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Guild Wars 2 |OT4| The only subscription you need is this thread.

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I don't even feel like they need new classes. Classes are so general that you can just add a new weapon or two and a few traits to class X and it can play very differently. And I agree with Retro that I think people would rather have new stuff to do with their current options than new options to use on older stuff, if we have to choose between the two.

I agree that adding weapons to existing class would be the better option, and it can totally change a class mechanic, if done right.
The big things I'm hoping for sometime soon are basically:

1. A few more dungeons, or at least another dungeon with a few paths. (I know this may not be in the pipeline but I'd really like it)

2. Add a few new world bosses and revamp Shatner so that he's difficult. The early-game world bosses can mostly stay the same since they're kind of introductory, but The Shatterer desperately needs to not be a pushover.

3. Maybe a few skill changes to counter the Zerk meta a bit. I don't think you'll ever break it entirely, though. Also, for the most part, I'd be fine with giving a few classes some new (existing) weapons to play with, but I really hope ArenaNet adds a Two Handed Axe at some point.

4. Sandwichmancer or ded gaem.

EDIT: 5. I like the new trait system (aside from map completion for traits), but I wish there was some way, to start working on your character build earlier. I've been leveling a thief and traits come so slowly that it's barely a part of the leveling experience at all.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Bored at work so I've been reading every single post in this thread. This thread is definitely the most positive GW2 community I've encountered so far which is nice but I'm curious if there is anything you guys don't like about the game? I think i saw a few post about the trait system (i think it was from Retro) but is there anything else?
Of course. It's too huge a game for there not to be... really, I bet literally everyone who plays dislikes some things.

I think the personal story is flat-out bad. The initial stuff (depending on race and choice selection) is in the decent to mediocre range, but toward the convergence points for the plotline it gets into pretty awful territory. I hate the cutscene style, few characters are memorable, voice acting is incredibly erratic outside of the stars. The narrative is bland. The final story fight (simultaneously the boss of the last dungeon story mode) is great to look at but completely static and boring and justifiable only in that it needs to be "easy" for the lowest common denominator to be able to beat their own storyline (and even so, you have 4 people to help carry you, and preceding fights in the dungeon are much cooler).

Right alongside the personal story itself... while ancillary lore, world-building, atmosphere and even flavor dialogue throughout the game are great, the actual plot writing is quite poor wherever it occurs. It has improved a bit with more recent story releases but generally speaking it ranges from bad to just-on-the-good-side of bad. Scarlet was a mostly uninspired or at least unoriginal character, motivations were delivered backwards, interesting plot threads are raised and dropped without satisfying conclusions. Granted, as of the most recent cutscenes I actually am sort of invested in the storyline for the first time, but eating up a strong narrative is definitely not why I come to the table here.

WvW is too dependent on raw temporal coverage and doesn't incentivize defending held objectives. This doesn't affect my enjoyment of the mode too much, because I mainly like it for the moment-to-moment experience of small and mid-scale fights between groups of nominally equitable skill, and I can find these without too much effort whenever I choose to hop in. but those are things I would attempt to fix if I were reworking the mode. It's worth nothing that the sort of PvP that WvW is has really not ever been my thing, and if anything I am predisposed to hate such a mode, so the fact that I am able to enjoy it at all is notable.

Dynamic events are pure squandered potential, representing a tonnage of fun content throughout the game that is glolssed over as "endgame" content due to its inability to maintain parity with other kinds of content in terms of reward. See this post.

I don't like the specific cheesing tactics that have been embraced in dungeons. I think that characterizing this as the "zerker meta" is largely unfair- in essence, the idea of advocating berserker gear to skilled players is sound; if you can avoid, absorb, redirect, or block damage actively, focusing all of your stats on offense makes perfect sense. In practice, however, what you get are a lot of tricks and/or minor exploits that abuse the game's mostly weak AI, quirks in terrain/geometry that prevent attacks from occurring or avoid damage, and numerical overload to subvert the intended combat system in favor of expediency. I think encouraging berserker gear gamewide for new players has caused problems, as in any scenario outside of a controlled stack they are frequently in trouble. However, and this is an important point, I often get feedback from a significant subset of players who say they actually aren't doing the dungeons "for fun," but basically farming. In other words, they don't get any enjoyment from doing dungeons, but do them anyway for the reward and simply want to get them over with as quickly as possible. For these players, the method doesn't matter, only a successful outcome and these methods ultimately shave only a few minutes from completion times for a good group, so it doesn't really injure or affect the economy. There's nothing wrong with this point of view and if they are able to enjoy the game doing this, it's none of my business. So I have backed off on dwelling on this as something I don't like about the game much. It's usually no problem at all for me to find a group that doesn't mind doing things legitimately, and so it doesn't affect me much.

I don't like monetized RNG gambling boxes, but no individual player does or ever, ever will. They exist for reasons that I understand at least.

Trinity arguments aside, I don't like how such a tiny number of PvE encounters actually force groups to mix up tactics or require roles like conditions or healing to succeed. This is largely a function of keeping the median challenge level of the game pretty low.

I don't like crafting much, but I didn't have the trouble "getting" it that some have complained about and I enjoy the occasional profit I've derived from it. This is another case of "stuff I'm inclined not to like in any game" feeling kinda-sorta alright to me in this one.

Not sure if I can pin it on the game or not, but I don't like the facets of the MMO genre at large that have carried over into the community despite the aspects of the game that are very different from other genre staples. I wish that the overwhelming majority of people I see commenting about the game would simply play it less seriously, which is something that I have been told is "dismissing legitimate problems" or even "burying my head in the sand" (in quotes cause that's a quote), which is fair I guess, but I just really do think it would help.

I don't like Princess Doll tonics.

there's probably other stuff but I am sure I hit the major things. I will say I don't have the problems with rewards, traits, or content availability that many do.
What? Hardcore WvW people are just bored as **** because Devon Carver is terrible. This is why many of these hardcore guilds have moved on to other games. But I would not expect people who play PvE predominantly to understand.
the folly of taking anything kos says seriously aside... I think I understand fine. There hasn't been enough change, or serious enough attention paid to the mode to cater to hardcore WvW players at this stage in the mode's lifecycle. if you're bored you should move on, especially if there are other games that offer the experience you're looking for in a better way or more consistently. It's how the market needs to and should work. This:
memories of playing 16hrs straight on reset days without burning out
reads to me not like a virtue to attribute to any game but a borderline unrealistic expectation of any product, even venturing outside of entertainment really. the idea that there's anything out there that one could do for 16 hours straight without getting bored, and then to also expect that degree of stimulation to be maintained long-term is lunacy to me. but even disregarding what appeals to me personally, I hope that you find something that does offer what you're looking for- anything is better than continuing to do something after it has ceased being fun for you.


Pretty happy with the game myself. Outside of PvP, but that is my own sour grapes. I can enjoy GW2 for what it is, and deal with what it isn't. There's other games for other things.

A new race would probably be too much work on the technical side unless its just a reskinned human. I'd rather see different varieties or locations added to the existing races. It worked well enough in GW1.

Ideally, I'd like crafting to expand beyond armor/weapons and into stuff like WvW upgrades, siege, or even housing like with Wildstar. But that is treading into the "More to do that isn't strictly combat" boat.
The PS of the new race do not have to occur in the same time frame as the old PS, and I can see them adding a new race or class further down the road as part of the LS.

That's true, I just think a whole new 1-80 PS track would be a ton of work, even with an expansion. But it's certainly possible.


The Cryptarch's Bane
ha, I like PvP a lot and the new reward tracks are amazing :X

should clarify, it's not like I don't want new stuff, I certainly do. new weapon skills most of all, but also new zones, new dungeons, more guild missions, guild halls, gvg. I didn't mention that stuff because it doesn't really fall under anything "I don't like" about the game.

seems to me like the disconnect at its core between the way I feel and others do about the state of the game is that I'd rather wait longer and get the new stuff for free than get it sooner but have to pay. i can understand the other viewpoint, it's just not how I feel. got plennnnnty of games to play, and other new releases I want I'll have to spend money on :p

hell I'm supposed to get both a wiiu and ps4 by the end of the year. probably spent what would've been the ps4 money on my new PC though *first world tears*


It's funny, in terms of what the game actually needs, new races, classes, and weapons are actually pretty low on the list in my opinion.

I'm sure they'd be a great marketing pull, but I honestly don't see them adding the "oomph" people are actually looking for.

I agree that it's rather low on what the game 'needs' and yet it's especially high on the list of what people 'want'.

What seems to be an increased amount of people asking for new races / classes / skills should maybe be seen as a sign that an increased number of players find that the game has become 'stale' (and that the LS despite some improvements maybe isn't enough to keep them on their toes).

Think about it, what has every MMO done at a point or another to kick things back up ? well cramming up all of this and more in an expansion pack, and call it a day.
It's the model people have been used to see, so of course they ask for it.

On the subject I agree that i'd rather have them work on the things that are underused/underdeveloped in what we already have rather than starting to ad things in a crazy way.
Sadly their 'little shave' philosophy when they approach balance doesn't get us very far.


FINALLY something that looks interesting !

(not sure I understood most of it correctly though as it stays very vague ...)


Certainly sounds like it'll be fun and could really start rewarding exploration and other non-combat stuff. Just please please keep expanding it over time, though it sounds like they're already committing to that.


I agree that it's rather low on what the game 'needs' and yet it's especially high on the list of what people 'want'.

What seems to be an increased amount of people asking for new races / classes / skills should maybe be seen as a sign that an increased number of players find that the game has become 'stale' (and that the LS despite some improvements maybe isn't enough to keep them on their toes).

Think about it, what has every MMO done at a point or another to kick things back up ? well cramming up all of this and more in an expansion pack, and call it a day.
It's the model people have been used to see, so of course they ask for it.

On the subject I agree that i'd rather have them work on the things that are underused/underdeveloped in what we already have rather than starting to ad things in a crazy way.
Sadly their 'little shave' philosophy when they approach balance doesn't get us very far.

That's kind of what I'm saying: The older fanbase thinks that the game is growing stale and therefore wants classes, weapons, and races to spice it up, when in reality those aren't things that will really change up how the game is played. What they really want are new mechanics. Weapons, Classes, and Races are largely cosmetic: They still boil down into the same options, just presented differently.


Whoa, seems crazy to call this stuff a "collections system" to me, very interesting ideas here, even though I have no clue how it will all play out.

edit: oh, oops

OH MY GOD! I had jokingly said to Colin that they need to put a collectible coin system in the entire game like the ones in Dry Top. Little did I know they were working on something much larger.



The Cryptarch's Bane
Certainly sounds like it'll be fun and could really start rewarding exploration and other non-combat stuff. Just please please keep expanding it over time, though it sounds like they're already committing to that.
This is certainly not the last you will be seeing of Item Collections. We have many more in the works, some that stand alone and some that are deeply tied to the Living World.
they actually sound excited about this from a design standpoint too, and so far as I know it's not a ported China feature at all but something totally new.

what this actually reads like is an interface for structured scavenger hunts. that's awesome. I wondered why they didn't call it that but after 30 seconds it occurred to me that people would assume anything they called a scavenger hint would probably have to do with precursors...



I don't want to collect stuff but if they tie achievement points to it


(This is faux exasperation by the way)


It's times like these that I really enjoy not being enticed by collecting things or achievements. A completionist I'm not. (My sub 70% map completion rate 2 years into the game should attest to that) It's always cool to have the rewards though!


Looks pretty good. I'm near 1000/1000 on skins. Wonder what will carry over. There are a lot of unused areas in dungeons. It would be nice to have a reason to explore them.


The Cryptarch's Bane

I don't want to collect stuff but if they tie achievement points to it


(This is faux exasperation by the way)
I wonder if anyone there is sadistic enough to include a "Collections Collector" title... complete all collections
It's times like these that I really enjoy not being enticed by collecting things or achievements. A completionist I'm not. (My sub 70% map completion rate 2 years into the game should attest to that) It's always cool to have the rewards though!
True that.
i said hey


I don't like Princess Doll tonics.
I don't like Hawkian's dislike for Princess Dolls. I will crush him with mine in Polymock until he likes them.

Very interesting points re: "zerker meta" being a misnomer for AI exploits. When soloing the recent personal story instances, it occurred to me how many faults in the AI could be covered up by greater use of conditions such as blind and torment as well as CC. Put 20+ stacks of torment on people, as I faced in one instance, or give a pack of silvers all Earthshaker and watch the meta change.

The other solution to exploiting AI is to randomize enemy spawns: location, number, type, etc. But some treat this as heresy.


Sonic handles my blue balls
Not saying I'm looking for a specific feature, just something that would make getting on GW2 more... fun, like new stuff to do and shit. Not really new content, just things to make what we have already more fun. I like the Living Story, but it's waiting 2 weeks for an hours worth of content.

Just... something to enhance the later-stages of gameplay in GW2.


I just thought of this post after reading the new update on collections.


Let's hope that the spoon example is a hint that those collection things are not entirely bound to skins, cause that will, like minis make the price of most of them explode.


Let's hope that the spoon example is a hint that those collection things are not entirely bound to skins, cause that will, like minis make the price of most of them explode.

"Other unlock items can be found on creatures and in chests throughout Tyria."

I think the new chest type they show a screenshot of could be one of those chests. Which would mean that this is a full fledged scavenger hunt where you're going to be off looking for these new chests potentially everywhere. The line about "a few new spoons have found their way into some very dangerous locations." sounds like there might be some tucked into dungeons too.


Is that a new back piece or one of the crafting ones from China? Pretty interesting update though, more AP never hurts.
Super rare drops from monsters and completing your daily achievement.

So they still can drop from monsters? I remember getting my Guardian to 80 and I barely had any throughout ... bummer! Well, hopefully they don't gimp key farming and I'll just do that for a day or two once I get back into the swing of things.


So, having been away from the game for about a year, is there anyway besides personal story and gem store to get black lion chest keys?

edit: ignore, I can't read >.>

I have close to 1500 hours and I never had a black key drop from monsters >_> Kind of assumed it's a myth for a while.


So they still can drop from monsters? I remember getting my Guardian to 80 and I barely had any throughout ... bummer! Well, hopefully they don't gimp key farming and I'll just do that for a day or two once I get back into the swing of things.

Been playing for two years. In all that time I think I've gotten two keys as drops. Wouldn't hold your breath for that to happen.
edit: ignore, I can't read >.>

I have close to 1500 hours and I never had a black key drop from monsters >_> Kind of assumed it's a myth for a while.

Been playing for two years. In all that time I think I've gotten two keys as drops. Wouldn't hold your breath for that to happen.


Ha, dang ... I figured as much though. I remember buying a few and it just wasn't worth it for what I got in return.


The Cryptarch's Bane
visit Rednax Youngblood in Lion’s Arch and he may provide you with the coveted Collectible Spoon Box to start your Koutalophile collection. This achievement is completed when you’ve found all of Tyria’s spoon trinkets.



Oh man talking to a random NPC after patch and they're all like hey, want to check out this sweet box I put all my jars in? and you're all like yeah man and he's like go collect em all for me, and I'll give you this kickass mace jar skin



Sorry for asking twice, but should I make zerker or soldier's ascended gear for my guardian to play at level 50 fractals? What's the meta with guardians these days?


Sorry for asking twice, but should I make zerker or soldier's ascended gear for my guardian to play at level 50 fractals? What's the meta with guardians these days?

Either is fine. Zerker is always the meta, but Soldier's gives you more breathing room (and allows you to play some support roles that Zerker doesn't allow you to).


Sorry for asking twice, but should I make zerker or soldier's ascended gear for my guardian to play at level 50 fractals? What's the meta with guardians these days?

I didn't answer because I don't really play guard but I'll give a response: I rarely play my guard and I still am glad I have both a zerk and soldier set for her. Both very useful. Of course, mine are exotic and not ascended. I would probably make soldier for your first. Well, unless you feel you are good enough to wear the other. Can't give the group aegis, protection, stability, reflect, nor can you blind if you're down or dead.

(I believe the meta is to wear zerker with a blind heavy trait/utility set but I haven't checked in a long time.)


Thanks guys but I'm still not sure what I'll make ._. Although I am slightly leaning towards zerker, kind of the "safer" option and might supplement it with defensive runes if I find it hard to survive.
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