Got banned for quitting once lol
Man, I hate griefing. Feel legit bad for that team.Here's the clip I mentioned yesterday, only a Killtastrophe and not a Naire. Not sure how this makes its through testing.
Got banned for quitting once lol
had to go![]()
Here's the clip I mentioned yesterday, only a Killtastrophe and not a Naire. Not sure how this makes its through testing.
sooooo what's the problem?
Is there a generally agreed upon pack to buy for boosts? Starting to run a little low on them.
new hcs tease.
Only community maps.
Breakout isn't popular, so isn't worth it
How is Breakout not popular ? Are players serious ? I know what taste means and that we all have ours, but damn : Breakout is intense, competitive, you have to think fast, it rewards teamplay the most... Damn, i'm disapointed. Damn, Halo players.
Release the same Breakout mode on PC, without the Halo brand and keep the mechanics intact + price tag 20 : instant hit, I'm sure of it.
How is Breakout not popular ? Are players serious ? I know what taste means and that we all have ours, but damn : Breakout is intense, competitive, you have to think fast, it rewards teamplay the most... Damn, i'm disapointed. Damn, Halo players.
Release the same Breakout mode on PC, without the Halo brand and keep the mechanics intact + price tag 20 : instant hit, I'm sure of it.
Halo gun mechanics don't really translate to elimination modes. It would be even worse on PC because every gun would be too easy to useHow is Breakout not popular ? Are players serious ? I know what taste means and that we all have ours, but damn : Breakout is intense, competitive, you have to think fast, it rewards teamplay the most... Damn, i'm disapointed. Damn, Halo players.
Release the same Breakout mode on PC, without the Halo brand and keep the mechanics intact + price tag 20 : instant hit, I'm sure of it.
It evolves to people camping corners if they are the last ones alive or ties with 1v1 and noone engages. Its really boring now.
Not to mention you can tie even if you're outnumbered (fucking stupid), and half the deaths happen in the first 15-20 seconds from grenades or initial pushes. It's incredibly boring to spectate. Other than opening strats, there's no real strategy other than "get the first shot or hide". Not to mention that the slightest inconsistency due to latency or whatever for online play makes it a joke and each engagement essentially a coinflip.
The gametype is poop, straight up.
Lol no
It evolves to people camping corners if they are the last ones alive or ties with 1v1 and noone engages. Its really boring now.
I think it's quite easy underestimate how disgustingly unsportsmanlike Members of a games community can strive to be.
Blaming 343 because you did this, is like blaming MS because some kids choose to DDOS. some people just want to watch the world burn.
Granted the attack spawns on this map are terrible... a decent amount of thought went into setting up this trap.
I never touched a Halo in my whole life before playing the beta. I'm coming from Third strike and CSGO. I had a blast with breakout mode, same for all the people I know that touched it. None of them would have go as far as buying the whole game just for breakout, only I did.
Philosophically speaking is it the game's responsibility to provide an adequate experience or should it be up to the opposing players as to whether or not you have fun?
Following from that, if it is in some way the responsibility of your opponents to ensure that you enjoy yourself, are they then morally obligated to lose so that you may enjoy yourself and, by the same token, are you also morally obligated to lose and/or purposefully downplay your own abilities for the enjoyment of your opponents?
I say that since I paid $60 for the game and god knows how much for the REQ points that it should probably be 343's responsibility to ensure that the game is enjoyable for my opponents, not mine. I'm not paying to babysit, I'm paying to spawn thirty scout hogs in the fortress and run over people that aren't paying attention.
I hate youI honestly don't know why FATs makes us play it all the time.
Bullshit. Fucking bullshit.
When did I suggest it was any players Responsibilty to ensure the other teams enjoyment? Please don't downplay the situation with the insistence that this is simply about winning and losing. This is about a team of experienced players taking the time to learn the spawn system, simply so that they can execute a well coordinated, 3 step process to manipulate it in a way such that they can grenade their opponents for 6 minutes straight.
No you aren't morally obligated to do anything. You can run in circles for 6minutes if you want to. But It's impossible for any developer anticipate every single exploit or imbalance that some assholes will try to uncover for the sole purpose of playing outside of the spirit of the game at the expense of others.
Is expecting sportsmanship from other human beings unreasonable? Do they still teach that at home?
A guy could go to a park right now, and join a pick up game of football and instead of throwing it to a receiver, run off and throw it into a lake intentionally. Now is it the landscapers fault that I'm a fucking asshole?
I never touched a Halo in my whole life before playing the beta. I'm coming from Third strike and CSGO. I had a blast with breakout mode, same for all the people I know that touched it. None of them would have go as far as buying the whole game just for breakout, only I did.
Of course Halo players hate it, for reason I don't know hence why I'm speaking about it releasing it without the Halo brand.
The whole online concept of Halo resolve in people camping and holding their position until someone is tired of it. I learned to play Halo 2 after discover the franchise with 5's beta, spent a lot of time watching top players : It's an ode to campfest and it's regarded as being the best multi experience in the franchise, isn't it ? (I'm asking seriousely, that's not sarcasm).
I'm sure you could have write the same thing without using expression like "fucking bullshit". We're all gaf brothers, stay cool.
I like the Breakout maps aesthetics. They should use for other things..
IThe whole online concept of Halo resolve in people camping and holding their position until someone is tired of it. I learned to play Halo 2 after discover the franchise with 5's beta, spent a lot of time watching top players : It's an ode to campfest and it's regarded as being the best multi experience in the franchise, isn't it ? (I'm asking seriousely, that's not sarcasm).
Breakout is terrible for competitive Halo. Why? Because...
---no shields
---SMG start means you can spray n pray your way to victory
---no map control cause all you have to do is play numbers once you get a pick
---the beginning of your round is the most important because it all depends who gets the first pick
---after you get said pick, you play numbers and be aggressive
---breakout offers no opportunity to make plays
---NO SHIELDS and since you start with SMG, you can pretty much out DPS that pistol.
---in result of no shields, you see very little gun skill in play because it comes down to whoever got the first shot.
---since no shields, it forces players to be passive
---because it comes down to whoever got first shot, it limits the plays that can be made
---since breakout is round oriented, things such as map control and weapon control do not exist and in result hinder the plays you can make
---since breakout is elimination, some people will camp and just listen for footsteps (keep that shit for cod)
---a lucky grenade can ruin your day
---breakout is terrible
---Halo is not made for elimination
---breakout sucks
There is probably more I can list, but ehh
A lot of the things you listed is more about SWAT than Breakout mode.
There is no shield in Breakout, it's true. But the TTK in Halo is way longer than let's say CSGO, even without shield it takes something like three pistol headshot to kill someone. It makes a lot of things you listed invalide imo.
You can escape grenade easily in Halo 5.
About the round thing : You just have to make good plays every rounds, what's the problem ? Of course you need to use team play, smart guess, good map controls to win in breakout. You even have to use them more since losing one pal = huge, huge disadvantage most of the time.
Maybe it "sucks" as a competitive Halo game, but as a stand alone title, breakout mode would be beast. It's not just meant for Halo classical players, i guess.
I agree that breakout is bad for competition. There is nothing to follow. Rounds are over before they get started. No shields means no incentive to try and make plays as you already mentioned. However I do think elimination games with normal settings might work, and only if it's not round based. Instead players need to have an allotment of lives (say 5) and the breakout maps might actually be quite conducive to the mode.Breakout is terrible for competitive Halo. Why? Because...
---no shields
---SMG start means you can spray n pray your way to victory
---no map control cause all you have to do is play numbers once you get a pick
---the beginning of your round is the most important because it all depends who gets the first pick
---after you get said pick, you play numbers and be aggressive
---breakout offers no opportunity to make plays
---NO SHIELDS and since you start with SMG, you can pretty much out DPS that pistol.
---in result of no shields, you see very little gun skill in play because it comes down to whoever got the first shot.
---since no shields, it forces players to be passive
---because it comes down to whoever got first shot, it limits the plays that can be made
---since breakout is round oriented, things such as map control and weapon control do not exist and in result hinder the plays you can make
---since breakout is elimination, some people will camp and just listen for footsteps (keep that shit for cod)
---a lucky grenade can ruin your day
---breakout is terrible
---Halo is not made for elimination
---breakout sucks
There is probably more I can list, but ehh
Breakout is terrible for competitive Halo. Why? Because...
There is probably more I can list, but ehh