i stopped here nearly 10 min just looking at this beautiful view *then a ghost killed me lol*
man the game look fantastic, I have to admit 343i did a great job
edit: picture too big .. link will do the trick
Streaming MP live now, 720p and 60fps (though I make no claims to my ability)
God I love that part. Dat music!
What is the blue visor tint and tell me it goes away?
What is the blue visor tint and tell me it goes away?
What is the blue visor tint and tell me it goes away?
one of the best thing after finishing the game ishow the did a great job in level designing & the way they add a lot of ways to go through them specially *mission 8 & 9* the knights & crawlers are the best addition the universe needed & i think this is not the end for them for sure
legendary ending *big spoiler*chief is a white guy after all :
I think the photo is making it more obvious than it really is. Also, you get used to it.
Fall of Reach says hi.
If you read Fall of Reach then you would already have known that MC isdidn't get you there
Eating that week old chili is coming back to bite me.
Leaving for store in about 10 minutes. Oh dear.
If you read Fall of Reach then you would already have known that MC isa white guy
yeah i read it but i thoughthe will be a little brownish lol.. you know the small kid in the beginning of the game let me indicate that we will see the chief later in the game & btw before i say anything more, you finished the game in Legendary ? right ?
Actually he is described ad being really pale white.
Nope, my copy hasnt even shipped from Amazon yet. But I saw the ending cinematic when it was initially leaked.
Streaming MP live now, 720p and 60fps (though I make no claims to my ability)
The people that have finished... How is the campaign compared to the previous games?
Playing games with my friends online, already running into significant issues where one team gets the lead, starts getting all the power weapons (ordinance drops) and vehicles, and just camps and destroys the other team.
Playing games with my friends online, already running into significant issues where one team gets the lead, starts getting all the power weapons (ordinance drops) and vehicles, and just camps and destroys the other team. The losing team is getting camped so they have hard time getting kills to get drops to counter. It reminds me of CoD, but with the significant difference that CoD doesn't have tanks and banshees to additionally kill you with. It definitely only seems to happen on a couple of the bigger maps that have the heavy vehicles though, but it happened every single time one way or the other when we played on those maps. Have also run into a lot of issues with getting spawn killed pretty bad in ways that I see all the time in CoD, but not in Halo. My friend who is a huge Halo nut got off after a few games because he didn't like it at all :/
i didn't like the way the did the menu going through a menu to a sub-menu to a sub-menu to watch or save a movie or a screenshot is so much pain.. the UI it self have a lot of things that i didn't like the matchmaking "card style" presentation & the way Spartans are represent in the lobby ..
And how the HELL is a 7 year old console creating visuals that look this good? I am blown away so far and the game plays amazing.
No manual. This is the future.Does this game really come with no manual or did I get a bad copy?
Does this game really come with no manual or did I get a bad copy?
My god the title screen music! I LOVE how it builds up!
And how the HELL is a 7 year old console creating visuals that look this good? I am blown away so far and the game plays amazing.