anyone see post this? some swag for your elite controller
Man why do I know that I will buy this..
I will be spending money I don't have to have those paddles. Nice. Unless they are US only.
anyone see post this? some swag for your elite controller
Man why do I know that I will buy this..
I will be spending money I don't have to have those paddles. Nice. Unless they are US only.
Where can I see all my DVR clips online? I want an easy way to send them for the montage or Just search your username
There is no reason to try to get ranked high, hell the higher ranked you get the longer the queue times. Congratulations, you made it to Champion. You know what you get? Nothing, just higher wait times and your rank gets reset in a month anyways. Sometimes it just seems like ranks were thrown in to make people happy and thats it. The only reason to try and to rank up is the drive to get better. However, I dont see it. Ive seen Diamonds play like theyre Gold and Plats play like a high ranked Onyx.
Thank you! also what was the email? I forgot it lol
halogafmontage AT gmail DOT com
(reducing spam)
Wait there is another montage being made?halogafmontage AT gmail DOT com
(reducing spam)
Wait there is another montage being made?
If they are, pay and I'll ship.
I hear ya, but for me it kind of is a big difference. I play solo, and my time I get to play is very limited. Moving up 3 tiers in gold solo is not as simple as jumping online with some friends and ranking up in a few hours of grind time.Gold 3 to Plat 1 isn't that big of a difference...
Only I don't hide. In fact, I'm a bit too aggressive, similar to what Forerunner posted a while back. I have the same tendencies to push forward because i assume at least a teammate or two are with me. Like if people roll with me in a game, they'll generally get a lot of kills because i'm the ultimate assist master... And I've seen people say it's more about damage dealt and that statistic kind of bothers me. I'll have games where I do really well and somehow have the least damage dealt out of both teams. Which I'd think means I'm more efficient, but who knows.K/d isn't the end all be all of stats. You could hide for most of a match and get a positive k/d
It's more about damage dealt.
This so much it hurts lol.If you are playing solo and solo only, forget about rank especially below Plat because moving up is a NIGHTMARE.
You're too kind <3
If you secretly just want my address to send love letters, you need only ask!
I hear ya, but for me it kind of is a big difference. I play solo, and my time I get to play is very limited. Moving up 3 tiers in gold solo is not as simple as jumping online with some friends and ranking up in a few hours of grind time.
Talking about this one:Which one was this?
I remember the big ass community tourney Duncan and hitmonchan helped organize. A neogaf brainchild.
That was really awesome, seeing a bunch of different halo communities compete against each other.
Wait, so you're ranked in arena on the amount wins you get and not how well you do in game? That seems kinda fucked. Really sucks when you're playing well but have been grouped with a bunch of jackasses.
Only I don't hide. In fact, I'm a bit too aggressive, similar to what Forerunner posted a while back. I have the same tendencies to push forward because i assume at least a teammate or two are with me. Like if people roll with me in a game, they'll generally get a lot of kills because i'm the ultimate assist master... And I've seen people say it's more about damage dealt and that statistic kind of bothers me. I'll have games where I do really well and somehow have the least damage dealt out of both teams. Which I'd think means I'm more efficient, but who knows.
This so much it hurts lol.
Regardless, now that I know what to expect from the ranking system, which is absolutely nothing lol, I think I'll be more chill this season and just accept everything as is. Which means less complaining on here too!
Yeah I'm just going to approach future game sessions with a more relaxed attitude.What I'm saying is, within the ranking system, that's just 3 ranks, so I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility for you to rank there legitimately.
Just play and enjoy the game. I placed in Diamond 2 in TA, and I've placed in Onyx every other season. I got my shit pushed in all night last night too, and remain in D2. It's not that big of a deal.
No, it takes into account a lot of different factors. Wins/Losses are all that matters AFTER you've been placed.
Also, a suggestion on a tournament would be doubles. Organizing 8 people on at the same time, especially if you do random teams will never happen.
Even if I'm in the top 2-3 kills and least deaths? I'm not saying it's all the time, but I notice it quite a bit. And when i do get lower damage dealt, it's almost always associated with a team win and good personal stats with the exception of the amount of damage. Beats the shit out of putting in most damage, having uber stats and still losing.No it doesn't. If you are getting the lowest damage on your team it means your positioning needs a lot of work. If your positioning needs work, then that means you can't efficiently listen to call outs and respond to them accordingly.
Ah, thanks for the extra information. That'll help keep my frustration down then. Still, even after you've been placed that kinda sucks. Seems like there's more incentive to stop playing once you've ranked high so that getting placed on a bad team won't hurt your CSR.
I sometimes tune into some of my favorite podcasts while playing war zone, but arena demands your undivided attention.Yeah playing halo without sound pretty much makes it quite frusterating.
I sometimes tune into some of my favorite podcasts while playing war zone, but arena demands your undivided attention.
How long does a regular wz match last as opposed to wz assault which can be done in 6 minutes if the attacking team fails? I haven't jumped into a regular wz match since last year, and I love wz assault for grinding req points.And i love me some Arena. Those 1v1 engagements always give me a nice little smile.
Warzone is just pure mindless fun to me. Let's see if i can sneak with this camo. Let's see how many kills i can get with this rare needler. Stuff like that is cool with WZ. WZ is the best way to grind for REQ anyway.
How long does a regular wz match last as opposed to wz assault which can be done in 6 minutes if the attacking team fails? I haven't jumped into a regular wz match since last year, and I love wz assault for grinding req points.
That's what I figured, but I might jump into a wz game or two to help kill some prometheans if needed.Much longer than the average Assault game, let alone you cannot feasibly shut down the other team that easily and take their core. Assault is much better especially soloif you lose it's fairly quick and painless, unless they're trying to farm you.*
*In which case I've usually seen players just stop engaging, because when suddenly it's "oh there's thirty seconds left and suddenly after stopping us short every time the base is empty" it's pretty clear what you're doing.
I think 4 v 4 surely?
That or 3v3, if you have to. Like Ram said, getting 8 people together is a nightmare.Also, a suggestion on a tournament would be doubles. Organizing 8 people on at the same time, especially if you do random teams will never happen.
He's talking the HaloGAF only tournament. The community tournament was awesome if it weren't for the fact that my dad was in a car accident and I was running around trying to figure out which hospital they were talking him to. It was literally just a sprain, but they sent him to 3 different hospitals.Which one was this?
I remember the big ass community tourney Duncan and hitmonchan helped organize. A neogaf brainchild.
That was really awesome, seeing a bunch of different halo communities compete against each other.
We gave you the win. Y'all were out because shadow stopped responding and it came to a coin flip. My team even won the coin flip, but since none of us were playing Reach anymore we gave it to your team.The reach tournament we did was great. The best team definitely won![]()
Even if I'm in the top 2-3 kills and least deaths? I'm not saying it's all the time, but I notice it quite a bit. And when i do get lower damage dealt, it's almost always associated with a team win and good personal stats with the exception of the amount of damage. Beats the shit out of putting in most damage, having uber stats and still losing.
The other thing too, when i play I routinely have to go without sound - probably 50% of my games. it's a massive handicap (believe me i know) but there's nothing to do about it. So sometimes i can't hear anything, let alone call outs lol.
How long does a regular wz match last as opposed to wz assault which can be done in 6 minutes if the attacking team fails? I haven't jumped into a regular wz match since last year, and I love wz assault for grinding req points.
Points taken and I will agree to disagree on a few things, but I understand you have to speculate on much of this since we've never played together. Again, lowest damage isn't a constant thing, but I've noticed that when it is low it's not all a bad thing like you suggest. Halo matches like you mention are highly circumstantial, so stats are going to fluctuate a lot. The only other thing I would say is that call outs in gold are a joke, but even in the rare game with people who talk, I'm unfortunately someone who can't always hear. I don't even know most callouts to be honest, and when watching HCS stuff on twitch i've been trying to pay attention to the callouts so that I can learn them.I don't know how you play, but I will tell you what I think. You putting out the least amount of damage tells me you don't take the fight to the enemy. It tells me you are passive. You want to be initiating the encounters. Seeing as how you have least amount of damage, this tells me you do not do this. What this also tells me is your positioning needs a lot of work. In good positioning, you will be pumping damage. In bad positioning you will not be pumping any damage. This tells me there are moments in your game when you aren't even fighting the enemy. If you aren't fighting the enemy, you are not helping your team. You are not assisting your team. This is also tells me when you spawn, you probably have moments in which you don't know what your goal is.
This also tells me you lack awareness. A person that is aware is a person that is taking the fight to the enemy. To be aware is to listen to callouts and be mindful of your teams actions. Halo is a game that is situational so me putting this into words is difficult. The best I can tell you here is to be mindful of what your teammates are doing. I am placing BIG emphasis here.
Did you say you were aggressive? I cannot recall, but if you did, then this tells me you are bad kind of aggressive. In means you probably aren't choosing the correct times in which you should make the push. What are the correct times? I can't say because as I always say, Halo is situational. If you want to know how to be aggressive and how to do it properly. I suggest you watch Commonly when he streams.
Sure, if you win a game, it is a win. But I can tell you right now there is a lot you can do to improve on that win. Damage delt is an important stat. If anyone finds their damage too low, then there is something you have to work on.
Points taken and I will agree to disagree on a few things, but I understand you have to speculate on much of this since we've never played together. Again, lowest damage isn't a constant thing, but I've noticed that when it is low it's not all a bad thing like you suggest. Halo matches like you mention are highly circumstantial, so stats are going to fluctuate a lot. The only other thing I would say is that call outs in gold are a joke, but even in the rare game with people who talk, I'm unfortunately someone who can't always hear. I don't even know most callouts to be honest, and when watching HCS stuff on twitch i've been trying to pay attention to the callouts so that I can learn them.
My bad, i meant assualt. I rarely play reg warzone cause how long it may take sometimes.
I just got a Legendary WZ Gambit: AI Kills and it's making me so sad that I'll need to play regular long ass warzone to get that sweet, sweet XP. Or I can just save it til Firefight...
I just got a Legendary WZ Gambit: AI Kills and it's making me so sad that I'll need to play regular long ass warzone to get that sweet, sweet XP. Or I can just save it til Firefight...
I just got a Legendary WZ Gambit: AI Kills and it's making me so sad that I'll need to play regular long ass warzone to get that sweet, sweet XP. Or I can just save it til Firefight...
Use it in WZA, it counts.
Yeah, but what if I spawn as the defense? No AI to kill there.
You still get it. You have to place top 50% on your team to get it. Nobody gets AI kills, so you're in the top 50%.
Whoa I'm not saying it's not important lol and I'm not disagreeing with you on all points. It's just that there will be games where I feel like I played really smart, our team wins, and then in post-game i'll look and be like wow I dealt really low damage despite keeping my deaths down and contributing to the win with decent kills and assists and playing well with my random teammates. Again, it's a situational thing like you already said.Play against a different tier of players and it will be evident, but okay. If you feel like it is not important, then that is on you. Towey, who is considered to be the best coach in competitive Halo places emphasis on damage delt. He does that for a reason.
4 v 1. I used an arena rp jackpot. No forfeit option. 343 what are you doing.
Been playing a lot of Rocket League. Not only do they have a 3 v 3 Solo Only playlist, they also have a team forfeit vote.