No manual. This is the future.
Well that sucks.
I like manuals, and Halo games have always had great ones.
No manual. This is the future.
So I'm trying to play system link and I can't figure out how to get people to join me.
yeah I would have preferred the reach lobby style. but with the stance customization and halo 3ish feel of the menus in 4. but yeah card style is fuckin weird shit
There is no manual in the game.Am I the only one that didnt get a damn manual?
I am a SR 8 or something at this point - however for some reason my level keeps resetting to SR-1. After that happens I can no longer select my custom loadouts or anything. When I sign out of Xbox Live and sign back in then my SR level returns to normal and my loadouts are back. The very next game its back to level 1. Last game I just played in the middle of the game I respawned with the default loadout and my SR was level 1 again. Anyone experiencing this??
Is the game running at 720p 60 frames a sec or is it 30 frames a sec? It feels like 60 but I can't believe a game that looks this good running at 720 is 60 frames a sec.
Any chance you're signed in somewhere else or through an associated app?
No not that I know of
Decemeber?!?Amazon just sent me an E-Mail: Sorry, no LE for you, you have to wait until 14th December
Okay, goosebumps + a tear in my eye. That was really good.My god the title screen music! I LOVE how it builds up!
And how the HELL is a 7 year old console creating visuals that look this good? I am blown away so far and the game plays amazing.
I kept it on the default 3, the aiming feels best out of any of the 360 Halos to me. Feels quicker than it did before while also allowing more finer tuning, which I've never been great at in the past.Any thoughts on controller sensitivity? Feels a bit heavy and slow for me, almost laggy. Did anyone else bump it up?
After every game I keep going from my current SR level (now at 10) to SR1... than from then on I don't get XP or have my loadouts in game. sometimess it switched MID GAME and i only go to the default layouts and lose mine... im wasting my doubleXP too.
my NAT is apparently open.
can anyone help![]()
I'm in it now, and all I see are the icons of the people in my party.I absolutely hate what they did with the matchmaking menus/lobby's
its so ugly, before it was just simple and you could see everything much clearer
No 2 week code in my copy, is this a common occurrence? I don't play online much so haven't had gold in ages, so that 2 weeks was going to get me my fill. Sucks.
Anybody have a spare 48 hour code around?
Anybody have a spare 48 hour code around?
Also didn't have one.
Would be grateful for a code aswell. Last time I had Xbox Gold was for Halo 3 I think. And don't really know wether I want to buy 3 months for the MP or not.
The is probably going to be a stupid question guys, the LE comes with a code that gives me early access to all the specializations. Anyone tell me how I access these specializations?
Reach level 50 in multiplayer. Normal players can only unlock one at a time, I think, but you can choose between all of them from the get-go.
Well, when you reach level 50.