flameseeker Prophecies, which is cool but I don't use shields.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
first Teq run and we kill him with flawless defense got myself an ascended chest from it too :D


Sucks of dungeons sellers though. Now they can be kicked from their own group. haha.

Every one gets rare drops but me. I think that is a fact of GW2.

I didn't get my first exotic drop in guild wars 2 (before champ bags) until 800 hours into the game.

That’s it for today! Come back tomorrow and learn about some of the cool new items we’re adding to each crafting discipline!
Eww probably just the really really ugly Chinese backpacks or precursor crafing, but probably the chinese backpacks.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
Dungeon Instance Owner

We’ve changed the way dungeon instances work. Currently, the instance is “owned” by the first person to enter the instance; this creates some issues when that person leaves or is kicked from the party. To prevent the dungeon instance from closing when any one person leaves, we’ve removed the concept of a dungeon “owner.” If everyone leaves an instance, it will close, but you don’t have to worry about one person leaving your party and having to restart your dungeon! Our goal here is to make instances more user-friendly, as the hidden owner concept was often hard to understand and resulted in people losing progress randomly when someone left.

Crafting UI
We’ve made a change to the way the crafting interface works! You can now open recipes and subcomponent recipes at the same time. This allows you to craft the parts required for a recipe and allows for faster navigation around the crafting interface.
One example of something you could do is filter for ascended items, and then navigate from the ascended item to all the subcomponents. You can also select any of the recipes in the list and it will navigate back to that recipe. These improvements make it easier for crafters to quickly build things.


Performance Updates

We‘re always working on the performance of the game with every update, but we have a big batch of improvements coming in this feature pack. We’ve changed the way many of the underlying systems work, making them more cost-effective, which will reduce how often players will be seeing issues caused by performance. This is most notable in large combat situations like WvW and at the PvE world boss events. These improvements affect both the server and client performance, so in these situations, you should see increased frame rates as well!

That’s it for today! Come back tomorrow and learn about some of the cool new items we’re adding to each crafting discipline!



Sucks of dungeons sellers though. Now they can be kicked from their own group. haha.

It kind of doesn't make sense that they remove the protection of being a dungeon owner without changing the way members are kicked from a party. Nothing worse than being kicked at the third fractal boss cause a couple of assholes want their friends to join.

Still, this should be good for daily dungeon runs.
Looking forward to performance updates and new crafting UI.

Running dungeons only with friends/guildies, I never has issue of getting kicked.


Would be nice if the performance improvements were the game moving to DX11.. but oh well.

The last batch of performance improvements they did worked out pretty well, so I'm looking forward to this one.
Get the Chop-It-All Logging Axe, Dreamcleaver Logging Axe, and Frost Wasp Logging Tool are all back in the Gem Store! Use these permanent logging tools to gather every type of wood that Tyria has to offer!

Haven't played in a looong time. Does this mean gathering tools are permanent and don't have 'charges', or am I reading that wrong?


Haven't played in a looong time. Does this mean gathering tools are permanent and don't have 'charges', or am I reading that wrong?

Just the permanent tools that can be bought in the gem store. Normal axes bought from merchants in-game still have the usual charges. They are a convenience item.


Awesome. Although $10 is pretty pricey for that convenience lol

Yeah, it's really only worth it if you know you're going to be playing a while. I imagine it would take years to recoup your losses, but you pay for the convenience of never having to run out of tools again.

Oh, and they are account bound, so they're not stuck on one character.


The Cryptarch's Bane
first Teq run and we kill him with flawless defense got myself an ascended chest from it too :D
wowee, grats

Dungeon instance thing is cool, crafting UI improvements are nice, FPS increase always welcome

One last reminder, I'm culling the guild tonight when I get home!


Really? I thought mine were soulbound, that's awesome news. Must be a change that happened while I was on hiatus?

There was a patch at some point which changed them from soulbound to account bound, probably to make them a fairer proposition. It's free to swap, you simply have to go to a Black Lion Weapons Specialist and you can swap in your current one like shown below :)




No more Dicks leaving dungeon instances when things don't go smooth enough for them and screwing everyone over.
also prevents everyone gets kicked if the "owner" gets a Dc.

Hope this gets extented to Fractals also.


Oh I only just spotted the new update. The dungeon owner thing is great to avoid griefing and unfortunate disconnects so it's great that they were able to make that change. And the crafting UI changes sound great too, didn't someone sy they wanted to see sub-recipes on here a few times?

And of course, yay for hopefully less crashing at World Boss events!


The Cryptarch's Bane
Hope this gets extented to Fractals also.
I'm certain that it does. When fractals first came out, they lacked the "persistent instance" function of regular dungeons (of course you also couldn't progress on different levels at the same time o.o). They were patched so that people could leave and join mid-run and now they function exactly like any other dungeon instance spun up- the "host" can leave and destroy the instance.

after this I think the only instances that will still require an owner to stay alive will be peronsal/living story instances.
And I see reddit is already complaining that the dungeon instance ownership changes are going to make things worse than ever before.

Ive not actually gone to reddit to see what theyre saying. dont need to.


And I see reddit is already complaining that the dungeon instance ownership changes are going to make things worse than ever before.

Ive not actually gone to reddit to see what theyre saying. dont need to.

Well, it's a valid complaint. Now there's nothing to protect you from being kicked out of your own dungeon/fractal by 2 players from the same guild.


If what they said about he performance is true, then it is not just three things, but three very major backend stuff.

I agree obviously, but everyone has to know that a shitty contingent of people are going to wine about there not being more, dead game, devs don't listen yadda yadda. There's already a thread on the forums simple titled, "Galore?."

I for one commend their trolling.


is that more or less of an issue than someone owning the instance?

I'd say more. If you were the person who started a dungeon run and opened the instance, and then listed in on the LFG tool. At least you'd have the safety net of being the instance owner, so it would be in everyones best interest to keep you on. I hope they make some changes to how the vote to kick system works but I'm not sure how.
"Remove dungeon ownership!"
"No, wait. We needed that!"

But yeah. Lets see if they alter the votekick system. But personally, I see this as a major improvement, for various reasons.


What's the best way to get t6 mats?

Is it for a legendary/do you plan on making a legendary one day? If so the mystic clover recipe is the absolute best.
Dry Top's inquest has been dropping a lot of T6 mats for me lately, though that might just be luck.
I used laurels, however. With nothing I wanted from the laurel vendor, I spent any laurels above 50 - in case they released something I wanted.
If you can find big-mob events to do in Orr, they also drop from heavy mold bags, but it seems too rare for me to be viable.
Otherwise the eternal: make gold and buy it is still applicable.

My sister wants to farm 250 claws for a backpiece herself - by killing mobs. By now she's on the verge of crying so.. yeah. I hope you hace high MF if you plan that!


"Remove dungeon ownership!"
"No, wait. We needed that!"

But yeah. Lets see if they alter the votekick system. But personally, I see this as a major improvement, for various reasons.

Well Mik, it's a bit more complex than just removing one thing or another, and both problems are intrinsically related. As a dungeon owner, you had the safety of not being kicked at the cost of having dungeon owners who are absolute dicks to their party. I don't think people who wanted that to be tweaked wanted Anet to simply remove one or the other, but change both the kick system and the dungeon ownership issue.

My in-game name is Niblex, if someone can add me to the guild :D

Done, please check your guild panel (hit G) and be sure to represent the guild!

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Laurels, Orr events, clover recipe, do what you want for gold and buy
Is it for a legendary/do you plan on making a legendary one day? If so the mystic clover recipe is the absolute best.
Dry Top's inquest has been dropping a lot of T6 mats for me lately, though that might just be luck.
I used laurels, however. With nothing I wanted from the laurel vendor, I spent any laurels above 50 - in case they released something I wanted.
If you can find big-mob events to do in Orr, they also drop from heavy mold bags, but it seems too rare for me to be viable.
Otherwise the eternal: make gold and buy it is still applicable.

My sister wants to farm 250 claws for a backpiece herself - by killing mobs. By now she's on the verge of crying so.. yeah. I hope you hace high MF if you plan that!

Already finished the clover part of the weapon tho

hmm so it really is gonna be a pain then?


Looks like Zeroth just got you. Remember to represent!

Edit: Beaten.
You'll be hearing from my lawyer.
I don't have a lawyer.

Poor Retro, always getting ninja'd. If it's any consolation, I bought Knights and Merchants today, a game I'm sure you played a lot on your senior years.

Already finished the clover part of the weapon tho

hmm so it really is gonna be a pain then?

You got quite a lot of gold recently, sounds like you found a good use for it!
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