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Halo 2 Reviews (All Known Listed) [Warning: GS v-review has spoiler]


PuertoRicanJuice said:
Well, I'm not surprised that MrparisSM is crying about this.

Come on now. Complain all you want about whatever, but scoring this game LESS than Halo 1 is a bit much. There was only one reason they did this, and it wasn't because of the quality of the game.


rollin' in the gutter
MrparisSM said:
Come on now. Complain all you want about whatever, but scoring this game LESS than Halo 1 is a bit much. There was only one reason they did this, and it wasn't because of the quality of the game.

Yes the one reason was to piss you off.

Look, it worked!


hmmm, i expected halo 2 to get a higher number from gamespot. btw, halo 2 or any other game this gen has no chance of dethroning oot from gamerankings.com the only game that has a chance of doing that might be that new zelda.


It appears Halo 2 has the No. 1 on Gamerankings as I type this post, That will more than likely change as more reviews are added.

OOT and Halo 2 are apples and oranges.


Holy crap. On Gamerankings now, the average is 98.9% based on 13 media outlets. And most of those are reputable gaming sites and mags.

*Wonders when Christian Game Reviews is going to hit with their 50% review*



The Inside Track
Pirate copy or MS organized full day review. Not exactly the best way to review a game I'd say, and admiting you did not play such an important if not essential part of the game just kills any credibility they could have. But coming from a site who gave that sucky game Brute Force a 9...
Blimblim said:
Pirate copy or MS organized full day review. Not exactly the best way to review a game I'd say, and admiting you did not play such an important if not essential part of the game just kills any credibility they could have. But coming from a site who gave that sucky game Brute Force a 9...

Just bad taste all around. At least have the respect to play the game how the devs intended it to be played. Oh well, i aint the reviewer.

Deku Tree

Blimblim said:
Pirate copy or MS organized full day review. Not exactly the best way to review a game I'd say, and admiting you did not play such an important if not essential part of the game just kills any credibility they could have. But coming from a site who gave that sucky game Brute Force a 9...

teamxbox gave Brute Force a 9.6.


just to let you guys know...dan hsu of egm beat the game on heroic and it took him 17 and a half hours.

and according to che, the game will take about 30 hours to beat on legendary.


Joe said:
and according to che, the game will take about 30 hours to beat on legendary.
And I don't believe he's overexaggerrating either.

If you beat HALO's Legendary difficulty a million times, HALO 2 doesn't care, it doesn't mean shit here. :(


The Inside Track
It took a friend 4 hours to beat the first level in legendary, and he's finished Halo 1 a few times in legendary before. Sick.


shibbs: Yeah, I think so. Read the topic of this thread again :p


Interview with Pete Parson

Sry if old.


Can someone explain to me why sites would score only part of the game? First Eurogamer reviews only the single player, and now Gamers Europe does the same thing (gave it an 8/10 btw). If they haven't had a chance to go online with the game, then why not wait unil they have to write up the review?


The Inside Track
Redbeard said:
Can someone explain to me why sites would score only part of the game? First Eurogamer reviews only the single player, and now Gamers Europe does the same thing (gave it an 8/10 btw). If they haven't had a chance to go online with the game, then why not wait unil they have to write up the review?
No european site (as far as I can tell, I sure didn't...) has got a review copy of Halo 2. So any review you will read from Europe is either from the leaked version or from someone who played the game at an MS event. With some chance they might have been able to get the game last friday like a friend of mine managed to (so I managed to record the first few minutes of the game for my site) but no one here could possibly give the xbox live mode any correct testing.
So you can bet on all the euro sites putting review online yesterday or today being sites in much need of attention, betting on the quick attention/money they'll get by all the hits they'll have with their controversial reviews.


Will start substantiating his hate
Also, multiplayer isn't a big priority for everyone and in this case also requires an additional purchase.


The Inside Track
cybamerc said:
Also, multiplayer isn't a big priority for everyone and in this case also requires an additional purchase.
Ho come on, how many people reading a review on a web site are not interested in online gaming, especially for a Xbox game ? I'd understand a paper review not mentioning Xbox live for more than a few sentences, but the primary audience for an internet review is most definitely interested in this. IMO of course.


Will start substantiating his hate
Blimblim said:
Ho come on, how many people reading a review on a web site are not interested in online gaming, especially for a Xbox game ?
Being interested and being willing to cough up $50 are two seperate issues. I'm sure there are more than 1 million people reading about Xbox online.


So now leaving out online multiplay in reviews is fair game because it's not "a big priority for everyone" and you have to pay for Live? :/


The Inside Track
cybamerc said:
Being interested and being willing to cough up $50 are two seperate issues. I'm sure there are more than 1 million people reading about Xbox online.
I never said ALL of them would be on Xbox Live, but I'm totally sure a very big percentage of the people reading xbox reviews online are also xbox live users. Just saying "sorry we could not test it but here is our review anyway" is definitely the best way to detect a site trying to get some cheap hits.


Will start substantiating his hate

> I never said ALL of them would be on Xbox Live, but I'm totally sure a very big
> percentage of the people reading xbox reviews online are also xbox live users.


> Just saying "sorry we could not test it but here is our review anyway" is definitely the
> best way to detect a site trying to get some cheap hits.

You're just saying that because it's Halo 2. A lot of games aren't properly played through prior to being reviewed but few are as big as Halo 2. Also, I guess it depends on your perspective. Do you consider multiplayer to be an integral part of the game or just an added bonus? Do you let it influence the score when the main game doesn't live up to your expectations?


The Inside Track
cybamerc said:
You're just saying that because it's Halo 2. A lot of games aren't properly played through prior to being reviewed but few are as big as Halo 2. Also, I guess it depends on your perspective. Do you consider multiplayer to be an integral part of the game or just an added bonus? Do you let it influence the score when the main game doesn't live up to your expectations?
I consider the xbox live mode to be a big part of the game of course, and I just can't agree on an online review just not even saying a word about it, whatever the final score.
This is the case for all big online games, Halo 2 or any other.


I hear Master Chief goes to get a gay marriage to a covenant elite but then they're refused :( Sad times for Chief.

You're just saying that because it's Halo 2. A lot of games aren't properly played through prior to being reviewed but few are as big as Halo 2. Also, I guess it depends on your perspective. Do you consider multiplayer to be an integral part of the game or just an added bonus? Do you let it influence the score when the main game doesn't live up to your expectations?

My only gripe with reviews when it comes to single-player / multiplayer portions of games is the inconsistency - more than a few games I know this year have had minus marks because of no multiplayer (Riddick), or poor multiplayer implemenations. But to then not take account of multiplayer into the overall package is poor.

I like what Eurogamer did - explicitly reviewed the Single Player portion as a separate entity. To be honest such score categories like Replay Value etc can't be gauged correctly when comparing the Single Player game, versus the Multiplayer game. It's likely that Halo 2 is around a 7/8 replay value for single player, but a 10 for multi. Apples & Oranges.

Sooner or later more reviews will follow the Eurogamer format I think, how many games are out where the multiplayer is so different to the single player in so many ways the must be judged separate? Not many yet (RTCW, Pandora Tomorrow) but I'd imagine that will change moving forward...

Hell PC games are way ahead by actually separating games out into multiplay mainly iterations (Unreal / UT).
Blimblim said:
I consider the xbox live mode to be a big part of the game of course, and I just can't agree on an online review just not even saying a word about it, whatever the final score.
This is the case for all big online games, Halo 2 or any other.

your argument about online review is rubbish. THe only reason why people are reading the reviews online is BECAUSE the articles are online. Got's nothing to do with XBoxlive; you can own a 56k modem and also an xbox. Don't say a big percentage if you don't have the numbers to back it up. Its like saying everyone who buys food from McDonalds are mostly big fat smelly fucks. We all know that's not true. Personally, HALO2 is a offline game for me. I will be buying it for the 1 person play game and I have to say; the more I read, the more disappointed I get. Because Multi has very little allure. I like story in my games. Hopefully, I'll find out in less than 24 hours if my $$$ for 1p HALO2 will be worth it.

* I skimmed over the multi-stuff in both IGN/Gamespot reviews. Skimmed as in didn't really even register/read.


Will start substantiating his hate

> I like what Eurogamer did - explicitly reviewed the Single Player portion as a separate entity.

I agree. At least if the multiplayer portion significantly affects the overall score (positively or negatively).
Cybamerc :-
At least if the multiplayer portion significantly affects the overall score (positively or negatively).

Definitley. It's sad that some games are being penalised due to not having multiplayer, or not great implementations - as I said before Riddick was docked points for no multiplayer, and the only negative comments I've heard on Prime 2 is that the multiplayer isn't as great as some others... so what? It's an extra, it simply adds to the value of the product...people should be thankful that they can play split-screen!

The same way where ppl bitch about Halo 2 having no online CO-OP... sheesh be thankful there is some (supposedly great) online multiplayer!

If it isn't there it shouldn't be a detraction - it's simply not available.

Of course this leads to the debate about value for money etc... what do people expect with games and so on. Some people expect multiplayer, some people couldn't give a rats ass... some people like unlockables, others play through the games once and thats it... horses for courses.

A game should be judged on it's own individual merits and faults IMO.

What those merits and faults are are purely subjective from one person to the next. I.e One person will say that Halo2 multiplayer is integral to the score, another person won't care...same with MP2, that goes for reviewers - they are simply gamers like us after all; reviewers who don't weight multiplayer as important are likely to give Halo 2 lower scores; whereas reviewers that weight multiplayer heavily, will likely give it higher scores.

It's not rocket science really - look at IGN's review - heavily lauds multiplayer, whereas Gamespot review only briefly mentions it; Greg obviously wanted more from the single player, and didn't get what he wanted, but the overall score seems adjusted due to the multiplayer content. I'd imagine if Greg was asked he'd probably separate the reviews out as SP : 9.0, MP : 9.8 or something.

Fanboys give me somethin to stay sane at work!


The ghost of Dreamcast past
The whole concept of a quantified grading scale, be it 1-10 or A-F, is ridiculous. There is no significance behind the actual values (and, by extension, relative values) since they don't relate to quantifiable properties.


TheGreenGiant said:
your argument about online review is rubbish. THe only reason why people are reading the reviews online is BECAUSE the articles are online. Got's nothing to do with XBoxlive; you can own a 56k modem and also an xbox. Don't say a big percentage if you don't have the numbers to back it up. Its like saying everyone who buys food from McDonalds are mostly big fat smelly fucks. We all know that's not true. Personally, HALO2 is a offline game for me. I will be buying it for the 1 person play game and I have to say; the more I read, the more disappointed I get. Because Multi has very little allure. I like story in my games. Hopefully, I'll find out in less than 24 hours if my $$$ for 1p HALO2 will be worth it.

* I skimmed over the multi-stuff in both IGN/Gamespot reviews. Skimmed as in didn't really even register/read.


Gamers Europe said:
To put it frankly, if it wasn’t for the multiplayer my copy would quickly be joining the trade-in bin at my local video games retailer. Such is the disappointment that the single player will leave you with.

Fortunately, Halo 2 lives up to expectations when it comes to the multiplayer. It wipes all the competition away with its marvellous multiplayer options, which makes it the game of choice with mates around.



The Inside Track
TheGreenGiant said:
your argument about online review is rubbish. THe only reason why people are reading the reviews online is BECAUSE the articles are online. Got's nothing to do with XBoxlive; you can own a 56k modem and also an xbox. Don't say a big percentage if you don't have the numbers to back it up. Its like saying everyone who buys food from McDonalds are mostly big fat smelly fucks. We all know that's not true. Personally, HALO2 is a offline game for me. I will be buying it for the 1 person play game and I have to say; the more I read, the more disappointed I get. Because Multi has very little allure. I like story in my games. Hopefully, I'll find out in less than 24 hours if my $$$ for 1p HALO2 will be worth it.

* I skimmed over the multi-stuff in both IGN/Gamespot reviews. Skimmed as in didn't really even register/read.
It's rubbish for you of course. Considering your usual opinions I'm sure you coulnd't care less about online play. Personally I enjoy my single player games as much as anyone else, but I also see online as the thing that will keep me playing the game a long time after I've seen everything I could from the single player part. I played about 30 hours of single player PGR2 (had a blast) and about 160 hours online, and I'm definitely not a hardcore gamer, I hardly can find 5 hours a week to play games for fun. I'm still playing from time to time. And from what I see in the game a lot of people keep playing online looong after the game has been forgotten on this forum. That's what I call replay value, and considering that about 1 million people already have Xbox Live, and a lot more will get Xbox Live for Halo 2, not including this in the review is a big mistake.
But of course, all of this is IMO.


gollumsluvslave said:

My only gripe with reviews when it comes to single-player / multiplayer portions of games is the inconsistency - more than a few games I know this year have had minus marks because of no multiplayer (Riddick), or poor multiplayer implemenations. But to then not take account of multiplayer into the overall package is poor.

I like what Eurogamer did - explicitly reviewed the Single Player portion as a separate entity. To be honest such score categories like Replay Value etc can't be gauged correctly when comparing the Single Player game, versus the Multiplayer game. It's likely that Halo 2 is around a 7/8 replay value for single player, but a 10 for multi. Apples & Oranges.

Sooner or later more reviews will follow the Eurogamer format I think, how many games are out where the multiplayer is so different to the single player in so many ways the must be judged separate? Not many yet (RTCW, Pandora Tomorrow) but I'd imagine that will change moving forward...

Hell PC games are way ahead by actually separating games out into multiplay mainly iterations (Unreal / UT).

Seems to me your position is highly ideological. I mean a component is a component . The sum of the parts equal the whole. True not everyone has brodband to play online but your logic really falls apart when the package has split screen. Since value is a component of any review, it seems disingenious to not provide your readership a review of the entire package.


Junior Member
The hype made me preorder the Limited Edition version a few hours ago - usually i'm not really into FPS'
it seems disingenious to not provide your readership a review of the entire package.

Which is exactly why I like the way Eurogamer has gone about their reviews...

Another point that was made with regards to Halo 2 multiplayer and reviews, is that how can ANY of the reviews be taking the multiplayer into account properly? Only once the game goes on sale and there are hundreds of thousands playing on Live, can multiplayer be judged properly...

The sum of the parts equal the whole.

My main point is that unless the conditions allow for "the whole" to be reviewed (which in the case of Halo 2 it can't really - can't wait for Live to crash, and Halo2 multiplayer to be a sludgy mess for a few days - if only to see the fallout on this board) the way that Eurogamer went about it is eminently sensible.
From Dagon's Kikizo review :-
Full Live support is one of the main selling points of Halo 2, but this review will be focussing on single-player. Besides the fact that a quick jaunt through the different levels is not nearly enough to accurately extol its winnings and lambaste weaknesses, Microsoft has forbidden us from taking the game online. We will be back with our verdict on that, however, once everyone is online and we've given the networked modes a good once over.

Another sensible review that takes the Eurogamer approach.

Props. :D


Blimblim said:
No european site (as far as I can tell, I sure didn't...) has got a review copy of Halo 2. So any review you will read from Europe is either from the leaked version or from someone who played the game at an MS event. With some chance they might have been able to get the game last friday like a friend of mine managed to (so I managed to record the first few minutes of the game for my site) but no one here could possibly give the xbox live mode any correct testing.
So you can bet on all the euro sites putting review online yesterday or today being sites in much need of attention, betting on the quick attention/money they'll get by all the hits they'll have with their controversial reviews.

No, I'm sorry, but you've been misinformed. I have a boxed, limited edition final copy of Halo 2 PAL sitting right next to me.

As for Live, we (Kikizo) were asked to not review that yet.
Still reviewing great. Hopefully the sites that review the multiplayer portion later will give the real score for the game. I hope Gamerankings doesn't stick with single player reviews. It would really start a piss poor standard for reviewing.
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