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Guild Wars 2 |OT4| The only subscription you need is this thread.

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Sure, if you distill GW2 into very, *very* basic fundamentals, it's not *that* different from WoW - both games are themepark MMOs, after all. But if you look at it with more granularity, the differences become pronounced. After all, GW2 was designed to be a kind of "anti-WoW", to *not* do a lot of the things WoW does. Like Gear Treadmills, artificial level gating, content being made obsolete due to level differentials, there's no Need/Greed (though WoW did recently implement Personal Loot, so that did change), there's no resource node stealing, etc.

To be honest for me all of these things save the gear treadmill are such minor things it didn't really confuse or shock me when getting into GW2. On a personal level even the removal of the trinity doesn't seem like a huge deal, it doesn't change the core dynamic of people doing shit to make sure people don't die and the enemy does die, especially because I think your description of the trinity was a bit reductive anyway (the 3 roles do more than just their brand name most of the time).

All I am really getting at is I don't think it's that mind blowing of a different experience or anything, yeah some stuff is obviously different but the differences weren't major enough to "shock" me like you suggest, speaking as a new player who just started playing for real like literally a week ago.


Oh, welcome to gw2! If you ever want people to chat to, let us know and we can send you a guild invite.

I've been thinking about it but figured it might be best to wait until you guys trim down some or something, as someone who spent the better part of 2014 doing stuff in the D3 Gaf clan I am afraid of turning into the very type of person I hate: Those who ask for an invite and then stop logging on a week later. I'm having a ton of fun with the game right now but like I said a couple of posts up I actually have no idea what is in GW2 to keep me playing for an extended period of time, and I don't mean that in an uppity way I mean that in literally right now all I know about GW2 is that I can fill up that map completion bar (which has been what I've been spending my time doing because I like exploring) and that I guess there are dungeons but I haven't bothered with that yet.

Also jumping puzzles I guess but I just sort of toss that into the exploration bag.
Dungeons/Fractals, PvP, and WvW are all worth checking out at least for a bit. And those are all things easier to do with a guild!

You're always free to leave the guild on your own if you decide it's not for you. I wouldn't worry about us running out of space for invites just yet.


Will be joining missions late, have gym time

Here's Ashodin's current look to hold you over:

All I am really getting at is I don't think it's that mind blowing of a different experience or anything, yeah some stuff is obviously different but the differences weren't major enough to "shock" me like you suggest, speaking as a new player who just started playing for real like literally a week ago.

Like I said: it depends on the person :p I'm glad it worked out for you, but we've had our fair share of people here who came in expecting WoW, and left disgusted that it wasn't anything like WoW. Understandably so, but still.

Also, you can be in multiple guilds at the same time, so there's really no reason not to join GAF, and then 'rep' it when you feel like it, and don't rep when you don't.


I've been thinking about it but figured it might be best to wait until you guys trim down some or something, as someone who spent the better part of 2014 doing stuff in the D3 Gaf clan I am afraid of turning into the very type of person I hate: Those who ask for an invite and then stop logging on a week later.

Oh, don't let that put you off. There's room for you and we don't make a stink about representation or attendance. You can be in up to 5 guilds at the same time. Lots of people only rep GAF once in a while. If we get close to the member cap (500) we'll clear out some of the people who haven't logged in for months, but whenever those people start playing again they're invited right back in as soon as they want.


Definitely do it. 'Cause otherwise I wouldn't get to hang out with GAF people after hours ;D

"What have you been doing?"
"...which ones?"
"Um... uhhh... I forgot."

I've been updating my guardian a bit since launch so that she always looks like me. I decided that since I got a free hair kit it was time to update. No one probably cares but this character is really important to me and I'm glad this game exists so I can play as her.



Is there a maximum limit to magic find? Can you go over 100%?

Your account bound luck can only get up to 300%. You can still boost this with consumables and zone effects (like in Silverwastes), but any Essences of Luck used after you reach 300% is basically useless.

Oh yes, you can get up to 300% magic find from bits of luck alone. Remember to refine your lucks scraps into better luck through artificing.

They still give the same amount of luck (5 10 luck essences make 1 50 luck essence). It just makes it easier on your mouse finger.


They still give the same amount of luck (5 10 luck essences make 1 50 luck essence). It just makes it easier on your mouse finger.
Oops, thanks. I still feel silly but at least I didn't waste all that luck I consumed before I had an artificer.

Also a secondary benefit to having a controller is you can bind a key to turbo mouse click.


Thanks, my magic find just reached 70% looks like I have a long way to go.
I've gone from 50+ to almost 80% the last week or so by buying every cheap blue and green items on the TP a few times and I've seen a big improvement already I think. It's basically free as well, if you sell back all the items you get from the salvaging. I couldn't have lost more than 1g in total over an almost 30% increase. It takes more the higher you get of course but with money to burn, why not (though someone showed their massive luck stacks from salvaging rares and exotics in the chat a few days back).
Can we talk about how nice the new leveling experience is? I feel most of the backlash was completely unjustified.

I gave a character 12 Tome of Knowledge, and getting all those goodies. Yum yum yum yum. No matter how you look at it, combined with the new daily achievement system, I feel like the game does a good job at showering you with rewards very very frequently.

I still have desires about general loot table distribution, but goddamn. I never looked forward to going up another level before. Now it's like - almost lvl 8. Boom! Almost lvl 9 yay! It's not just the distrubution of mechanics, but even the gear. you get bags, head gear, crafting mats, salvages, dye, etc. It's really nice.

It's just weird how much hate this got initially, but nobody really talks about how nice it is now.
I definitely flung myself off a cliff last night during CoF1. Ranger sword2 != longbow2

Sometimes when we fight Kohler, I do all my might stacking stuff and then I get ice bow out.. And then I cast 4, thinking it'll be ice bow 4, but I cast it too fast, cancel the ice bow casting time and instead I staff fire 4 and fling myself off the tower ;__; it's funny every time but I always feel like an idiot

No one probably cares but this character is really important to me and I'm glad this game exists so I can play as her.

I care! And I get it ^^ the closest character I have that looks like me is my Mesmer... I don't always want to play as "myself" but it's really great they give you so many options to make your characters look how you like. (Dress up wars joke here) I'm really glad they do though, dressing up is half the fun :p
Can we talk about how nice the new leveling experience is? I feel most of the backlash was completely unjustified.

It's just weird how much hate this got initially, but nobody really talks about how nice it is now.

When something works, nobody really talks about it. You only hear about things when people complain. :p

When the New Player Experience came out, I went and rolled a fresh character and leveled him up to around 30 without using tomes of knowledge or anything, just so I could see the full NPE in effect. While there are issues in the later stages (like removed story missions from the pact side of things), I felt the opening stages were far better paced and structured to ease players into the game. A lot of the initial hate against the NPE was also misunderstanding: people thought that the tooltips that popped up when levelling meant those things were only then unlocked - when in fact, the tips were just telling you about them. There are things that require you to reach a certain level to actually unlock, but I felt that worked out okay.

The NPE gave the early game a much clearer sense of direction - which was the point. Slower skill unlocking - while meh to veterans who were used to having things basically explode in their faces the instant they punched a rat - was a good decision I think, to give people time to really chew on each skill before relegating it to autoattack and never thinking about it again. Getting the pace of the opening areas of an MMO right, is tricky science - I've yet to see a game get it perfectly right out of the gate. I do think the NPE could do with a few more tweaks, just like the trait system. But for now, I'm way more comfortable recommending the game to people, since I think the NPE will ease them into it better than the original starting experience.


I would love to try out the Reshade injector with this game .

( For those who don't know , Reshade is a advanced, fully generic post-processing injector like SweetFX but allows for so much more not only in Games but in movies as well .

People in Screenshot threads are going crazy over it since it allows new effects in old and new games like AO , Depth of field , etc

In short , it is basically Sweetfx 2.0 .

Here is their site : http://reshade.me/

A few examples of what people already pulled of with it in the Screenshot thread :

NFS : Rivals

Mafia 2 ( from me )

The reason i am ( again ) hesitant to use it is that it might be falely identified as a cheat /bot device .
ReShade is pretty potent, especially with the MasterEffect controls. It's going to take me a long time to get this thing tweaked to a point where I like it, since there are a lot more effects compared to SweetFX (DoF, Chromatic Abberation, etc). And not all of them work well together. EDIT: I've uninstalled it for now. It's beta, that's for sure. It'll be quite amazing to see what people use it for once it gets more stable.

Here are some shots of me just messing around with it - these are in no way supposed to look good, just serve as an example of some of the effects you can control, things like Abrams Flares, Depth of Field (lovely, but wonky), and etc. There are even multiple versions of the same thing, like different ways to do SSAO, DoF, etc.

And of course, most effects make UI elements useless, since the injector can't differentiate between what is a foreground ui element, and what is gameworld. So stuff like this, is usually only good for screenshots.


ReShade is pretty potent, especially with the MasterEffect controls. It's going to take me a long time to get this thing tweaked to a point where I like it, since there are a lot more effects compared to SweetFX (DoF, Chromatic Abberation, etc). And not all of them work well together. EDIT: I've uninstalled it for now. It's beta, that's for sure. It'll be quite amazing to see what people use it for once it gets more stable.

Here are some shots of me just messing around with it - these are in no way supposed to look good, just serve as an example of some of the effects you can control, things like Abrams Flares, Depth of Field (lovely, but wonky), and etc. There are even multiple versions of the same thing, like different ways to do SSAO, DoF, etc.

And of course, most effects make UI elements useless, since the injector can't differentiate between what is a foreground ui element, and what is gameworld. So stuff like this, is usually only good for screenshots.

Yeah , there is still a large amount of testing and trial and error needed to get that "perfect look " but it has Potential looking at those screens .
Yeah , there is still a large amount of testing and trial and error needed to get that "perfect look " but it has Potential looking at those screens .

If anything, it does highlight how... messy the GW2 engine is. The depth buffer is all over the place, UI elements jump z-plane depending on where the mouse cursor is, for no real discernible reason, and the frustrum culling is... I don't even know what's going on with its implementation of Umbra. It makes things like HBAO+ pretty much unusable if injected, because the game world just doesn't actually render the way it looks, it's a hodge-podge of almost conflicting systems, I think I've mentioned the doodad rendering issue before, a long time ago.

It's weird, GW1 had a svelte, ridged, purposeful engine with some of the best in-line patching since... ever. GW2 is clearly built on its framework, but a lot of it is so rickety and Frankensteined together, I think their scope really outpaced their tech by a huge margin.

I won't deny - I'd be over the moon if they ever rewrote the engine from the ground up, to at least be a bit more versatile. Let us have proper world lighting without rim-lighting that moves based on camera instead of light sources. >..>
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