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Halo 4 |OT| Spartans Never Die


Incineration Cannon is pretty satisfying, specially for protecting the flag or in tight spots, so mean. I love it when I see it in ordnance drops :p


I'm here with ya on how bad I am at the game. I'll get those matches where it's like "yeah, I know I got so many kills! fuck yeah!" only to see that I have like 5 kills, 11 assists and 23 deaths. This game man. lol
just check the scoreboard every now and again.
how some ppl not see how fucking OP PV is is beyond me.

it's not going to massively help an already decent player but it sure as hell helps noobs get kills they don't deserve.

PV is not over powered, at all. You can use PV from long range, mid range and short range.

If you use it from long range, you vaguely see the outline and silhouette of opposing players. Failure rate of engaging those people is quite high because they will probably sprint to cover once fired at from a distance.
Then you can use it from mid-range. The only advantage of PV from mid-range is that you can throw a grenade to an opposing player or shoot at him from that range, with the advantage beeing the first shot. However, in most when you engage, you will be visible on the radar.
It's completely useless for close range.

That beeing said, I have almost never been killed by someone who I didn't see on my radar, from mid range.

Bottom line is, enough can be done to anticipate PV players and even use it to your advantage.


I actually do appreciate ordnance drops. It gets rid of the timekeeping mechanic that separated MLG players from players that had good aim but no interest in keeping an eye on the clock, like me.

Promethean Vision is pretty awesome, yes, but it also sends out an easily trackable ping, so to maximize its effectiveness I use it often and move around a lot so that it can help getting that first shot. Paired with Halo's very detailed map, it's a great counter to camping. It's really great on small maps like Haven because you can easily track the entire enemy team.

I like that 343 has found ways to counter camping, weapon hogging, and other problems that plague multiplayer shooters. The fact that they still couldn't get a decent First Person camera for other players is still disappointing, though.


Ok so you can level up really fast with double XP. I have played ~30 games and am at level 21.

THe MP reminds me of Halo 3 (which is a great thing). I really did not like Reach's MP, and while I know I probably should stray away from comparing them like this, Halo 4 feels a lot more "Halo" to me than Reach did.

Is this a common consensus or am I a wackjob?


I'm here with ya on how bad I am at the game. I'll get those matches where it's like "yeah, I know I got so many kills! fuck yeah!" only to see that I have like 5 kills, 11 assists and 23 deaths. This game man. lol
If you want to improve; try focusing on surviving, stay in groups, don't have a crazy high sensitivity(I play on 4). Use DMR/BR and try a ranged approach. Pick up power weapons. People tend to ignore the needler for example while it somewhat guarantees a kill or two. Don't push battles when you are outnumbered. The map tells you a lot.


if you don't like PV, use camo then, when you use camo, you don't show up on radar or PV if you stand still. Camo is more overpowered than PV if anything.
if you don't like PV, use camo then, when you use camo, you don't show up on radar or PV if you stand still. Camo is more overpowered than PV if anything.

Are you sure? I don't know first hand, but I feel I've seen a few camo crouchers outed by PV. If not the whole PV argument goes out the window if it doesn't even out camo crouching campers. :lol

This game has made medals entirely meaningless. It gives out 2-3 per kill. There is a "generic kill" medal ffs.

Biggest gripe with the game. Medals are just pointless. On top of them being pointless, they all look the same and are pretty small on the screen. Plus they only appear on the screen for a second, if that.


If you want to improve; try focusing on surviving, stay in groups, don't have a crazy high sensitivity(I play on 4). Use DMR/BR and try a ranged approach. Pick up power weapons. People tend to ignore the needler for example while it somewhat guarantees a kill or two. Don't push battles when you are outnumbered. The map tells you a lot.

I understand these tips. Haven is the map I really do great on all the time. I think a lot of my issues come with map awareness. I've been a COD player these past few years so I have that run and gun mentality still. Though get me a Banshee and things die fast. I just don't want to turn into the player where I need to creep all the time just to survive. I have my fun with the mid range fights where it comes down to the better shooter and grenade placement.
Things that are Dumb As Fuck™ in Halo 4 Multiplayer Infinity:

  • Personal ordnance - People pull Snipers, Binary Rifles and all kinds of other extremely powerful weapons out of their asses after which they proceed to kill enemy players who could've never seen it coming.
  • Global ordnance - Random weapons in random locations, go figure.
  • Flinch - Can we please get the descoping mechanic back? The flinching mechanic is annoying enough in CoD where everyone dies in one hit, it's incredibly obnoxious in Halo where it takes 5 shots to do so. Long range battles become very tedious because of it.
  • Big Team Battle - Because of the flinch mechanic BTB isn't everything but enjoyable. The fact that it turns into who can shoot each other the fastest while sitting behind a rock half a kilometer away doesn't help much either. Valhalla is especially atrocious, it's nothing but long range battles. And good luck using vehicles because they'll get EMPed, stuck and shot to shreds with precision weapons in no time.
  • Promethean Vision - You can see people across the goddamn map. Don't think that needs more explanation, right 343?
  • Camo - It's already annoying anyway as an AA, but hey now you can even be invisible on the radar if you stand still. Screw the camo power-up that promotes movement and isn't Dumb As Fuck™, no let's let everyone spawn with camo and encourage them to hide in corners.
  • Jetpack - Screw your map-layout, screw you cover, screw everyone, I've got a motherfucking jetpack.
  • Regeneration Field - It's practically impossible to win a battle against someone who is in one and right to some cover. You miss one shot and he gets his shield partly back instantly. Fun, fun, fun.
  • Thrust - No, I'm just kidding. It's pretty worthless and I don't mind it.
  • Hardlight Shield - "Just throw a grenade," people said. Well, what if the guy who's using it is across the goddamn map? What if I'm out of grenades? Gotta give people their out-of-jail-free card, right?
  • Boltshot - It's a shotgun that you get at spawn. I like using it but damn if it isn't lame.
  • Capture the Flag - A 35 seconds reset time with no ability to return it yourself. Hey 343, please stop asking Bungie for advice on how to set up gametypes. These settings could work in BTB, but they have no place on small maps. It's impossible to reset the flag 9 out of 10 times. Change it to 15 seconds reset time and 5 second return time. While you're at it turn off the auto pick-up and let us juggle the flag, thanks in advance.
  • Matchmaking times - There's a 100.000 people playing BTB, why is it taking >5 minutes for us to find amatch?
  • Servers - Stop using the EA servers, we can't go into matchmaking half the time.
  • UI - It's a mess. Active Roster and the lobby menu have taken a huge step back. Who gives a fuck about player cards? Just show a list of horizantal names of players in the lobby and use the rest of the space you freed up to give players information about the gametype or something, don't fill it with huge buttons. Also make it so Active Roster is not a button press away, I want to see who's online and what they're doing all the time.
  • Framerate - Why am I getting framedrops while looking at a wall of a cave?
  • Killcams sitrecs - It's a feature that doesn't even work properly and was probably put into the game about a week before launch. I'm used to CoD killcams not being entirely accurate but the ones in Halo 4 simply don't work half the time. If you end up fixing them, make sure to add a final killcam to every gametype.
  • Filesharing - Why can't you do it on Waypoint yet? We seriously have to wait a month after launch for basic features to be available?
  • Theater - It's not there for campaign and spec ops which is sad, and it doesn't even work properly when you record clips.
  • Medals - They all look the same and disappear within half a second. You barely see them, let alone differentiate them from each other.
  • Steitzer - He's saying so much stuff that I've learned to tune out his voice. Now I can't really keep track of half the things that happens during objective games. He should only say stuff when it's important, not when I get a headshot.
  • Complex - Jetpack abuse to hell and back. All people do is go in or on top of one of the many buildings and take pot-shots at the enemy.
  • Longbow - The most one-dimensional map in the game. You take the middle structure and you shoot the enemy team spawning one either side of said base.
  • Meltdown - Has the longest tunnels known to man-kind.
  • Adrift - Hallways, crates, and more hallways.
  • Vortex - Half the map is meant for Dominion is isn't used outside of that gametype.
  • Weapons despawning - A 12 second despawn time? Really? Hey Kevin, if you don't want too many power weapons on the map don't reward to everyone who even does as much as fart in the general direction of the enemy.
  • Forge - No precision forging, objects are worse than in Reach, category object limit still exists, the Forge maps aren't good to Forge on, lighting makes all enclosed maps look bland as fuck, all that kind of stuff.
  • Instant respawns - I've had several occasions where I could finish off my own kills after dying and respawning immediately. RIP Halo
  • Loadouts - Rock, Paper, Scissors all day, every day. Along with ordnance it makes the game unpredictable in a bad way.
  • Sprint - Just give me a faster movement speed so I can shoot while moving around faster and so I don't slow down with I'm shot.
  • Oddball - Throwing the Oddball into the hands of an enemy player who's just coming around the corner is fun the first time, sure. But it's annoying more than anything when it happens to you. There should not be an auto pick-up for the ball.
  • Dominion - It's over within a minute half the time.
  • Audio - I can't hear my surroundings as well as I could in Reach. Not sure what it is, but something's messed up.
  • Options - Why can't I turn off Assassinations? Why can't I change my audio settings? Why can't I adjust my vertical sensitivity? It's 2012, people!
  • Hitdetection - Not sure on this one, but I feel like headshots aren't registering correctly half the time. I've seen myself hit people in the head several times only for them to just shrugs it off and run around the corner. Was a lot more consistent in (0% bloom) Reach.
  • Join-in-Progress - I don't want to join a game when it's nearly finished and the other team is ahead by a million points. Why can't I turn this shit off?
  • Post-game lobby - It lasts so short that by the time that you're done seeing how many credits you got you're already in the voting screen for the next game unable to back out. What happened to the 30-second post-game screen that existed in previous Halos?
  • Flood - The gametype has less flexibility than the old Infection gametype just so you guys could add a Flood skin that looks like it's ripped straight out of doom for the infected players? It's sad to see where your priorities lie, 343.
  • Lack of classic settings - Following up on what I said about the Flood gametype; Why are the customization options for some gametypes so limited?? 343 has actively ripped out customization options for CTF, Infection and Grifball and we can't even play Assault at all anymore.
  • King of the Hill - I don't have too much issues with it but the inconsistent respawn timer can be annoying at times. Sometimes it's instant , others it's 3 seconds. Also, don't put KotH on a map as segmented as Adrift.
  • Regicide - Rewards players who aren't in the lead and promotes not doing well until right towards the end. Another problem is that the King can get a kingtacular - resulting in an overshield - in the middle of a fight. That's just fucked up.
  • Killtimes - The game can be very slow in when you're in 1v1 situations. I honestly wouldn't mind 4-shot weapons.
  • Spec Ops - Wasted resources.
  • Death waypoints - What happened to the red Xs that appeared when people died? Those were extremely useful to get a good idea of where your teammates died and where the enemy is.
  • Shield recharge rate - Seems to be around as slow as it is in Reach. I don't want to spend 6 seconds behind cover waiting for my shields to recharge.

Things that are good in Halo 4 Infinity:

  • Core gameplay - It's better than vanilla Reach.

A lot of great points. I'll also add:

  • Proximity voice - This was a feature ever since Halo 2. When I'm up close meleeing some kid I want to hear him squeal on my surround sound.
  • Spartans - Is there seriously no Mark IV helmet? At least include all the helmets (and EMBLEMS) from the previous games...
That's a long ass list...

I don't think I could find that many things wrong if I tried. I have a big issue with the "peek shotting" across the maps though. That is ridiculously annoying. But it has seemed to die down a lot after the first day or two.


if there is one thing that needs to be removed from this game, it's jetpacks, seriously this is so unfair >.< specially in maps like Complex and CTF.
in other words, don't come to maps like Complex without jetpack...
spartan ops is boring as hell so far. i just finished the 3rd mission on episode 1. i hate the writing, the characters, and while i thought palmer was gonna be cool during the campaign, she sounds like shes trying way too hard to be a generic hard ass military general, except female. just ugh.

right now the best thing about spartan ops are the gorgeous cinematics before each episode. hearing that episode 2 has rehashed stuff from the first episode has me unmotivated to finish the first. i know theres like 8 more episodes left for this season but i really hope it gets interesting and above all fun.

Jedeye Sniv

Don't know how I'd feel about that. No need to rush each game out. Next thing ya know it'd be an annual COD release affair. The Halo franchise is too sacred to be reduced to some cheap yearly FPS fix.

Halo is annual though and I dig it. Mainline games every 2-3 years, spinoffs in between. That's why we got H3, Wars, ODST, Reach, Anniversary and then 4 in the same console cycle.

If anything I'd like to see them take more chances with the franchise in the off-years. It would be cool to get some other stories set in this universe. Chief is a badass but he's not only Halo any more. There are other Spartans, ODSTs, Section 3, the UNSC, the civvies and the innies, so much space to play in.
if there is one thing that needs to be removed from this game, it's jetpacks, seriously this is so unfair >.< specially in maps like Complex and CTF.
in other words, don't come to maps like Complex without jetpack...

Weren't you just saying Camo was OP because it couldn't be seen by PV? Then said it shouldn't be able to be seen by PV when it was pointed out it could?

I think AA's are an all or nothing thing, I don't really see any of them getting pointed out and 'fixed'. All of them seem to have their perks and their downfalls, it's just a matter of time before some get extorted or deemed useless.

I actually tend to like the AA's in 4 where I absolutely hated them in Reach. Not just Armor Lock, I just hated them all. It felt like none of them(besides sprint) were really thought out during the map making process. Where in 4 they seem like they were more thought about in that aspect. At least to me. Ask me in about a month when some AA exploit becomes apparent and you see it in every match.


Fucking hell, the first time the game is pissing me off in singleplayer. Right now I'm at the mission Shutdown, I am at the
gondola part, I'm at the second stop with the knights. I keep getting raped by the sniper, 1-shot. ANNOYING!
Tips are welcome.


Fucking hell, the first time the game is pissing me off in singleplayer. Right now I'm at the mission Shutdown, I am at the
gondola part, I'm at the second stop with the knights. I keep getting raped by the sniper, 1-shot. ANNOYING!
Tips are welcome.

I wanted to throw my controller during that part and I was just playing on Heroic.


Fucking hell, the first time the game is pissing me off in singleplayer. Right now I'm at the mission Shutdown, I am at the
gondola part, I'm at the second stop with the knights. I keep getting raped by the sniper, 1-shot. ANNOYING!
Tips are welcome.

Ahh yes...Its just all about getting the right angle and picking him off. He should have very few places to hide


I remember thinking PV was going to be over powered, but with radar with elevation indicators you pretty much have good reads on proximity kills already. I find camo more over powered then PV.

PV is good, definitely one of the best, but I really find myself doing better with holograms and jetpacks.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
i just killed everyone else, sprinted up to him and scattershotted him to pieces, like all knights. dont remember an issue there


It's simple. The spartan laser would spawn in the middle of the map. If your team got it, you knew your team had it. If the other team got it, you knew the other team had it.

That was always super boring to me. Everyone just rushes the same part of the map every game and it would always play out the same. Not sure why people are asking for such a thing. I remember the bridge map in (I think ) Halo 3. Every game started with both teams rushing the middle of the map for the Rocket Launcher. EEVVVEERRRYYYY GAAAMMEEEE. Get's boring after a while. It also favors those who have the time to sit around learning every map leaving people with lives without rocket launchers.


This has to be said. 343i have showed up Bungie, and for me, its the Halo i've been waiting for after Halo 2.

I expect great things from 343i and their next attempt, Bungie just dont have the wizardry to craft a compelling cinematic experience.

Well done guys, i've been there since day 1, i can confidently say that its in the right hands.

Oh, 1 more thing. Best looking console game i've played, DAT ART !!!


That was always super boring to me. Everyone just rushes the same part of the map every game and it would always play out the same. Not sure why people are asking for such a thing. I remember the bridge map in (I think ) Halo 3. Every game started with both teams rushing the middle of the map for the Rocket Launcher. EEVVVEERRRYYYY GAAAMMEEEE. Get's boring after a while. It also favors those who have the time to sit around learning every map leaving people with lives without rocket launchers.

This actually made the maps feel unique to me and helped me to learn the maps. I knew that corner was where the rockets were and that that cave had a shotgun in it, so I should be more careful engaging someone at close range if they are about to run out of it. The places the power weapons spawned actually became points of conflict because it was so important to get those spawns.

Now the caves and various buildings are pretty much all the same in my mind and I can barely tell you where I'm at on a map besides that I need to run in X direction to get to the place where everyone is fighting. And everyone fights in a specific area purely because it is central to the spawns regardless of any actual strategic significance (except for some occasional terrain advantages when a team is actually using strategy).


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
This has to be said. 343i have showed up Bungie, and for me, its the Halo i've been waiting for after Halo 2.

I expect great things from 343i and their next attempt, Bungie just dont have the wizardry to craft a compelling cinematic experience.

Well done guys, i've been there since day 1 of Halo.

i agree, for the most part. there is definitely some issues i have with 4 that will hopefully be addressed, but nothing that really ruins my enjoyment of an otherwise excellent mp game. the core mechanics are just so well done this time and a majority of the maps work well. super stoked that map packs arent far away as well. take my monies.


This has to be said. 343i have showed up Bungie, and for me, its the Halo i've been waiting for after Halo 2.

I expect great things from 343i and their next attempt, Bungie just dont have the wizardry to craft a compelling cinematic experience.

Well done guys, i've been there since day 1, i can confidently say that its in the right hands.

I agree. Most fun ive had since halo 2. MP is awesome.


I really wish Halo 4 had a MP hopper similar to COD for mercenaries. Not allowing parties.. Pretty much the only thing I like about COD MP Lists over Halo.


Weren't you just saying Camo was OP because it couldn't be seen by PV? Then said it shouldn't be able to be seen by PV when it was pointed out it could?

yeah, I thought it worked like that because I was sure I couldn't see them in PV, I think when you put in an element in the game there must be something to counter it too, camo has other perks too like not being visible on radar, I'm sure of this one. So if camo was invisible to PV, I'd understand even though when I get owned by that I'd be quick to call it OP :p so I think PV is fine but there should be something to counter it too. I don't know how to handle some good jetpack users right now in some of the map like complex though. Maybe they are just good, well using camo or PV takes no skill but using the jetpack right and killing someone might take some.

I think AA's are an all or nothing thing, I don't really see any of them getting pointed out and 'fixed'. All of them seem to have their perks and their downfalls, it's just a matter of time before some get extorted or deemed useless.

I actually tend to like the AA's in 4 where I absolutely hated them in Reach. Not just Armor Lock, I just hated them all. It felt like none of them(besides sprint) were really thought out during the map making process. Where in 4 they seem like they were more thought about in that aspect. At least to me. Ask me in about a month when some AA exploit becomes apparent and you see it in every match.

right, even with all the problems I think they are fun to have still. I'm not the exactly the most competitive player though.


Halo3 launched with much better Slayer maps than both Reach and now Halo 4. They were all distinct in their own way and seemed to be finely tuned for the gametype. Beautiful art direction too. What happened.


This actually made the maps feel unique to me and helped me to learn the maps. I knew that corner was where the rockets were and that that cave had a shotgun in it, so I should be more careful engaging someone at close range if they are about to run out of it. The places the power weapons spawned actually became points of conflict because it was so important to get those spawns.

Now the caves and various buildings are pretty much all the same in my mind and I can barely tell you where I'm at on a map besides that I need to run in X direction to get to the place where everyone is fighting. And everyone fights in a specific area purely because it is central to the spawns regardless of any actual strategic significance (except for some occasional terrain advantages when a team is actually using strategy).

I can see how someone could enjoy such a thing but it always felt very bland how I had the same mindset going into every single game. "Get here, do that, get to that thing before they do." Now you actually have to stop and think about where you are going and you have less lone wolves running off to certain areas of the map to get their favorite weapon. In my experience anyway.

This game just feels more "fun" now to me. There was always a point in Halo games where the MP just stopped being fun because people learned the maps and drops so well that the entire experience just felt robotic. Only thing I hate about the MP now (not 343's fault) is that no one talks anymore. This has been going on for years. Not shit talking or anything. I haven't been called a n****r in forever.
This actually made the maps feel unique to me and helped me to learn the maps. I knew that corner was where the rockets were and that that cave had a shotgun in it, so I should be more careful engaging someone at close range if they are about to run out of it. The places the power weapons spawned actually became points of conflict because it was so important to get those spawns.

Now the caves and various buildings are pretty much all the same in my mind and I can barely tell you where I'm at on a map besides that I need to run in X direction to get to the place where everyone is fighting. And everyone fights in a specific area purely because it is central to the spawns regardless of any actual strategic significance (except for some occasional terrain advantages when a team is actually using strategy).

Same. On top of this I find the matches from time to time end up being boring fairs where it's mostly DMR vs DMR most of the game. If someone happens to get a power weapon and die quickly, most the time it seems the weapon dissapears before it even gets picked up again.

This isn't something that has ruined the experience for me, as I always enjoy DMR/Br vs DMR/BR, but it makes the fun gametypes seem less fun. It also kills long kill streaks with no ammo on map, but most people would just say "use other weapons" in reply to this.
The button lag in Spartan Ops is atrocious. This same problem plagued Reach and now it's showing itself again in this iteration. This game has almost all the things to be damn near perfect but a couple of things are holding it back in my opinion.


Or...they have good teamwork/communication. All of what you said is the benefit people get from communication in a team and map awareness. If someone is running with friends that communicate well PV is pretty useless when compared to the other abilities.
No it isn't. Even when playing with a team and good communication it's still pretty damn good. Especially when you are playing against more skilled players it's extremely useful to see how the enemy is moving behind cover so you can be positioning your aim (when people strafe behind cover as well). A lot of times it gives the the benefit of having / placing the first shot, in DRM/BR battles that's pretty important.

Yeah you got to pick them off first. I just hid behind the central pillar

I finally managed to get him (<3 Scattershot). Thanks though! Glad I made it.
Halo3 launched with much better Slayer maps than both Reach and now Halo 4. They were all distinct in their own way and seemed to be finely tuned for the gametype. Beautiful art direction too. What happened.

I think that more has to do with maps like Pit, Construct, Narrows, and Valhalla being classics. Where as a lot of the maps were also shit, Snowbound, Epitaph?, default foundry. I'd definitely say Halo 4 may not have the 'classics', but I feel it's the best all around starting maps of any halo. They all seem very playable and great, except for the POS that is Abandon there really seem to be no all out horrible maps.

No it isn't. Even when playing with a team and good communication it's still pretty damn good. Especially when you are playing against more skilled players it's extremely useful to see how the enemy is moving behind cover so you can be positioning your aim (when people strafe behind cover as well). A lot of times it gives the the benefit of having / placing the first shot, in DRM/BR battles that's pretty important.

You're talking as if this is a long lasting AA when really it just gives you a short burst insight into the players actions. I never said it would be pointless overall, it of course has benefits. What I mean is other AA's server a better purpose when paired with good teamwork. Hardlight tends to keep people&#8217;s attention while your team can pick up shots, Jetpack can allow you to get a last headshot when in a bad angle, and so on. Not saying PV is completely useless, it's just not as useful to someone running in a group with good communication.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
The button lag in Spartan Ops is atrocious. This same problem plagued Reach and now it's showing itself again in this iteration. This game has almost all the things to be damn near perfect but a couple of things are holding it back in my opinion.

That's been around as long as there's been online coop in Halo.
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