I gotta say, maybe it's unreasonable, but I kinda agree with Jem here. Legends was shaping up great, and then... poof. Press Play too. If MS really is seriously downsizing their studios, I wouldn't be so sure 343 is immune :/
I gotta say, maybe it's unreasonable, but I kinda agree with Jem here. Legends was shaping up great, and then... poof. Press Play too. If MS really is seriously downsizing their studios, I wouldn't be so sure 343 is immune :/
Halo under 343 sells books, appeal licenses with JINX, toys like BoomCo, and is also probably the best selling XB1 exclusive. Halo also has the spinoffs under the helm of 343 (the mobile games). 343 is pretty safe considering how flexible the Halo brand is under them. Fable isn't a flexible brand at all.I gotta say, maybe it's unreasonable, but I kinda agree with Jem here. Legends was shaping up great, and then... poof. Press Play too. If MS really is seriously downsizing their studios, I wouldn't be so sure 343 is immune :/
Halo under 343 sells books, appeal licenses with JINX, toys like BoomCo, and is also probably the best selling XB1 exclusive. Halo also has the spinoffs under the helm of 343 (the mobile games). 343 is pretty safe considering how flexible the Halo brand is under them. Fable isn't a flexible brand at all.
343 is fine. Halo to Fable isn't even comparable imoI gotta say, maybe it's unreasonable, but I kinda agree with Jem here. Legends was shaping up great, and then... poof. Press Play too. If MS really is seriously downsizing their studios, I wouldn't be so sure 343 is immune :/
From a business perspective though, why continue to throw money at a F2P game that's been in development for over 3 years and has only recoeved lukewarm reception?
Everyone I've talked to who's play it has enjoyed it. The only lukewarm responses I really saw were from Fable players who wanted Fable 4 (which I did too, I just didn't see it as an either/or thing.) But I guess it's an immaterial question at this point.
When I get home I'll see if the beta still works.
Lionhead was already on its last legs after all the poor Fable spin-offs, Press Play is weird though, their two last games are small budget titles and are also pretty well received. I won't be worried about HW2 since it is Halo and is done by Creative Assembly.I agree that Halo is in a better position, but unless MS is about to turn around and open up some new studios, the only reason to cut Press Play and Lionhead entirely is because they're downsizing their gaming efforts; another Halo with disappointing sales...
Like I said, it's probably without basis, but I'm nervous now.
Also really concerned about Halo Wars 2 and whatever Decisive Games is working on.
I unlocked the Laser Targeter DMR without even realizing it. First DMR I get. 8 REQ minimum. :'(
Halo is fps and it's very popular around the world.It will survive as long as MS produce quality Halo games.Halo 4 damaged Halo and MCC was disaster in terms of online but Halo 5 is solid..Halo will get better from now on imo.H3 annv. or Reach remaster will happen in 2017 and it'll sell like hotcakes..
What's the criteria? I have a sweet slayer Overkill with scattershot, and a triple kill Hail Mary with a single grenade
Imma send you a swat double kill instead
Can you let me know if you got my email? Sent one in yesterday ^_^
The clips we already sent are in consideration already and don't have to be resent right?
Well they said another trilogy arc and the next game is the end of this trilogy, who knows after that.
I don't think it's immune, i wouldn't be surprised if they try and force it into something akin to Destiny.
Thanks 343 for screwing up the look sensitivity and acceleration.
Hey G0SU
Can you message gamertag 'Xand'?
I keep telling him about your control scheme sensitivity, deadzone settings etc.
He refuses to believe, maybe if you messaged him the controls, so I can be proved right.
Thank you, this is not a joke.
Since I got back into Halo 5 for about a week my settings were at 4 & 4. Now the last two days it's been difficult to have a saved setting because anything else I input is too off now 3 & 3 as about therright balance. Whatever they did screwed with it. And I'm not the only person who's noticed the change since yesterday.What?
Quit making people spam my smurf account Elzar!
Nah I have no idea who Xand is.
So heads up, I'm going to start work on the next HALOGAF montage this month. I will now introduce a cut off point for clips - this Friday, 11th March. Send me your best HALOGAF. If you've sent me a SWAT triple kill clip, then bad news in advance.
All clips should go to halogafmontage@gmail.com.
Hey G0SU
Can you message gamertag 'Xand'?
I keep telling him about your control scheme sensitivity, deadzone settings etc.
He refuses to believe, maybe if you messaged him the controls, so I can be proved right.
Thank you, this is not a joke.
Since I got back into Halo 5 for about a week my settings were at 4 & 4. Now the last two days it's been difficult to have a saved setting because anything else I input is too off now 3 & 3 as about therright balance. Whatever they did screwed with it. And I'm not the only person who's noticed the change since yesterday.
Black guy.
Stereotype, loves chicken usually fried.
I'm not even lying.
And he's not gonna be happy with me sharing this with you.
I've informed his next of kin.
In other news, probably already posted here from Reddit but yolo.
Ah didnt see this post until Braxzy quoted you. HAHA ... well i changed my settings once i got my elite controller SO... does he want the settings i said when the update first hit?
Weird. So you're saying they adjusted the aiming setting a bit more with the latest update? More so, behind the scenes that you and others are encountering??
So of the armor mods I have unlocked, which one would you go with?
Advanced Sensors
Death from Above
Frag Grenade Expert
I've been using advanced sensors, but I wonder if auto-medic is the better option.
That's so hilarious... And true.I've informed his next of kin.
In other news, probably already posted here from Reddit but yolo.
Ugh I've always hated hearing people refer to halo 3 as the greatest halo ever. Both 1 & 2 will forever be better than 3 ever was for me. Other than that, I agree with the captions.I've informed his next of kin.
In other news, probably already posted here from Reddit but yolo.
I'll probably switch once that becomes available. I haven't unlocked it yet.I use the Thruster one.
Reduced cooldown on thruster evade. Can sprint faster and recharge shields when running.
Medic seems pretty solid too, though.
I've informed his next of kin.
In other news, probably already posted here from Reddit but yolo.
Use advanced sensors. When you unlock upgraded shields rock that one 24/7So of the armor mods I have unlocked, which one would you go with?
Advanced Sensors
Death from Above
Frag Grenade Expert
I've been using advanced sensors, but I wonder if auto-medic is the better option.
Yes. There were 3 others besides myself. 2 were in my party and another was a random in our team. It was frustrating trying to adjust and readjust it multiple times until I finally got used it.Weird. So you're saying they adjusted the aiming setting a bit more with the latest update? More so, behind the scenes that you and others are encountering??
Does that basically make it so that guns require one extra shot to kill you?Use advanced sensors. When you unlock upgraded shields rock that one 24/7
Nah, Halo 5 changed the mechanics too much for people to jump back into a legacy title. a remaster at this point doesn't sound like a sound investment. I bet the population on MCC is so small these days to even justify people want a halo 3 re-master.
They'll pay homage to reach with that upcoming update " Remember Reach " to get halo 5 to sell like hotcakes.
Thats my take on it.
Yes. There were 3 others besides myself. 2 were in my party and another was a random in our team. It was frustrating trying to adjust and readjust it multiple times until I finally got used it.
The pre elite settings pls
Thank you
Since I got back into Halo 5 for about a week my settings were at 4 & 4. Now the last two days it's been difficult to have a saved setting because anything else I input is too off now 3 & 3 as about therright balance. Whatever they did screwed with it. And I'm not the only person who's noticed the change since yesterday.
It felt really different to me last night when I got on. But I put it off to me just being tired.I haven't noticed any difference at all.
^ 5 million? I think you're grossly overestimating anyone's desire to go back to 3 or Reach, especially with how good 5 is. H3 is my favorite in the series, but I have no desire to ever play it again after 5.
Does that basically make it so that guns require one extra shot to kill you?
4- shots for zoomed in light rifle
5- shots for BR
6- shots for pistol and dmr?