On that I need to give a shout-out to my boy Moondrop for hanging with me for a partial Warrior duo.
And no disrespect was meant to the group by continuing, I just knew that since Ike solos Lupi multiple times per day, victory was assured with a cleric at his side.
Recent testing notes:
Runes of the Privateer summon a parrot on hit. When underwater, the parrot materializes and promptly drowns. When traveling across the surface of the water, however, you get strange effects such as the parrot engaging a surface-bound enemy (an ability unavailable to player characters), then drowning if victorious. More curious water surface mechanics.
But overall I am quite dissatisfied with both my dire trapper and nomad dual pet roaming ranger build experiments. They just can't bring the pressure. I'm not ready to accept a life of bearbow, so my ranger is essentially shelved until druid or I come up with a new theorycrafting concept.
Flame turret gives turret engi a smoke screen which self-combos into stealth- except the smoke field requires a hostile target. It would be much more useful if you could call the field on demand like healing turret. Relatedly, sentinel turret engi feels like the most OP build I currently run and I've hardly scratched the surface of implementing engi tricks like this.