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Halo 2 Reviews (All Known Listed) [Warning: GS v-review has spoiler]


Code_Link said:
It's not when it's supposed to be the biggest FPS ever created.

It is? It's supposed to be the biggest (aka longest)? I know people had high expectations, but you guys just might be right about Greg's comments.


The OXM crew said they played on normal first then heroic for the remaining time they had at Bungie.

One finished in 12 hrs, the other in 14. ( I think it was 14)
PhatSaqs said:
Quotes from Halo 2 and Riddick reviews:

Halo 2 - "The game has a few shortcomings... 8 or 10 hours in one sitting... so it's pretty short."

Riddick - "It's about ten hours long, which is what you'd expect from a FPS."

Good job Kasavin :lol

8-10? No shit. That's short. :| I guess multi-extends it. How much longer does Halo 1 play for? I'm getting this game for solo action - not big on multiplayer FPS action. Not my thing. And I don't normally replay titles.

9.4 Gamespot
9.8 IGN
9.9 Team Xbox

Its suprising that the latter 2 places where you'd expect the game to score 10's; they don't.

surprisingly disappointing story and a fairly short single-player portion are noticeable shortcomings
<-- gamespot review :( I find the comment about the abrupt ending very very disappointing :(

Some of the in-engine cutscenes are kind of ugly

9.5 Graphics
Everything is higher res, more polished, and the lighting, special effects, and animation all top-notch. The Normal Mapping is cool, but imperfect and sometimes troublesome.

This is the first time in a long while since I'e read through a review (skipped all the multiplayer comments).


Single player length varies ar different difficulties. Just like the first

You'll be replaying it with you're mates anyway. Whats all the fuss about?
I love the fact that some are trying to chum the waters and there really aren't any biters on it here ;). For every game released there will be some sites that review it lower than others because things just didn't click for the reviewers the same. Looks like Greg wanted Bungie to give him something different on the single player campaign. He didn't get it and he docked it. End of story. He runs GameSpot and I respect his opinion.


14h is pretty short. Wasn't Halo like 20h on Normal? Anyway, co-op is awesome. Don't wanna miss out on that.

Too bad I won't be playing over Live, I guess that would help this game A LOT.
Prine said:
Single player length varies ar different difficulties. Just like the first

You'll be replaying it with you're mates anyway. Whats all the fuss about?

are you replying to my post? Did you read what I wrote? No multi for TGG. I don't like FPSes generally.

Crimson - it was the same for the EGM score (locked+archived thread) issue; not many people wanted to argue/contend the scores and I believe a few regular GAFFers were highly disappointed too.

Deku Tree

Deepthroat said:
14h is pretty short. Wasn't Halo like 20h on Normal? Anyway, co-op is awesome. Don't wanna miss out on that.

Too bad I won't be playing over Live, I guess that would help this game A LOT.

Halo was like 10h on normal.


Forget the scores for a second. I'm disappointed in how I keep on hearing the story in single player story is a disappointment. This is what Bungie has been working on for three plus years. Yes I known about the so called twist in the game for awhile and no I don't like it for reasons I didn't like it in that other game.

Deku Tree

I think I'm good, but I'm no expert. I know there are alot of people that could own me in multiplayer. I guess I'll find out on XBL in a few days. :)

And I should add that I don't think there are many FPS that should be longer than that. After too long it gets booring to keep doing the same run and gun thing.
Mrbob said:
Forget the scores for a second. I'm disappointed in how I keep on hearing the story in single player story is a disappointment. This is what Bungie has been working on for three plus years. Yes I know about the so called twist in the game and no I don't like it for reasons I didn't like it in that other game.

Its not so bad
playing as the covie's sounds kinda fun, only if you're one of those " I WANTS TO PLAY AS THE BADASS MASTAH CHEIF CAUSE IT MAKES ME FEEL LIKE I HAVE A BIG PENIS!" gamers, I don't think you'll have a problem with it either.
Does GameSpot always have to review big games lower than everyone else? Do they think that because of that people will automatically assume they're unbiased? *scratches head*
I was able to finish the game before taking a piss.

Such large fps's should not be less than 1 piss long. I demand all future halo games to be atLEAST 3 pisses long. Preferably 4. I think 4 pisses is about right for an fps.

Unless of course it's so exciting that I inadvertently pee my pants...in which case it should be serveral times more pisses long.


DJ Demon J said:
Does GameSpot always have to review big games lower than everyone else? Do they think that because of that people will automatically assume they're unbiased? *scratches head*

GS rated Tales of Symphonia higher than IGN.


Has problems recognising girls
Culex said:
GS rated Tales of Symphonia higher than IGN.
I think that was due in part to IGN's reviewer (forget her name now) having played it twice or thrice for that review. Personally I don't replay an RPG until several years once I've completed it otherwise I go insane.
nitewulf said:
wait, wait, so halo 2 is only like 5 hours long? and the graphics are low res? oh no.

I love how, 10-15 hours, somehoe goes down to 8, then to 5, what's next. OMG HALO2's 3 HOURS LONG!!

Whatev, 1p mode is a primer for multi-play for me, 10-15h is good by me. Its not the length that matter so much so the experience, GTA:SA has massvie hourage, but there are many hours in which its not so fun. I expect H2 to maintain an amazing pace all the way through. Plus online will add man MANY hours of GAF clan fuled muliplayer fun :)


Gamespot's review is retarded. I'll be playing the multi-player mode for ages long after I'm done with the single player campaign. (and there's always Legendary to contend with)

And they owe me money.
SantaCruZer said:
Riddick did better on Gamespot than IGN.

Also GS > IGN (Paper Mario 2)

Again, "big games"--Riddick and Paper Mario 2 don't qualify. I'm referring to Halo 2, Half-Life 2, Doom 3, GT4, GTA:SA, etc.


OMG dual SMGs are teh innovatioN!!!! :p Seriously is Halo 2 more of the same with better better level design?


Running off of Custom Firmware
morbidaza said:
I was able to finish the game before taking a piss.

Such large fps's should not be less than 1 piss long. I demand all future halo games to be atLEAST 3 pisses long. Preferably 4. I think 4 pisses is about right for an fps.

Unless of course it's so exciting that I inadvertently pee my pants...in which case it should be serveral times more pisses long.

No. THAT'S golden. :D


i found gamespot's review contradicting as well. it sounded like an 8.5 game, but he gave it a 9.4, which is apparently "superb".
hell, if you didnt like the game, mark it accordingly, dont be a pussy.

"the game has some flaws, and its just not revolutionary.
9.4, fucking fantastic game!"



I just watched the 10 minute IGN video review. Good watch. Pretty much spoiler free too! 27 hours!!!


Gantz said:
OMG dual SMGs are teh innovatioN!!!! :p Seriously is Halo 2 more of the same with better better level design?

The way its done in Halo2, it can be seen as a minor innovation. What other FPS allows you to independently use both weapons? There's also certain amount of strategy that comes into play with the way Halo2 uses dual weilding. Its not just extra power

Watch it, watch other FPS do what Halo 2 is doing with dual weilding.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Didn't EA announce that the new Goldeneye game, Rogue Agent, had independent dual wielding ages ago?


Anyone else notice that they started hyping the "strategy" of dual-wielding weapons after they removed most of the other features they had said they were going to include because "they weren't Halo." How come this feature "was Halo"?


Spike said:
Anyone else notice that they started hyping the "strategy" of dual-wielding weapons after they removed most of the other features they had said they were going to include because "they weren't Halo."

When did they state that?


Kanbee-san said:
They stated that in his head only.

Okay, Junior, so tell me then, when exactly did they start hyping dual-wielding? As far as I remember they simply showed it in the E3 2K3 single-player demo. They really started to discuss the strategy of dual-wielding earlier this year.


You didn't answer my question Member. What are the removed features to which they have stated that "it wasn't Halo"? And when have they made the said statement?
Spike said:
Okay, Junior, so tell me then, when exactly did they start hyping dual-wielding? As far as I remember they simply showed it in the E3 2K3 single-player demo. They really started to discuss the strategy of dual-wielding earlier this year.

Okay pops, get your prescription glasses;

They stated that in your head only.


Chili Con Carnage!
Spike said:
Anyone else notice that they started hyping the "strategy" of dual-wielding weapons after they removed most of the other features they had said they were going to include because "they weren't Halo." How come this feature "was Halo"?

They said they weren't fun, but i can see how you'd get confused as Halo is now a well known synonym for fun.

Have you guessed what makes Dual-wielding 'Halo' yet?
6.8 said:
You didn't answer my question Member. What are the removed features to which they have stated that "it wasn't Halo"? And when have they made the said statement?
Not to put words in his mouth (or is that his head? :)), but he's probably referring to the removal of sprinting and leaning around corners.


Gen.Wedge said:
Not to put words in his mouth (or is that his head? :)), but he's probably referring to the removal of sprinting and leaning around corners.

Thank you.

"We talked about sprinting and leaning, and those were in the game. What happened was that they changed how Halo felt, so out they came."

-- Frank O'Connor


So doesn't dual-wielding weapons change how Halo feels?

Oh, and I await an answer to my question. When did Bungie start hyping the dual-wielding?


Ghost said:
They said they weren't fun, but i can see how you'd get confused as Halo is now a well known synonym for fun.


Have you guessed what makes Dual-wielding 'Halo' yet?

Hey, I have no problem with the fun factor of Halo. I've been playing multi since release day and Halo 2 is the reason I'm signing up to Live. :)

Seriously, I really want to know when they really started pushing the dual-wield concept. As in, when did they really go in depth with explaining it. I'm not trolling the game, I sincerely want to know. I just feel that maybe the focused too much on this addition and the other features were left out of because of it. I really wanted sprinting.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Sprinting in Halo would be so lame. So would peeking.

Why they were even considering either feature is beyond me.


DopeyFish said:
Sprinting in Halo would be so lame. So would peeking.

Why they were even considering either feature is beyond me.

Peeking, I agree.

I think sprinting could be utilized well in Halo. Like moving between cover fire. Sprint to another 'safe' location and just when you're nearing it duck and roll for cover. All the while the marines lay down supressing fire. It just seems like something natural for a super-soldier.
Spike said:
Peeking, I agree.

I think sprinting could be utilized well in Halo. Like moving between cover fire. Sprint to another 'safe' location and just when you're nearing it duck and roll for cover. All the while the marines lay down supressing fire. It just seems like something natural for a super-soldier.

yea cause instead of fighting in "Combat" ul be running away for cover all the time.



I have completely lost all respect for Gamespot. Seriously. This whole "shock and awe" tactic with reviews on big name games to get more traffic is ridiculous. They purposely rate hyped games below the average just to seem like they are the more "credible" review site. And then they give assanine reasons as to why they rated it the way they did.

Better graphics.
Better gameplay.
Better multiplayer.
Better story.
Better sound.
Better replay value.

All adds up to being a game that is better or "atleast" the same score as the first game. No longer will I put my trust in their reviews. Even Teamxbox seems more consistent and fair with reviews.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
The way its done in Halo2, it can be seen as a minor innovation. What other FPS allows you to independently use both weapons?

Action Quake / Action UT did this ages ago. It's nothing new.
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