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Halo 2 - no level editor, no ATV, co-op is offline only (?)

Sho Nuff

While you're all bitching about stupid stuff that won't be in the game, why not bellyache that there's no force feedback steering wheel support? Or maraca support? Or a create-a-helmet mode? OH BUNGIE IS SO LAZY FOR NOT INCLUDING A FULL-FEATURED LEVEL EDITOR WITH THE FUNCTIONALITY OF 3DSMAX (the game's primary creation environment).


Prine said:
it'll ruin the balance, if you're a Halo fanatic you'd understand. In no way would i want people to start using their maps online, it then becomes pointless, the draw of competition is lost.
What balance? Why does it become pointless? How do OPTIONAL add-on maps ruin the game? You're talkin' craziness =)


Not bitter, just unsweetened
the main problem would be that some crappy maps would become more popular than the better maps. Ie in counter-strike PC, awp_map, fy_snow and fy_iceworld are all extremely popular, it really makes the game sink down to a simple game of team deathmatch

Kon Tiki

Sho Nuff said:
While you're all bitching about stupid stuff that won't be in the game, why not bellyache that there's no force feedback steering wheel support? Or maraca support? Or a create-a-helmet mode? OH BUNGIE IS SO LAZY FOR NOT INCLUDING A FULL-FEATURED LEVEL EDITOR WITH THE FUNCTIONALITY OF 3DSMAX (the game's primary creation environment).
Force feedback steering wheel support for the warthog would be kind of neat. Never played a FPS with a steering wheel before. Do any games even offer this?


the main problem would be that some crappy maps would become more popular than the better maps
Bad maps becoming popular is not exactly going to be avoided if all maps are Bungie-made. That said, if you don't want to play on those maps then play on an "Original Maps Only" server.

Sho Nuff

Society said:
Force feedback steering wheel support for the warthog would be kind of neat. Never played a FPS with a steering wheel before. Do any games even offer this?

Actually, now that I think about it, that would be kind of cool.
DopeyFish said:
you do know it's just a tin with the regular box inside (afaik anyways)
Nope, it's a silver Xbox case with the metal parts attached to the front and back cover. I can't seem to find any of the pics that show this, however.


Alex said:
Time Splitters level creation absolutely blew. And they probably should've poured the time making it into making the single player campaign and multi-player AI not suck.

I personally don't really want to see a map editor in Halo 2, not on the current gen of consoles at least.

TimeSplitters 2 had shitty AI (I admit that, but at least it had MP AI, unlike Halo...*cough*)...but Free Radical's system for level creation was damn fine, if you put the time and effort into working with it.


You DO know that Bungie has stated even last year that there would be no online Co-op.

As for not allowing people to make maps for Halo 2 on Xbox Live, I can agree on keeping people from making maps glorifying competing consoles and companies, if you know what I am hinting at.


Unconfirmed Member
I'd just like to add that this whole thread is dumb as hell.

That said, it has been a while since everybody got a chance to get so worked up about such pointless shit, so I guess it's understandable.


HalfPastNoon said:
It was confirmed on the first page of this thread by a person who has played the game.
Where? Who? Only post I see by a guy who played the game just said the single campaign would make you forget the minor quibbles.


Insertia said:
Pretty much every Unreal editor, HL, and Ghost Recon.

The key word is level editor . Not a broad engine that comes with Unreal or Doom3.

That's good to know, so I can say that you'd understand the whole process, rather than treating it as something trivial.

I created many levels in Tony Hawk 2 with absouetly no problem with a console interference. A mouse and keyboard isn't needed to simply lay out a level.

THPS2 and TS had great simple level editors, and for those games you don't need a mouse and keyboard. In many ways I feel that even Hammer or UnrealEd could be ported to the console and it would take slight adjusting to use the software, but you would be using it in it's most basic forms. If you wanted to import a greyscale terrain map, or make some of your own meshes you'd be screwed.

The way I look at it, if you are going to only have the ability to make really simple plain-jane levels, it's not worth it at all, especially for polished console games.

Who cares? And this is why I said the argument is the dumbest retort ever.
If someone creates a crappy map, who gives a shit? How does it affect Halo?

Do consider that even giving the user this ability adds development time and costs. Secondly as I mentioned before, it does affect Halo because the content is of high quality, crap content is not a good thing. I make a distinction between PC games and console games because PC gamers are more learned in this regard, console gamers aren't.

That's simply not true. Even if it were, there are a million and one ways to work around it.

It takes me a few hours to compile my HL maps on my P3 933. Of course UT 2003/2004 and newer games are much faster, I suspect (after reading some of their recent dev updates, which I've never read up until a few weeks ago) Halo 2's is not as effecient and quick. Read some of their latest ones and they talk about it taking a long time, and who knows what kind of powerful machines they are compiling these on.

Custom content isn't a big deal. Do what every game editor out there does: let the users use the models and texture from the game.

You could, but we all know that some of the best content for games like UT, HL, etc. are user created maps with user created content (textures, meshes, etc.). I'm not saying it's mandatory, a level editor doesn't necessarily need it, but I'm just pointing out that if you do make one for a console, it's going to be missing that component.

I doubt the levels would be any larger then levels in UT2k4(on average 4-15 MB's).
Xbox has a 4 gigabyte harddrive. Distribuate the levels via Xbox Live.

Yes, you could distribute it over Live, but the levels are far larger than you think. Halo's level were 20-30 MB, and if the levels are indeed 5 times larger, it's quite possible that file size will increase by the same amount.

Lightmaps aren't that large (unless Halo2 uses some kind of advanced lighting that i don't know about).

I don't know the specifics of Halo 2's lighting as well, it's just an educated guess coming from the dev updates as well as considering the size of Halo's levels.

I think that if user created content is going to be made and distributed for a console game, it has to occur in a far more controlled fashion than what we see with PC games. If I were Bungie, I'd be really cautious of having crap content attributed to my console game. Maybe it's just me...
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