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I hope Woodenpotatoes is right about a Feature Pack hitting before expansion/campaign, That would be really nice.

I'm running a Warrior with Mace/Axe - Axe/Mace. This combo feels bizarre. I wonder if I can really make it sing. Right now I vastly prefer Mace/Axe. Maybe Sword/Axe would be better for second set? You get that gap closer!


What's your /age gafguild?



I actually noticed some day ago that I had gone past 3000 hours. It's at about 3040 now and I've been playing since the first day of headstart. I have a screenshot of 2000 hours (and 33 minutes!) from April 13, so if I keep this up I will have gone past 4000 played hours before the year is over! ;o


Can we talk about the Superior Sigil of Cleansing? It removes 1 condition upon weapon swap, with the standard 9 sec ICD. Why isn't this sigil more popular, especially on Engies who need condi removal and works especially well with weapon swap runes? It works better than Purity since you don't have to be hit for a chance of it proccing, and it's much much cheaper than Generosity (holy shit 100g for a sigil). It's account bound but the recipe is dirt cheap and purchasable on the TP.
Yes we can. Several interesting new sigils and runes were slipped in with the September feature patch. Sigil of Cleansing seems great at first, but we can break down why it isn't more popular: it's not needed in PvE, it's not available in PvP, thus it's only potentially useful in WvW. If we're talking zerg warfare, then there's plenty of AoE condi cleanse flying around, so this would only maybe be useful during roaming (though sigil of perplexity shows that's enough to sustain a market).

However cleanse on swap isn't always better than purity because it requires swapping. Thus builds with disproportionate time in one set (e.g. my gadgeteer engi) will stick with purity. But also consider that while sigil of cleansing gives you more control of its activation, it's simultaneously limiting your options by putting your weapon skills on cooldown. That said I would definitely consider this for my ranger and mesmer.

I just theorycrafted a new ele wvw build using one of the new rune sets. I'll post it here once I smooth out the kinks. My theorycrafting is on fire lately. ;)


Yes we can. Several interesting new sigils and runes were slipped in with the September feature patch. Sigil of Cleansing seems great at first, but we can break down why it isn't more popular: it's not needed in PvE, it's not available in PvP, thus it's only potentially useful in WvW. If we're talking zerg warfare, then there's plenty of AoE condi cleanse flying around, so this would only maybe be useful during roaming (though sigil of perplexity shows that's enough to sustain a market).

However cleanse on swap isn't always better than purity because it requires swapping. Thus builds with disproportionate time in one set (e.g. my gadgeteer engi) will stick with purity. But also consider that while sigil of cleansing gives you more control of its activation, it's simultaneously limiting your options by putting your weapon skills on cooldown. That said I would definitely consider this for my ranger and mesmer.

I just theorycrafted a new ele wvw build using one of the new rune sets. I'll post it here once I smooth out the kinks. My theorycrafting is on fire lately. ;)

True, not being in PvP leaves it out of a lot of theorycrafting, but the problems with swapping are not a big issue for kit Engies, which is a pretty narrow group I would admit. I just see the sigil as a real boon for me, but I can also see why it's not that good for other professions, which either wants to stick to a weapon or does not need cleansing that badly.

I need to look at the other runes and sigils introduced in Sep. Some of them, like Perplexity, seems interesting.
Can we talk about the Superior Sigil of Cleansing? It removes 1 condition upon weapon swap, with the standard 9 sec ICD. Why isn't this sigil more popular, especially on Engies who need condi removal and works especially well with weapon swap runes? It works better than Purity since you don't have to be hit for a chance of it proccing, and it's much much cheaper than Generosity (holy shit 100g for a sigil). It's account bound but the recipe is dirt cheap and purchasable on the TP.

Does swapping attunements count for weapon swapping?

EDIT: Aaand I answered my own question, the answer is yes. Cool.


So it seems the Desert Rose skin have skyrocketed somewhat in price, with around 6 gold or more up to 86g in like two weeks, for no apparent reason; the number of skins hasn't changed all that much as far as I know. There's still 76 skins available. I'd rather not pay 86g when I've seen it under 80, but the lowest buy order is at 70g or less, which seems unlikely to happen, right? I wonder where I should put myself to have the highest chance of getting one fairly cheap. Any ideas? :) A buy order doesn't cost anything, right?


I need to look at the other runes and sigils introduced in Sep. Some of them, like Perplexity, seems interesting.
Perplexity has been here for a while and has actually been nerfed from its original god tier status. Before they installed an internal cooldown, I even messed around with it on warrior. The new runes and sigils from September:

Superior Rune of Evasion
Superior Rune of Radiance
Superior Rune of the Trapper
Superior Sigil of Cleansing
Superior Sigil of Cruelty
Superior Sigil of Incapacitation


Perplexity has been here for a while and has actually been nerfed from its original god tier status. Before they installed an internal cooldown, I even messed around with it on warrior.

Perplexity thief was hilariously broken in wvw, literally spam pistol 4 to win. glad they nerfed it even though i had loads of fun with it


Perplexity has been here for a while and has actually been nerfed from its original god tier status. Before they installed an internal cooldown, I even messed around with it on warrior. The new runes and sigils from September:

Superior Rune of Evasion
Superior Rune of Radiance
Superior Rune of the Trapper
Superior Sigil of Cleansing
Superior Sigil of Cruelty
Superior Sigil of Incapacitation

Oh right. Trapper is pretty great though. I want it in PvP right now, so I can troll with a trap Ranger.


Oh right. Trapper is pretty great though. I want it in PvP right now, so I can troll with a trap Ranger.
Yeah I've already converted my ranger to dire trapper but I've only played a little. Definitely high troll potential, especially if you use siamoth for more stealth and trait your jaguar for higher stealth uptime.


Aw nuts I missed Aetherpath vadernooo. On the plus side I did get to the end of episode 5, so I'm close to being able to read reddit again, woo.

Saw this on a mesmer guide on metabattle: "Clones, phantasms, and even mini pets count as companions and provide us with a permanent 6th effect of Superior Rune of the Ranger"

What. Seriously, mini pets? C'mon, son.

So it seems the Desert Rose skin have skyrocketed somewhat in price, with around 6 gold or more up to 86g in like two weeks, for no apparent reason; the number of skins hasn't changed all that much as far as I know. There's still 76 skins available. I'd rather not pay 86g when I've seen it under 80, but the lowest buy order is at 70g or less, which seems unlikely to happen, right? I wonder where I should put myself to have the highest chance of getting one fairly cheap. Any ideas? :) A buy order doesn't cost anything, right?

Is it possible to get new ones anymore? I thought you needed some token things that were part of an event last year. That's probably why the price keeps going up.


Is it possible to get new ones anymore? I thought you needed some token things that were part of an event last year. That's probably why the price keeps going up.
Pretty sure you can, by participating in the Southsun Survival mini-game. According to the wiki there's still a small chance for it to drop in a chest and supply have been fluctuating up and down recently so more of them have indeed shown up for sale.
Saw this on a mesmer guide on metabattle: "Clones, phantasms, and even mini pets count as companions and provide us with a permanent 6th effect of Superior Rune of the Ranger"

What. Seriously, mini pets? C'mon, son.
Yea, I'm cynical enough that any non-ranger with a mini-pet automatically draws my suspicion and thus my disdain. I don't care if it's the mini-llama, you're an exploiter first and lover of slow-walking CPU-resource-wasting supposedly-do-nothings second. That's right, I'm looking at you Hawkian.
Yea, I'm cynical enough that any non-ranger with a mini-pet automatically draws my suspicion and thus my disdain. I don't care if it's the mini-llama, you're an exploiter first and lover of slow-walking CPU-resource-wasting supposedly-do-nothings second. That's right, I'm looking at you Hawkian.

You are so angry these days.

Calm down, Varix.


Going by that trailer at the end game:

They showed armor from each of the three orders fighting the Sylvari. That could just be saying that the pact are fighting the sylvari, but since the main fleet is basically decimated, it wouldn't be surprise me if they retreat back into the orders. If Trahearne is indeed gone (which, he's either going to be dead or missing at this point) I wonder who will take over as the Pact leader? I would not be surprised if all sylvari are kicked out of all orders at this point.

It's my guess that the angle they're going to go for is that the whole world united to take down the dragons, but with the Sylvari basically becoming untrustworthy, the idea of unity will falter and everyone will splinter back into their own divisions, regretting the idea of coming together to fight a bigger threat. Since the world can no longer be counted on to fight this, it's going to be up to you and your team to find some other power to break the mental bind on all sylvari before you can take down Mordremoth. Cue the Mursaat for this.


Yea, I'm cynical enough that any non-ranger with a mini-pet automatically draws my suspicion and thus my disdain. I don't care if it's the mini-llama, you're an exploiter first and lover of slow-walking CPU-resource-wasting supposedly-do-nothings second. That's right, I'm looking at you Hawkian.

I have no problems with pets but do people really need to bring them along while doing jumping puzzles, so distracting
My /age is so unimpressive compared to all these .___. I bought the game less than a year ago (May), and didn't *actually* start playing regularly until 3 months later (August). I think I'm at 700-800 hours in total. All my play over the Christmas break probably boosted my time per day by quite a bit... basically all I did over the holidays was play GW2.


This guy makes a UI-design overhaul of GW2. If' you're interested in UIX or interface design this is really cool. I think he did a really good job; https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/for...the-UI-the-official-website/first#post4706426

I agree with some of his ideas on principle, but shoehorning so much (mostly unnecessarily) information into the panel is... unpleasant to look at.

He's used almost every inch of real-estate available for a lot of things that would be better off seperate. For example, including a drop down menu for which Order was joined makes no sense (not only because it's one per character, but that information would be better displayed on the Story panel), likewise for guild (that should be in the guild window) and crafting (crafting panel). He's trying to streamline it too much and the end result is a cluttered mess.The equipment tab should be just that; equipment, stats, dyes. Titles are a nice addition, as is the spot for minis and vanity items (since you "display" all of those), but I think they tried to put too much into one place.

On the other hand, his other redesigns are going in the opposite direction; they waste a ton of space to look pretty, and are far too slick-looking (in a visual sense) for Guild Wars 2's minimalistic aesthetic. Apple deserves a lot of grief for bringing back the "flat" look and Microsoft deserves a TON of grief for making it objectively worse with "Metro." This guy has basically shoehorned Metro into Guild Wars where it makes absolutely no aesthetic sense. It's the equivalent of going to a Renaissance Fair and having all of the actors dressed as extras from Tron; it's too modern-looking and wastes a ton of space (which stands out even more because his Hero panel is absurdly dense) and says something completely different than what the UI is saying now (again, visually; I totally agree that functionally there's room for improvement).

That style would be better suited for something like Marvel Heroes or Wildstar, where you want the look of clean, modern lines and symmetrical compartments for content. His website redesign especially looks like it's trying to sell a completely different game.

My /age is so unimpressive compared to all these .___. I bought the game less than a year ago (May), and didn't *actually* start playing regularly until 3 months later (August). I think I'm at 700-800 hours in total. All my play over the Christmas break probably boosted my time per day by quite a bit... basically all I did over the holidays was play GW2.

It's not really any indicator of skill or success though, just that someone really enjoys the game (or, for some insane reason, plays even after they've stopped enjoying it which is... sick).

As for myself;


This guy makes a UI-design overhaul of GW2. If' you're interested in UIX or interface design this is really cool. I think he did a really good job; https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/for...the-UI-the-official-website/first#post4706426

Super slick redesign. Extra usability would be awesome, and I think his ideas here are solid.
In-game lore and character journals would be amazing, but based on the dev's way of prioritizing certain things while completely neglecting other issues....I wouldn't count on it.


The work that guy did for the UI redesign is nothing short of impressive from an effort standpoint. However, for all the people saying omgggg ANet do it, they completely neglect to remember that if ANet did this, they would be unable to also design new features with new UI elements at the same time. I mean this is nothing short of a massive redesign of a lot of the UI. A lot of people seem to have no concept of priority when it comes to stuff like this. You can't complain that you want new feature X and then complain that they should also redo UI element Y. Everything in software development has a cost. A UI redesign like this would probably push back a lot of new features by over half a year at least.


nicely done but the AP request in the LFG is not right .. why not adding class filter while you’re at it like ‘’ no ranger ’’ ? .

But if they implement this there'll be no fun in checking the LFG for crazy listings. :(
I don't like that UI design because, for the most part, it shows far too little information and requires too many click-throughs/sub-menus to get to what you want to access.

All the big graphics look pretty but ease of use really isn't there (particularly in the Guild Panel and Living Story Panel).


I found out /r/TrahearneJokes is a subreddit. Some of them are spoilers so be careful, but I've already smiled at:

Q: What would the Order of Whispers be called if it was a catering company?
A: The Hors d'oeuvres of Whispers

tee hee


Did you tell them you got a Legendary from a heart vendor? Oh man they're gonna do every heart in the game and then cry when it's not there.


Alabaster Codify is a scumbag and a jerk. What would you expect from a (legitimate spoiler)

((JK, congrats dude))


Anyone using a Razer Sabertooth with GW2?, have the profile to share?

really didn't want to mess with the wonderful 360 setup provided by the guild, but my buttons keep breaking.


Nice look, Retro. We did 5 mesmer CoF1 tonight. Like pros. I'm pretty sure the rest of the party is deleting their other characters right now.
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