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Nah, I didn't get that impression at all, and I agree that Zerker is probably the best stat set in the game right now. That's precisely why some of us view it as a problem, because there wouldn't be such an obvious 'best' if the game was a little more balanced in terms of stat values, encounter design, class design, rewards, etc...

We're not advocating anything here, just chatting.

Yeah I definitely agree. I run Berserker because I want to kill stuff fast (and Ike's damage numbers make me feel weak otherwise lol) but it's a shame that I don't even have to think about my stat set at all.
I want it to be clear I was never saying people should run Berserker. Run whatever you want, I don't mind. But I do think it is the best stat set in the game if you care about that sort of thing.

Nah, I know you weren't. But for like a year after launch, people *were* literally demanding everyone they party up with (not GAF, just talking about people in GW2 in general) run Zerk, and there was this culture of 'if you're not running zerk you're an idiot'. Which of course isn't true - and a lot of the early crying and whining about content being unfair, too difficult, or unbalanced, *came* from large chunks of the population following the herd, running zerk, and then wiping on the first thing in a dungeon that so much as looks at them funny. Of course there were those who *could* dodge, mitigate, block and etc all the right things - there's a guy who soloed the Crota's End raid in Destiny as a Hunter - but that doesn't mean Hunter is the best class. There was a time where the zeitgeist was "zerk", and I feel it damaged the early days of the game and created a toxic culture. It has passed now, thankfully - but I'm always wary of it coming back.

I don't think Zerk is the best stat, personally, but that's just how I feel. I think, for group play, there is a lot more power in synergetic setups, than just five people running Zerk and trying to kill everything before they're killed.


People want away from the stacking stuff, which is noble and all. But figure it'll reduce the effectiveness of melee to a degree. If you're chasing a mob, you aren't hitting it. While ranged can just plink away. See some traces of this in Season 2. Even on my warriors and guardian, it was easier to just range some of the fights.
Indeed this is a problem. But conceptually melee should be able to ensnare the enemy with soft and hard crowd control skills. All of the mechanics are there for this on the player side, but enemies too often have reduced condition duration or insurmountable stacks of defiance.

The "ideal" is the bare minimum defense you need to stay alive while outputting the maximum damage you can, while still supporting the party and making sure they are at their peak offensive capabilities as well. Whether that means a party full of berserkers, or Moondrop using Cleric shouts and Miktar blasting Celestial water fields, is entirely up to which individuals are playing.
By this definition of individual balance, cleric is suboptimal in most PvE situations. Only when the content is sufficiently difficult does my sacrifice for group synergy become relevant. Thus I believe the lack of roles is largely a consequence of a lack of difficulty.

From my perspective, I'm so rarely punished for choosing a lack of offense. I soloed all of the Season 2 LS content as a cleric, virtually all with melee weapons. Some bosses took a long time, but only in one instance was I truly stymied: there was a mordrem leecher, the kind that lays healing fields. I laid down chains of six consecutive interrupts, but it would still immediately heal itself back up with its next skill. I came back with a rifle and it was no problem at all.

Spoony bard stuff
I appreciated this.


For min-maxers, Zerk is good because it makes things die faster. And it's not like you need to be in a proper stat spread for the different roles. You can as easily run WoR or apply Aegis in a Zerk set or a Nomad set, for example. With damage mitigation in GW2 focused more on dodges, blocks, and evades, I can see why stat spreads focused more on defense fall to the wayside. Of course, it really depends if the player can use those damage mitigation abilities properly, which is debatable.

Also, the nature of PvE creates an environment where alternative builds are less viable due to things like Condi caps and Defiance, which means Power is the best way to go, and Power tends to mean Zerk. Not saying that Zerk is best, but it is popular for a reason.
Wonder when people will speed run dungeons with least optimal set, or no armor and no traits to make it more "difficult".

If you want to make the game harder, there's always stuff like our bearbow AC explorable clear (which ended up being really easy), but you can also start with running smaller parties (where applicable). Three or four people instead of five can sometimes result in a fairly drastic change to the way you handle the game's content.

I've done AC 1, CM 1/3, TA F/Up, HotW 1, Arah 2/3, and level 19 Fractals as duos with Zeroth, and that shit's intense.
If you want to make the game harder, there's always stuff like our bearbow AC explorable clear (which ended up being really easy), but you can also start with running smaller parties (where applicable). Three or four people instead of five can sometimes result in a fairly drastic change to the way you handle the game's content.

I've done AC 1, CM 1/3, TA F/Up, HotW 1, Arah 2/3, and level 19 Fractals as duos with Zeroth, and that shit's intense.

Amen to that. Running AC 1 and 3 with just three people is a *way* different experience, and while not super hard, does have its moments where you either know how to play, or you waypoint of shame. I kinda wish the game celebrated trying dungeons with two or three, if only by giving you a little badge or something.



I have spent too much money on this game >_>

I've only fully soloed AC Story, CM Story/Path 3, and Arah Path 2. Everything else has been bits and pieces of dungeons/fractals and various bosses.


I was Emilie's Guardian's Fern Hound pet while she did Caledon Forest completion. This quest lets you transform, and afterwards you can do whatever you want in the map (except fight underwater) without changing back.

I propose a GAF Jungle Wurm event where we all try to fight while transformed and confuse everyone else in the area. (Most of us would probably die, but a pack of fern hounds showing up to a world boss event would be funny to see.)


Finished the pvp winter track and the tonic collection today.

My laptop sure gets hot playing this. Just glad I'm able to squeeze in night sessions while visiting the folks.

heh, I sound like an addict


think ill stick with my plan of using a mix of cleric/knight and some zerk trinkets despite tve lower dps because i find it more rewarding the fact we beat it ,not that we beat in xx amount of seconds.

on another note , think ill keep using hammer in fractals .
100 % uptime in protection which means 33% damage reduction for everyone


on another note , think ill keep using hammer in fractals .
100 % uptime in protection which means 33% damage reduction for everyone

I got bored of doing that because you don't get to use any of the fun skills when you're auto-attacking all the time to keep protection up.


So Mrs. Retor couldn't wait until Christmas to give me my present;

We're thinking it's press swag from something like PAX. It's in really good shape, a Goodwill in Seattle was selling it on Amazon for insanely cheap (the book has been out of print for ages so it can get up near $200). Nice box, book is in great shape, mousepad is enormous and the thumbnail drive probably has porn or viruses on it so that's staying right where it is. =p

This was the presskit (or a variant of it, because there wasn't a mouse pad in mine and you have 'The Art of GW2' instead of 'The Making of GW2') we got when the game launched. I still have mine here:

Edit: I believe your kit resembles this one a bit more? http://www.benl.ebay.be/itm/GUILD-W...6539486?pt=ES_Videojuegos&hash=item4ae1d6ef5e

The Mouse Pad is indeed huge, but I don't know if they've just added it to some kits or it's from a seperate occasion. (I received a Caithe one from Anet during one of the preview events)

I hope this info helps you a bit with giving you an answer.
Speaking of PAX (sort of, lol)... is anyone else going to PAX East? Quenk and I got 3-day passes this year and I'm super excited about going, it would be pretty cool to see other GAF people there.
I kinda want to go to because I've never been to a gaming convention type of thing but it will depend on when it is and if ANET will be doig any events. I would mostly go to meet ANET developers since I don't care about other games.


The Cryptarch's Bane
nothing mechanically enforces regrouping after a lost clash on courtyard but the group can facilitate one, if a couple people die the others can run back toward spawn, guardians can drop a line or warding on the way, then if there's distance when all four are alive one enemy can be pulled with scorpion wire or whatever rather than reengaging in the same place.

it's much more chaotic and unfocused than any standard map and does a good job of showcasing why they wanted to have objective-based matchups be the core of the mode, but it's still a blast. I think building for it specifically and playing on a courtyard server would be awesome.


It's worth noting the fractal hammer build is better on runs where one stacks with their party, and GAFractals are usually far from that.


Today i know officially i am cursed .

In the last 4 fractal runs ive been n our group always drew Mai trin at the end .

That woman will haunt me all the way to lvl 50 at this rate.

It's worth noting the fractal hammer build is better on runs where one stacks with their party, and GAFractals are usually far from that.

Can't hurt to test it out and if it is not working out ill switch back again to gs .

At the very least ill benefit from the effect .
Today i know officially i am cursed .

In the last 4 fractal runs ive been n our group always drew Mai trin at the end .

That woman will haunt me all the way to lvl 50 at this rate.

I ran low lvl fractals 6 times to get pieces for Mawdrey, 5/6 of those times it was Mai. She loves me.

I somehow also never managed to roll Swamp or Snowblind :(


I hope this info helps you a bit with giving you an answer.

Yeah, that eBay one is pretty much exactly what I have, though it's all English so it must be a US / UK thing. The USB apparently has useful press stuff on it, but I'm still leery of just plugging it in.


Yeah, that eBay one is pretty much exactly what I have, though it's all English so it must be a US / UK thing. The USB apparently has useful press stuff on it, but I'm still leery of just plugging it in.

Worst case scenario it's just full of R-rated charr on asura stuff. Best case scenario, we get a release date for Cantha and playable tengu. Most likely scenario is just viruses
and charr on asura porn.
I dunno, I think the scarf looks fine: http://imgur.com/a/ZiEvK

I wouldn't buy it myself, but I don't see any major issues with it, clipping aside. As for clipping: that's an issue that is /never/ going to go away. Not in this game, not in any other MMO for the forseeable future, unless the MMO has *one* race with *one* bodytype and zero customization sliders. It's just too much extra work for not enough benefit, to prevent clipping on cosmetic items. Now if an MMO made it a feature of theirs to have zero clipping, I'd be impressed to see how they pull it off - but clothing/armor clipping is something people are just going to have to make peace with, it's not going anywhere in GW2. You either deal, or uninstall. The alternative is to have it keep bugging you until it drives you insane, like a dead pixel on your new LCD. Just let it go, or get it replaced.


Yep clipping is never going to fully go away in this game. I been used to the charr clipping for a while now heh.

That said think the scarf looks so big and a bit weird on charr (well overall actually), along with that I don't think I would replace any of my char's current shoulderpads with it regardless so I pass.
I dunno, I think the scarf looks fine: http://imgur.com/a/ZiEvK

I wouldn't buy it myself, but I don't see any major issues with it, clipping aside. As for clipping: that's an issue that is /never/ going to go away. Not in this game, not in any other MMO for the forseeable future, unless the MMO has *one* race with *one* bodytype and zero customization sliders. It's just too much extra work for not enough benefit, to prevent clipping on cosmetic items. Now if an MMO made it a feature of theirs to have zero clipping, I'd be impressed to see how they pull it off - but clothing/armor clipping is something people are just going to have to make peace with, it's not going anywhere in GW2. You either deal, or uninstall. The alternative is to have it keep bugging you until it drives you insane, like a dead pixel on your new LCD. Just let it go, or get it replaced.

I like the scarf but I'm not sure how I feel about it yet on Charr. At first glance I think it's over sized but then I want to play dress up and see if I can figure out an outfit that it works on.

As for clipping, I'm not kidding when I say I've contemplated not playing this anymore because of how bad it bugs me, lol. It seems to be the worst with Charr, which is my favorite race, so I'm always encountering the issue and often times have trouble dealing with it. I don't expect it to be gone entirely, 3D games are far too complex for that to happen, but there are some things I've seen that make me wonder what they were thinking. The big one is how shields look on Charr. Floating away from the back, floating away from the arm. I don't know if I'll ever use one on my Engineer because of it. From what people have said on the forums, it's this way because of the spikes on the tier 3 armor. But if it is, there has to be a better solution then to have it hovering away from the character model.

I'm gonna get the scarf for my asura characters since it looks great on them :D

Yeah, I think it looks the best on asura.


Main is a charr, but can honestly say clipping has never bothered me. Nor has the tail stuff. Its just a thing that has been around in about every game, maybe I just don't see it anymore. Like jaggies. My issues with charr armor has always been how 'tight' the torsos looked. But new armors and outfits have been much better in that regard.

217 gold for 250 giver gs. weee. . .urk.

leng jai

The scarf does look pretty good on Asura which just makes it even worse. The ridiculous scaling in this game makes you think if ArenaNet even look at half the skins they are releasing. Basically anything gigantic looks good on Asura (shields for example) and everything normal sized looks atrocious.


Sup you people.

Tomorrow is a special day for some people and a common day for others. Particularly, I have no religious celebrations for this day, but every time I see myself with all my family, having fun together and doing enjoyable stuff, I can't help but think of all the people who were part of my life that year. And naturally, I'm also thankful for them, because they are people who were part of my life, some way or another, some more prominently than others, but there's no lie in saying you all are a important bit of it.

So, I'm thankful for every one of you for being with me this year. Considering I started playing Guild Wars 2 on.... January 3rd, it's probably safe to say it's nearly a year that I've been with you all and having fun. Thank you all for being who you are and for being part of my life, and I'm sure that next year, when this day is coming close again, I'll be able to say I had as many good memories as I have right now!

So, tomorrow, regardless of what you do or don't do, know that I'll be thinking fondly of you all. What a awesome bunch of peeps you are, keep it that way.


Merry Christmas you tossers. Hope to continue doing crazy stuff in Tyria with all of you guys the next year and so on.

Except Kos. He doesn't deserve it.

Just kidding. Or am I?


I really love GAF Guild. All of you are great. I'm going through lots of tough times but all of y'all are really nice to me and help me get my mind off things.


Starting this up again after getting busier with other things a long time ago. I was in the guild, can I get another invite? Matchewroch

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