Other than his private (disgusting) comments on women, what actual political anti-women policies has Trump supported? I can only think about being against abortion, which I don't think is a good thing but hardly qualifies as hateful politics. I am also not aware of anti-black or anti-brown comments from him. There was a lot anti-hispanics, obviously, and he was definitely trying (and succeeding) to win racist minded people. Maybe I have missed something in that regard and I would appreciate if you would inform me about that.
Abortion is not the only issue that pertains to women and Trump presidency. He is anti-maternal leave. When the topic of equal pay comes up, Trump's words were “You’re gonna make the same if you do as good a job.” Trump's policies are clearly anti-women.
Continuing, you admit he has says disgusting comments, when the main concern is that his supporters believe it will allow them the capability to render such things on women. I think you're missing the forest for the trees. Trump's policy is almost besides the point where he has made misogyny so blatant and unapologetic a part of his very candidacy. Given the uptick in hate crimes, it doesn't take much to assume that Trump supporters may lash out against women, particularly women of color and lgbt women through his own sanctioned words.
You say he hasn't said anti-black or anti-brown remarks when he has promoted the idea of banning Muslim's from entry, hinted this very week from "leaked" policy schedule documents after a meeting and during his campaign. What does this have to do with brown and black people? Oh, nothing except that the overwhelming majority of Muslims happen to be Arab and African. You said he had anti-latino rhetoric when a large number of latino's are firmly considered to be brown. This should help you out (
Basically, you don't think Trump's words will result in real world violence, but that's nice. But it already has.
It will only get worse. For that, minorities to buy guns to protect ourselves. It's pretty simple.
@Cindi: Understanding why you feel the urge to buy a weapon is one thing. I can understand that. It doesn't make it right, nor rational to do so though.
Why is it wrong and why is it irrational?